Celebrating holidays apart...

The Chanxing Letters

9 Years Ago (Age 26) - Christmas Special


To: Chanyeol

Guitarman04@yahoo .com


Hello! It's Christmas. And I just got back from some stupid ugly sweater Christmas party and I'm too lazy to be bothered to remove the thing. It's got a super happy snowflake on it dancing with a snowman and when you stare at it upside-down - which I'm doing right now - it looks kind of creepy. Why am I still wearing this. I don't even know anymore. 

Ugghhghg I should be e-mailing Joon right now, but I'm pretty sure that would make me depressed right now and I don't even know why. Well that's a lame thing to say. I know why of course. It's because he's there and I'm here. You're both there and I'm here. Alone.

Someone hit on me tonight. Some at my co-worker's party who knows just enough about me to know that Joon isn't here anymore, and obviously that means we've broken up. Why do people jump to conclusions. Huh? Why is it that people just assume you can't have a long distance relationship?? It's not like it's the end of the world! It's the 21st century! People can do this! They can!

I turned that idiot down of course. Flipped out my phone and pulled up my photos - and now here comes the funny part. I was trying to be cocky. Trying to prove I had recently sent pics of Joon so I could show that bastard off (not Joon - I mean the bastard who hit on me - wow good thing I had the foresight to read this over again). Anyways, I rushed it and hit the wrong button (I'd had a couple beers don't judge) and shoved it in his face, but instead of opening up mine and Joon's text history I opened yours, and what the hell kind of stupid face where you making that day anyways!? 

Anyways that was awkward. Had to retract my statement and try to explain why I had pictures of another cute guy on my phone instead of my boyfriend, and yeah - after that I don't think anyone believes me anymore. Screw it! Whatever. I have a guy in Korea and that's all they need to know. I hate parties. Yep. Still hate parties. Nothing has changed in all these years. 

Merry Christmas by the way. It's technically tomorrow for me, but you'll get it first. Isn't that weird. You get to experience Christmas before me. How weird is that. Global technology blows my mind.




Hey! Chanyeol! Yixing again.

I got distracted and wandered off from the computer. Actually Joon called me (but you know that) and well I guess it's been half an hour since I accidentally sent that last thing before officially saying goodbye. So here it is! Goodbye! 

That sounds dramatic. 

Does it even make sense to say goodbye to someone in an e-mail? It doesn't right? It doesn't.

I picked up another beer. They say the saddest thing a person can do is drink alone. Whatever. It's Christmas and I have to do something. There's a movie on TV so I'm watching that. It's lame, I know. I'm probably going to regret this in the morning when I check my sent messages, but who cares anymore. Probably no one. 

Maybe Christmas next year will be better. 




Again I sent that without signing off.

I officially hate this year.

I wish I could call you directly. I feel awkward calling you directly these days. It's weird isn't it. Because really I can just call Joon first. Or at least I should, you know.

Goodnight and Merry Christmas.




To Yixing:

Layxingwriter@aol .com


Hey you. Got your e-mails. Or rather, multiple e-mails. Haha. Sorry I don't have so much time to reply. Family stuff. My favorite way to spend the holidays...

Point is... well. Merry Christmas! And really, cheer up. Also, you can call me. Anytime! Well, not today unfortunately but you know. Any usual time. Also, did you get my present? Well sort of present. It's a better picture of me. Less goofier. In case you have any more accidents. That sounds weird...

Merry Christmas! Call me.. sometime. :)




Short chapter today, but think of it as a Christmas special - and also another much needed insight to Lay's changing state of mind. 

Merry Christmas, everyone!


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[1/26] There's a new ongoing Russian translation, for anyone who is interested.


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LalizLC #1
hello! actually i read this fanfic in spanish this morning lol, ahh i'm so bad trying to write in english, excuse me. Well i had to come here to say you how much i loved the story. I hope you can understand me with my bad english. Greetings from Mexico :D
Chapter 23: OMG that was beautiful! I'm in tears... I love this!! I wish it didn't end, Chanyeol better go over there and make the most of them ! Thanks for this<3
hananii19 #3
Chapter 23: Cuttttteeeeeeeeeewwe its just like Love rosie but i would read this again over that xD
Chapter 23: :O :O :O :O <3
Chapter 23: Oh my god, what a brilliant story.
Abbll16 #6
Chapter 23: This was truly a masterpiece. It was beautiful. It is going on my list of must read again and just so you know not many stories make that list. Words really cannot explain how much I loved this. Thank you. <3
eLquinox #7
Chapter 23: This was just beautiful... D:
Sidhe21 #8
Chapter 23: This was amazing! :D