That Particular Chat Group

Sookyu joined

Hyerin: Let’s welcome our new member!

Sookyu: Hi! I’m Sookyu!

Jihyun: Hi!

Hwajae: Yo

Eunmi: Hi hi!!

Kyungsoo: Are we adding members we don't know now?

Jihyun: Don't be rude!

Kyungsoo: Hey Sookyu

Kai: Yay more members!

Hyerin: She’s a shipper of Squishycookies and Jongjae!

Kyomi: Hooray!

Jihyun: By the way, I was the one who invited her in

Kyungsoo: Okay

Sookyu: I’m from another class, but I got to know Jihyun and Hyerin in a joined class because my teacher was absent today

Hyerin: We got along well

Jihyun: And Hyerin told her everything about Squishycookies and Jongjae =_=

Hyerin: The more the merrier!

Kyomi: We might be seriously able to expand the ships to the whole school

Jihyun: Please no

Hwajae: Please no

Kyungsoo: Please no

Kai: Why

Kyungsoo: Kai wants #jongjae to be spread

Kai: I didn't say that

Kyungsoo: You didn't say otherwise

Kai: Stop putting words in my mouth

Jihyun: But we like to do just that

Kyungsoo: It’s only fair because you always reveal things about us

Hyerin: But we want him to reveal things about Squishycookies!

Jihyun: And then we’ll reveal stuff about Jongjae

Kyungsoo: Lots of stuff

Hyerin: Please do

Kyungsoo: They chat with each other every night through their phones

Hyori: Like we don't know

Jihyun: They went out together again just yesterday

Hwajae: How did you

Jihyun: My detective skills are pretty good

Hwajae: Do you have nothing else to do?

Jihyun: Uh I spent time with Kyungsoo in the shop for a while before I followed you

Ji ae: Doing what?

Kai: Some hanky panky stuff

Jihyun: Psh no

Hwajae: She did. Whenever she uses ‘psh’, she’s denying something

Hyerin: So what did you do in the shop?

Kyomi: Spill the beans please

Kai: Must be something that is unsuitable for kids

Jihyun: We really didn't do anything

Kyungsoo: Yeah

Kai: It’s okay, I’ll find out someday

Jihyun: Good luck with that

Kai: It’s not very hard when Kyungsoo’s providing me all the information I need

Kyungsoo: I didn't provide any information

Kai: Intentionally

Sookyu: What type of information?

Kai: I will reveal them slowly here

Jihyun: Jongjae had dinner together yesterday

Kyungsoo: It was almost like a candle-lit one

Hwajae: It was just a dinner in a not-so-fancy restaurant, how does that count as candle-lit?

Jihyun: She’s hinting you to bring her to a fancier restaurant, Kai

Hwajae: Shut up, woman

Jihyun: Hurry!

Hwajae: I will end you

Jihyun: That’s what you always say

Hyerin: Quick Squishy! Protect your Cookies!

Kyungsoo: I’m staying out of this one

Hwajae: Good, because I will go to her house right now to murder her

Jihyun: She’s not serious

Hwajae: Oh really?

Jihyun: Someone’s knocking on the door

Hyerin: Are you seriously at her house?

Jihyun: Oops, it was just the pizza guy

Kyomi: Did I hear pizza?

Eunmi: Pizza! ><

Kyungsoo: You’re not sharing with me? :(

Jihyun: Sorry, that’s my family’s dinner

Kyungsoo: :(

Jihyun: You can ask Jongjae to invite you for dinner, I’m sure they won’t mind

Kai: We mind a lot

Jihyun: So you two are having dinner together?

Hyori: Seems like it

Kyungsoo: I don't want to be a third wheel

Jihyun: So the candle-lit dinner is real?

Hwajae: It’s just a dinner

Jihyun: “Just a dinner”

Eunmi: Please come back with Jongjae already official!

Sookyu: Jongjae!!

Hwajae: I’m out of here

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Heyy , it says that That Particular Boy story is not available .... but your story is so cuteeeeeeee . ㅠㅠ
Chapter 22: #2? wah!!!!!!!!!
dosoojung #3
Chapter 21: I reread this today and I started to feel nostalgic somehow :(
lucky us readers the sequel of the chatgroup is only a month away<3
I hope I can read more of Squishycookies side stories for the other members of the fanclub!
Chapter 20: its so sadd seeing them all leave the chat and disbanding!!!! ah!!! author-nim!!!! i feel soo sadd.. ;(
dosoojung #5
Chapter 20: so,its officially over
Squishycookies is over,the fanclub is over
I'll keep shipping Squishycookies even though they're over!SOOKYU BELIEVES THAT SQUISHYCOOKIES WILL COMEBACK TOGETHER
omg/rolls on the floor/
Chapter 20: I CRY A HAN RIVER T______T
but still looking forward for strayed ;))) update soonnnnnn
ChocoChen21 #7
Chapter 19: Im in the same boat as Ji ae.....
I searched it....and what has been seen cant be unseen....
Kris....I know you're an adult.....but why??
LOL, you're becoming a pedo, a hot one that is XD
ChocoChen21 #8
Chapter 7: It is definitely a fanfic-ception.