The (Fake) Girlfriend Escapade - Part 2

To Steal His Heart

Hehehe. So this is part 2 >.< Aish. I'm really tired right now, and I think I rushed this chapter because I had so many ideas for it, but I didn't want to make it too long >.< Hahaha. There's a surprise at the ending, but it only ends in disappointment >.< Sorry! That's the type of teasing writer I am >.< Thanks for reading!~ By the way, I'm so happy I met my goal of 30 subs. It's the first time I've done it on one of my stories, so I'd like to thank everyone who subscribed >.< It means a lot to me. My next (nearly impossible for me, but I'd be really shocked if I met it) goal is 50 subs >.< Wish me luck!

It took him over an hour to find Nana hunched over behind a bush, strands of grass silently. At this point, he didn't even care that they were taking long and that his parents might be worrying over where they were, he just felt relieved that he found her at all. If she hadn't decided to go into hiding and just continued running, then she would've been long gone by now. She was a very fast runner, and he was almost afraid that he lost her, but here she was, sitting behind a bush...humming. 
He knelt down beside her, and held out a towel, in front of your face. 
"Dry yourself." He ordered pretending to be indifferent to the situation as if he didn't just go searching for her for the past hour. She sat, blinking at the cloth for a few seconds before stumbling backwards. 
"Ah! When did you get here?" She cried, holding her hand to her chest since her heart was beating so fast from the run and being startled like that. She pulled a leaf from her hair and picked herself off the ground, dusting her skirt off. 
"Just now." Kyuhyun answered, "Now take this." She hesitantly took the towel from his hand, and proceeded to dry her drenched hair. 
"You seem...better now, so we should head back." Nana stopped in her actions, and blinked up at him. 
"Yeah. About that, I really don't want to." She nodded, casually, ignoring the fact that his eyes widened and he was now gaping at her rebellious attitude. She shrugged, and her fingers through her damp hair. She stared down at her soaked pink dress, and sighed. This wasn't going to dry anytime soon. "Can I go home yet?" 
"Not until JaeHwa goes away." He answered, snatching the towel from her grasp. She pouted at his grouchiness and he continued to dab at her wet hair trying to make her look presentable again."What do you mean 'I don't want to'? You promised you would-" 
"Yeah. I promised I would carry this out before I knew that JaeHwa was a scary obsessed girl who was going to dump a glass of water over my head." Nana replied, turning to face him. "Kyuhyun-ah-" 
"As long as we're still playing pretend, it's 'oppa'." He smirked. She pouted and sarcastically started again. 
"Fine, oppa. Anyway, you said you'd protect me!" She whined. 
"How was I supposed to know she was going to do that? I couldn't stop it." He shrugged. "I'll try harder next time, so just go along with it." He let his hands fall to his side, and inspected her hair, deciding that it was dry enough for now. 
"But I don't want to!" Nana whined, like a little kid throwing a fit. "JaeHwa scares me! Her psycho obsession with you is going to get me killed! Besides, I don't understand what she sees in you." 
"Don't push it, Nana." He warned. He snatched her hand, and proceeded to drag her back into the house despite her protests and kicking. She finally shut up, once they were inside. Her cheeks flushed at the sudden attention from the five sitting on a couch. They were previously chatting away, but stopped as the two entered. She could feel JaeHwa's gaze on her and watched the girl sneer. Nana's gaze met the ground, and she slapped Kyuhyun's hand away. 
"Oh dear. How did you get wet?" Kyuhyun's umma exclaimed, rushing over to Nana. Nana shrunk back, and glanced up at Kyuhyun expectantly. 
"We went on a walk, and she fell into a puddle." He lied. His umma nodded slowly, and directed the two of them to the lunging area where the rest of them sat. She seated them both next to each other. Nana pouted and scooted a bit further away, as she didn't really like the closeness. It just felt strange and awkward, especially since she could never imagine herself really being with Kyuhyun. That just wouldn't work out. 
"We were just reminiscing about our high school days." Kyuhyun's umma continued, "You see, we all used to go to the same high school. That was how we met each other." Nana fidgeted awkwardly, resting her hands in her lap. She was half afraid that she'd fall asleep in the middle of their story or something, since that's the way she was. She never was good at listening to long explanations or stories. They just made her sleepy. She tried her best to look interested, although she really wasn't. 
She squirmed a bit in her seat as she noticed that Kyuhyun's umma's eyes were focused on her as she spoke, like she was seriously directing the conversation to her. 
"My husband and I met in high school, although we really didn't like each other at that time. I thought he was a very mean person, so we kind of had a whole love/hate relationship going. Our friends used to say that we bickered like an old married couple." The woman laughed happily. Nana's gaze flickered around the room until it landed on Kyuhyun, and she sunk back into her seat. Where was this whole conversation going? She felt her cheeks heat up at the slightly familiar situation. They reddened further when Kyuhyun's gaze landed on her and he smirked. "In our last year of high school, a friend forced us together and made us try dating. We didn't think we'd actually like it." They laughed with each other as if it were all some inside joke between the four adults, that you'd have to be in on to know. 
If she didn't feel awkward enough before, Nana felt as though she were suffocating now. Being here like this was all too strange. It felt like something out of the ordinary, like she didn't belong. Technically, she didn't. After all, this was all just fake. She wasn't actually Kyuhyun's girlfriend, and she never would be. Still, she couldn't help but feel slightly irked by the story. Just because they had a similar relationship and argued on a daily basis, didn't mean that they would turn out the same. No way. 
She sat there like a piece of furniture, silently thinking for the rest of the night, until JaeHwa and her parents were prepared to leave. She was having an internal battle with her own thoughts, and hardly even noticed that it was time to go until Kyuhyun nudged her. Without saying a word, he dragged her outside to see JaeHwa off, out of courtesy. JaeHwa's parents had already begun piling into their car, when JaeHwa stepped out and approached the two. 
"I'll be right there!" She called back, before facing Nana with a sneer, "Just so you both know, I refuse to accept this. You don't even look like a real couple!" 
"We don't? That's great!" Nana exclaimed in relief. Kyuhyun stepped on her foot to stop her from saying another word, and she pouted. 
"We don't? Why not?" JaeHwa sighed at the question. 
"It's so unnatural. Anyone would be able to tell that you're faking it." Nana grinned, staring up at a nervous Kyuhyun. He looked extremely uncomfortable, and she could understand why. At least she was no longer stuck in this situation. What Kyuhyun wanted to do with JaeHwa now was up to him because Nana's time to play pretend was up. Now all she had left to do was to consume two pieces of delicious cake; the first thing out of this all that she was actually looking forward to. 
"We're not unnatural, and we're not faking it." Kyuhyun insisted, tugging Nana's hand and pulling her back to him, as she tried to silently sneak away. JaeHwa rested her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow at them. 
"Oh yeah? Then prove it. If you prove that you're really in love, then I'll back off." 
"Are you kidding me? Kyuhyun, I really have to go, so-" 
"Wait." He pleaded, pulling her back as she tried to escape once again. Nana pouted, attempting to ignore the fact that her legs were trembling just a bit. He was really going to do anything, was he? "Just trust me, Nana. Okay?"  
She gulped, and tried to struggle out an "okay" but she was too nervous to make any noise. Instead, she just nodded. Her hands shook and her legs trembled.  
She could feel herself shake, as he took a few steps closer towards her. She felt like running all of a sudden and ditching him, but she was frozen in her spot. Her eyes darted everywhere; from JaeHwa to Kyuhyun to the ground. She finally forced herself to close them, and she desperately tried to calm herself down, although it was difficult with all the trembling and flushing of her face. Her heart beat wildly in her chest, and she wondered if she would have a heart attack or something from being this nervous. Just trust Kyuhyun. Just trust him. She felt something soft press against her lips. In shock, her eyes fluttered open. It was only two seconds long, and then he pulled away, grinning towards JaeHwa. 
"See?" JaeHwa shrieked something incomprehensible, and stomped her foot into the ground, hard. 
"Cho Kyuhyun, you will regret doing this to me. You'll regret losing me like this." She growled before stomping off towards the car, still engrossed in her own hissy fit. 
"Sure, I will." He spat sarcastically, before turning back to a frozen Nana. Her whole face was bright red and she was still shaking slightly. He waved a hand in front of her face, and she blinked a few times like she'd been woken up from a trance. 
"You! You just-" Nana began before cutting her sentence short, and cupping her hand over , tracing her fingers over her lips. What just happened? 
"I didn't really. I just made it look like I did. I put my thumb in between, so we didn't really kiss." He explained, shrugging. She immediately stopped trembling, and could finally feel herself breathe again. So it was all...fake. 
"Ah...for a second there I actually thought you kissed me. I got really scared, and I didn't know what to do, but at least I'll never have to see JaeHwa again. Oh! And you owe me cake! Yay!" Nana rambled, "I have to go now. Bye!" She then proceeded to dart off before he could say another word. Her heart was still beating ferociously in her chest and she couldn't make it stop. She wanted to, but she couldn't. What was wrong with her?

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YouDunnoMe #1
Nice fanfic !! Fighting!
ssweetdreamer101 #2
Chapter 53: Please do authornim
shiningstarr #3
Chapter 53: Hi! You're back!! Yes please continue your story! ^^
Chapter 53:'re back!? Lol don't worry, just write your new writing style (I've done that before) and if you do continue...I promise this will be the only Kyu story I will read after so many (not really) years XD! My heart has changed for this man durin your absence, but since this story was so great that I still vividly remember some scene, I will continue ^^
This girl. I swear. I'm going to have her head.
She toys with Siwon and even though she doesn't mean to, she just hurt him and gave him false hope.
Ugh, he was all prepared for a breakup and bam, you come and tell him hyou had fun.
please update
What the ehck is Kyuhyun DOING?
shouldnt he be making things right?
hje's just making matters worse for him
m,cvn m,fndx
I can't wait for you to update
that double date is killer
Kyu so made Nana jealous
and now they both know of their feelings
about time
AWWW YEAH, i can't wait to read this one :3
hehehe, i haven't read in so long! chapter 51 made me happy, since Kyuhyun ignored that brat ^-^
i'll patiently wait for the next time you update :3
AWWWWWWWW, working hard iimoto!
I miss you so much.
We hardly talk anymore.
I just hope you have time again some time!
I have no room to talk though >.>
I can't figure her out
first she's alll ike I hate Nana and now she tells her that Kyu likes her
change of heart?
this is so good