Chapter 4

I Am Kai

I pant, and watch them.
"Maybe he is," Zitao comments.
"Talk," Yixing demands.
"What about?" I ask, smiling weakly.
"Can I punch him?" Zitao asks, and Yixing rolls his eyes.
"No," Yixing hisses. My eyes flicker between the two, and they turn to the other. I slowly stand, and back away. Zitao turns to me, and raises his eyes.
"Don't even think about it," he says to me. He runs at me, and I see his leg swing. I cross my arms, and watch the smoke take me across the room. Zitao falls. I let my arms down with a shaky breath.
"What?" I gasp, looking down. The smoke doesn't move me unless I am already.
"I don't want to have to heal both of you. Let's just speed time until after the class," Yixing demands.
Zitao huffs, "Fine. Get to your spots."
I walk to where I was sitting, with Yixing behind me. I breathe slowly. I watch the clock on the wall fast forward a half hour. People move away, leaving the classroom.
"Luhan?" Zitao questions, looking at Yixing.
"Luhan." Yixing confirms. I look between the two. Do they mean deer?
"Are you coming?" Zitao snaps. I exhale, and follow them down the stairs in the back of the studio. Zitao knocks out a patten, and the door swings open.
"I told you that I'm doing a reading today," the man in the middle of the room states.
"Summon the others," Zitao demands. I walk to a corner, and the man exhales.
"Why?" He questions, looking at him. They start speaking Chinese, and Yixing contributes now and again.
"Fine," the man states, lifting a hand. A silver orb floats into his palm. He closes his eyes, and other orbs float around him. He stills, before dropping them.
"They are on their way."
"Good," Yixing says, walking around the room. The man walks to me, and looks over me.
"What's your name?" He questions.
"Jongin," I comment, looking to him.
"Not that one," he explains, smirking slightly. Not that one? He couldn't mean that one.
"Kai," I whisper, and he nods.
"Nice to meet you Kai. I'm Luhan. I hope your the one we've been looking for," he greets, smiling at me. His feminine looks throw me for a moment, but I smile back.
"Luhan, why did you call us?" A man with curly hair asks, walking in with shorter man behind him.
"Just get to your spot," Luhan exhales. He moves away from me, and I sink farther into the corner. Six more people come, one by one in what feels like hours. I watch them all. They chat idly, and I just stare. They all wear trinkets. Rings, brooches, bracelets. Luhan stands in the middle of the room.
"Everyone!" He yells, and they turn to him. "Tao has something to say." Luhan walks to a point in the circle, and Zitao walks to the center.
"I think Lay and I found him," Zitao breathes, looking around.
"No one as found him," a golden haired man states.
"We did," Yixing comments, stepping into their circle. "I've been healing him, night after night."
"He's immune to my powers of time," Zitao explains.
"He has the pendant," Yixing states.
"We can use my orbs. Do the basic test to see if he isn't human," Luhan decides, and they nod. Yixing walks to me. I glance at him, and he grabs me hand. He pulls me to the circle. I stand beside him, with a male with a snowflake shaped brooch. I shift under their gazes. Luhan exhales, and brings twelve, clear orbs into the circle. Everyone else grabs one, after they float to everyone. One freezes over, fire grows in two, water, electricity, earth, light, air. Yixing taps me, and I look to his orb. A dainty pink hibiscus flower grows without a stem or roots. I exhale, and grab the clear orb.
I watch the sphere. Black smoke grows inside, turning the orb black. It matches the misty ebony of my smoke. They glance at the sphere, and nod sightly. I watch it, and it pulls me in.
"No!" I yell, dropping the orb. It lands with loud crack. It returns to clear, like the dark smoke never existed. They glance at me, and I pant.
"Jongin," Yixing whispers. I back away, and run to the door. The smoke takes me, as I sprint. I glance back, and stop. I look at the pier I've ended up at. The moon glows overhead, until a single figure blocks it.








A/N: The lonely author wishes for comments, or subscriptions. Please? It makes faster updates. (-<) <3 ^_^

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sujulover23 #1
Chapter 5: please hurry up and can you make the chapters longer and why are they forcing him, if he doesn't want o be involved he doesn't have to be but seroiously tao and kris are gerks
unknowncosplayer #2
Chapter 4: awesome. i really want to know who the figure standing in front of him is
Chapter 4: Wow,
Is there Suho too in the circle?
unknowncosplayer #4
Chapter 2: awesome so far. i take it the one with the hourglass ring is Tao, this will be interesting to read