Chapter 8

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"There, all done," Jiyong said as he dropped the different body parts on the counter next to me. I was silently eating on a candy bar as i stared at the eight different body pieces. I had cleaned off all the blood and Jiyong had picked up my Alice costume, and i was wearing that, while my feet was dingling loosely in the air as i was sitting on the counter.

"Hey, babe?" I asked while reaching the candy bar out to him and he took a bite, nodding at me.

"Yeah?" He wiped his face with an old rag, removing most of the blood on his face.

"Now that it's all over, can you tell me why you choose exactly those six people? I know that it's because of your sister, but they didn't have anything to do with the trial, did they?"

Jiyong sat on top of the counter on the other side of me, staring at all the body parts, and sighed. I looked up at him, finishing the rest of the candy bar. "Jaejoong was the one who her. I wanted him to suffer, like she had. If you ask me, he got out of it easy".

"Ah..." I nodded slowly. "So that's why you cut off his ? So he would never be able to anyone again?"

Jiyong smirked, nodding. "Yup. Serves the er right".

"Hmm... and Krystal and Sica? What are their parts in this, and why cut off Krystal's tongue?"

"Sica was just a third person i needed. She played her role perfectly, but..." He shrugged, staring down at the body of Sica. All the eight bodies were lying on the floor next to each other. The once so blue kitchen floor was turning red, blood dripping from all the bodies. "I didn't need her anymore. As for Krystal's tongue, her father was the lawyer that spoke and made him go free. I want him to feel the pain me and my sister felt when that happened".

"Ah.. you weren't going to let her kill me, were you? Sica, i mean?" I glanced up at him, furrowing my eyebrows.

He smiled and shook his head. "Of course not".

"Yah! You know i don't speak Chinese," I muttered, picking up a second candy bar. "In Korean, please".

He smiled and leaned down to my lips, pecking them lightly. "Of course not, baby. I should teach you Chinese once we're done here. Hurry, and eat up. The hotel room is waiting," He winked at me and jumped off the counter, putting the eight body parts in a black plastic bag. 

"I can't wait to take a long, nice bath, and get rid of all the sweat," I sighed heavenly, and looked down at him. "Before we leave, what about Joon? Cutting off his ears?"

"His mother was the cop who reported it, but after the trial she refused to listen to me".

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Chapter 9: Holy cow.. Did not see that coming. I just thought the became close to each other waay to fast, but i didn't think much of it because some writers move fast.. But daaamn...
Chapter 8: WHAT THE HECK!!! I just died, someone save my soul.. Daaaanm...
Chapter 7: Chapter 6: So it is him??!!! Hahaha now I got conflicted about this... But a part of me thinks it's Jessica.. Can't help but think she's the girl who got rapped.. No, I think I'm leaning towards Jessica..
Chapter 5: Are you just making us think it's him? Hehe it's probably someone else! That's what I think hahaha
Chapter 3: See??!! It's never a good idea to split up!! Like, what the heck is going on and who's behind this!! So thrilling!
Ashleybswt #6
Chapter 10: Wow, I didn't expect any of that. Nice job.
Calvaret #7
Chapter 10: this is really interesting..
can you please make more fanfiction like this authornim ?! o_o
Alice_Iovene #8
I don't really like horrors genres but this ... I'm just so curious >.<
I'm sorry for my English :')
saraaaaa88 #9
keep it up the good work!
Sone4eva88 #10
Chapter 9: Woowwww
this is just one hell of a story!! All along i tot it was jessica and jiyong...nice.twist!