
Why I Hate You.

"I really really really love him.. Go Oppa! Go Oppa! Go Oppa! Donghae oppa! Donghae! Look this way!"

Jessica sighed and looked at the field. She is now watching a practice game of this school's soccer team. She eyed specially the guy wearing the number 15 jersey.

The guy looked up to meet her eyes and smiled.

"AHH! Seriously! He looks at me! He looks at me! He is smiling oh mygad! I want to die! Someone help me, I need oxygen!"

Jessica rolled her eyes then turned to look at the girl, who since the start of the game is screaming her heart out. "Didn’t you see? Donghae looked at me, he smiled at me.  Not at you." she then heard a collective gasps beside them.

"Hey, who do you think you are?" the girl looked at her from head to toe. "You don't even study here."

"Right, I don't even study here, but look at your oppa right there, he looks only at me." she said pointing at Donghae who is now seated at a bench watching their scene.

She wasted no time waiting for the girls answer and picked up her bag then walked to where he is seated.

"Oh! Jessica! Welcome back!" he excitedly said extending his arms to her for a hug.

"Whatever Donghae." she rolled her eyes at him. "Here, this is from your mom, then this one is from my mom, they want you to know they miss you and they said take care." she said handing him some paper bags.

"That's all, I gotta go."

She's so pissed off right now, she's blaming their mothers why she is here. They can actually send him those without her giving it to him personally but they prefer this. Of course, they won't forget to do something to match their kids.

"Hey wait up." he grabbed her arms and pulled her to him to the point that they look like they're hugging.

"I missed you." he whispered to her hair.

She then looked up to him and said. "Well, I don't"


"What did he tell you dear?" Jessica, for the nth time sighed as her mother asked her about her meeting with Donghae. Now, she's with her best friend, they probably have her on speaker.

"Mom, I already told you thousands of times!" she whined.

"But haven't heard it from you dear." her mom's best friend said.

"Ok. He said he missed me. That's all." but before she could even finish her sentence the two mothers are already screaming like a bunch of fantards.

She's hearing them say "Congratulations to us!" and "I told you!" in between their screams. And even "I bet they'll have beautiful kids."

She can't help but sigh. Again.


"Hey, what are you doing here?" Donghae is beyond surprised to see her in their school's gate. She looks like she's waiting for someone.

"Babo! I was waiting for you! Didn't you receive my text?" she's sending him a deathly glare.

He hurriedly checks his phone. "Oh, this is you?" he asked grinning.

"Yes why?"

"You missed me too huh." he said walking near her. He put his arm around her shoulder. "I missed you more." he said.

Jessica on the other hand is fuming in anger. It's her mom who texted him. They asked her to bring him some food. She hates cooking so she even bothered ordering foods at a restaurant for him.

"Is this for me?" he asked noticing the lunch box she is holding.

"Yes. This is for your lunch, the other one, eat this before your soccer practice. I'll go now." she's about to leave when she heard him say "we look like a married couple."

She glared at him. "That will never happen."

"Wait" Donghae stopped her from walking out again.

"Why are you like this? You know whatever happens, I will be your husband." he emphasized every word. He just can't control the anger seething through his veins.

"We have choices; we can choose not to get married to each other. and I know very well that you hate me as much as I hate you."

"I never said I hate you!" he shouted out of frustration, earning glances from the other students.

"I can't believe you forgot.  Oh well, you actually did, and I will never forget that. Goodbye"


They are like that for almost a month now, Jessica waiting at the school gates to give him his lunch, and Donghae saying he misses her every time, though they never talked about "them" anymore.

"I missed you." he said as he took the bags from her hand.

"Donghae stop. Please." she said not saying anything more.

"What. I missed you. The Jessica I used to play with." He said nonchalantly.

"Seriously, you never played with me. Never. This will be your last lunch from me, eat well." she said bowing to him.

But before she could turn her back, his lips is already on hers.

"Why are you doing this to me Jessica?" he asks against her lips.

She pushes him away from her. "Stop! OK! Stop! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you so much! I want to punch you! I hate you!"


"Mom, I don't want to be here anymore. I want to come back home." she cried as she talked to her mom on the phone.

"Dear.. We know what happened. Donghae forgot about that already. You have to forgive him, he was just a kid that time."

"I was also a kid that time! But he broke my heart, mom. He forgot that he broke my heart."

"Hush now Jessica, I'm not there to hug you."

"That's why you should let me come back to there, in America." she wiped the tears on her cheeks.

"Not a chance Jessica Jung."

"Oh my God mommy! Why are you like this?" she sighed. "Ok, how about give me one more month, I'll stay here for a month more, then I'll go back there. Ok? Bye." she didn't let her mom say anything.

She touched her lips, the lips that Donghae kissed earlier. I should've kissed him back. She thought while giggling. It's her first kiss; it did not turn out what she imagined it to be but at least it's with the person she's hoping to share her first kiss with. Oh how she still feel his lips brushing against her and all the tingling sensations she felt that moment. She can't help but let out another squeal. Tonight she let her guards down and she let herself feel all the feelings she tried so hard to hide. Tonight, she is just Jessica. Jessica who loves Donghae.


After a week, Jessica was forced by her mom to say sorry to Donghae. She wants to, since day one, but she doesn’t want him to reject her feelings again. People might think it is non-sense since they were so young that time, but she can still remember how her heart hurts upon hearing that phrase from him.

Still, she tried to be nice to him after that. It's a surprise that they get along pretty well that anyone who saw them will gush on how cute they look together. She was really happy hearing those from others, but he doesn't seem to like it at all. It hurts her ego, more than anything else.

It's like whenever he's getting comfortable with the idea of them, something will happen to have his walls back up. And she hates it.

She sighs as she walks to his school's field. He is probably playing soccer right now, she thinks.

Much to her disappointment, he's not playing right now but more likely flirting with a really pretty girl. That girl's hair is flowing as the wind blows. Donghae tucks some of her hair behind her ears then whispered something that's enough to make her giggle.

Jessica feels a familiar tug in heart. As much as she wants to ignore it, boy, it hurts to the point of her tears are prompting to fall.

She thought that the reason of his behavior is that he finally realizes that he likes her. She hopefully thought. Though, part of her is glad that she did not put her hope sky high this time or it will hurt like hell.

She had her heart broken twice by the same guy, and she's stupid if it happens the third time. Thinking what she's going through right now, then maybe she's at the level of major stupidity. How smart of her.

Her train of thoughts were disrupted by the sound of shrieking. She doesn't need to look up to figure out whom that sound is coming from, of course it's from that b/tch. And now a new word to add to her dictionary. She shakes her head while grinning at the thought. She probably looks like crazy right now, crying then grinning. But that is what Donghae makes her, crazy. She's hot then cold, she pushes then pulls, that is only for him.

She's not a masochist to start with, so she did not dare spend another minute watching their little scene from afar. This will be the last time he'll have her heart broken.


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Part 2 updated :]


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zicky_yun #1
Chapter 3: Omg is beutiful ,thank you
njemus #2
Chapter 2: Update soon please..
sica90 #3
Chapter 2: update soon
Chapter 2: This is DAEBAK !!! <333 Update soon ~ Loving your story now <3
Chapter 2: So exiting!!!!
Chapter 2: Daebak update soon
cae_Siwon #7
Chapter 2: "I really want to kiss you right now but.." Omo, omo, omo >///<
Uhg, cant wait! ^^
This plot seems simple, but I love~ it
Fighting, author-nim!! d(^o^)b
Chapter 1: Update soon :'((((((
IlOvEyOu121 #9
Are you sure you didn't forget to unhide the chapter ???
sica90 #10
Chapter 1: please update soon