TB; A Look Into Life

Words of the Days

It was a dark night out. The moon was hiding, the clouds were even more cloudier than usual--


"What? What in the world is that?"

"What's wrong with it? It's awesome."

"Yeah, with cloudy clouds and all. Riiight."

"Okay, now you're just jealous."

"Ha! Me, jealous? You've got to be kidding me."

"I knew I shouldn't have asked you to critique my paper. After all, it would only make you jealous!"

"I knew I shouldn't have accepted your offer too. After all, it would be so foolish I wouldn't be able to stand it!"

"Oh, really now? Well, let's see how it is when you've finished with tears on your face, huh?"

"Yes, really now! Is this a bet?"





"Let's continue, then!"


Park Bom snatched the paper from Choi Seunghyun, slightly glaring and sticking out her tongue as she did so. After clearing very importantly, she read where she had stopped before. "--the clouds were even more cloudier than usual, and there were no stars out." She paused. "Do you want me write down my notes, or say them out loud?"


"Then I need not read it aloud?"

"Quit the fancy dancy wording, Shrimpy Spring. Makes me want to throw up. And I never said you had to read it out loud in the first place."

She sighed. "I'll act mature this once," she said maturedly. She smiled in a matured way, patted Seunghyun in a matured way, and took out a piece of paper somehow maturedly.

The boy rolled his eyes. The nerve of this woman. "The nerve of you," he voiced out. He raised his voice. "Weirdo Spring in the way, people, please excuse her alien ways. 4-dimensional, a little crazy, needs to be in a mental asylum, it's all because she hasn't had her medicine yet!"

In an instant, Bom's mature act disintegrated. "What?" she screeched. "Why am I critiqueing your paper anyways, Mr. Oh-So-Smart? Go critique it yourself. You don't need an alien to do it. And," the girl pointed a finger right at his face, "you have absolutely no right to call me a 4-dimensional alien! You're the alien here, so there!"

She huffed away, leaving Seunghyun (more commonly known as TOP, of course) chuckling to himself. He bowed to the gathered students repeatedly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope you appreciated your daily show, donations accepted, especially hundred dollar bills." He flashed a big grin at his classmates, and then rushed off to follow his frenerival (friend, enemy, rival).

Their relationship was known widely in their school of YungGen High as the most bickering friends ever because, well, they were friends that bickered a lot. There wasn't much to it.

That is, on the outside. (What did you expect?)

TOP bounced up to Bom. "Oh come on, Bommie--"

"Noona," she snapped.

He sighed. "Fine, Bommie noona. I was just joking, you know that."

"I do. And I don't care." She walked faster and faster, working those short legs of hers. No problem for TOP, though, with his long legs. She fumed when her leave-him-behind plan failed, and instead stopped and walked backwards. It was to no avail, however, since TOP easily followed, walking backwards as well.

"We have class in three minutes," he commented mildly. "Do you want to make a run for it?"

He grinned when Bom gasped. As a perfect attendance student, he knew she'd care.


In two minutes, they made it back. Bom was huffing and puffing, red in the face, while TOP just grinned at the class and peeked at his 'noona' slyly.

She collapsed unto her chair, smiling weakly at her friend Sandara when the teacher came in. Rapping the desk for attention, Mr. Goo started roll.

TOP slid into his own chair diagonal from the angry girl, unable to hide his wide smirk.

"Bom noona sure looks grumbly," his best friend, Jiyong (also known as G-Dragon), whispered.

"Thanks to yours truly."

"Be careful. We don't want another Bominator case in our hands," he shot back at the proud tone. "Remember what happened to Seungri last time?"

They winced together, unconsciously glancing at the poor boy who still had his arm in a sling. Not that he looked pitiful in any way, seeing how he was poking the girl in front of him and whispering things-- probably lame jokes-- in attempt to anger the other girl.

TOP shrugged. "Can't help it. She looks so cute when she's angry."

"Lovesick guy," GD shook his head. "What are you going to do?"

"Says you," TOP shot back. "You can't keep your eyes away from Dara noona."

At the mention of GD's favorite noona, the boy smiled. "Touche."

"You two! Pay attention!"

The two boys straightened up. "Yes, sir!" The moment the teacher turned back to the board, though, they slumped back and started talking again.

"Now that I think about it, only Taeyang is crush-free," murmured TOP.

"True. Seungri has Chaerin, Daesung has Minji, you have Bom noona and I have Dara noona."

They sighed at the same time. "If only we knew what they feel about us," he mourned.


Silence stood between them, a bubble of depression forming around the two desks.


Meanwhile, on the girl's side, Bom was secretly text messaging Dara.

Do u no wat top did today???!!!



thats just like him

Grr! Y doesnt he leave me ALONE! I hate this system of class made by skill not grade. Hes in almost all my classes but hes younger than me!

so tru. dat dragons always there too. but at least cl and minzy r in our classes

If they werent i would leave

wat about me? /puppy face/

Aww u no i luv u dara! But anyways that creep i wish he wasnt there always bothering me grrr

maybe he likes u

Bom paused in her fuming. Then she scoffed to herself.

Yeah right dara.

no rly! u dont no!!!

I happen to no he has a crush on sumone else


She stopped again, thinking back. He'd told her after she'd pestered him a lot, but had refused to tell the name.

Idk actually. He didnt tell me

wat if its rly u

I laugh

And Bom did laugh. She found the idea so funny as she kept thinking about it, and laughed without thinking. In the corner of her eyes, she saw Dara staring at her with open, and heard the teacher stop writing.

"And what, Park Bom, do you find so funny about this poem?"

Her laughter died away when Mr. Goo's cold voice reached her ears. She squirmed. "I didn't mean to laugh, sir," she meekly said.

"Care to tell the class what you were laughing at?"

She squirmed some more. "I-I just remembered something funny and I just... laughed..." She quickly stood up and bowed deeply. "I'm sorry, Mr. Goo!" She squeezed her eyes shut, her hands fisted, as she waited for the answer.

Finally, the teacher relented. "Very well, but if I find you daydreaming again in my class, it's out for you."

She plopped down and sighed, relieved. "Dara, let's not text until after class," she whispered, and concentrated fully on the lecture for the rest of the class.

Little did she know that what she'd done had made TOP's day, and even GD's when he got a glimpse of Dara's cutely shocked face. The two boys grinned at each other, their playful mode switched back on, and proceeded to talk for the rest of the day.


After class, Chaerin (CL), Minji (Minzy), Dara, and Bom gathered and started talking.

"What in the world was that?" CL asked, in horror.

Bom sheepishly smiled. "It's all Dara's fault! She made me laugh."

"There was nothing funny about it. Bom just laughed by herself!"

Before a full-fledged blame fight started, Minzy intervened. "Whoa, unnies, calm down. I've got info." She emphasized info so much that it caught the attention of the other girls. The maknae of the group cleared . "You know class next door's Sunyoung and Jinki? I heard they got together."

They all gasped.

"No way!" screamed CL. She sat back on a chair with a dumbfounded expression.

"My OTP!" fangirled Bom. She went crazy and circled the group twice in her excitement.

"Yes!!!! This is life, people!" cheered Dara. She made a victory sign and it into the air with a triumphant smile.

Minzy laughed at their different reactions. "And you know what else?"



On the other side of the room, Young Bae (or Taeyang), Daesung, Seungri (or Seunghyun), GD, and TOP formed another group. Contrary to the girls, they stayed silent, content on eavesdropping on aforementioned girls.

When CL screamed, Seungri chuckled silently; Bom fangirling made TOP grin, and Dara's cheers created mirth on GD's face. Daesung just smiled throughout and Taeyang yawned.

"Oh, you four with helpless love lifes," he shook his head. He backed away, hands up in the air, as the other four sent death glares in his way. "Whoa, guys, I'm sorry, okay? I was just half-joking."

They all went back to eavesdropping, though Taeyang opted to surf the net on his phone instead. The next time Taeyang lifted his head, there were only empty chairs near him. Shocked, he looked around, only to find them-- where else?-- annoying the girls. He sighed, putting his phone into his pocket. Wearily, he made his way to the now-big group. He joined the line of boys facing the line of girls with determined smirks. Except for Daesung. He always had a smile on him, so he really didn't count.

"So," GD started, "Heard Sunyoung and Jinki got together."

TOP took over gracefully, as if this was a team sport or something like that. "We wondered why, you know, you guys don't have any news like that." Taeyang resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Says you, he thought, the one that had the longest crush ever.

Daesung was up next. "I mean, by this time you'd think all the girls would have a boyfriend or something. After all, we're in college and all."

"Except for the ones that boys all avoid, of course," Seungri continued.

Taeyang sighed inwardly-- it was his turn, he knew. He forced a half-hearted smirk on his face. "Scientifically, this proves exactly who you girls are."

One second.


Bom frowned. "Why, you--!

Dara scowled. "Unbelievable!"

Minzy rolled her eyes. "I have no words to say to this."

CL huffed. "Perfect nonsense, this is!"

The girls continued ranting their anger unto the teasing boys until the bell rang in the middle of all that "fun" the boys were having.

"Finally," Taeyang groaned. "For the first time, I'm actually happy class is starting."

Nobody, sadly, heard him.

"That was fun!"

"It was, wasn't it?"

"Let's do it again."

"Afterschool, maybe?"

"Or," Taeyang cut in, "maybe you should all confess and get yourselves a girlfriend?"


Absolute silence.




"Wow, that was totally mean."

"That it was, Taeyang, that it was."

"Just so you know, you're single, too."

"You really didn't have to say that."

He sighed. "I'm not the one with hopeless crushes," he pointed out. That quieted the others fast. "Why can't you act like a man?"

"...like a man?" repeated TOP. He pictured himself, standing in front of Bom, tossing her flowers and being tough. He smiled.

"...like a man..." thought GD out loud. He pictured himself suddenly making out with Dara in a very manly way. He smiled.

"...like a man," echoed Seungri. He pictured himself grabbing CL's wrist, pulling her towards him, and whispering his confession to a blushing girl. He smiled.

"...like a man!" declared Daesung. He pictured himself setting up a total confession event thing for Minzy. He smiled.

"...ew. Stop smiling like that. Gross." Taeyang shuddered. He didn't know what they were picturing, but by the smiles, he thought he could catch a pretty good image of it.


Meanwhile, the girls were still fuming over what the boys had said.

"As if they have any right to say that," muttered CL.

Minzy nodded ferociously. "No girlfriend of their own, but what do they say?" She went into mimic. "I mean, shouldn't you girls have news like that?"

"Ugh. Gross people surrounding us," Dara grumbled. She shot a glare in the general direction of their 'enemy' group, determined not to directly look at said 'gross people.'

"You know what?" Bom smiled evilly. "Let's get back at them. First thing afterschool, we are going to get back at them, big time."

"Agreed!" the other girls roared. The four let out a mini warrior cry and then stared the professor down unintentionally. Aforementioned professor gulped, and dismissed class thirty minutes early (to the happiness of the students, of course).

To the boys' surprise, their crushes lined up in front of them. They would've been glad, save for the fact that said crushes were evilly grinning, sending out the occasional cackle of evil.

"Hey, guys," Dara said sweetly. GD would've liked it if it hadn't been accompanied with a death glare, but since there was a death glare involved, he shrunk down. "We just wanted to, you know, talk."

Taeyang smiled-- finally, they were getting the Talk of Doom. He just hoped that Bominator Mode was not activated, for his health and the health of everything in this room and all its furnitures.

CL nodded. "We've been thinking about what you've  said to us, and you know what? We think you guys are right." Though the words were positive, Seungri still squirmed nervously. Something didn't seem... right.

Minzy took over. "But--" Daesung sighed. There was always a 'but' involved. "--we also realized that we're not the only ones."

Bom smirked, high and mighty. "How come you boys have no romantic news?"

The four boys in question gaped while the four girls practically looked down haughtily in triumph. Taeyang simply snickered.

"Good job, girls," he clapped. "You've finally talked some sense into these weirdo boys."

Daesung gasped. "Betrayer!"

Eyes widened, GD stared at the grinning boy. "How could you do this to us?"

TOP made some pretty weird alien-puppy eyes. "I had faith in you, " he whimpered.

"You've turned your back on your friends-- shame, shame," Seungri sighed.

Taeyang rolled his eyes, "Stop being so dramatic. Such girly guys."


The girls laughed. "Taeyang's right, you over-dramatic, girly-girl guys." They sashayed away, leaving the four boys to glare at the truthful guy. What happened next was full of curses, swears, yelps, and many eye-rolls.




A mini drabble with no real romantic plot; really just a look into the typical day of our nine boys and girls. The reason why they're all in the same class is because their school makes classes by how good they are, not by grade (?) or something. I don't know. I cut it off here before it got super duper long, just a fun thing to write on my part's all.

Oh, and I actually had another death fic lined up (blame the muse!) but decided to kick the muse away and write some fluff before the muse came back full force. Here ya go.

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This... did not age well.


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Chapter 3: Taelli's a couple I know. Love the posters and the story is good.
Chapter 2: I almost cried while reading the first chapter :'( At least the second chapter's good. If you had done the death fic again, I'd probably be bawling right now.
Not very interested in shineefx, but I can't wait to read the 2ne1bang! :)
moonlightangel77 #4
Chapter 2: Awww! 2ne1bang!!! And Lunew got together! Makes up for the dead Vic-unnie lol ;__;
moonlightangel77 #5
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww Victoria :'(
moonlightangel77 #6
Sounds good. Expcting Lunew, Minstal, Taeli, Jongtoria and some 2ne1 and big bang couples. Don't worry I will still like the story if u don't have any of those couples :)