화살 (Quasimodo)

화살 (Quasimodo)

Your traces that my heart is filled with
Makes me able to breathe

I sat up choking. I looked at the clock on my bed side table. It showed 02:30 am. I sighed. It has been like this for the past few months after she left. She. The one that holds my heart forever. Her smile cured my every pain that I had ever had.

When the long night is colored by the moonlight
Will the inescapable wait all end?

I got off my bed and went to sit by the window. The world seemed so peaceful at night. The moonlight shone brightly giving light as hope for a better tomorrow to those lonely hearts still not sleeping. The painful thought of not having her beside me like before hurts. How long will I have to endure this?

I wish for a miracle and ask and answer myself

"Will she comeback to me?" the stupid thought wondered through my mind. I shouted the same thing in my cold, lonely room. Only to be answered by silence.
"I guess not," I answered myself.

Oh, I can't tell you about me, who wants to reach your heart
Like the starlight hidden behind the cold clouds

She walked past me with that beautiful smile plastered on her face. Smiling her way through everything. I wanted her to notice me. I wanted to scream her name so she would notice. But just like before, I was ignored like a star behind the cold clouds. Never being seen.

I love you, in the end, this painful confession
That lingers at the edge of my lips
Slides down in tears

"I love you," I wanted to tell her so bad. The pain inside me is too much for me to handle. But the words only lingered on my lips. And tears would fall every time I think of it.

This arrow that's reached my heart
Feels like a part of my body now
Even though it hurts to death
I can't remove you, who's stuck in my heart
Because it's love, because for me, it's love

The pain in my heart felt numb after awhile. I couldn't decipher it anymore. At times I wanted to die for not having you. People around me constantly force me to forget you. Remove you. But I can't do that. The only thing that keeps me sane is you. Because it's love. What we had was love. It's still is.

Even if I can't have you, even when my heart
Is blocked in the end by the wall of sad connection
I love you, if it's a place, where I can just watch you
Because you're my everything

"Hey, Jonghyun meet Haein," Key said introducing the girl to me. Its her. I faked a smile and looked away. Haein and Key talked happily.

I hurts, seeing her happy with another guy. The pain in my heart started to throbbed again. Its as if the arrow that was stabbed in side my heart by you is still there. I looked at my side, and turned away quickly. I got up and left. I never wanted to see that. Her kissing another guy is too much.

It finally hit me hard that I couldn't have her. "I still love you. Even though I can't have you, I still do. You're my everything Haein".

I stay up for so many nights
When the starlight becomes rain
That doesn't stop like my tears
Remember that I loved you

After that painful meeting, I stopped hanging out with my friends. I stayed home most of the time. I couldn't stop thinking about her after that 'kiss'. It caused me to stay up every night thinking of her. Looking at those starlight that were happy shining brightly until the rain comes and wash them away, vanishing them only made my heart hurt even more. Like the rain my tears won't stop.

"I love you, Haein," I whispered. "Remember that,". I remembered our little meeting back in the days. I hope she does remember.

Even if I can't have you, even when my heart (I need you)
Is blocked in the end by the wall of sad connection,
(I am trying not to cry over you, baby)
I love you, if it's a place, where I can just watch you
(I love you, I love you)
Because you're my everything

School was a pain. Every where I turn she was there. I couldn't escape her. Her smile, her sweet voice, her seducing laugh. The thought of her made my heart twist into millions of folds. And where ever she is, she's with him. The reason for her living, she once said.

But she didn't know that she was the reason for my living. "Baby I need you~".

"We're over Jonghyun...,". She said that when she left. I tried hard to hold back my tears, to not cry over her again. It hurts.

I knew a long time ago I can never have you. But my heart is closed for only one person. I'm stuck in this place where I can only think of you and only you. It hurts me being in that place, but I don't care because it's a place I can watch you. "I love you. I love you". I want to shout those words. And I don't care if it hurts me to death because you're my everything.

It's not tough, oh no
Because you have to be mine
In order for you to be you
Even if it hurts
Even if you make me cry
I love you

I won't give up. I will never give up on you. It's not hard, cause I know you'll be mine one day. I don't care if it hurts. Even if it takes the life out of me I will make you mine. I love you.

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Anonymous_15 #1
seo haein is such a cute name.
LonelyDay #2
you're so good.<br />
it was beautiful :)
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thank you~ you know i only wrote the story so it flows with the song. each paragraph was written based on the lyrics. ^^
Oh my god. D: I read it only because of the song, I lessthanthree it. But ): the oneshot really matches it. I wasn't crying, but it was really sad. Can I tell you you just inspired me to write a fanfic D:... OMG I JUST WISH IT WAS LONGER TT_TT
thanks. idk how you still manage to read anything jonghyun related. but thanks.:|
yuuminnie #7
whuääääääääääääääääaaaaaaaaaaaaa. love it T_T
omg, thanks! idk, but I certainly think this isn't the best oneshot! lol<br />
but thanks ^^
wahh! d best oneshot ever!<br />
i'm crying on the end of the story :'(<br />
though because i love the song too...