The Invisible Restraining Order

To Steal His Heart

I just wanted to thank all my loyal readers for being...well, loyal readers >.< Ah! I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to write more than achapter a day although I've been meaning to save up an extra one just in case I'm not able to update >.< Maybe I'll be able to write more tomorrow >.< Anyway, thanks for reading ^.^ I hope you like the chapter although I'm stuck in a bit of writer's block >.< - Mizuki

"You really are amazing, Nana." Nana's head snapped up. Her heart skipped a beat as the sweet voice reached her ears, making her feel extremely relaxed and pleased. She ignored the fact that her cheeks, once again, grew a pinkish-reddish color, accepting that this was just a normal reaction from hearing that voice. After all, she liked Siwon. Everything about him made her cheeks flush and her heart beat. It's because he was who he was, that she always felt like this when she was around. 
"Thank you." She replied, wiping the remaining sweat from her forehead with her towel. Her feet shuffled nervously, and she suddenly wished he'd have come a few minutes later so that she could have time to change. 
"I'm sure if you keep it up, you'll definitely win the game this weekend." She nodded and smiled happily at the compliment, feeling a bit giddy. Choi Siwon was complimenting her. Could this get any better? 
"Oh right!" She exclaimed. She reached in her bag, and pulled out a packet of papers full of practice problems. "This is what you're here for, right?" He nodded and smiled sweetly at her, making her feel as though she were going to melt. 
"Well, that and I wanted to talk to you, too." Her heart felt as if it were going to burst at his words. He likes talking to her? She fanned herself, and thought about how disappointed she'd be if she woke up and found out that this is all a dream. But it's not, right? She's not dreaming. Are they friends then? 
"I think I've been getting a lot better!" Nana beamed, "I think I'm finally getting the hang of this. You're a really good teacher, Siwon oppa. Thank you so much!" She jumped up and down happily, feeling as though she was re-energized just by seeing Siwon's smile. Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around his waist, and pulled his into a tight hug. Her face went red as she realized what she had just done, and she released him as quickly as she pulled him into the hug. 
"Sorry." She mumbled, a red blush evident on her flushed cheeks. She expected him to be angry, but instead he just smiled at her, causing her heart to flutter. 
"It's fine." He smiled. He glanced behind his shoulder, the smile dropping. "but I think I should go now." She was about to open to question him, but glanced behind him to find a fuming Kyuhyun. Siwon spared her a small smile, before leaving. Nana wanted to protest. She wanted him to stay so she could talk to him longer, but was silenced by the tension in the air and the cold glare sent to her by Kyuhyun. 

Exactly 3 days and 3 hours. That was he amount of time it took Kyuhyun to decide that staying mad at Kim Nana was useless. Not only was it extremely difficult to maintain any form of anger towards her because she was so dense, but it was just no use. It wasn't as though she'd even notice he were angry with her in the first place. She hadn't even known that she'd done anything wrong. It was just too difficult to stay mad at a person like her. Besides, as much as he hated to admit it and would never say it aloud, he missed her in those 3 days. 
He missed her pouts when she was upset, her goofy grins, and her energy. A life without Nana was kind of boring, which worried him slightly. What would he ever do if he moved on to a university or something, and never saw her again. She obviously was too dumb to get anywhere further than high school. She'd probably drop out after senior year and get a part time job. 
Kyuhyun had decided that it was about time he tried talking with her again. So what if she wanted to focus all her attention on some senior she hadn't even held a single conversation with before? She was halfway blind. She obviously didn't like him. There was a huge difference between admiring and liking someone. You have to know a person to like them, and she hadn't even talked to him once. All Nana could do was stare at him like a lovesick puppy.  
She didn't know anything, and it wasn't her fault she was dumb anyway. She just needed someone to set her straight. She needed someone to tell her that she didn't have any feelings other than admiration for Choi Siwon. After much debating, Kyuhyun proudly decided that he would be the kind generous friend who would inform her of this. 
He grinned as he made his way to the school's gymnasium, where she was probably practicing for her volleyball game, or whatever the heck it was. Not that he really cared. He didn't snoop into her business like that. Not at was just that MiSun, Nana's best friend, seemed to take a liking to telling him random things about Nana's schedule, like it was supposed to matter to him. What a strange girl. Was she trying to set them up or something, because that would never work out. Not even in a million years. Their whole frenemies relationship was obviously preventing that. 
He stopped in his tracks as he found himself at the entrance of his destination, and peered inside. He spotted a girl and a guy in the corner. Squinting his eyes, he could tell that they were...hugging? Eww...if they wanted to get it on, then they could do whatever stupid crap they wanted to do on their own time...not out in public where everyone...well, never mind. The gym was pretty much deserted except for those two and him, so it was kind of private. 
The couple pulled a part; the girl's face flushed a deep red. Kyuhyun blinked a few time in disbelief. Sure enough, it was Nana...and...Choi Siwon? He had to rub his eyes a few times to make sure that his eyes weren't playing tricks on him, or that this wasn't some sick nightmare. What the hell happened in 3 days? 
His eyes were glued to the two as they spoke to each other quietly; Nana blushing and Siwon laughing. was sickening. This is reality, not some stupid drama. This isn't how a healthy relationship should be. Someone please cut this scene! 
He felt a lump in his chest, like something just felt off.  Kyuhyun couldn't help but grit his teeth and ball his fists up, wanting nothing more but to land a punch on the bastard's perfect face. This wasn't fair. What did that jerk do to deserve Nana's attention? All he did was waltz in there pretending to be all Mr.Perfect and have her swoon over him. It was sickening. At least Kyuhyun put effort into his well thought out, crafty pranks. He could've acted all perfect too, if he wanted to. 
Aish...that girl's tastes in men are so...superficial. She watches way too many dramas. He glared over at the two, expecting them to disappear right before his eyes, simply because he didn't want to see them anymore. Or, at the least, he wanted Siwon to disappear from the picture. For some reason, he hardly knew the guy, but already couldn't stand him. He willed himself to turn and leave, so that he could stop himself from seeing anymore lovey-dovey cliche crap, but instead, his body betrayed him and he moved towards the direction the two were in. 
Mr.Perfect glanced at him, turned and said something to Nana, and then left. Good choice because otherwise, there would've been hell to pay. If Kyuhyun felt like teasing and making someone else's life miserable, he could. Except, he wouldn't be as playful as he was with Nana. He could seriously mess with someone's head if he wanted to. 
He watched as Nana shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, obviously intimidated by his ice cold glare. He roughly grasped her wrist, pulling her along. 
"Ah! Kyu- It hurts!" She squealed. He, of course, ignored her protests. "Kyuhyun! Stop it!" She shouted, her face flushing as she noticed her team mates exit the locker room, and eyeing her suspiciously. He grumbled a bit at the amused smirks on their face, as they watched them as if it were a scene from a movie or something. Aish...stupid girls and their stupid fantasies. He finally released her, and she rubbed her sore wrist. 
"Are you mad at me, Kyuhyun?" She questioned, peeking up at him cautiously. He bit his lip and looked away, desperately trying to remain calm. He already promised himself that he wouldn't get angry with her for being oblivious as she was. He was going to set her straight, so that he couldn't get angry with her.  
Besides, he wasn't mad at her. The root of the problem was Siwon. For some reason, he was angry whenever Siwon was around, which just so happened to be whenever Nana was around. Therefore, he just didn't like Choi Siwon. Nana had nothing to do with it. Her slight crush on the senior and appearance whenever he was around for totally unrelated. It was a coincidence. 
Her sighed after regaining his composure. 
"No. I'm not mad at you. I just had a bad day." He inwardly beamed at himself for being such a good liar. Who else would be able to hide their feelings and keep up such an amazing poker face? Nana looked up at him with her two big eyes. Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked as though she were debating something. 
"Usually, I'd ask MiSun for advice, but you're really smart too, right Kyuhyun?" He smirked his signature smirk and nodded. If it was advice, he couldn't;t promise whether he'd give good or bad advice, but just being called smart by Nana gave him a sense of pride. He grinned at the compliment. "Then could you give me some advice? I've been thinking about this the whole day!" 
"Sure. About what?" 
"What's the difference between liking someone and being in love with them? How do you know if you're in love?" He mentally smacked himself on the forehead. Aish.This girl really did not know what she was doing. Now she thought she was in love with Mr. What's-his-name? How did she come to that conclusion? He narrowed his eyes, feeling irritation bubbling up inside him. Kim Nana...the world's most troublesome person. She shivered, feeling intimidated by his sudden anger. 
"If you're talking about Choi Siwon, then you're a delusional idiot." He seethed through his gritted teeth. She sunk back and peered at him with wide eyes. She bit her trembling lip, fighting back the urge to throw a fit at his grumpy attitude. 
"What do you mean id-" She began before being cut off again. She glowered over at him , crossing her arms. Nana did not like being cut off. 
"Do you even understand what it means to like a person?" He questioned. He glanced at her, expecting a defeated expression, but instead receiving a witty remark. 
"And you do?" 
"That's besides the point." He responded, after not being able to come up with a better answer. "The point is, you do not like Choi Siwon, let alone love him. What you feel for him, is admiration. That's why you should just give up now." He smirked, proud of his little speech. Glancing over at Nana, he felt a bit guilty as he caught sight of her disappointed pout. She was glaring over at him, looking as angry as he had ever seen her. 
"What do you know, Kyuhyun? You've never even had one girlfriend! You've never liked anyone, have you? So how would you know how it feels to be in love with someone?" At this point, she didn't care that she was screaming at him. She didn't care that the other girls on her volleyball team were watching them with interest, and gasping at their dramatic conversation. All she cared about, was protecting her pride and letting all her anger out. 
"I know just as much as you do!" He countered, "For your information, I have liked someone before and it was someone I actually knew. You can't like someone you've only had one conversation with before. That's admiration, but I bet you couldn't figure that out on your own because you're too stupid and stubborn to!" Her face flushed red in frustration. Her eyebrows furrowed and she had her hands balled up so tightly that her finger nails stabbed the skin of the palm of her hands. 
"Cho Kyuhyun, you can't tell me what to do or who to like. Why do you always have to take away everything good from me? Is it your goal in life to make me absolutely miserable? It's working...but...I won't let you take this away too. Don't bother me anymore."

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YouDunnoMe #1
Nice fanfic !! Fighting!
ssweetdreamer101 #2
Chapter 53: Please do authornim
shiningstarr #3
Chapter 53: Hi! You're back!! Yes please continue your story! ^^
Chapter 53:'re back!? Lol don't worry, just write your new writing style (I've done that before) and if you do continue...I promise this will be the only Kyu story I will read after so many (not really) years XD! My heart has changed for this man durin your absence, but since this story was so great that I still vividly remember some scene, I will continue ^^
This girl. I swear. I'm going to have her head.
She toys with Siwon and even though she doesn't mean to, she just hurt him and gave him false hope.
Ugh, he was all prepared for a breakup and bam, you come and tell him hyou had fun.
please update
What the ehck is Kyuhyun DOING?
shouldnt he be making things right?
hje's just making matters worse for him
m,cvn m,fndx
I can't wait for you to update
that double date is killer
Kyu so made Nana jealous
and now they both know of their feelings
about time
AWWW YEAH, i can't wait to read this one :3
hehehe, i haven't read in so long! chapter 51 made me happy, since Kyuhyun ignored that brat ^-^
i'll patiently wait for the next time you update :3
AWWWWWWWW, working hard iimoto!
I miss you so much.
We hardly talk anymore.
I just hope you have time again some time!
I have no room to talk though >.>
I can't figure her out
first she's alll ike I hate Nana and now she tells her that Kyu likes her
change of heart?
this is so good