
EXO - School of magic

Baekhyun has been called a lot of names in his life, but never once did someone say what he actually was. Not that he really has a clue what to call it himself – someone who uses magic? Someone who can turn the lights off from a distance – or even better, make the day a little brighter (or even darker, when he really feels bad). It doesn’t really matter anymore though, what matters is that he is out of that environment, away from the people who accuse him of this or that all the time. He doesn’t blame them, though. He blames himself, first and foremost. After all, it’s him who is different, it’s not their fault for noticing it, right? Besides, his mother had told him a long time ago that he could go somewhere else, where people wouldn’t judge him because there, they’re all the same. At that time, Baekhyun didn’t want to leave his mother, but now, he feels like he’s old enough. He’s nearly twenty-two and he knows he can handle himself – and his mom can handle herself as well. He’s kind of scared that he’ll end up being the oldest among the students, not having any clue of how varied the ages of the students are.


That’s pretty much how he ends up at EXO. Well, to be more specific, he was driven there by Joonmyun, one of the teachers – who seems, by the way, much too soft to handle any students. Let alone those who can use their magic in whatever way possible to make life harder for him. Nevertheless, to Baekhyun, he seems like a great guy with a kind smile, something he can’t say about the school’s principle, Kris. Not that the ridiculously tall man has done anything to him in particular, but Baekhyun feels there’s something about him and he doesn’t know what it is.

Baekhyun looks around the school’s grounds in awe. It seems like the school itself isn’t all that large, but the outside looks impressive to him. The walls are built of natural, grayish-brown stones, much like the surroundings. The front gate is large and made out of study looking wood, Baekhyun can imagine feeling safe behind that gate. And, well, he will have to feel safe, because inside the school, there’s a dormitory as well and that’s where he will be staying. He doesn’t know for how long, he doesn’t know how long he will need.

Upon entering the school, Baekhyun feels a different sort of atmosphere hit him than he’s ever felt before. These people are like him, these people will understand him. The hallways are lit up by simple lamps powered by electricity, where Baekhyun had initially imagined there would be torches.

Then, however, something else entirely strikes him as odd. These people wear uniforms, dark uniforms ranging in colors from blue, brown and gray, to black and Baekhyun isn’t sure what the colors mean. It’s so different from what he’s used to, that he feels as if he’s stepped into another world – that isn’t too far from the truth though. Over the uniform, a cape is worn of similar color, with a hood and it just makes it all look cool. So cool that his mouth opens slightly in awe.

Baekhyun eyes are naturally drawn to a guy about his age, about his height as well. Not just the kind smile on heart-shaped lips directed towards him is what captures his attention, but the suit he wears is so different from the rest that it would be really difficult not to notice him. In contrast to all the uniforms he sees passing by, this guy wears a white suit, seemingly of thick material. A white helmet is tucked underneath his arm as he passes by, seemingly on his way to something important, but not important enough not to acknowledge a newcomer.

“You should be heading up to your room now,” Joonmyun, the kind teacher, tells him with a smile, “we already put your things inside.” With a short explanation on where he should be going, Joonmyun leaves as he has other duties to attend. Baekhyun wanders around a bit lost, but soon finds his way, seeing that most of the students he passes, walk the other way and are in an excited rush.

He decides to pay it no attention, though he feels himself getting excited as well, but first, he needs to find his room. 227, he recalls Joonmyun telling him. Soon enough, he finds the right door and sees that above his own name, is another, Kim Jongin. Beside it, a note is stuck to the door with the name Kai written on it in distinct, angular hand-writing. So… is he rooming with two different people? Baekhyun shrugs the thought off when he opens the door with the key he has been handed before, his heart beating a little faster because he will be meeting his roommate soon.

Or not, as Jongin – or Kai – isn’t in the room. Baekhyun figures out soon enough that there’s only one roommate as there are two beds, one on each side of the spacious room. He nods in acknowledgement of the space and takes in the mess that is his roommate’s belongings. He chuckles for a little moment and wonders how the guy will like it that he has a roommate to care about all of a sudden.

Then he sees that on the empty bed, a uniform lies, a dark blue one and he speculates with himself that it’s possibly the color worn by first-years. As soon as he realizes that he’ll be wearing the uniform all day every day, though, Baekhyun hears himself chuckle because his suitcase is stuffed with clothes he won’t be wearing.

Seeing as his roommate isn’t here anyways, Baekhyun grabs his new uniform and takes it to the bathroom to get changed there – he can’t very well keep standing out like he did just now and walk around in his normal clothes. When he takes a look in the mirror – and laughs at himself for looking silly – he nods with a smile. This is happening, he’s finally going to feel normal. He rushes out of the bathroom, picks up the timetable given to him and prepares to leave his room to explore.

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Hello everyone who ever subscribed to EXO - School of magic! I'm currently re-writing the story and plan on finishing it this time haha c: I hope you will still like it, if you haven't forgotten about it! I will soon delete the current chapters and upload the new ones once they're ready ^^


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Please update Author Nim<33333
Chapter 9: I love how Chanyeol seems so caring towards Baekhuyn :3
I love this stoory soooooo much, can’t wait to read more! <3
FoxyVixx #3
Chapter 9: I hope everything is alright with you now <3
Thank you for updating !
It's the start of an adventure, but I'm glad that all of them are together in this. I'm curious about the content of this package that Kris gave Baekhyun and why did he gave it to him.
Chanyeol was so cute talking to Kyungsoo about Baekhyun ^^
Chapter 9: Adfhkljdss (/♥.♥)/ I know I've said this before but I really love Chanyeol in this!!! The different sides to him are so interesting and he's so likeable ⊂(・ヮ・)⊃ I just want to hug him!!! And yay~ the quest begins *overly excited* I can't wait!!!!
Moondust45 #5
Chapter 9: I wonder what Baekhyun has to do, I assume that the reason that he is the one that has the power of light. And that that makes it so that he can do something to the pillar of light.
FoxyVixx #6
Chapter 8: Haha yeah it's getting darker :p poor Baekhyun, he can't even glance at himself afraid to see the state he is in. But that was impressive if him to not let go of Chanyeol despite the pain!
I wonder where there are going ?!
Chapter 8: Hahaha (^ヮ^) I like cheeky Chanyeol! He's funny (I totally laughed at his dragon joke)

OMG AFHKLHFSSGJKK!!! ❤-(╥_╥)-❤ Poor babies, but ohmygosh it's so romantic!!! Ugh, I love Baekhyun saving Chanyeol so much! And then Chanyeol caring him back to the school... the feels!!!!

And all the new stuff you added just made this a hundred times better!!! (/♥ω♥)/ I'm so in love with this fic!!!
Chapter 7: Omg can't wait for the next chapter
FoxyVixx #9
Chapter 7: Baekhyun !! No silly, you nearly revealed Chanyeol to every one in the school :o well it seems the others are already guessing but still, it something that he had to keep that to himself as its not his secret to reveal.
Haha Chanyeol wants Baekhyun to meet his "friend" (which seems so cute) ;) seems like he really likes Baekhyun *wink wink* they even holded hands !
Chanyeol's two sides of him makes him even more attractive for I guess :)
And they met before!! :o
And of course they had to follow the trail of dead bodies when obviously its a bad idea... :(
Chapter 7: Afhkkfss (/♥ω♥)/ they're holding hands!!

I want to pet a dragon too ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ that'd be so cool!!!

Nuuuu ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ poor bunnies!!!!

I'm super duper excited for the next chapter (^.^) It has one of my favorite moments from the original!!!