✎Lesson 26: Lost and now...found. :)

✎♥The Dating Subject♥✎
We started to eat once our food came and this was the first time I saw Onew tear at his chicken like that. It was kind of scary.
"Did you not eat for a month or what?" My mouth gaped open.
"It's your fault." He said between bites. "You depressed me and I couldn't eat well."
"You're actually blaming me for your crazy plan?!" I scowled.
"It was the only way you'll get everything." He shrugged.
"Was there..." I stopped eating.
"Was there really no other way?" I asked quietly.
He bit his lip and dropped his chicken on his plate.
"I'm sorry." He said softly.
"It's okay!" I was flushed. "I know I'm such a difficult student to teach and--"
He stood up, went to my side of the booth and sat beside me. "I'm sorry for making you sad. I'm really sorry..." He looked regretful.
"I'm sorry for being insensitive." I mumbled.
"Did our lessons really meant nothing to you?" He asked suddenly.
"What? No. No..I mean," I stopped, flustered.
"They mean a lot. A lot." I clarified.
"That's not what you told me when we had our fight." He pouted.
"I thought you knew I was...lying." I made a face, embarrassed.
"Hmmm..Yes. But I wanted to hear it from you anyway. I'm a great tutor, right?" He grinned at me.
I pretended to think about it.
"Hey!" He complained.
"Wait, I'll finish my ramyeon first." I purposely ate every bite slowly.
"No." He held my left hand in an attempt to stop me from eating.
I shrugged. "Fine. I can eat with my other hand." I switched to my right.
"Oh really?" He inched closer to me and his hands encircled my waist.
"ONEW!" I shouted, surprised, and some of the diners looked at us.
"Yobo! Keep it down! You're acting too excited." He laughed softly.
I froze in place. "What are you doing?"
"Hugging you." And he placed his chin on my shoulder.
I tried to push him. "People might see!" I hissed.
"Am I a great tutor?" He asked again.
"Lee Jinki!" I said in a warning tone.
I saw Wooyoung looking at us with a shocked expression.
"Wooyoung's looking!" I whispered.
"So? We're not doing anything bad." He hugged me tighter.
"Okay, fine. You're a great  tutor. The best  there is. There! Satisfied?" I huffed.
"Yes." He grinned but didn't let go of me.
"Let go already!" I whispered loudly.
"No." He closed his eyes.
"We're in a chicken shop."
"Mmm...Heaven." He muttered.
"You're freaking crazy!" I smiled a little.
"Yes, I'm crazy..." He looked at me in the eyes.
"Crazy for you." He whispered in my ear.
I swallowed. This isn't like Onew at all.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked nervously.
"It's your fault. You made me miss you too much."
"Stop it already!" I was pretty sure he can hear my erratic heartbeat.
"You still have chicken left on your plate." I said weakly.
"Not hungry anymore." His voice sounded sleepy.
"I'm going to eat your chicken!" I threatened him.
He moved closer to me.
"Be my guest." He whispered in my ear.
I sighed.
Although this is such an odd thing for Onew to do, I'm not really that mad.
Since I like him anyway.
It's just that...I'm not used to this!
And people can see us!
"Onew..." I said after we stayed just like that for a while.
"People are looking." Although they really weren't.
"I don't care."
"Please?" I said.
He sighed and let go of my waist but he didn't move further.
Now the mood's totally changed. Thanks to him being so weird!
"Are you...uhm...okay now?" I asked him warily.
"Yes. Sorry about that." He grinned embarrassedly.
After some time, Wooyoung approached us slowly, looking embarrassed.
"Hey guys, you done?" He was obviously trying to look cheerful.
"Yeah." Onew nodded. "Thanks, Woo!" He gave the payment plus the tip.
"Thanks." He said weakly.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Uh-huh." He blushed then laughed awkwardly. "So the rumors are true, eh? About the two of you.." He trailed off.
My eyes widened.
I knew it.
Onew took my hand, cutting me off midsentence. "Yes. But you're not going to tell anyone, right?" Onew asked him.
I squeezed Onew's hand to get his attention and he looked down at me.
"What are you doing?" I whispered.
"Predicting the future." He murmured back.
"What?" I asked loudly, confused.
Wooyoung nodded. "Yeah, of course. You're both my friends, anyway. Congrats!" He clapped Onew on the back.
Onew grinned. "Thanks."
"Take care of my pal here, huh?" He told me, smiling. "Make sure he doesn't miss his chickens."
"Err...Haha." I laughed feebly.
Wooyoung laughed and went off to another customer.
"So, let's go?" Onew stretched.
"I guess." I mumbled.
"Are you mad about what I did?" He looked at me.
"You sure like to joke around and fool people." I rolled my eyes.
"I wasn't joking around at all." He stood up and carried our things.
See? See what I mean?
Onew really confuses the hell out of me.
We walked and walked and I insisted to treating him to dessert since he paid for the food earlier.
"I said we're going dutch, didn't I?" I paid for the smoothies.
"So this is a date?" His eyes twinkled.
I looked at him. "Yeah." I smiled. "Kind of like...celebrating our being friends again."
He laughed. "I think I've heard that before."
"You did?" I asked innocently.
"I guess the only way to get dates with you is arguing then making up, huh?" He joked.
I stuck out my tongue at him. "You promise we wouldn't fight anymore."
"Yes...and I mean that." We continued to walk until we finished our smoothies.
"I'm getting a little tired. What about you?" He asked.
"Yeah." I nodded. "I guess we should go home now."
"Good idea!" He held my hand again and we walked home.
But I was surprised when we passed by my house and he didn't stop walking.
"Uhm...Onew. My stop is here." I said.
"That's not your stop." And he continued to walk while still holding me.
"I thought we're going home?" I asked, puzzled.
"We are." He smiled at me.


class notes
ukissSH: Maybe~~~ :D soon?
sweetcandy13: sure! enjoy the lessons~ :D
sulliviera: so right! :D aw. i love you too! <33
Mahwiii: Keke XD sorry for fooling you :DD and thanks for loving the story...and me! HAHA XD
hiky4224: T_T the best fic? that made me cry. thank you! :DD
Nana_monster: I'm extremely happy when I see your comments too! thank you:DD
Vengeance: Doofus Onew is still adorable! period. heehee:D
theclumsywitch: your comment made my day :D thanks! and iloveyou too <333 the story's ending? hmm...maybe... ._-
HeartttOnTae: thanks! and sorry for kidding around. heehee.
-Kiseu: OMG. iloveyou too! haha. and yes. Onew is such a great actor. -_- haha!
Dubu_Sangtae: Jjong and Mika huh? I'll see what I can do :>
cjae09: smiling like an idiot when I saw your comment too ^^ :D
arla951909: YAYYY! Let's all fall for Onew! It happens to me everyday. -_- ehehehe :DD longer? hmmmm...we'll see!
mickeywithoutears: lol. Made me laugh. XD i don't know if chan blinked already, i replaced him with onew again. Kekeke :D
Byeongari: sorry! and thanks <333 :D
amyra961: and you're awesome for reading it! ^^
violetmoons: Yay! thanks for reading all~~ :DD
JaceSter8: *joins you in jumping around and dancing*
steffi: thanks! that's so sweet <333 thanks for loving my works! ^^ i love having you as a reader ;)
miakoo: dongsaeng. haha :DD it's okay to demand. some of them are demanding too. T_T haha. :D and I'm glad we have the same stress reliever: dubu~~ :DD
sarangDB5K: not yet, dongsaeng. :D i'm planning their confession as something different. :\
aihara07: aww! dongsaeng! ;))) checking your account daily? T_T thank you~~~~ iloveyou!
doubleteethrabbit: keke. sorry~~ :D
LoveLikeSHINee: extra happiness rocks! :DD haha. thanks~~
geldubu3424: yup. pinay! XD tell me when you're done reading! ;)  ooh. you're done! chapter 27 got you crazy? haha :DD iloveyou too! <3
kalaybuang: wish will be granted soon :*
Boopbeep: if you say so. ;)
shawol4lifeminnie: yayyyyy~ ;)
Ximenitazh: here's another for you :DD thanks for being patient! ^^
BananamilkxTaemintx: I do these things sometimes. I'm a crazy dork. XDD haha :D
PororoChan: Aw. thanks <33
zoeystar: that's just the beginning. ;)
whiteheron: heehee. *pinches your cheeks* don't pout~~ haha. mianhe~ ^^ i'm not sure what they are too. shall I ask Onew? Maki will be too clueless to know. heehee:D
Milov4: the fic loves you too <33
lillypad100: yayyy~ fooled you. ;) heehee :D aww. thanks for loving it! <33
ricebunnii: i'll give in to some of your demands. ;) try to guess. :*
littlejinki: i'll tell onew :DD kaw ha. kissing scenes! haha :D
mafinmieera93: ehehehe :D it's okay to hate me~ ;) haha. iloveyou too! ^^
Shizine19: your wish is my command. ;) haha.
_OnDubu: jessica ain't done yet. OOPS. ><
xMichieChan: I like the way you think! Although if that happened, I'd twist the story and make her die. Lol. I'm always like that. Lol:D
Do we have time for another accident? Ooh. Yes. I think we do~~~ Lol. Jks. ;)
Janeerika07: Thank you! you're very sweet <33
imwatchon_ew: I'm glad this fic made you smile! and made you feel the appropriate emotions~ heehee:DD good job~
ChristaLee: Yes, they are! Let's try to separate them again, shall we? Kidding XD
sighs123: yes! smart onew for miss clueless. perfect combination <3
onewlovejulie: hehe :D mianhe~~~ and yay! you're going to sub? i'll wait for you. ^^
RusseeLa1015: PFFT. HAHAHAAH XD she ain't called little miss clueless for nothing, man. XDD
ayu21yuah54: fighting! hope you won't get bored~ ;)
-OnYoung-: Yup! They're friends again~~ yay :DD
Aika0330: An update for you since you said I'm awesome! XDD keke. kidding ^^
TeaMinT: don't we all know it. >< thank goodness she realized, huh? hehehe :D
blingblingforever: thanks dongsaeng <333 :**
It's been so long since I last replied to you guys! I missed it! <33333333
Did all of you guys vote SHINee for GLOBAL STAR on the SBS MTV awards?? YEAH? YOU DID?
Sorry for the short chapter. D: ILOVEYOU you!



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[The Dating Subject] OMG! You guys are still subbing even though it's finished?! CAN I GIVE YOU ALL A HUG? I love you! :)


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Chapter 71: This fic is surprisingly good to be a fic, it feels like a cute drama ?
Draculorda #2
Chapter 5: Just start reading this story and this chapter made me laughed so hard. So in love with your story ~<3
taetae29 #3
Am I hallucinating? Because I see my name in the forward and idk how to feel abt it (0-0) lol but anyway. I have never been more ready to learn about dating my entire life lmao
diana05 #4
Chapter 2: just started reading it and i think I already fell in love with the story ^^
Chapter 3: Rereading it ONCE AGAIN (I wonder how many times I have told you that...)
Chapter 71: This story is really amazing. srsly onew is so sweet.
Abandonedlion29115yr #9
Chapter 71: I've just finished reading your fic,and honestly idk what to say!!your fic was soooo nice and amazing,and you really did a good job on it!!^^I really likeeee it,wait no,i mean I LOVE IT <3 hahaha.Tbh can't really choose which chapter that i like T.T but i think,i like the chapter when they go to the amusement park!!(can't really remember which chapter was it,sorry :(( ) btw,thank you for always making my day/night for your great reply on my comment!!^^not just that i like your fic,but i also like you for being soo nice and very very friendly !!love youuu!!<3 i seriously hope we can know each other more in the future hehe :D that's all i guess,bye^^