Chapter 3

I Am Kai

My eyes flicker open, and I feel the sun on my face. I look to my clock. Six, like every morning. I sit up, and stretch. I look to my arm. The bandage is gone, and a thin scar marks where the wound was. I frown, and run a finger over the white line. My gloves, and makeshift mask are on the table beside me. I sit up, and my pendant falls against my bare chest.
"Jongin. Don't forget six," Yixing reminds, banging on my door.
"Yeah, yeah," I mumble, standing. I move to my closet, and open the door. I exchange my black pants for loose khakis. I grab a pale blue shirt with the coffee shop's logo, and slip that over my head. Matching blue shoes, with white socks, and I walk out of my room. Yixing looks at me, chewing his cereal.
"Hey," he greets, and I grab a bowl.
"Hey," I greet back. I pour a bowl, and look to him.
"Work?" He asks.
"Yep. I'll take off at three. Then we can go to your friend's thing at six," I decide. He nods, as I pour milk over my cereal.
"That works," Yixing mutters, and I start eating. Silence consumes us as we eat. Yixing finishes first, and drops his bowl in the sink. He walks to his room, and I play with the leaves of the plant in the kitchen. I've never known how he keeps this thing alive. I finish mine, and drop it in the sink. I grab my wallet, and lanyard with my keys. I walk to the shop. I open the door to Joonmyun cleaning down the counters.
"Are you taking a double shift today?" He asks, and I shake my head.
"I'll be off at three," I explain, walking to the back. I grab my black apron, and rub the teardrop shaped stitching. I slip it over my head, and tie it behind my back. I walk out as Joonmyun flips the sign.


I stand before the wushu building with Yixing by my side.
"Come on. You'll like him," Yixing states, walking to open the door. I step inside behind him, and look around. I hum, and look around the large building.
"Take off your shoes," Yixing tells me. I nod, and take them off. We set them near the wall, and other people filter in. We all sit on the floor, and face the front. Someone walks out. I look to him, and his dark circles remind me of a panda.
"Silence!" He yells, banging his stick down. The class quiets, and we face him.
"My name is Zitao. I am teaching this class. Obey my rules, and we will all get along well. Now, to learn the art of Wushu, you'll need to be at peace with yourself. Calm, collected, peaceful," Zitao commands. I frown, as he walks around, leaning on his staff. I cross my legs, as he moves to the front.
"Now, I want everyone to relax, breathe, find your happy place. Close your eyes, and find yourself there," he commands. My eyes flicker close, and hear his repetitive steps.
"Deep breaths. In and out. In. Out," he repeats. I feel something pass threw me, and I hold my breath.
"Back room. This will wear off quickly."
I hear movement away, and I open my eyes. Everyone else is frozen. I stand, and don't see Zitao or Yixing. I walk slowly to the second door in the room. The conversation changes to Chinese, and I don't recognize many words.
A question.
I allow the smoke to move me to the back door.
"He has to be. Every night, I heal wounds," Yixing whispers. I crouch, and see them through the cracks.
"Maybe he is just stupid," Zitao mutters, something flashes in the light. An hourglass.
"He has the pendant," Yixing argues.
"Prove it," Zitao hisses, and Yixing shakes his head.
"He'll be frozen in time if he isn't, right?"
"Should be," Zitao comments.
"Then, lets just look. If he isn't he isn't," Yixing says. Zitao sighs and nods.
"Fine," Zitao snaps. They walk to the door, and I back away. I slip, as the door opens. My pendent falls out from under my shirt, and falls over it instead.











A/N: I finally updated, after 3+ months. Yehet. Please comment. (-<) <3 ^_^

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sujulover23 #1
Chapter 5: please hurry up and can you make the chapters longer and why are they forcing him, if he doesn't want o be involved he doesn't have to be but seroiously tao and kris are gerks
unknowncosplayer #2
Chapter 4: awesome. i really want to know who the figure standing in front of him is
Chapter 4: Wow,
Is there Suho too in the circle?
unknowncosplayer #4
Chapter 2: awesome so far. i take it the one with the hourglass ring is Tao, this will be interesting to read