12-Flavored Candies


~ I never thought that a bag of candies would change my life so badly  ~



A candy addict I am...



Desserts are my desire...



But I swear that candies have never been more enticing like the ones I taste these days...!!




Crying was never the solution to any problem. Yet I always found myself crying to anything that changed the course of my arranged and regulated life. With many obstacles getting in my way, it slowly became impossible to keep smiling to everyone like nothing's wrong.

The more I tried to smile and pretend I'm happy, the more difficult it was to stop reminding myself the who dumped me.


4 years...

We have been together for 4 damned years and still, he dared to say that what we had was nothing more than a "bearable" situation.

Did I not treat him well? Was I too boring? Or maybe my ual skills didn't come up to his expectations?

Nuh...he's just a jerk!

The least I could do for myself at this moment was to stop putting all the blame on my shoulders.

An hour ago, he kept blabbering and accusing me for not keeping the fire in our relationship alive. We lost the "spark", he said. 

What I heard all along was, blah blah and oh!blah! I was the one trying for everything, asking for his opinion whenever I wanted to do something for myself and also adjusting my life to his schedule.

And here I am now...crying over this selfish being in front of the whole world to witness.


Standing up from the chair, I picked my purse and searched for some tissues. From the chair I was sitting while he ended our relationship.

I pushed the thought aside and the tear stains from my face. Getting to the cash register, I paid for the coffee I had ordered -the one that we wasn't enough of a gentleman to pay for- and headed out of the café. The spring breeze blew my hair gently when I stepped out in the streets. Even though the weather wasn't chilly, I felt the shivers piercing my whole body, making me tighten the jacket around me.

The way home wasn't a huge distance afar but I didn't feel like closing up to myself yet. I wandered through the town and made some window-shopping. It always managed to calm my nerves and some new clothing would certainly clear my mind of any unwelcome thoughts. So, I vaguely went from store to store, admiring some great pieces of clothing that caught my eye. After an hour and a half, 6 bags were loosely hanging from my hands and a wide grin was sculpted on my lips. 

Now I was walking towards my home, with a inane cloud of happiness resting above my head. But I came into a halt when a scene in front of me broke my heart. An old lady, with rugged clothing and a lifeless expression all over her face was asking for some help and gave her blessings to everyone, either they helped her or not. My heart tore into millions of pieces while watching her struggling to get on with life. 

I couldn't stand this anymore and I approached the woman. I kneeled in front of her and gave her a sympathetic look.

"Please take these. Are they enough?" I asked with a gentle smile playing on my lips as I was offerring a small amount of money to her.

The woman raised her face to meet mine and I was stunned by how young she must be and how old she looks. Her lips curled upwards into a faint smile and my heart warmed in the thought of me being the cause of it.

"It's more than enough. Thank you miss" she said in a whisper-like voice that could barely be heard. She took my hand into hers and kissed the top of it. This was an awkward moment but not because of her action. Mostly because of the meaning of it. It was her gratitude that moved me.

"It's ok. I'm glad I could help" I said and got to stand up, ready leave but she held my hand and dragged me down. She motioned with her finger to lean down and when I did she whispered into my ear.

"I have something for you..." and she handed me a small bag that she kept behind her back.

My mouth was dry as I tried to comprehend what was happening. I got a better look of the content of the bag and arched an eyebrow at her. Inside the bag there were just candies...different kinds of candies. I turned my head only to be met with the smirking woman. Her eyes were glistening somehow strangely and they seemed like they had changed. When I saw her a while ago her eyes were deep brown. But now they had turned into sparkling golden. My eyes widened and I held my breath upon the realization. 

But she was quick enough to keep me close to her. Her smile couldn't have looked more intriguing and I couldn't find my voice to speak up to her. She was a lot more intimidating now. Like her attitude and whole personality had changed when she gave me the bag of candies.

"They aren't just any candies..." she whispered again. She abruptly stood up, making me stand on my own two fit as well. She cleaned her long skirt of some imaginary dust while I gazed at her. She lifted her head and shook it in disbelief. She reached my shoulder with her hand and shook me like she wanted to wake me up from my slumber.

"Just a small gift for your assistance"

I blinked twice and she chuckled. Taking some steps back she waved at me and laughed mischievously.

And once again I was left wondering what was the purpose of all these and especially...the candies!

I just hope that what my dad used to say won't come true.

And he would always say: "Be careful and don't talk or take anything from strangers"



I'm really really excited about this story! Honestly, I wanted to finish TP firstly but this one was stuck in my mind for so long that it itched me to write it!! :P Anyways, I will not update it till I finish my other story, which is reaching its end! ;) But it's not something certain...I'm a crazy author and I write whatever inspires me^^ So, for now I leave you with some good food for thought...I guess!!! <3

Just because I haven't uploaded any chapters that doesn't mean that I don't need comments!!! 

You are free to comment, subscribe (upvote if you feel like it :*) and do anything you want!! Everything is welcomed :D

This fic is created and inspired well~...by me!! So if anything else seems quite similar, it's pure coincidence

Love yaaaa <3




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QueenluvEXO #1
Love the story. Hope you will update frequently.
Chapter 2: Wait... I'm confused. Did Kris's kiss knock her out, or did she just faint from shock?
Chapter 2: Candies with an unexpected boyfriend, isn't that it? Hehe~
bannamonkey #5
Chapter 1: Who's it going to be? Please update soon.
nerry55 #6
Chapter 1: like dis haha i think i knw whats the meaning of that candies ><
Chapter 1: Oooh how intriguing :) let me guess Kris? Suho? Xiumin? Lol I dunno. I can't wait till yoi update!
Chapter 1: ~to play... to play Kiss B... like it's, like this TP...~