Trial and Error


Chanyeol is a successful businessman. Not everything at his business is as successful though and errors by his employees shake up his life. Not only that, but his head butler apparently has a son. One who regularly stuffs up.




He’s not bothered by the hum of the airplane. Chanyeol seemingly isn’t bothered by anything, looking coolly out of the window of his private jet. His suit is a light gray, just a shade darker than broken white, though the button down shirt he wears underneath, is black. Chanyeol likes being a little… different. From underneath the black cuff, peeks a wrist watch, shiny and expensive. Chanyeol doesn’t show it off, it just slides in and out of view whenever he moves his arm. Chanyeol doesn’t need to show off.

One of his long legs is swung over the other, it fits precisely underneath the table. And why wouldn’t it, when Chanyeol had it custom made to fit his longer limbs? His socks are black, but not much of those is visible because, like with everything else, his suit fits him perfectly. The shiny, black shoes are polished to perfection, one standing firmly on the airplane’s carpeted floor, the other hovering a little higher.

He has his arms crossed on the table in front of him. It’s the only thing that gives away that Chanyeol isn’t spacing out, but thinking deeply. Over the course of the years, the man has learned not to frown while doing so, thinking that when others know you’re deeply in thought, you’re vulnerable. He hasn’t been able to get rid of his habit of crossing his arms, though, but luckily none of his fellow businessmen – competitors – has seen through this yet.

And that’s a good thing. Chanyeol has a serene expression on his face as he gazes out of the window, watching the clouds. Nobody would think that there are worries lingering in his mind. His jaw is relaxed, but defined, lips soft and neutral. Occasionally, his tongue peeks out to wet them, leaving them glistening for a few moments.

A little up higher sits his nose, the tip rounded and the bridge high, though not entirely straight. It settles between defined eyebrows and large eyes. His eyelashes are long and his gaze intense for someone who’s merely looking out of an airplane window. That’s because that’s not all that is happening inside the private jet. Chanyeol is plotting and now that his thoughts are concluding, a smile draws up one of the corners of his mouth. His slender, but large hand comes up to run through his soft, un-styled hair, pushing his bangs back until they naturally fall back over his forehead.

In a swift motion, the man stands up and it’s only now that his height becomes obvious. Hidden from view, though, are the impressive muscles Chanyeol built up over time. He stretches, the Rolex showing itself fully for a moment before he shrugs his suit back into place. A sigh escapes his lips, Chanyeol is satisfied that he could take this moment to practice because there’s nobody around.


Hi there c: I won't say I'm back because I keep vanishing into thin air everytime I say that ;; However, I was going through my stories and found this one that I was actually really fond of, but never finished writing (amazing boyfriend happened and suddenly no time or energy and also work has been a , but I'm almost free of those clutches) So... I wanted to give myself a little push, a little... challenge for my brain again. And also, I hope to write something for you guys to enjoy c: I hope chanbaek is still a thing (ahahaha...... I have not been away for centuries)

I hope I can stay motivated to finish this! If you'd like to continue reading this, please consider to motivate me with a comment or subscription c: It would mean a lot! <3

Also not completely meaningless, I hope everyone is alright during this time D: Keep yourself and your loved ones safe, I hope we'll get out of this mess soon.


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Chapter 2: Ohmygosh (/⊙o⊙\) I don't know how I missed this when you posted it! I'm so sorry!!

I feel so so bad for Baekhyun (╥.╥) feeling like a disappointment is the worst!! I hope Chanyeol doesn't let him leave (⌒ヮ⌒;)
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 2: I like the set up so far - butler school a real thing?? Can't wait for next chapter ☺️
sara_gg_xol #3
Chapter 2: hi and thanks for the update. baekhyun's insecurities and how he thinks he can't do anything right is a awful feeling and is so harsh making breathing hard sometimes. I hope he find himself and his own value and ability.
this story is going to an interesting direction. chanyeol is thinking about baekhyun and I hope he will become a source of good change in baekhyun's life. hopefully the problematic intern in chanyeol's company who caused trouble isn't baekhyun, if he perhaps worked there previously. it would be oh, so bad :D
minseok and sehun coming to story is going to make it more interesting and I can't wait to read more.
thanks for the new chapter and wish you all the best.
take care <3<3<3
Aishafatma0909 #4
Will be looking forward for u to continue this. It's interesting so far
Chapter 1: Looking forward to the next chapter
sara_gg_xol #6
Chapter 1: Hi. Chanyeol seems to be a fun character, with a teasing personality and smirk. I liked he called Baekhyun honey without even knowing what he was doing there... It's weird but funny. And Baekhyun is clumsy and pretty and adorable. His smiling and asking where your things are was so funny but so unprofessional. Doest Chanyeol's head butler hired Baek as his replacement?!! Baek doesn't know his way around but chanbaek interactions will be fun and intense... Can't wait.
All the best
Chapter 1: Ohmygosh \(♥ヮ♥)/ I love it already!!! Your writing is so good! It's like you didn't take a break at all (O.o)

I love Chanyeol calling Baekhyun honey ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ It's cute!

And I can't wait to see how Baekhyun responds to Chanyeol yelling at him (´・_・`;) poor baby!
Sehunieemaknae94 #8
Looking forward to your story....
OMG hi welcome back!!!! I can't wait for you to post this story, it sounds amazing ?
Oooo (O.O) Chanyeol seems so complex and interesting! And your descriptions and world building!! (╥.╥)-❤ Sooooo good!!! I can't wait to see where this goes *super duper excited*