Wish Granted

Wish Granted


Wish Granted


Not even the steamy coffee cup I held in my hands couldn’t erase the feeling that was eating away my soul in a daily basis. As much as I said that I would get used to it, the real thing was that the pages that consisted the book of my life were no longer colourful. Though, it was hard to remember that the only one to blame for this blankness was me myself.

After the remnants of the coffee was all I could see inside the mag, I washed it and left it next to the sink to dry. I went to the bathroom to wash my teeth and brush my hair. Wiping my mouth with a towel, I lifted my face to the mirror. The reflection of the person in front of me didn’t remind me of myself anymore. I wasn’t no longer the lively and bubbly girl I used to be and that pained me to the core. The girl in front of me with the eye bags and the expressionless face was my new self I had get accustomed to for the past year.

Taking my school bag, I exited the small apartment and started walking down the street where my school was. The wind was relentless and it was to the edge of tearing the trees with its roots from the ground. Yet, it wasn’t the fact of the trees ruined that mattered now. My eyes hurt from the intensity of the winding air and in a futile attempt to distract myself from the inconvenience, I plugged the earphones on. Running through the tracks on the playlists on my mobile phone I chose that some ballads were the best songs to describe the emptiness in my heart. I wrapped my coat tighter around my shivering body and lowered my head to the wind.

As I had my head down, I hadn’t expected a firm body to hit me so hard that I found myself tripping on the pavement. My hit the ground and my earplugs were splay on the road along with my phone. I put a hand on the ground to help myself stand up but a manly hand forestalled mine and gently lifted me off the pavement. Steadying my body I hadn’t taken the chance to take a glimpse at the man’s face. So, it came as a surprise when a deep sensual voice reached my ears.

“Are you alright? I didn’t see you…I’m honestly sorry”

Turning my head upwards I was met with a tall guy with piercing dark eyes. He was beyond tall. I was barely reaching his chest and I had to lift my face upwards to see his face. His hair was curled up and his expression was deeply worried.

“I-I am sorry too. I wasn’t looking forward.”

His face relaxed a bit and he nodded. I turned to look at my dissolved phone laying at the road. His eyes followed the direction of mine and he rushed to retrieve it from there. He cautiously checked if there was any incoming cars and when he assured his safety he picked my phone and the earphones and handed them to me. I was staring at him for a while and then took my things back. I crouched a little and placed my schoolbag on my shoulder. I shyly bowed at him and began walking away. But I hadn’t gone far enough from him so I was able to hear his steps behind me. I turned around and crossed my arms to my chest, giving him an inquiring look.

“I don’t want to sound rude but it would be nice to know your name.”

He said with his lips curled upwards into a huge grin with his perfect pearly teeth showing. This kind of smile made me wanna smile accordingly but I resisted this urge of mine and instead asked.

“Do I have to tell you my name?”

He looked at me in disbelief.

“I can assure you that I’m not a ert nor a ! I’m not even a bully so why not?”

My lips tended to smile but I eventually hid it.

“I don’t know you.” I told him and turned my back at him to walk away but…

“See you again, Hazel”

I immediately turned my body to face him. I was looking at him like he said something obnoxious or even like he was an alien or something.

“What was that?”

“Well, if I don’t know your name then I should have another way to call you.” He shrugged.

“And from where did this ‘Hazel’ thing come from?”

He threw his head back into a deafening laughter. He sounded so cheerful and outgoing. It reminded me of myself.

He pretended wiping a hypothetical tear from his eyes and started walking closer to me. As much as I wanted to back off and run away, my body wouldn’t obey. I wasn’t afraid of him and that was something new for me.

He leaned closer to my face, tilting his own a little so his lips barely touched my earlobe. I shivered and he grinned upon my reaction.

“That’s the color of your dazzling eyes.” He whispered so closely to my ear and then pinched my cheek before he resumed walking to the opposite direction.

I was left frozen to the ground, staring at his retreating figure. A burn was cascading where he pinched me and I brought my hand to my cheek. After a few moments, I brought myself into conscience again and began walking to school.



The day at school passed by like any other day I had. With me sitting alone in class and spending lunch time with myself. I was a good student form the very beginning and that hadn’t changed fortunately. Once I entered my apartment was 3 p.m and I was starving to death. I cooked something quickly to eat and then got into the bathroom to get a refreshing shower. When I was done, I dried my hair and put some comfortable clothes and went to sleep. When I woke up I started doing my homework for the other day

It was now 10 p.m when I was done with all these and that meant that I had 2 hours before going at work. That meant that I was free once again to express the arduous feeling that was constantly eating my soul away. That meant that it was time to dance away this feeling.

I put on my favorite songs at the speaker of my phone. When the melody of the tune filled the room my body instantly reacted to the music. I swayed from side to side, swirling through the empty space of my apartment. When the music went louder I danced feverously and when the music slowed down I danced melancholically. And I danced for the whole 2 hours, without stopping for anything else. Even then, when I was lacking of breath and when my body had no more energy left, I couldn’t just erase the pain that was eating my guts.




When I arrived at the bar, it was already time to replace the existing barman and start working with the drinks and the orders.

“You are late! What happened?” the other barman asked me while putting on his coat.

“I didn’t estimate the hours correctly. Did the boss check us?”

“You’re lucky girl. He hadn’t come yet. I’ll take my leaving now. Take care!”

“I will, Han. Thank you” I hugged him tightly and he left.

Han has always acted like my older brother. He was always protective and caring. He was giving some useful advice from time to time and I was looking up at him. I always wished that I could care for someone so much one day.

I took my place behind the bar in a sec. The orders came pretty quickly and I was preparing the cocktails with precision. Like always there were some annoying and ert guys that hit on me and asked me for my phone number. As gently as I could I rejected their offers.

 But the most frustrating thing was when some of them asked me for ual favors and that was when I didn’t hold back. I told them to off and get the hell out of there. I didn’t mind the customers we were losing as long as the boss didn’t learn about it.

As I cleaning the counter, another order came. I didn’t bother looking at the customer. Not that I could see anything in the darkness of the bar.

“One tequila please!”

“Coming…!” I said and prepared the tequila for him.

I crouched under the counter to take the tequila bottle. I stood up and poured some adequate amount of the alcohol inside the glass.

“Here you are.” I pushed the glass towards him.

“Thank you!”

That was something I didn’t hear every day. Not many customers were polite enough to thank the bartender for their services. And that was enough for me to get eager of the customer, so I turned to look at him.

I rubbed my eyes frantically. It could be the darkness or it could be the shots that some customers had bought me but it was neither of them. Standing in front of me was definitely the tall guy from the morning.

His hair was no longer curly. Now straight brown strands framed his face. He looked even more charming from the morning meeting we had. When I noticed that I was staring at him, I got to my own business and thanked God for not letting me be recognized.

After some more tequilas and 3 long and exasperating hours he left the bar. I was so glad and at the same time disappointed that he hadn’t noticed me when I was right next to him.

When the time got 5 a.m my shift was over and I got my things and my coat to leave the place. It was dark outside but I had got used to this the countless times I was obliged to return alone home. I didn’t mind going home so late and the fact that I wasn’t a sleepy person by nature helped me take my night shift easily.

But today was another case when I went outside the bar only to meet the guy from the morning waiting for me. Once he noticed me, he leaned off the brick wall and rubbed his hands together while blowing hot air at them.

“I didn’t know when you were to leave so I waited for you.”

The fact that I didn’t even had to ask him the question myself surprised me. I was gaping at him until another question popped in my mind.

“How did you know where I work?”

“Whoever wants to learn something he finds a way.” He winked at me.

“Excuse me but didn’t have to come. I can take care of myself.”

I hissed at him and he smirked sarcastically.

“And who said I came for you?”

I widened my eyes upon his answer and blushed from embarrassment. He didn’t waste time to come closer and enclose me into a sudden embrace. I was squeezed into his two strong arms and weirdly I didn’t feel awkward at all. It somehow felt safe!

He left me some space to breathe normally but didn’t remove his hands.

“You are so cute when you blush, Hazel! Oh, by the way, I didn’t introduce myself to you.”

He got further and bowed at me.

“My name is Park Chanyeol! Nice to meet you Hazel”

I didn’t speak for a moment but that didn’t last long. I looked into his eyes for some answers and when I didn’t get any I was forced to ask myself.

“Why did you came?”

My question caught Chanyeol off-guard but he didn’t lose his composure.

“Ehm, I wanted to get to know you better. Is it wrong?” he confessed while rubbing the back of his neck embarrassingly.

I tilted my head to the side into utter confusion. Is he asking me to be his friend?

“Do you…want to befriend me?”

I had a truly curious face, like I didn’t believe what I just said. He must have noticed it to make this kind of question afterwards.

“Of course I do! Don’t you have any friends?”

My face dropped and all the pain came back with this innocent-like question.

The fact was that I didn’t have any friends for some time now. The only friend I ever made was Celia. She was the only one that made me trust her and feel safe around her. From my early teenage years, I wasn’t a very sociable person myself and I would always be on the teachers’ side rather any other kid at my age. The feeling of insecurity had always been my sensitive aspect, preventing me from even trying to befriend with someone.

But that wasn’t the case with Celia. She was the one who tried to get to know me and didn’t judge my actions or my decisions. She proved herself to me without me even asking and that was what made me stick with her.

That was until I fell in love. He was one of our fellow classmates and he had deep blue eyes. He was angel-like and had a kind personality even though he looked like he was cold towards everyone. He just wanted to keep a safe distance from everyone else and I understood him completely. We were doing the exact same thing. I dreamt about him at night and like a little kid as I was I used to daydream that he would ask me to be his girlfriend. But it remained like that…a simple dream!

And it became a nightmare when he decided to ask Celia out. I was ignorant of his intentions that he wanted her instead of me. Whenever he came closer to me and we talked for hours, I was raising my hopes as a dreamer I was. How could I know that he approached me only to get closer with Celia? And how could I even face her after that? I felt betrayed and for a person like me it felt 100 times worse than any other person. I wasn’t unaware of my weaknesses and that made me self-conscious. The only that I was proud of myself. I wasn’t a strong person at all and I didn’t have the guts to fight for his attention or even try to understand Celia’s side. I was a coward so it was expected that I would distance myself form Celia. So, without Celia, I was for once more left alone.

Chanyeol snapped his fingers in front of my face and I woke up. His expression was all worried and he placed a soothing hand on my shoulder, showing support.

“You zoned out! What are you thinking?” he asked, a soft smile spreading on his face.

“Nothing much.” I shook my head and shrugged it off like it was a trivial problem.

“Oh don’t lie to me.” he pouted “You make me sad.” and he gave me his puppy eyes.

I giggled a little but I was fast enough to bring my hand in front of my mouth to hide it. However, I didn’t struggle when he removed my hand form my face and caressed my cheek softly.

“You are beautiful when you smile. Let people see what I see in you.” And my eyes widened in utter shock upon his words.

What could he have seen in me that was beautiful? I’m dull and boring and a horribly cold person the past few years. It was like a miracle that he read me so well. I was an open book at him and it was something I liked, surprisingly.

Yet, I returned to our previous subject.

“I don’t really have friends.” I said and smiled bitterly.

“And why is that?”

All the safety and openness I had towards Chanyeol made their appearance right away as I started telling him my story with Celia. There was no way I could hide from Chanyeol so there was no reason for even trying to. It was ironically easy for him to understand what I had always attempted to hide so well. Masking the hurtful and vulnerable me to the cold and indifferent person I managed to show through the years. Yet, no matter how hard I tried he had found the perfect passage through the walls I built to protect myself.




When I finished reciting my broken memories with my lost friend, I notices that we had reached my apartments front door. I turned my head from side to side, recognizing the surroundings of my apartment and it was actually my neighborhood.

“How did you know where my house is?”

“I know a lot more about you than you think”

I blinked a couple times and waved my hand at him.

“Anyways, thank you for escorting me to my house but you really didn’t have to.” I breathed heavily “So, good night Chanyeol”

He waved his hand too and smiled widely “Good night Hazel. See you tomorrow”

I rubbed my temple frantically. So much confusion in one day.

“Why? Why again?”

He smiled genuinely and came closer only to give me a peck on the cheek. My eyes popped out from their sockets and when he retracted my cheeks flushed.

“To get to know your name kiddo. Why else?” he winked and left me hanging and no matter how freezing cold it was getting outside I didn’t try to get inside my apartment. It seemed like it was a necessity to see Chanyeol leaving. And maybe in the future he will leave me like that once and forever.




The next day, as much as I wished that he hadn’t come he actually did. And the real thing is that he not only did he accompanied me to school, but also he waited till school finished to get me to my apartment.

We made our way through the streets in total silence until Chanyeol decided to speak.

“Can we go for some coffee first?”

“No. I need to go home.”

“Oh come on! All I ask is a coffee…please” he said pleadingly.

“I said no. Don’t act like a baby” I mocked but he worsened he attitude.

“Pretty pretty please~” He said in a sing-song way and blinked cutely his eyes.

I scoffed as I finally gave up “Fine, but just make sure I’m home at 5 o’clock sharp”

He gave a charming smile with his white teeth showing.

“Deal” he extended his hand and I took it. But instead of shaking hands he brought it to his lips and kissed it.

“Yah” I yelled and pulled my hand harshly from his grip and hit him on the head.




When we arrive at a coffee shop he took some steps ahead of me and opened the door for me. I scoffed a little and got in. Entering the store the smell of freshly-grinded coffee invaded my nostrils. I inhaled deeply the familiar soft scent and didn’t move until Chanyeol’s arm embraced mine, leading me to sit on a corner table.

We had barely sat when the waitress came. We gave her our orders, Chanyeol thanked her and when she left he wasted no minute in starting talking.

“So, now that I’m treating you coffee may I know your name?”

“Mirah” I answered indifferently while glancing outside the window.

“Hmm…I think I’ll keep calling you Hazel” he said simply and then our orders came.

I took the hot coffee into my hands and the heat from the cup made the atmosphere a little more relaxing.

“Why are you living alone? You are only seventeen.” Chanyeol asked and took a sip of his coffee.

“Because I wanted to.”

“And why did you want to live alone?” he inquired from pure curiosity.

Living alone was like a dream of my early juvenile years when I was barely 8 years old. And now at my 17’s when this dream came to life it all came crashing down. The reason of me living alone wasn’t welcomed as my parents separated their ways. Their divorce was unexpected to say the least. I always had the impression of us being the ideal family….spending holidays together, eating dinner together every day, even they came together to my performance’s at school, taking embarrassing yet memorable photos of me and my fellow classmates.

It was like the day of their devastating announcement was on replay in my mind. Every detail was recorded with perfect accuracy, to the extent of painful accuracy. I remembered their facial expression when they said that they couldn’t be together anymore, the pretense in their voice when they said that whatever happened between them had nothing to do with me and the fakeness of the words whispering that everything would be the same after the divorce. What an obvious fat lie for a little kid to believe!

I didn’t want to lie to him so it was better that I would tell him the truth. It wasn’t something embarrassing or something to be ashamed of so why to hide it?

“My parents divorced and I preferred living alone rather than with one of my parents.”

“Oh I’m sorry to hear it” and the happy face he had a while ago was now replaced by a disappointed one.

“Don’t be. It was their decision so I should respect it, right?”

“I know but if I were you I would feel alone.”

And indeed, I felt alone. All the time. But what could I do? Everyone looked to fail me in the end so why try to make something that is meant to break?

“It’s not that bad.”

I answered like that to make him become his cheerful self again but miserably failed. I didn’t try a second time though. We were drinking silently our coffees until he asked.

“Do you want to be my friend, Mirah?”

I instantly locked eyes with him. I contemplated with myself of it was worth trying once more, only once. He gave me some hope. The hope that I had lost the last 2 years. He seemed different and I wanted to believe that he was.

“I’d love to”

And for the first time I let him face the smile that he personally created on my face.




One month had already passed when I agreed to be friends with Chanyeol and it went incredibly good.

He always made sure to make me laugh and not one time had he made me cry. He was everyday accompanying me wherever I went. To school, at the bar and he even managed to make me ask for a night-off from the bar to spend my time with him.

I was having the time of my life with Chanyeol and everything seemed heavenly. I had begun being comfortable around him and he was his usual open-hearted self towards me, encouraging me to open up to him so he can help me and make me the past me that he knew I was.

We hang out together every day almost all day and the thing was that I didn’t even get tired of him nor did he get tired of me, which was a great surprise.




One afternoon I was doing my homework, when the doorbell rang. No one had ever visited me. Not even my parents and that was because I didn’t want them to come. I sat up from my desk and went for the door. The fact that Chanyeol was standing right in front of me wasn’t surprising. But the fact that he was shocking wet was something that I didn’t expect. Surely I knew that it was heavily raining outside but I couldn’t imagine that Chanyeol would act so foolishly and don’t bring an umbrella.

Before I even could utter a word, he told me the reason himself.

“I didn’t have an umbrella but I had to see you.”

I didn’t question his decision. I didn’t have the right to do it. So, I let him in.

“Wait here. I’ll get some towels”

When I came back with the towels, I found him examining a photo frame.

“Who are they at the photo?” he asked.

I threw the towel at him and he caught it midair.

“The one at the right it’s me and on the left is Celia” I replied “I’m making some tea.”

I made my way to the kitchen and Chanyeol kept trailing me.

“How come that you have your friends photo and not your parents’?”

Though my expression was stoic, my feelings were mixed. I answered him anyways.

“I don’t want to have anything to do with them”

Taking some cups, I got to boil the water for tea. Chanyeol was drying his hair with the towel, leaving them teasingly disheveled. He left the photo frame at the counter.

“I think that you should make up with both your parents and Celia”

I left the water boiling and lifted myself upon the counter.

“And why should I do that?” I raised an eyebrow and asked.

“Firstly, because as you told me Celia wasn’t interested at that boy so she’s not at fault and I’m sure she misses you. As for your parents…well they are your parents. They love you Hazel as much you love them, although you deny that”

My forehead wrinkled in annoyance.

“I don’t know from this thought of yours came from but I can’t do that. I don’t want to do that. Celia must have already forgotten me and moved on. And I don’t know if I can forgive my parents.” I shook my head.

It felt sad but the problem wasn’t theirs. It was mine. I was afraid of the rejection. What if Celia has forgotten me and don’t want to talk to me? And my parents? Who guarantees that they will forgive me for leaving? So many things that I was afraid and so little till all these become a permanent reality.

Chanyeol took the few steps that kept us apart and stood in front of me. He brought his index finger to my chin and raised my head. Seeing that my eyes were all teary, he kissed the tears away and caressed my cheeks with his thumbs.

“I know that is hard and I can understand your fears but there are no chances left. You should make a move before they decide to erase you from their lives. It will be unfair for you all”

I coyly nodded and he smiled gently.

His smile was so beautiful and it gave me hope that they would get me back into their lives if I tried hard enough. But what if he left me? What if Chanyeol decided that I was just a crybaby and a coward that didn’t have enough strength to keep the people she loved around her?

And as his smile grew wider, my eyes stung a little more from the upcoming tears. The thought that I would possibly wouldn’t see that smile again made my heart in such pain that I hadn’t had before.

Chanyeol’s smile faded away and he urgently wrapped his arms around me, enclosing me into a tight hug. And I cried even more inside his arms. He released my body and glared at me.

“Why are you crying now?” he worriedly asked, keeping his hands on my shoulders.

I just kept crying, not giving him any answers. He only waited until my sobs fainted. I sniffled a little and looked into his dark orbs.

“Are you going to leave me?” I questioned shyly but with as much intensity as I needed.

He blinked a few times, not believing what I said. And then, he laughed. Loudly and cheerfully. So much that I started wondering if he was crazy. And I was getting equally mad because of the lack of answers I was getting.

“Why are--“ and I really tried to speak the next words but I couldn’t. Something kept distracting my mouth.

And it caught my breath when I realized that what distracted me was Chanyeol’s mouth. He was kissing me, slowly, encouragingly, making me melt even though I didn’t want to. Unknowingly, I closed my eyes to the sensation of his lips upon mine and when he understood that I responded to the kiss he smirked on the kiss. He my bottom lip and I willingly opened up to let him explore my hot cavern. Our tongues danced around to the rhythm of our moves.

Only when we were lacking of breaths did we part. We were trying to regain the lost air but I had to ask.

“Why did you do that?” I inquired with my hand on my chest.

We gave me his usual sweet smile and told me.

“That was your answer.”




We laying on the couch. I had given him some clothes to change on as his own were still wet. They weren’t much, just an oversized tee and some sweatpants that were too big for me to wear. I was resting my head upon his lap while he gently played with some strands of my hair.

“Christmas is coming. How will you spend it?” he asked out of the blue.

“I’ll just stay home. Nothing much” I replied nonchalantly.

“You’re no fun. I’ll be with you then”

I exhaled heavily and asked.


“Because I want to. Isn’t it obvious?” he emphasized his last word.

“Ok it is.”

A few minutes of silence passed until Chanyeol spoke again.

“What will you wish for this Christmas?”

I actually knew what my wish would because I had been doing the same wish for 3 years now. It is like a dream that would lighten up my world if it came true but I deeply knew that it was far from reality.

“I don’t know what to wish for anymore.” I answered half-truthfully.

“Ok then. Let’s make a deal”

I stood up from his lap in a spare moment and studied his face.

“What kind of deal?”

He placed his index finger on his lips, examining his reply when it hit him.

“We will tell each other our wish only if it will be granted”

I thought about it for a while until I realized I had nothing to lose.

“Ok. Till Christmas”




It was now Christmas Eve. I and Chanyeol were walking hand in hand. It was something usual for us from the moment we got comfortable with each other. Our hands fitted together and it was giving us the feeling of completion, something that the both of us lacked.

It was all going fine until I recognized the neighborhood. And to get even worse that house. The house where my parents lived.

Once I realized that, I pulled my hands from his like there was something burning them. I took some steps backwards while chanting my denial like a mantra.

“No no no no…why did you bring me here huh?” I yelled as I hit repeatedly his chest in a futile attempt to make him take me away from there.

He caught my hands that were violating his chest and caressed them softly.

“Hazel you must face them. They are your parents” he kissed my knuckles.

“I know but I can’t. Not now” I tried to remove my hands but he grasped them tighter.

“It’s now or never. I told them to wait for you today.”

My eyes were wide open upon his reply “You told them what?” I shouted.

“How could you Chanyeol? You had no right!! I-I…You shouldn’t…Just let’s leave” I said with a full plea and glistening eyes.

“Not before you talk with them. Go!” and he pushed me into the old house, waving happily at me while saying that everything will be alright. I still remember the last time I heard that!




After 3 hours, I got out the house with my head lowered.

Chanyeol rushed towards me in a sprint and cupped my face. It was obviously tear-stained and my eyes were puffy.

“What happened?” he asked while brushing my hair.

I sniffled and rubbed the annoying tears away from my face.

“They…They want me back.” I said in a low whisper. My lips curved once again into a wide smile and I hugged him with all my strength.

“I will go see them once a week and they said that when I feel ready I can go leave with them again. Do you understand? They are back together! We can be a family again”

I screamed my happiness for Chanyeol and the whole world to know. My life had taken the uphill in flash of time and I couldn’t be more content right now.

Chanyeol hugged me back with the same intensity and amusement.

“I’m happy for you Hazel. And I’m proud of you!” he said and caringly kissed my temple.

I buried my face into his chest and inhaled his relaxing scent.

“Thank you” I said.

“For what?”

“For believing in me!”




We were sitting on the same coffee shop we sat together for the first time, drinking the same coffee. It was like déjà vu but a lot differently the same time. I wasn’t the cold-hearted girl anymore. I was in my real self and the only one to thank was Chanyeol. I was a little more than thankful to him. And I felt good around him. It reminded me of who I was and how I became. It reminded me of his manners, of his kind heart and loving personality. All these reminded me of him.

“Even now you keep dazing off. How do you do that?” he chuckled.

I was staring at the busy city outside and I didn’t notice that I was once again lost in my own thoughts.

“I’m sorry. Just thinking” I smiled and took a big sip of hot coffee.

“Anyways. You know yesterday was the first part of my gift.” He winked.

“Oh really?”

“Indeed! And tomorrow is another part.” he gave me an innocent look.

“And what is that?”

“Your friend, Celia”

I spitted some coffee I was drinking at the moment. Cleaning my mouth and the table, I threw the napkin at his face.

“Why do you always do things behind my back?”

“Because I like your furious expression” he shrugged but couldn’t hide the smirk that formed on his lips.

“Yah, you’re annoying” I said and face palmed.

“I’ve been told” he admitted “The thing is not that. It is that she wants to get back with you”

“Really? Does she want to be friends again?”

“Not really…!” he said and all my hopes drowned.

“She thinks you’re already friends again” he clapped his hands cheerfully.

I shook my head and hit it once at the window.

“You scared me! Just don’t do that again” I shouted at him and he made a sad expression.

“Alright! Thank you…again!” I surrendered to his cuteness and he immediately came to my side to peck my cheek.

“You’re welcome kiddo! But there’s one more thing” he raised a finger and the waitress came with a muffin.

“What now?” I scoffed as I thought that I had enough surprises for one day.

“Just eat the muffin”

I looked at him in disbelief and he just nodded. So, I just started eating the freaking muffin.

While I was eating, something hard hit my teeth. I stopped munching and took notice of something metal inside the muffin. With my fingers I removed it and recognized it as a key.

I turned my head to look at Chanyeol but he wasn’t on his seat. Then, I felt a tag on my jeans and my jaw dropped when I saw Chanyeol kneeling in front of me.

“Ehm well, this is the key to my house.” He cleared his throat “I want you to know that when I saw you for the first time I thought you were just a beautiful girl. But after I got closer to you I saw that you were not just a beautiful girl but at the same time a beautiful person. When I kissed you, I didn’t do it out of pity. I did it because I felt something for you. I still feel something for you.” He made a pause “And I hope you feel something for me to. Mirah, I love you a lot and all I’m asking you for Christmas is to become my girlfriend”

He took my hand and kissed it “Will you?”

And I did. I loved him too. And it felt different from the boy that I loved back in school years. Chanyeol was different. He gave me the hope I needed, the strength I lacked and the love I was deprived of. He had everything I hadn’t even dreamt of on my wildest dreams and it was time for me to make a decision for life. And I didn’t even have to think about it.

“Of course I will, Chanyeol”

I threw myself into his arms and we shared the first kiss of our shared life form now on. We kissed for minutes and made only small pauses to breathe before kissing again form the top.

When we stopped, he hugged me and whispered into my ear.

“My wish was to make you love me back.”

I smiled and pecked his lips before confessing my wish.

“My wish was to spend Christmas with the ones I love.”

And after a few years of wishing the same dream, only with Chanyeol’s presence did I make this wish finally come true.



Ohh a new oneshot from your loving author~ =)

I have wanted to write a Christmas fic for a while and I know that I'm a little late for this but please bear with me!!! ^^

Miracles in December is the song that inspired me!! Of course it would be EXO who inspired me...I just can't get enough of them!!! :*

Anyways, please comment, subscribe, upvote but mainly love this fic! It's all I want :D

Love yaaaa <3

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Chapter 1: Amaziiiiing~ i love it! <3
Chapter 1: You want me to love it? I adore it!! Such a cute oneshot! Well done! :)
Chapter 1: This is so beautifully written...
AbstractAlexia #4
I really liked this oneshot :) So cute!