Surprise Attack...

The Day The Music... Multiplied

Bright and early, even though he wasn't allowed to get up yet, Sungmin insisted that he wanted to be there with the others for Donghae when he woke up.

So even though he and Leeteuk were still confined to beds, they were there, with the others in Donghae's room. Everyone was pretty quiet but the three new babies gave everyone plenty to talk about while they waited for Donghae to wake up.

Every time Ryeowook saw Sky and Glimmer looking lost and confused he started to cry again. Sungmin understood just how he felt, but for the moment at least, he was more angry than sad. How anyone could take their anger out on helpless babies and someone as trusting as Donghae he didn't want to know. 

Donghae's surviving babies had a dozen foster parents watching over them worriedly. But it was painfully clear that they didn't understand what was happening and they were more scared and lonely than they had been the night before.

Sky and Glimmer tried a few times to get their father's attention too but Zhoumi only held them for a while before he started to cry and left the room again. 

He was never gone for very long but his departure only confused Sky and Glimmer even more. Zhoumi had just left again and Sungmin nodded at Kangin. "Would you go get him, please?"

Kangin frowned "He'll come back."

"His babies need him NOW. Look at them. Why do you think they spent the night with us last night? They are probably the smartest fish on the entire planet but right now they need reassurance."

When Kangin still didn't move Sungmin scowled. "If it was me, I would hope that you would be comforting our babies."

Kangin could see he wasn't going to win this arguement so he went into the hall and found Zhoumi. The tall, slender man was unusually pale and was leaning against the wall, trying to stop crying. "Hey, come back inside."

"H-hyung," Zhoumi blushed, brushing away his tears. "I'm sorry, I just can't help feeling like this is my fault. I got him pregnant."

"None of us knew this was going to happen," Kangin said gently. "But it did. So now we need to move forward. I know you are sad for the two that didn't make it, and worried about Donghae. We all are feeling the same way. But you still have two healthy babies that are missing their mother. Right now they need you to comfort them."

"I... You're right." Zhoumi nodded. "Thanks."

Kangin threw an arm over his shoulder and grinned as he escorted him back into the crowded room. "My fiance would've come out here himself if he thought I would let him." 

Sungmin smiled when he saw Zhoumi with Kangin and settled back into his pillows. While they had been gone a nurse had brought Rose in for him and the baby was playing at the foot of the bed with her two younger siblings. Well she was trying to play with them anyway. The other two had just been fed and were sleeping like the dead.

Across the room, Teuki's youngest baby had also been brought in. The little female kitten had the softest shade of blue fur that Sungmin had ever seen. It almost looked white until one looked at the feathers of her wings. She was breathtakingly delicate and beautiful. She even had an aristocratic white marking on her forehead that reminded everyone who saw it of a tiara or a circlet. Heechul had been holding her for a while now and had proudly introduced their baby daughter to everyone as Halo.

Teuk was dozing off while Henry hugged baby Snow. The little winged Hamster had been trying to figure out how to fly but hadn't managed it yet and instead toppled off the bed earlier. 

Luckily he wasn't hurt but Henry wasn't taking any further chances. Snow was sitting on his father's chest, enjoying being petted and loved.

Yesung was playing with Rapheal who was wide awake but Wookie sat quietly beside him, watching over Donghae.

Time dragged by painfully slowly- and yet Sungmin was surprised when a nurse poked her head in and asked if he and Teuki were ready for their lunch trays.

Sungmin wasn't particularly hungry, but at least it was something to do. Rose had given up trying to wake her siblings and had curled up in a ball in Kangin's arms.

When he saw that he had a lettuce salad on his tray he offered a piece to Rose. The crunching sounds she made were adorable and she hopped away from Kangin and across the bed in search of more. Sungmin gave her a sliver of carrot and smiled as she made quick work of that too. 

Siwon and Kangin talked the others into ordering some pizza and fried chicken. 

When their order came it smelled great but Sungmin was still not hungry. But Rose had certainly enjoyed his salad. She loved the tiny pieces of raddish, and carrots and lettuce though she kept eating around the globs of salad dressing. When she tried to crawl into the bowl to get the last pieces, he took it away from her. He grinned when she squeaked indignantly and tried to follow it up onto the bedside stand.

Sungmin rolled the table away from his bed. "Young lady you have plenty of time to eat lettuce when you are bigger. The nurses will be here to feed you soon and they will know I was giving you my lunch if you don't eat your baby formula."

Yesung laughed. "I wouldn't worry too much. The nurses know that Ryeowook always gives his salad to Raph... Heck, I think that is the reason they keep sending them."

Sungmin smiled, "No they probably want him to eat it. I'm just not hungry..."

"Donghae!" Ryeowook gasped, jumping out of his chair to the bed. 

"Where am I?" Came a groggy reply. "What happened?"

"Well, I-" Ryeowook paused, looking helplessly at the others.

Zhoumi scooted over to the bed without unsettling their two surviving babies. "We are still at the hospital."

Donghae looked around, obviously confused. When he tried to sit up in the bed Zhoumi shook his head. "You shouldn't move too much yet."

Donghae looked down but couldn't see anything but his blankets and his hospital gown. "Why- what happened?"

"There's never an easy way to say this." Dr. Brooks said softly, coming to stand by the bedside. "You suffered a misscarriage, and I am very sorry, but we were not able to save the babies."

"What?" Donghae looked around, desperate for a different explaination but everyone else was painfully quiet, their eyes full of symapthy. "I don't understand... Did this happen because I tried to hide it- I mean that I was pregnant?"

Dr. Brooks shook his head and laid a hand on Donghae's shoulder. "No. There was nothing you could have done differently. Because you were attacked."


"Yesterday the police captured a man who admitted to drugging you. He meant to attack the rest of our members too, but he got scared and ran off after you had such a violent reaction to the shot he gave you."

"Shot?" Donghae frowned, and then he looked at his arm that had itched uncontrollably after he bumped into a stranger in the hallway. But within ten minutes, he'd collapsed to the floor and been taken into the emergency room...

"Yes," The doctor replied. "He wanted to make it look as if Alison Davis' reasearch was flawed and unsafe. Your body had an especially violent reaction to the shot because as a man, being pregnant isn't natural. We were able to stablize you but had anyone else been injected as well, we probably would not have been so lucky. I'm sorry about the babies. I know that isn't what you want to hear but I'm very glad that you pulled through."

Donghae took a shakey breath and then another before he started to cry. 

"Do you have any questions for me?"

Donghae shook his head without looking up.

"Alright then, I'll be back in a little while."

Sungmin wondered if there was anything he could say to make his friend feel better, but he doubted it. If he was in that position he would probably just want to be alone and cry for a while.

Zhoumi wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "I'm so sorry, baby. We all are."


Donghae still cried a lot, hugging his surviving two babies and murmurring to them quietly but he still hadn't said much to anyone else since yesterday. So Sungmin and the others were steadily getting more worried about him. 

Even though Sungmin was happy when the nurses finally told him he could get out of bed and go down to the gym for a while, he was still reluctant to leave Donghae. 

Kangin and most of the others were making another appearance on TV so the hospital was quiet. Sungmin scarcely noticed the camera crew that followed him. But the uniformed policeman followed him to the gym and waited just outside the door seemed ominous.

Ryeowook promised to call him if anything happened with Donghae so he went for a long walk on the tredmill. While he was there, he got a text from Heechul. 

"When are we going to finish planning your wedding?" Sungmin rolled his eyes and put his phone back in his pocket.

It would be wonderful if Heechul had one of his babies so he would have something to do besides pester him about the wedding... 

They had tried to keep it quiet but by now all of the News stations around the world were aware that he and Kangin were not only engaged they were actually getting married. So the rumors about it went from cute and amusing to downright embarrassing. 

One South American TV station had reported that Sungmin's wedding dress would be designed by Vera Wang. And a Japanese radio station reported that the ceremony would take place on Liberty Island at the base of the Statue of Liberty.

The nurse who had brought him the food from Burger King the other day knocked politely at the door to the gym. "Hey there? Time's up for right now, but you can come back down tonight, okay?"

Sungmin nodded and shut off the tredmill. "Okay, is everything okay up there?"

she grinned and nodded. "Heechul's been really vocal about his contractions starting, but yeah. Everything else is pretty quiet."

"And Donghae is okay?"

She frowned. "He refused his lunch tray actually. I was just on my way to the kitchen to see if I could find something else."

"Would it be too much trouble for you to find some spicy beef take out? He might take anything you can find if he can have that too."

She smiled and nodded. "I'll do my best!"

When he got back to his room, Sungmin took a shower and then had lunch. Which turned out to be very tasty actually. It was roasted chicken and green beans with mashed potatoes and gravy. He was just dozing off holding the two baby raccoons when Kangin walked in. 

"Hey," Sungmin smiled. Kangin kissed his forehead and took the boy raccoon out of his arms and sat down in the chair next to him. 

"Hi. Well, have you decided yet?"

"Naming babies is harder than I imagined it would be..." Sungmin sighed. The little female raccoon in his arms wrapped her long tail more tightly around her belly and cooed sweetly without opening her eyes.

Kangin smiled, "They sound almost musical when they make that noise."

"Yeah." He smiled, the baby's silky pink fur. She cooed again, nuzzling more into the crook of his arms. "How about Melody for her?"

He blushed when he saw Kangin's amused expression, but his hyung just shrugged. "Okay. But what about him?"

Sungmin sighed again. "I don't know. Doesn't it seem like his fur is getting darker?"

"A little maybe. Would you be dissappointed if he loses his pink color for a jet black?"

Sungmin shook his head. "No. But that could be a cool name for a boy."

"What could?"


Kangin considered it for a moment and then nodded. "Melody and Jet it is then."

"So what are you guys doing today?"

"We have another appearance on TV to get ready for but that isn't taping until 7. Some of the other members went out to lunch and shopping but I wanted to see you."

Sungmin smirked. "Right. And the fact that we have a bed and a few hours to ourselves has nothing to do with that?"

Kangin's expression was mischievous. "Maybe- but not in front of the kids."

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Chapter 9: This is the most hilarious story I've ever read. But wait, how come the babies are mostly animals when the fathers are humans... duck and cat, duck and hamster, bunny and raccoon, full bunny, bunny and turtle, fish and butterfly
Such a shame it isn't finished.
LadyValtaya #2
Thanks, SryL1eEjK5d2!! I have been working on this one for a long time, and I still love it. The characters make me happy and about the babies- no they won't have shorter lifespans although they are going to grow fast. They are pretty much literally magical combinations of different animals (and still being part human), so their intelligence and lifespan will be human. Though their forms will be animal in appearance. Hope you like the next chapter as well!!
I love it ♥
yewook are such a sweet couple~
And kangmin aww~ i love these two :3
But if the babies are half animal, will them life expectancy be as short as animals ?
Anyway, I really love your story ^^
Hope you will update soon ;) (and put a lot of yewook XD )
And thanks for writing it, you really made my day :D