Chapter 31

The Only One
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Areum groaned when she was woken by a loud shrieking. "Wh-what the hell is going on?" She grumbled, rubbing her eyes.

"Who gives a damn?" Jackson's raspy voice filled the room as he pulled her to his bare chest. "Just go back to sleep."

She sighed and dropped her head back to the pillow, before tuning and facing Jackson. She felt him kiss her nose, making her smile drowsily before she let sleep take over.

Only to be woken up by the screaming again.

Areum clicked her tongue in annoyance before sluggishly pushing herself up.

"Don't get up." Jackson groaned, "One of the others will handle it."

Areum made a face and stumbled out of his bed, "I bet they're all thinking the same thing."

Jackson grunted in annoyance and watched her walk out of his bedroom to the source of the noise before sitting up himself. It took him 2 hours after lunch with his parents to convince her to spend the night before going to school the next morning and he intended on spending ever second of it with her…in bed.

And currently, that was not happening.

Areum looked around the hallway until she saw light peeking through the cracks of Youngjae's closed door. 

She flung the door open and hissed at the light as her eyes re-adjusted. "What the are you guys doing?"

BamBam and Youngjae were both on the bed holding each other as they pointed to the corner of the room.

"Do something!"

Areum walked closer to where they were pointing at before scoffing. "A spider? Really? You guys are wolves that run around in a forest. How are you scared of spiders?"

"Just do sommm--eee---tthhiiinggg." BamBam whined.

Areum rolled her eyes and walked to the door to see Jackson leaning against the doorframe with arms crossed.

"I should've stayed in bed." She mumbled to him, causing him to let out a husky laugh. She flung open the bathroom and picked up the broom and dustpan before storming back into the room.

"I kind of love that you already know where everything is, in this house." Jackson mumbled back when she passed him.

Areum shot him a look, scooped the spider out before climbing over the bed. Youngjae and BamBam scurried away from her and watched as she pried open the window and shook the spider off the dustpan.

Youngjae jumped up and ran beside her, taking the dustpan and broom from her hands before tossing it out the window as well.

"I'll ask Jinyoung to buy us a new one." He said seriously.

She leaned towards him, making him crane away before she smiled creepily. "You just screwed up."

Youngjae made a face at her, "How?"

"I still haven't forgiven you and now I know you're terrified of spiders. Good night, bud. And try not think about the possible spider babies that are living in your walls and in the fluff of your pillows." She whispered before walking away.

She brushed past Jackson who kept his eyes on the boys.

"If you guys ever wake us up or make her get out of bed when no one's dying, I'll chuck you out the window." With that he shut the lights off and closed their door only to see Areum leaned against the wall, half asleep.

Jackson snorted and poked her shoulder, "Let's go back."

Areum whined and turned away, more comfortable sleeping on the wall.

"Oh come on, you can't sleep out here all night." Areum cracked open one eye and glanced at him before stretching her arms out, making grabbing gestures with her fingers.

Jackson got her message and made a huge act of sighing dramatically and rolling his eyes before he bent down and slid one arm under her knees and the other one behind her back before lifting her up in his arms.

"I'm carrying a sack of rice like it's my bride." He mumbled.

Areum leaned her head against his shoulder as he walked over to his room. "I'm going to remember that one."


"Don't go." Jackson mumbled in between the kiss.


"Stay with me."


"Skip class."


"We can go back to bed."


Areum was currently pressed against a wall outside her university with a wolf doing everything in his power to keep her from her classes.

"I can't." She said, trying to dodge his lips. "As tempting as that sounds, I have notes to take and lectures to go to."

 Finally giving up, Jackson pulled away and squeezed her waist, "It having a responsible mate."

"You mean a responsible girlfriend." Areum corrected, pinching his nose. 

Jackson knocked his fist against her head, "You love making my life difficult."

Areum snorted and kissed his cheek, "Go home and whine about it."

Jackson narrowed his eye threateningly as she started walking backwards to her building. His eyes had a fading ring of purple as she grinned.

"I'll be done early around 1. It's not that bad. And you call me the clingy one." She said with a wink.

Jackson laughed dryly, "Ha. Ha. I'll pick you up."

"My house. Not yours." She said warningly, pointing a finger at him.

Jackson shook his head and watched her continue to walk, "Seriously, you're like on a mission to ruin my life."

"And you're not sleeping over."

"Oh just shoot me with a silver bullet."


Areum didn't know that such an amazing start to her day could die so quickly and painfully.

It must be a world record.

She walked down the hallway and was greeted with the school walls plastered with copies of the same grainy black and white picture.

But even in the poor quality she could see it clearly.

Her and Jackson at the MT.


She ripped one of the pictures off and stared at it in disbelief.

She almost wanted to laugh.

This was the sort of crap that she saw on TV dramas, not in university.

Like, how old were these kids?

And it wasn't like it was that bad either. It wasn't like it was a picture of her without clothes or having . It was just a picture of her kissing somebody.

It wasn't like he was an actual teacher and it wasn't like he was too old for her either.

But for some reason she still felt humiliated seeing it plastered on the school walls. It was her personal business and now the whole school, even people that didn't know her, would see this.

"Move!" A familiar high pitched voice boomed down the hall.

Areum looked up and saw Yoomi and Yang walking  towards her. They had yet noticed her presences, so she stood silently and watched as Yang dragged around a recycling bin in front of Yoomi who tearing the pictures off the walls and tossing them in.

Areum noticed people watching her, staring at her reaction like some sort of experiment. They were all whispering and pointing at her as they connected the dots.

If they wanted a show, they were going to be sorely disappointed.

She didn't care that Jackson was a ball of fire, warming every part of her, she was still covered in ice every time she stepped on campus and even his undeniable heat wouldn't melt her skin.

She rolled her shoulder back and walked up to Yang and Yoomi, holding the picture up. "You missed one."

Yang's eyes widened, "You're here!"

Yoomi poked her head out from behind him and kept her straight face. "We took most of them down. This is the last  hallway."

Areum nodded, "Thanks."

"I mainly did it because now everyone's talking about you and Jackson and no one is talking about me and Yoomi." Yang said cheekily.

Areum raised her brow, "You two are a thing now?"

Yoomi rolled her eye to hide her blush, "This is clearly not the important thing, right now."

"Neither is this." Areum said, holding up the picture before crumpling it and tossing it away.

"You're okay?" Yang asked, stunned.

Areum shrugged, "It's not like I did anything wrong."

"Yeah bu--"

"Honestly. This is pretty humiliating and I want to pretend like it's not happening. Do you guys know who did this?" Areum asked tensely.

Yoomi shook her head, "I asked around but no one knew. It was just like this in the morning."

Yang looked at the picture in his hands, "So, does this mean that you and him are…"

"Yes." She said briskly, but she looked away, her face red.

Yoomi's jaw dropped but Yang started bouncing around on his feet before he grabbed Yoomi and lifted her into the air.

"That's so cute!"

Areum made a face, "I'm guessing trying to keep your reputation as a player is no longer one of your priorities."

Yoomi pushed him away and kicked his shin before she looked at Areum, "Does he know about this?"

Areum looked to the bulletin board with the pictured tacked up, "No. He's not sitting in on any of our classes, anymore. He won't know."

Yoomi looked uneasy, "Are you sure you're okay with this, I don't really trust you, right now."

Areum grinned and tried not to let her quivering lips show, "I'm fine."


She was not fine.

Besides the fact that everyone spend the whole morning staring at her, she heard whispers and rumours circulating, she had received an email from the dean's office, requesting her attendance for a meeting with him after her last class.

The dean only met with students for one reason.

To expel them.

So sitting in front of him, waiting for him to look up from his computer was one of the most nerve wrecking experiences in her life.

"Ms. Jo."

Areum jerked her head up and gulped as the dean pulled his glasses off and set them on the table. He laced his fingers together and eyed her slowly.

"Daegu University takes pride in our faculty and  the integrity of our students. Every single one of you represents the values of this school and its name."

Areum gulped and nodded.

"So you understand that I was more than disappointed when rumours circulated around that campus that you were in a….romantic relationship with Mr. Wang Ka Yee."

Areum blinked in confusion. "I'm sorry, sir, but…who?"

The dean gave her a look before he sighed, "Mr. Jackson Wang, the prospective TA."

Areum stayed silent.

Mental note: Wang Ka Yee.

The dean cleared his throat, "There is no rule pro

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195 streak #1
Chapter 58: Awww! That’s nice that they change up things! But that last few chapters really made my emotions go haywire. Gosh
Frantastique #3
Chapter 24: wow! It's 2023 and I'm late to this party. I just found AFF. I love, love this story! My reward for the day is reading this before I go to bed. I keep telling myself, "One more chapter, one more chapter." But it is so darn hard to stop.
Thank you so much for writing this story 8 years ago!
Purple_Phoenix #4
Chapter 58: I've left the same comment on another one of your fics, but I can't help it. Both of the fics are so, so wholesome and complete — both emotionally and logically. And in most of the supernatural ones logic is either ignorable or just taken from the general ideas. I like how this fic keeps them believable.
Purple_Phoenix #5
Chapter 18: Insert blush emoji.
zaraaaa #7
Chapter 2: Coming back to read this again. Thank you for writing this, youre the best <3
Chapter 11: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/817564/11'>Chapter 10</a></span>
I haven't been on AFF since mid-2018. And yesterday was the first time I logged in because I missed this fic. I wish there was a book version or a downloadable version that I could keep and read and reread. This is my comfort fic. But I want to erase AFF from my life, but keep coming back just because of this fic. T.T
The best!