You Have Them To Forget Me Already

█ « You Will Forget » [Eraser Feather Book 1]

         You have them to forget me already…

After that day, you and Ayden had been through some hard times. He was distant at first but he soon tried to make it up. However, you were just already mad at him and to proud to play it cool, therefore you acted cold. Of course, it ruined a bit the mood between the two of you. You tried to discover what was wrong with the feather and felt like throwing it in the trash basket after this stupid argument. But you never really succeeded in this. This feather was strangely so appealing to you. Add the fact that you found two other ones! You had three mysteriously beautiful feathers now, so long and white… you were not to throw them at all! However, you were still wondering: which kind of bird was this big around a city to loose this big feathers? So mysterious… To annoy Ayden, you decided to take them with you at school.
That day, at school, you decided to try to talk with Ayden again. The smiling angel was already with a crowd of friends, telling them something that must have been really interesting to gather such a mass of people. You pouted: he was doing so well without you… Why were you trying so much to talk to each other if he could replace you this easily, uh? You started to think too much over this thing but who would blame you? Your freaking argument started from a feather! A FEATHER! A freaking stupid feather that is nothing more than a stupid thing you found in front of your building! It was seriously confusing you and you couldn't help but try to figure out the matter. What was wrong with DongHae and feathers? Have he been harassed by pigeons, doves or something of the sort? Come on…

He didn’t even look at you. This person really was confusing. Acting like your bestfriend for days and now giving you this treatment? In addition, the day before, you were sick. Did he even worry? Did he only notice you weren’t there? Class was about to start so you just kept on sitting at your usual seat and looked at your economical book with no much interest. In front of you, Ayden just appeared, sitting at the seat just before yours. You tried hard not to sigh and turned the page of your book. You felt him turning his head from the front of the class to you.

“Oh, and hi ____” he added as if he just noticed he didn’t greet you.

You clenched your teeth and tried to hide your desbelief. You nodded anyway.

“Still giving me the cold treatment, uh?” the boy mumbled but with no much emotions and was about to turn his body back to the blackboard but…
“I can't believe it…” you mumbled to yourself. “Am I always the one wrong with you? Don't you put yourself in question sometimes?” you harshly asked but breathed in and relaxed “Look, I’m still a bit weak from my sickness and I don’t feel like arguing Ayden.”
“I told you already to call me Oppa”
he cut you blankly.
“Whatever, I told you I don’t want to argue now. Can’t we just try to move on? And please, don’t make any comment, just answer…”
However, he sounded rather mad. And you sounded bossy but you couldn’t take these arguments anymore. “Then, let’s hang out after school this evening. How about this?”
“It sounds okay…”
you simply said.

The teacher finally entered the room, the bell rang and the class was definitely about to start. You noticed half of the classroom was filled. Because of the flu, lots of people were sick, just like you have been. Therefore, your dearest other friends were all sick. You gasped. How it is when you need them, none of these friends can be there? You sighed loudly, depressed. However, as the teacher was starting to call out for people’s names, there was a knock on the door. Your eyes went huge when discovering who had knocked. At the front door were standing Key, TaeMin and MinHo. What were they doing here?
TaeMin just asked the teacher for a classroom localisation and ran to it right after he had the information, while MinHo and Key stepped in.

“We are sorry Mister… We still are kind of confused with the classes’ localisations.”
“It’s alright but your classmates should help you!”
the teacher exclaimed as he looked at you all. “Maybe I should assign one of our students here to show you around and help you for the first week…” he mumbled, embracing the room with his eyes.
“Oh! ____, you are in this class too?” Key exclaimed suddenly, looking at you. You almost jumped in surprise but nodded.
“So you know ____?” asked the teacher. They both nodded as MinHo smiled at you.

You smiled back before feeling all eyes on you. Even Ayden’s ones. You looked down at your table, back to the boys, and so on until the teacher decided you’d help them. Why didn’t them say they knew Ayden too? The boys looked friendly to him the other days... You guessed as well that they started school here the day before… They would have talked to Ayden during this day. Wouldn’t they?
It was strange. The teacher was about to tell them to sit somewhere in the front as I was watching Ayden. The boy was whispering to himself, staring at the teacher… Mister J. stopped in the track of his sentence and changed suddenly his mind, which caught my attention back to him.

“MinHo, you’ll be sitting next to ____ and Key behind her so you guys will be close and she would help you better this way.”

MinHo nodded but grinned once he walked towards his designated seat. You waved at him and Key as they came nearer and explained them what the class were doing. But Key didn’t seem to really take interest on it, doing is oh-so-silly precious boy. You were having fun together and you felt like you had to make Ayden join, else he would feel bad and you didn’t want to argue with him again. However, you didn’t know what happened, you couldn’t say his name. It was as if you forget it. You tried to tap on his shoulder but your hand wouldn’t move. Soon, you forgot it and went back into the fun of the two boys around you.
The class ended, Ayden leaving quickly. You frowned… Wasn’t he waiting for you at least? You sighed and started to pack for your next class. You dropped stupidly your books on the floor, right in front of your desk. You sighed: how could you be THIS clumsy exactly? MinHo laughed at your face and went to help you. You were to pick a book when he picked the same one. You made eye contact with him, staring at his absorbing black eyes, almost shivering at the silly feeling. However, you ruined purposely the moment, feeling awkward and smiled at him. You stupidly left the book to him – making him laughing because of your acting, obviously out of embarrass – and went to pick the last one. Taking it, you noticed this white thing under the table. Your eyes went wide when you noticed it was again a feather. Just under DongHae/Ayden’s seat… Was Ayden bringing a bird with him around? It’d explain why he was so mad at the feather… but it wasn’t making sense: you found feathers without him being around. But still… You made sure you didn’t lose one of yours but found your two feathers in you bag. You put the third one in. MinHo frowned at you and you explained you were collecting them. Key looked strangely at you but left quickly, saying he had no class after for one hour. MinHo and you were left alone to an optional class. You guys could talk together as long as it was to help each other or if you had finished your exercises, so you had fun. When the class finished and excited the room for another class, one of you classmate popped in front of you.

“____, do you know where is Ayden?” she asked excitedly. You tried hard not to roll your eyes.
“Didn’t have this last class with him, isn’t he with you for this hour?” you asked.
“He wasn’t in the classroom…” she said, defeated.

She nodded before disappearing somewhere. You realized it was break and went out with MinHo. You never saw Ayden, nor Key again… During the meal, you ate with MinHo only when Key reappeared, eating then with you.

“____... I was wondering. Time passed by, do you and Ayden now go out together?” Key asked straightforwardly.
“What? No… we aren’t…” you were dumbfounded again but laughed without knowing it.
“Sorry to ask, you looked like two love birds not admitting they were in love with each other, that’s why.” He said matter-of-factly.
“We aren’t! We are not even that close these days, so…” they nodded in understanding.
“Plus you both were absent yesterday, it was suspiciousMinHo said, chuckling awkwardly. He seemed uneasy.
Ayden was absent yesterday? See, I didn't even know! We're not that close I guess then.” You smiled but didn't really mean it. Why was he like this? You realized how strange it was that Ayden was still missing even now. You tried to call him but he never picked up. So you texted him instead of, so he would know why you called.
“Let’s go back to class. Oh and, ____, you’re coming with us after class. I’m not letting you choose weither you want or not. You just come!”

You laughed at Key's words and nodded. MinHo slipped behind you and took you by the shoulders, pushing you around the school until the three of you arrived in class. You were surprised to see Ayden with – again – a bunch of friends. He turned his head to you when you arrived, tried to smile but somewhat missed it and it turned again in one of his nostalgic mimic. You nodded bitterly in return and went back to talking with your two friends happily. So he was having so much fun that he couldn’t even answer a call, uh? You snorted in your head and decided to forget it all.
After your last class, you left right away with MinHo and Key. You felt like you were forgetting something but you brushed it off. You were finally having fun, why would you annoy yourself again?

███ Somewhere else…

Ayden was strangely at the gate of the school before you, even though you left way before him. He was standing against the wall and waiting. He watched you going out of the school with MinHo and Key. He was murmuring some unintelligible things but stopped in the middle of it…

“I cannot do this… it’s too hard to make you forget ____.” he whispered.

However, you left with the two boys and he closed his eyes, his head facing the sky. He opened his eyes again, looking at the clouds moving slowly.

“I guess it’s how it’s supposed to be again… Are you happy up there?” he sighed and took out his phone. He checked the messages.

‘Hey Oppa… Where are you?
Have you left school? Are
you feeling okay? MinHo and
Key told me for yesterday...
What happened? Just call me
Next time it happens... Well, if
you want... Bye, then,

“____...” he sighed. “Why are you making the whole story this hard?” he looked like he was about to cry but kept it in. “I don’t have the choice. I’ll be just doing my job…”
“I hope you will.”
Someone said, gathering Ayden's attention again.


Hehe, a new character is coming! Don't expect too much from it T_T I picked him randomly just because he gave me some ideas for the story.
DongHae/Ayden and you are really arguing over silly things I guess x)
The chapters are getting a bit longer, aren't they? I have more ideas and ZE:A's comeback give me energy, even if I'm really sick right now TwT I just have ideas for this story and Sleeping Beauty : Life Dream. I'll be updating the other ones this week-end.
Huhuhu, I already typed the next chapter, I'm getting excited as I'm coming slowly to the real matter of this story.

Should I add a bad girl and another girl as a friend? Do you have any ideas?
I'm thinking about HyoMin for the friend, but for the bad one, no ideas >w<

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please update authornim.....
Ahh this is pretty cool so far. n__n ~
minionsbanana #3
it going to be great fic!update soon!<33
itsrainingbunnies #5
Nope, you didn't disappoint meh ^^<br />
They're such a kawaii pair ^^<br />
New character O:?<br />
U-Kiss' Alexander X3? Kevin?<br />
He will be such an adorable character.
wolvelyness #6
Hoo thanks <3 Hope I won't disappoint you =)
itsrainingbunnies #7
I have a feeling this will be extremely interesting O: