I can’t forget this voice

█ « You Will Forget » [Eraser Feather Book 1]

        I can’t forget this voice.


Ayden would recognize this voice among thousands. It was Hyuk Jae talking with ____ on the other end of the line. It was Hyuk Jae who talked to him before ending the call.

*Flash back: the call* “Don’t you worry about her too much… We will take care of her… *chuckles* Let here live please.” *End of the flashback*

Hyuk Jae… Without any doubt. He was still alive after all, uh? How was that possible? Why was he with ____? Why now?

“No… it can’t be…” Ayden whispered.

He was wondering: should he tell his masters about Hyuk Jae or go and help his friend out of this situation? Ayden did not have any idea about what Hyuk Jae was up to… he wasn’t even sure it was possible for him to be alive. What would he say to his masters? That a boy looking a lot like Hyuk Jae is around ____ but not doing anything so far? They would call him paranoiac! Anyway, his body was already moving to the place the girl was at. He could feel where she was, it was strangely easy for him to find out. Step after step, he was coming to Key and MinHo’s house without knowing it yet. Slowly, his feet were disappearing from the ground… He let his mind wander and he started to see some images from the past.


“Hyuk Jae, since the day you joined me to take care of Miki, she looks a lot happier.”

Ayden said with a satisfied smile. Hyuk Jae’s gummy smile appeared, making the younger laugh.

“Yes… I noticed.” The boy answered shyly.
“You look so satisfied and happy. You really like her, uh?” Ayden teased.
“I love her, it’s more than just liking!” he answered, daydreaming already.
“Haaa! My feathers are falling more and more, I will soon have to go. It means my mission is fulfilled: Miki is happier and her life is better… thanks to you, I guess. How I wish she would remember about me, so the three of us could have fun again. I miss it already! But as long as you are with her and I can visit you… I’m fine with it.” He sighed.
“Do you really have to erase her memory?”
“These are the rules, my friend!”
Ayden reminded him.
“Who cares about the rules? They forbid me to go out with Miki, though I’m doing so…” Hyuk Jae mumbled.
“But you are a rebel Hyuk Jae, you love Miki and you don’t care about being banished since you have your lover. I am not in this position: if I am banished, I have no love and I will have to stick around you! I so don’t want to spend my whole life with you!” the boy joked, earning a glare and a punch from his friend.
“Are you really sure you have to erase her memory?” Hyuk Jae asked again.
“We are… angels Hyuk Jae, and they are humans, we are not supposed to mix in the first place. That’s why we have to erase…”
“I know, I know… They told us thousand times this story. You know I hate it, I don’t want to feel guilty for being in love with this girl…”
“I’m just afraid you might have big problems Hyuk Jae. You will live if they only banish you but… since Hee Chul betrayed us for a girl as well, they became really harsh about this.”
“It’s okay, as long as I’m with her! Plus, Hee Chul offended them, it’s different…”

Ayden nodded but deep inside, he knew something was wrong. What happened next… none of them could have predicted this. None of Ayden, Hyuk Jae or Miki could have predicted this tragedy…


You were still having your little stupid war. MinHo and you were now a team against Key and TaeMin. EunHyuk had stopped to watch you with Onew and JongHyun. The gummy boy would not stop to stare at you but you were so much into the fun that you weren’t paying attention. MinHo, though, caught Eun Hyuk’s looks and each time, the younger of the two was making sure you were next to him. Something in EunHyuk was wrong to MinHo. Not only the fact he was staring at you, but something else he could not explain.
You were about to throw water at Key when the doorbell rang. All of you froze. You looked at each boy. MinHo’s face was calm, so you guessed everything would be alright. But you caught EunHyuk smirking for some reason but it dropped when he met your eyes.

“Why nobody is going to open the door and see who it is?” TaeMin asked.
“Since you are asking, go and look!” Key told him with his mother-like manners.

The younger sighed and went to the door. When he only opened it a centimeter, someone’s strong arm pushed it open harshly. TaeMin stumbled backwards at the sudden strength and his eyes widened a second when he discovered Ayden at the door.

“Where is she?” he asked.
“How did you know about the place and why are you here?” TaeMin asked.

At the same moment, MinHo reached for your jacket and helped you to put it on.
“You better go out, I’m coming with you” MinHo told you and accompanied you to the entrance while the two boys at the door were still talking.

“Why am I here? ‘To do my job’!” Ayden answered TaeMin, quoting the words from before. He stared at EunHyuk/Hyuk Jae cautiously before opening his mouth again, “Just tell me where is she, else I’m going in to find her myself.”
“I’m here Ayden…”
you plainly said but a tint of annoyance could be heard.
“Come, we’re living now.” Ayden asked reaching for your wrist.
“I’m walking you two back…” MinHo said, still standing close to you.
“It’s not needed.” Ayden snapped back with a cold stare.
“I think it is, obviously there is a problem and I’m not leaving ____ like this.” He answered.

You heart warmed up at this. You really did NOT want to be left alone with Ayden. MinHo has never promised you to be there for you… However, he was always there. You liked it about him: he wasn’t promising anything, he was just doing so and you would never be disappointed then.
Ayden finally nodded, agreeing and the three of you excited the building, walking around aimlessly.

“Did you think I would have done something to ____?” Ayden asked after a long pause.
“No… but I felt like she didn’t want to be alone with you…” MinHo answered, his hand protectively and reassuringly on your back. There was a pause again. “Is the matter about her being at my home?”
“I didn’t even know she was at your home, I just guessed it after.”

“Then, what’s wrong with you?” you suddenly asked.
“Did this boy… do anything to you?” Ayden asked you, spacing out a bit.
“Who are you talking about?” you were frowning.
“EunHyuk-ssi you mean?” MinHo interfered.
“EunHyuk uh? So that’s his name now…” Ayden mumbled.
“Do you know him?” you asked, uninterested though.
“Somewhat. MinHo, is this boy your friend?”
“I just met him, but to be honest, if he is the problem… I can understand. There is something about him…”
MinHo admitted.
“He was alright to me.” You said.
“Don’t approach him too much.” Ayden blurted out. “Don’t ask why, I just know some things… so don’t go near him again, just in case.”
you asked.
“I told you not to ask why. MinHo, make sure she won’t approach him. It’s the only condition I put.”

You laughed.
“Okay, here I got it: you thought you were my father?” you went on laughing.
“I’m not joking. There are just things you can’t understand right now.” Ayden said.
“Then tell me!” you almost shouted “I’m fed up: today all I did was listening to you. You called me, I answered. You asked me where I was, I told you. You said we should spend time with other friends, and I was doing so. You wanted me away from this EunHyuk, and now I am. Why are you not satisfied yet? I’m really fed up with this…”
“It’s not about me being satisfied, I may never be anyway, so never mind. Just trust me a bit.”
“Why should I trust you? Someone who changed his mind this quickly…”
you mumbled.
“Gosh, it’s the first time I met a girl this stubborn!” the other girls Ayden protected were indeed less stubborn than this “Then don’t you trust MinHo at least?”

You were left with nothing to say. You trusted MinHo, still it was not the same. A sad smile appeared on his face and you realized how it had been a long time (not that long but it felt like it was) since the last time you saw that smile up-close. You could not deny how it was ripping your heart to argue this much with him these days. Why again, though, this smile was appearing? You felt Minho’s hand tapped your back gently again…

“I guess Ayden has his reasons ____” he suddenly said, “Here you are at home…”
“Thank you MinHo!” you tried to put on your best smile and he answered by a little one.
“I’ll be leaving the two of you then, now. See y-” he was about to leave with that when Ayden cut him before he could finish.
“Please wait! I will be talking to ____ a bit, I want to talk with you right after. Is that okay with you to wait for me a little?” he asked.

MinHo nodded, waiting at your building entrance as you and Ayden went in. You took the stairs and ended up in front of your door. You waited a second or two before taking your keys and opening the door. Ayden grabbed your hand, stopping you from pushing the door anymore. His cold hand sending shivers and a cold electric feeling through your arm…

“I hurt you, right?” he asked. You did not answer and stared at him as if you didn’t care “I should not be doing this but… I never meant to hurt you, to ignore you, to make you feel bad. I have never wished we would argue this much, never wished to tell you cold words. I have never wanted us to be apart, you are important to me. I know, we met only a few months ago but you are a close friend already. The closest here. The closest friend I had in a long time. You cared a lot about me, always asking me if I was okay… It may be stupid, but I appreciated it.”

You told yourself not to fall for this. However, he was sincere. You knew it because he was separating each word and his voice was soft. No trace of the happy-go-lucky-looking boy he was. His eyes never left yours and even if you tried to look away, you couldn’t. Not because you didn’t want to, but you just physically could not turn your head and look away. You never tried to understand really and focused back on his speech.

“If I’m hiding things… it’s for our own good.” He said, awkwardly pronouncing the ‘our’. “I want to ask you something, ____…” he said.
“Were you having fun with them?”
he looked away.
“Yes… Obviously.” You said, pointing to your face marked with cream and flour. He chuckled.
“Are you happy these days?”
“I was before you started to act the way you did.”
You answered ever so honest this day.
“I understand. Please, do not lose this smile because of me…” he mumbled, looking back at you.

You didn’t know what to answer, so you just moved your head to the side, finally able to do so. You felt his fingertips brushing your face, removing the floor, while his other hand was still gripping your wrist softly. You felt him come closer and you felt his lips on your temple. You closed your eyes a little and waited for him to go away but he only wrapped his arms around you. Tears you never knew about was threatening to fall down but you managed to stop them. This warm hug had a meaning, for sure… but which one? Something was happening and you didn’t know what.
Slowly, his warm body – which was so cold earlier – left yours and you could look into his eyes. He looked like he was trying to smile but…

“I’m sorry I’m not able to do my work properly…” he whispered.
“Uh?” you asked but he smiled firmly and went away.
“See you around, ____!”

He ran away, leaving you there. You looked at him until you weren’t able to do so anymore. A sad smile appeared… but this time, it was yours. You entered your house and reached for your precious feathers. While looking at them, you discovered you could forget what was happening at the moment. You were sent in another sweet world. A world where Ayden and you were certainly having fun just like the first weeks you guys met.

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please update authornim.....
Ahh this is pretty cool so far. n__n ~
minionsbanana #3
it going to be great fic!update soon!<33
itsrainingbunnies #5
Nope, you didn't disappoint meh ^^<br />
They're such a kawaii pair ^^<br />
New character O:?<br />
U-Kiss' Alexander X3? Kevin?<br />
He will be such an adorable character.
wolvelyness #6
Hoo thanks <3 Hope I won't disappoint you =)
itsrainingbunnies #7
I have a feeling this will be extremely interesting O: