Chapter 14

The Only One
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Dinner went by casually with the conversation revolving around her or how good the boys thought her cooking was.

Areum tried to divert the topic because it still made her uncomfortable sharing so much, but the guys were so warm and welcoming that she found herself slowly divulging little parts of her life with them.

Well, everyone except Jackson.

The boy spent all of dinner either silently eating or glaring at her from across the table. He made no attempt at talking to her and it was like the moment they had when making the food didn’t happen. In fact, it seemed like every time Mark would say something to her, his eyes would darken and he'd look even more hateful at her.

"Yugyeom and Youngjae wash the dishes." Jaebum ordered as the rest of the members moved the plates back into the kitchen.

Youngjae groaned as he slid down on his chair, "But whhhyyyy I'm so full, I can't move."

"Come on. The faster we start, the faster we finish." Yugyeom said cheerfully.

Youngjae made a disgusted face at the youngest before sluggishly dragging himself to the kitchen. Everyone else was gathered in the kitchen except for Jackson and Areum who were both still seated at the dinner table, alone.

She shifted and stared at her glass of water when she felt Jackson's eyes drilling into her.  "Can you stop?"

Jackson leaned back on his chair and raised an eyebrow. "Stop what?"

"Stop…staring at me." She grumbled.

Jackson scoffed incredulously, "I'm not."

Areum snapped her head up and glared viciously at him. "Yes, you are!"

Jackson gave her a patronizing look, "Prove it."

Areum sputtered incoherently, trying to think of something to say back but all she could do was cross her arms in a huff and looked away.

Jackson's lips quirked up, the slightest bit, when he saw her lips curl in a pout and move in the most subtlest of ways, most likely cursing at him.

She looked so angry but so harmless that she reminded him of a drenched cat. He could feel his inner wolf bark teasingly at her expression.

Mark strode into the room with his hands in his pockets and came to a halt at the sight before him. Areum looked pissed off, her gaze off to the side and her arms crossed defensively while Jackson just stared at her with…a smile?

Mark almost snorted at the sight. Never, in a hundred years, did he think that Jackson Wang would smile, even in the slightest at his mate unless he was making fun of her.  In fact, he looked so distracted that he didn't even notice a member of his own pack entered the room.

Areum, on the other hand, turned her head and saw Mark standing by the entrance. "Do they need help washing dishes?"

Jackson's face changed, almost unnoticeably as he saw her attention pinned on Mark who seemed amused.

Jackson cut him off before Mark could answer, "Why? Are you going to go help them? You already made dinner, are you really going to clean up after them too? Are you their maid?"

Mark raised his brows when he saw the obvious scowl on Areum's face. He could've thought of a million other ways Jackson could've phrased that sentence but it looked like either way Areum would still look displeased.

"I thought she was asking me?" Mark said, trying to hide his smile.

Areum shot Jackson a look before nodding, "Yeah, I don't remember inviting you into this conversation."

Jackson balked at the two of them, his fists curling under the table. He didn't care if he couldn't stand her, at the end of the day she was still his mate, whether he liked it or not.

She needed to start acting like it.

Instead of taking sides with some other wolf, even if it was one from his pack.

He found himself slowly standing up, his fists trembling while burning holes through Mark's head, who just watched the whole thing with happy eyes.

The lights in the living room started to flicker and  it made Areum's eyes widened as she stared up at the light fixture.

Jinyoung cursed in the kitchen when he realized that Jackson was whipping the wind so vigorously outside that it was messing with their power box.

"Why do you look so mad, Jackie? I was just talking with Areum. I can do that, can't I? Or is she just yours?" Mark asked mockingly.

Areum frowned at his words. She was no one's, she could talk to whoever she wanted as long as she wanted to.

"Shut the up, Mark." He snapped, a growl echoing in his words.

Mark just brushed off the prince's warning and kept egging him on. "What? Just because you met her first doesn't mean she's your property. Anyone can just come and sweep her awa--"

Before he finished, Jackson was already leaping across the table, aiming from Mark. The other pack members ran from the kitchen into to the dining room.

Areum was up on her feet, watching the two boy in shock as Jackson curled his fingers around Mark's shirt. However, the rest of the members just sighed in relief. Whenever the two boys ever got into arguments like this nothing would ever really happen. Mark was far too calm and Jackson loved him too much like a brother.

"Stop." Jackson hissed, his eyes flashed a bright purple. "Just…stop."


Everyone in the room, including Mark, froze in their spot and slowly turned their gaze from the two boys to Areum who was trembling off to the side. Jackson's eyes were large but he didn't turn to her and kept his backing facing her.

Areum didn't know what compelled her to get involved in a fight that she clearly had no business being in, but she couldn't help. Something was telling her to do something and not just sit around and watch.

"Jackson Wang, stop. Now." She ordered with mock authority. The pack just watched, their jaws hanging open, as Jackson slowly turned his head while loosening his grip until he could lock eyes with Areum.

"Don't kill her, don't kill her, don't kill her." Jinyoung chanted quietly under his breath, crossing his fingers.

"What did you just say to me?" His voice was so low that if it didn’t sound murderous, it would've sent shivers down the girl's back.

She ordered him.

He wanted to laugh.

Who the hell was she to tell him what to do?

He could shatter every bone in her body without lifting a finger and she was going to pull that tone on him?

Who did she think she was?

Areum gulped but held her head up with the same confidence she would at school. "I said stop. Let go of Mark."

Jackson was at a loss for words and just stared at her, dumbfounded. He shot a look at his pack who looked just as surprised as he did. They knew Areum was snappy with Jackson but they never thought she'd be that ruling.  

She glared at him and pointed to the chair. "Sit."

Jackson's eye twitched and his whole body flinched. A small growl rumbled through his body and this time, Areum heard it. Her eyes widened a fraction, bewildered, unsure where the sound came from, breaking out of her bossy look.

'Just throw her out. Snap her neck like a twig. You know you can. You can do it without breaking a sweat. Don't let her talk to the prince of wolves like that.'

He waited until the second voice entered his mind.

'She's your mate.'

Jackson hissed and slowly dropped down on the chair. His eyes never left hers as he continued to glare at her but the rest of the pack was stunned.

She was slowly taming him already.

First it would be telling him what to do and soon she'd be able to cool his mind. It was unfortunate that getting him to tame his mind would be a lot harder. Especially when he'll try and resist it. She'd have to help him fight against the two voices but the fact that she got him to obey her was a huge victory already.

They never thought they'd see the day where prince Jackson would ever listen to someone else, nevertheless his mate.

"Well this is awkward." Youngjae said, breaking the staring contest the Jackson was holding with Areum.

"Do you always say that when you're about to die?" Yugyeom asked curiously.

The elder shrugged. "I wouldn't know, This would be my first time, but it seems like he's too preoccupied to try."

Jaebum cleared his throat and clapped his hands, "Well then, Areum, since you're here we figured that we'd all watch a movie before going to sleep."

Areum barely heard Jaebum's words because her eyes were still locked on Jackson who looked like he wanted to set her body on fire and roast marshmallows over the crackling flames. Suddenly her previous confidence started to melt and was replaced with self consciousness.

Why? Why did she have to say that to him?

Why couldn't she just let 'boys be boys' and let them talk it out with their fists. She had to admit though, there was a weird sense of pride when Jackson did what she said and sat down. It a

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194 streak #1
Chapter 58: Awww! That’s nice that they change up things! But that last few chapters really made my emotions go haywire. Gosh
Frantastique #3
Chapter 24: wow! It's 2023 and I'm late to this party. I just found AFF. I love, love this story! My reward for the day is reading this before I go to bed. I keep telling myself, "One more chapter, one more chapter." But it is so darn hard to stop.
Thank you so much for writing this story 8 years ago!
Purple_Phoenix #4
Chapter 58: I've left the same comment on another one of your fics, but I can't help it. Both of the fics are so, so wholesome and complete — both emotionally and logically. And in most of the supernatural ones logic is either ignorable or just taken from the general ideas. I like how this fic keeps them believable.
Purple_Phoenix #5
Chapter 18: Insert blush emoji.
zaraaaa #7
Chapter 2: Coming back to read this again. Thank you for writing this, youre the best <3
Chapter 11: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/817564/11'>Chapter 10</a></span>
I haven't been on AFF since mid-2018. And yesterday was the first time I logged in because I missed this fic. I wish there was a book version or a downloadable version that I could keep and read and reread. This is my comfort fic. But I want to erase AFF from my life, but keep coming back just because of this fic. T.T
The best!