Discovery Channel Special?

The Day The Music... Multiplied

Heechul finished his sandwich and pushed away his lunch tray. This was going to be fun, he thought as he looked at Donghae who was just poking at his food. “So, when are you going to just admit it?”

Donghae scowled at him, but Heechul only grinned even more because the younger man was also blushing slightly. “Admit what?”

“That you’re pregnant too,” Heechul said.

Rather than argue, Donghae suddenly looked down.

“What?” From his bed across the room Ryeowook dropped his fork in surprise. It clattered to the tray where he left it. “You’re pregnant too, hyung? Why didn’t you say something? Tanya, Dr. Brooks and all the nurses are so nice here!”

“Do you really think you might be pregnant,” Kangin asked, but Donghae just got up and left the table so he turned to Eunhyuk. “You should probably go get your boyfriend.”

“Shut up, hyung. It’s not his!” Donghae snapped from the hallway.

Shindong laughed, “Yeah right.”

Sungmin noticed that Zhoumi also left the table and walked outside the room but he didn’t say anything about it. “Wait. How did you know, Heechul-hyung?”

“He’s got the on again off again apatite, an expanding waistline and the baggy clothes to hide it? Seemed logical to me,” Heechul was practically purring with mischief. “You were the one who knew before.”

Sungmin scowled. “I’ve been distracted, okay?”

“Hey guys!” Henry knocked on the door and was followed inside by one of the nurses with a wheeled basinet. “It’s a boy!”

Those who could crowded around to see the new arrival, wrapped in a blue blanket. It looked like a cuddly cotton ball of a hamster- but it had wings! It woke up and looked at them tiredly; the large eyes were a deep, bright blue. Its fur was white and looked very soft. The wings were covered in tiny white feathers and as the basinet was wheeled closer to Sungmin’s bed, the baby tried to unfurl them to steady its body on his short legs. 

“Tanya says he will probably be able to fly when he is older,” Henry said proudly.

“He’s beautiful, Mochi,” Sungmin said, smiling.

“Thanks, hyung.”

“Hey!” Zhoumi called poking his head into the room. “Nurse, can you go find Dr. Brooks, please?”

“Certainly,” the woman nodded. “But what should I tell him is wrong?”

“That Donghae’s been pregnant all this time too.” Heechul grinned evilly. 

The woman gasped and looked at Henry. “I’ll be back for him in just a few minutes, okay?”

Henry nodded and Sungmin smiled. “It is exciting, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. Have you thought of a name for yours yet?”

“Rose,” Sungmin answered, thinking of the bunny’s soft pink fur. Only a day old the little creature had already doubled in weight. This morning the nurses had told him that she topped 9 ounces. 

“What do you suppose Donghae’s babies are going to look like?” Kibum asked.

“Goldfish,” Heechul cackled. Then he paused, “Oh no! What if my kittens try eating them?”

Sungmin frowned. “I hope he doesn’t hear you say that. Besides, I read somewhere that the bright colors of a goldfish are a sign to most predators that they don’t taste good.”

“Why do you suppose Donghae didn’t tell us?”

“Maybe he didn’t want to think about Heechul’s kittens eating the babies?” Eunhyuk suggested.

“Are you sure you aren’t the father?” Kangin asked.

Heechul snorted. “His boyfriend is out there with him, genius.”

“But everyone is in…” Kangin stopped abruptly and his eyes widened, “Wait- hyung, you mean Zhoumi?”

Heechul only laughed, but Henry shrugged. “They’ve been on and off for a while now.”

“So much for the Hae always tops argument,” Kangin grinned. 

Sungmin shushed him. “You don’t need to make this harder on him.”

Kangin scowled, “He’s given you plenty of rough times about-”

Sungmin shook his head. “We are a team and right now he needs everyone’s support.”

Heechul pouted but nodded grudgingly as Zhoumi came back into the room looking very worried. 

“Hey,” Ryeowook said reaching out to him from his bed. “Everything will be fine, you’ll see.”

“Why couldn’t he just say something?” Zhoumi took his hand with a grateful smile.

Kibum snorted. “Because then he wouldn’t be our Donghae.”

They all laughed at that.

“Hyung,” Sungmin stared at the rest of his lunch tray and sighed, pushing it and the bedside stand away. He whined at Kangin. “I’m tired of being in bed.”

“The doctor said that you and Ryeowook get to move around tomorrow.”

Sungmin pouted. “Yes, but I’m bored now!”

Kangin smiled and kissed his forehead. “Too bad, we still have three other babies to take care of.”

“Go get me a cheeseburger and some French fries then.”

Kangin shook his head. “You need to eat things that are good for you.”

Sungmin scowled at him. “When this is all over, I hope you don’t plan on getting lucky…”

Everyone laughed but their manager said it wasn’t long before the others would be taken back to their hotel for the night.

“Hey everyone!” Leeteuk called as two of the nurses wheeled another bed into the room. It was crowded now but Sungmin was still glad to see that the other was alright. Henry put their little white baby hamster and its blanket in their leader’s arms.

“So pretty!” Leeteuk cooed. 

“Alright,” their manager said. “It is time to go. The company wants to accept the invitation to have you guys appear on some TV shows while we are here and the first one films tomorrow. So everyone is going to bed early because we need to be at the studio at 4:00 AM.”

Kangin didn’t want to but he got up to leave with the others and Sungmin caught his hand. “Wait!”

Kangin let Sungmin wrap his arms around his neck and kissed him. Long and sweet, the passionate kiss was too short for Sungmin’s liking. Kangin smirked as Sungmin tried to pull him into bed with him. “I thought you were mad at me? Serranghaeo…”

Sungmin pouted cutely, which made Kangin kiss him again. It was Shindong who finally dragged the two apart. 

“Good grief,” Shindong laughed nudging Kangin out the door. “I’d say get a room, but I think that’s how we got into this mess.” 

“Hey! Are you calling my fiancé a ?” Kangin demanded in mock anger.

Sungmin sighed, he still wanted to go with them but at least it would be quiet so that he could sleep around here. Their hotel was probably pure chaos as usual, like everywhere else that they went. 

Later that night, Sungmin was watching TV in his suite when he saw some footage of their New York press conference. He had almost forgotten about it and when he saw the part where he almost passed out from the pain, he wished it had never been aired. He scowled as he considered turning off the TV.

The female announcer said, “This was the scene at Super Junior’s first American Press Conference yesterday. This 12 member boy band from South Korea just told the world that 4 of its members are pregnant. So, my question to all of you, our viewers out there, is this… Are these boys really pregnant or is this an elaborate publicity stunt?”

Sungmin growled, cuddling with Rose as the tiny pink bunny slept nestled in her blanket.

The phone beside him rang and Sungmin leaned over to grab it without waking his daughter. “Hello?”

“Hey! Did you see that?” Ryeowook asked, “We’re on TV!”

“They want to know if people think it is a publicity stunt. That isn’t really what I’d call good exposure. Besides at home we are on TV all the time.”

“Wait- what channel are you watching? I’m on Channel 7!”

Sungmin flipped the station and found still another clip from their interview yesterday. 

“Like everyone else, I couldn’t believe that press conference when I saw it! But because of the heightened interest in the group from all over the world, SM Entertainment’s managers have agreed to let some of the Super Junior members appear on several American TV shows over the duration of their stay in our city. Their first appearance is scheduled to air tomorrow on Good Morning America, so it begins filming in just a few hours.” 

“Good thing we don’t have to go,” Sungmin sighed. Being on camera all of the time was stressful.

“Manager hyung said that the company is still working on the deal to make a special about us and the babies.”


“Sorry hyung, I thought you knew.”

“No, but why do they want to do that?”

“It is for the Discovery Channel.” Ryeowook told him. “I guess they want to film us before, during and after the babies are born. They want to make some sort of a documentary out of it.”

Sungmin sighed. “Well, why not. I guess no one has ever seen pink or turtle printed baby bunnies before.”

“Oh no!” One of the nurses cried, “Carrie! One of the babies got out again!”

“What was that?” Ryeowook asked him.

“Uh oh,” Sungmin chewed on his bottom lip. “I guess one of the babies got out again. I wonder if it is Teuki- hyung’s…”

“I don’t think so; Henry said his flight feathers are still growing.”

“Well, what did Hae have?”

“I don’t know. None of the staff has said much except that he is still recovering from the anesthethesia.”

“Ok, well good night then. The nurse is here to pick up Rose, and with our luck the camera crew will arrive early in the morning while we are sleeping.”

“Yeah, probably. Goodnight, hyung!”

“Goodnight, Wookie.”

“Say, did you guys find the missing baby yet?” Sungmin asked the nurse as she tucked Rose into the rolling basinet.

“Three of the others are looking for him. Your friend Donghae’s babies were born already knowing how to fly, so Tanya is ordering some mesh carriers to put them in, but until they arrive they will stay tough to keep track of. They are beautiful though, and it looks like he’s going to have another one later on too.”

Sungmin frowned, “They can fly?”

“Well, Tanya’s the expert and she says it looks more like they are swimming in the air. But, if you ask me they are flying. Anyway, are you having any pain right now?”

Sungmin shook his head. “Nope, I am just bored.”

“Well, I suppose so. I have a book of word finds in the nurse’s station. Would you like to try it?”

“No thank you. I better get some sleep,” He shook his head and tried to sink down into the blankets. He had a feeling tomorrow would be a long day and he had better get some sleep.

“Alright, sweet dreams then. Use your call light if you need anything.”

Sungmin nodded and she smiled as she turned off the light and left the room, taking Rose with her.

As it turned out, Sungmin was right; he awoke to the sounds of a film crew coming down the hall and it was still dark outside.

Their manager paused by the door of his room. “You guys are now famous and in huge demand here in the United States too. So, the company believes that the best way to deal with all of the media interest in this situation would be to bring in a production crew and make a documentary about it.”

Sungmin scowled, but nodded. He already felt like they had no life outside of their dorm back home. That was why visiting America a few times had been so interesting. Sure there were people with cameras at their appearances in this country too, but nothing like the frenzy that followed them all over Asia. “I need a shower before we do anything.”

Their manager gave a sympathetic nod. “Alright. I think there are still some details to work out with the medical staff here at the clinic anyway.”

Sungmin sighed as he turned his call light on.

He didn’t have to wait long before one of the nurses came in and smiled. “Good morning, do you need something?”

“Yeah,” Sungmin nodded. “I want to take a shower.”

“Alright, let’s get you up. Easy now, go slowly.” The woman smiled as she helped him to stand up. She held onto his arm and he winced as the stitches pulled tight across his belly. “Once you are finished in the bathroom would you like some pain medicine?”

Sungmin shrugged. “We’ll see.” 

His room had a shower stall in the attached bathroom but he wasn’t fond of it. The dial was sticky when switching from hot to cold water, resulting in water that was always either too hot or too cold to be comfortable.

“I’ll be right outside if you need anything else,” the nurse said, closing the bathroom door and the bedroom door beyond it as she left.

This time the temperature he settled on was a little warmer than he would’ve liked, but all the same he felt much better anyway. He put on a fresh hospital gown and put the call light back on.

The nurse smiled as she came back in. “Do you feel better?”

Sungmin grinned back. “Yes, thanks.” 

“You’re welcome. How about having some breakfast?”

He nodded as she covered him back up in the bed. “What did they send?”

“The hot tray is turkey sausage, cheese and scrambled eggs served on toast. We also have oatmeal or cold cereal. For sides we have fresh oranges, strawberry yogurt or bananas.”

“I’ll try the hot tray and an orange.”

“Ok, what would you like to drink?”

“Grape juice and some more ice water is fine.”

“Okay, I’ll be back soon!” 

Heechul came in a few minutes after the nurse left, but he lingered by the door, looking bored and a little bit lost. “Can you believe it- they are really going to try filming everything? What are we zoo animals now?”

Sungmin shuddered but didn’t want to think about the documentary. “Are you nervous, hyung? About the babies, I mean?”

“No!” Sungmin smiled at Heechul’s defiant tone. The elder blushed as he added. “I mean, I’m just bored. Siwon and the others are still filming for their appearances on TV. I guess we’re preparing too, but this probably won’t even be aired for six months.”

“Yeah. I don’t even like thinking about it, but we did tell everybody…”

Heechul snorted, “I can’t believe you started going into labor on stage.”

Sungmin scowled at him. “Not on purpose.”

The phone beside his bed rang and Heechul sighed as he started to leave. “You should stay.”

“But your phone-”

Sungmin smirked. “That’s probably just Wookie.”

Sungmin picked up the phone and heard a cute squeal from Ryeowook. “Hey! Turn on channel 10! They are on and they are going to sing for us!”

“Really?” Sungmin asked, suddenly feeling like a little kid. “Hyung, sit with me! The others are going to sing!”

Heechul frowned. “Without us?”

“Ryeonggu says they want to sing something for us.”

Heechul gave a small smile and then sat down beside him.

As the camera left the hosts of the program it centered on the rest of their group. The other members were sitting on stools and holding microphones. “Hello, America, we are Super Junior.” Kangin said, in English. They each introduced themselves and Henry and Zhoumi introduced themselves as members of the sub group Super Junior M. Kangin nodded and grinned, saying that it made them a necessary part of the Super Junior family.

The others agreed and Siwon added, “This is the first time that most of us will be singing in English for an audience. But the other members of our group are only able to be with us in spirit right now. So we have decided to sing My Heart Will Go On, from the soundtrack of Titanic, for them.”

The soft, sweet sounds of the music were matched only by the voices of their band mates. The members- and even Shindong and Kibum each took turns singing a line, but they all harmonized the choruses together. He was so proud of them and excited, because he was sure that no one who was watching this would ever forget how good they sounded together.

Sungmin didn’t realize that he had started to cry until Heechul squeezed his hand gently as Yesung sang the last of the song. He was embarrassed- until he saw that Heechul’s eyes were watering too.

“You started it,” Heechul said in mock indignation, but Sungmin didn’t say anything because the hosts of the program brought the other members of Super Junior into the seating area of the studio to join them. They sat down amid cheers from the audience. 

“That was really beautiful.” The female host said. “I’m sure that you have all just won over a lot of new fans today- and yet you said that was the first time you’ve performed a song in English?”

“In our concerts and on some TV appearances in the past, a few of our members have performed in English individually. But we have never done so as a group before.” Kibum said.

“I see, well,” the other host smiled. “As you just heard, I really think you all did an amazing job too! Now, we have heard that your group is very popular all over Asia but most people here in America are totally unfamiliar with who you guys are. So, is there anything you would like to say to your many fans back home?”

“Please don’t forget us!” Kangin said and everyone laughed.

The female host spoke again. “And, how did you feel when you first heard that some of the other members of your group were pregnant?”

“Well, we were shocked,” Siwon said cautiously, “I think anyone would be. But at the same time, I think it is a miracle.”

“You do?” The male host asked.

Kangin nodded. “Honestly, I wouldn’t have chosen it. But now that it has happened I think it is important, because it means we get to be the people we really are.”

“Are you referring to the fact that the company you work for has repeatedly said in various press releases that all the members of your group are straight?”

Kibum nodded. “Yes. Shindong is the only one who is straight. And a few of our members are bi but most of us are gay.”

“If you don’t mind my asking, are any of you are in serious relationships right now?”

“Sungmin can’t be here, but the two of us are engaged,” Kangin nodded. 

“Congratulations!” The woman said smiling. “Anyone else?”

A few of them blushed and squirmed uncomfortably but no one else volunteered to say anything. 

“I’m sorry,” The woman smiled. “I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that, I apologize. But as you know, the whole world is curious as to how the other members of your group came to be pregnant.”

“We don’t really understand the specifics of it either,” Kibum said. “But we have always been really close, so we are here to face it together.”

“Very noble sentiment, but what do you say to your critics who say that this is all one big publicity stunt?” The male host asked.

“We know that everyone is very surprised and shocked- even our own families. But it is really happening. We decided to allow the filming of a documentary about the babies for that very reason.” Siwon said. “When the babies are all born we will be able to bring them with us on appearances as well. But, for right now, the other members must stay where they are, to protect their health and that of the little ones.”

“How long do we have to wait until the babies are born?”

“A few already are,” Kibum said. “Sungmin-hyung had to be rushed back to the clinic yesterday during our first press conference here because he was in labor.”

Kangin nodded. “Our daughter, named Rose was born safely last night, but Sungmin is still pregnant with three more.”

The woman frowned, “How is that possible?”

“Rabbits have very short gestation periods.” 

“Wait- your daughter is a rabbit?”

Kangin nodded proudly, “Yep, a pink one.”

The two hosts looked at each other, puzzled. “How is that possible?”

Kangin shrugged, “Sungmin’s favorite color has always been pink and he is sometimes called a bunny- made sense to me…” 

“But shouldn’t the babies be human?” 

“No. Doctor Brooks told us that it is actually very lucky that they are not human,” Kibum said. “They are men. There is not enough room for human infants to grow inside them- at least not where they are developing. Their mothers could die if the babies weren’t so tiny.”

Sungmin stared at Heechul; he couldn’t hide his surprise, “When did he say that?”

“Don’t you remember? Dr. Brooks warned us the day we first came here that being pregnant was very dangerous for us.” Heechul squeezed his hand gently. “You were still recovering from your surgery when he explained what he’d meant. We were all shocked that the babies weren’t human but we were so glad that you were okay that it didn’t seem to matter anymore.”

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Chapter 9: This is the most hilarious story I've ever read. But wait, how come the babies are mostly animals when the fathers are humans... duck and cat, duck and hamster, bunny and raccoon, full bunny, bunny and turtle, fish and butterfly
Such a shame it isn't finished.
LadyValtaya #2
Thanks, SryL1eEjK5d2!! I have been working on this one for a long time, and I still love it. The characters make me happy and about the babies- no they won't have shorter lifespans although they are going to grow fast. They are pretty much literally magical combinations of different animals (and still being part human), so their intelligence and lifespan will be human. Though their forms will be animal in appearance. Hope you like the next chapter as well!!
I love it ♥
yewook are such a sweet couple~
And kangmin aww~ i love these two :3
But if the babies are half animal, will them life expectancy be as short as animals ?
Anyway, I really love your story ^^
Hope you will update soon ;) (and put a lot of yewook XD )
And thanks for writing it, you really made my day :D