Author's Note! Onew Really Dressed Up As A Nurse?!

I ♥ My Guardian Angel!
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Hi guys! As you know, I added a chapter yesterday. It was about Onew dressing up as a nurse, right? That was my original idea, I just thought up of it! Well one of my readers, ninjachickengoesmoo, told me that there was actually a fancam of Onew dressed up as a nurse! I didn't even know that he did until I saw the fancam! Thanks for telling me! XD Anyways, I got a few comments saying that you guys wanted to see Onew dressed up as a nurse, so here's the fancam! Fancam: ( He looks so cute! XD The outfit that he was wearing in the video was actually exactly how I imagined his outfit to be! O.o He still looks really manly though... Manly Nurse Onew!! XD I'll be back with a new update soon, so please anticipate! The next chapter is revealing Chaeyoung's husband~ By the way, winglin isn't working.... O.o Comments~ -Keylicious.
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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Oh this looks interesting will read soon
qwiyowo #3
visiting old stories
Thanks so much for your support! :D
dubukiss #6
Came back to re-read this fic :) this is probably one of the best onew fics I have read. I hope you make another one :) most writers in aff write about exo. :(((( it's sad that there are few jinki stories these days
I love this fanfic!