Bonus Chapter

{Between Past and Present}
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Jay's POV

The day of the accident


“The surgery is a success; we managed to save his legs. We will only more after further observations. In the meantime, he’ll be placed in the Intensive Care Unit. You may go in and see him now.” The doctor and his team bowed and left the Park family after the update.


Jessica held her mother who had trouble standing on her own. Her father breathed out a sigh of relief before running after the doctors.




“How about the girl from the accident? How is she?” He knew of her from his wife, his son’s girlfriend.


“Her condition is still unstable. We had to stop the surgery twice because she flat lined. We are still waiting for a window to continue the surgery. However, I can say that if it weren’t for your son, she would’ve have died at the scene.” The doctor pat Mr Park’s shoulder and left.




Mr Park just stood there dumbfounded. All he could do was be thankful that the worst was over, at least for his family.


January 2013; 3 weeks after the surgery.


“Son, can you hear me? Are you finally awake? Jaebum-ah, can you hear me? Honey, I saw him twitching, I really did!” Mrs Park held Jay’s hand.




Mr Park squeezed his wife’s shoulder. It has been three weeks since the surgery, but his son has yet to wake up. He wasn’t brain dead, but he just wasn’t waking up.




“Honey look, he is doing it again!” Mrs Park exclaimed.




True enough, Jay started to move his fingers.




“Doctor, my son is waking up! Please examine him.” Mr Park shouted at the door of his son’s room.




Jay opened his eyes slowly. Everything was overwhelming for him and his brain started to hurt. Mrs Park placed her hand on his cheek and he flinched.




“Who are you?” he managed to croak out.




Her face fell, “Jaebum-ah, it’s me Omma.”

February 2013; 5 weeks since the surgery


“Oppa it’s me, Jessica. I’m coming in, okay?” I heard a knock on my door.




I turned my face away. I hated company. I hated people coming into my room with pity in their eyes. Who the hell are they to pity me?




“I brought you some chocolate chip with macadamia cookies. They’re your favourite! Dr Song said that if we kept bringing you things that you like, you may start remembering some things!” Jessica chirped.




Her voice was annoying. I wanted to throw a pillow at her, but I didn’t want to waste my energy.




“I found out some things about Hye Won unnie.”




My ears perked up at the mention of that name. A knot formed in my throat.




“Her surgery was a success, but she has yet to wake up. The doctors believe she’s in a coma due to the injuries she sustained in the accident.”




I closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing. Why? Why did she have to tell me that?! I recalled a news article I came across a couple of days ago and an idea formed in my head. Maybe it is for the best that I stay out of her life. I’ve caused nothing but harm.



I faced Jessica and asked, “Who is Hye Won? Why would you think I know her?”




Shock was evident on her face. She stumbled back a couple of steps and left the room.



I am so sorry Hye Won, I don't know what else to do. I want to be responsible, but I don't know how. I hope I am doing the right thing, please forgive me.




“It might be a case of systematized amnesia. It is a kind of dissociative amnesia whereby the patient loses the memories of a specific category of info. It could be a person, a place but in Mr Park Jaebum’s case, it is about that girl. We will run some tests so please don’t worry too much.” Dr Song informed the Park family.




The new piece of information left the Parks speechless.


April 2013; 4 months since the accident.


“Thank you, Nurse Lee.” I nodded my head to the nurse who helped me into my wheelchair.




I wanted some fresh air and neither my parents nor Jessica were willing to let me out of my room. I think I know why because that’s the very reason why I was determined to get out of my room right now.


I wheeled myself out of my ward and to the elevator. 2nd floor, Intensive Care Unit. I pressed the 2nd floor button and waited. What was I doing?



I wheeled into the ward and began looking at the names on each door as I passed them. There, room 6.  I looked through the window of the room. A girl laid motionlessly on the bed, she had various needles poking her arm but luckily, she wasn’t on the ventilator, at least not anymore. She was alone in her room.


I contemplated hard on entering her room. What would I say if her br

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RinaBelle #1
Chapter 13: Welcome back!!!!!!
I’m so glad to see the notification.
Initially I sided with Jay but right now I’m rotting for Gray and yeah, Hyewonnie deserves better.
Am I the only one rooting for JayxHyewon???
RinaBelle #3
Chapter 12: And on this day 21/07/18, I still keep coming back to this story.
Chapter 12: Sung Hwa, you too nice!
RinaBelle #5
Chapter 12: Awwwwww, nooooooo. I want Hyewon to end up with ship just wrecked!
Chapter 12: Noooooo! My heart broke
Chapter 11: Oh no....I am like conflicted now. I really wanted Sung Hwa for her but now to know he was just there because of a favor....
doiknowyouu #8
Chapter 11: Omo! Jay :(
I don't know who to ship anymore. Is Hyewon feeling as divided as me?
RinaBelle #9
Chapter 11: Couldn’t thank you more. Can’t wait for the next bonus chapter!
RinaBelle #10
Chapter 10: I’m glad you’re back. Please don’t tell me Hye-won will need to go through Gray-Krystal relationship again after she sacrificed so much for Jay previously. Nooooooooooo, I wish it won’t happen. I need a Gray-Hyewon sweet happy ending scene, author-nim.