Chapter 7

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"Get away from me, you psycho!" I crawled backwards as fast as possible, him following me, limping a little. I was sitting right next to Kris' head, covered in his blood. My eyes widened as Kibum slowly walked towards me, reaching out to me with his hand that so steadily held onto the knife, pointing right at me. I looked down at Kris, and pulled the scissors out of him. It sounded disgusting the way the scissors cut out of his skin, but i didn't have time to be disgusted right now. I pointed them shakily towards Kibum. "C-come any closer, a-and i'll kill you!"

"Nara..." He sunk down on his knees next to Kris' legs, looking down. He started shaking, and covered his face in his arm, his shoulders moving up and down. In a moment of confusion, i lowered my hand that was wrapped tightly around the scissors, and he immediately reached for my ankle.

I screamed, kicking him in the face several times, trying to escape. I flipped around and dug my fingernails in the floor to drag me away from him, but his hand tightened the grip around my ankle, and pulled me back so i was lying next to him. He flipped me onto my back and rested on top of me, staring down at me.

His nose and lip were bleeding, most of it because of my kick and he was breathing heavy, opening his mouth... and then closing it. He dropped the knife next to me and leaned his head on my shoulder, crying silently. 

I was lying there, frozen, confused, and scared out of my freaking mind. I was trembling, and i shut my eyes tightly, just waiting for him to get it over with. But he didn't do anything. He just lied on top of me, and i felt his tears roll down my neck. I opened my eyes and after a deep breath, i pushed him hard off me with all my might, and grabbed both the knife and the scissors.

I climbed up to my feet and aimed both the weapons at him, i ignored all of Kris' blood all over me, and the trembling fear. I was done. He was going to die... now. This ends here.

I ran towards him, stabbing the scissors deep into his chest, and he immediately stumbled before falling down on his back. He stared up at me, eyes wide, lips moving as if he was trying to say something. All the fear and anger mixed inside of me made me a whole new person.

"S..." He shut his mouth, holding around the wound i had just given him. He was having difficulty breathing, and his mouth slightly opened, letting out a small groan.

I wasn't going to let him kill anyone else. This man was going to die... now. I sat down next to him, ignoring the piercing eyes looking confused at me as i slit his throat, blood pouring out on him and me, and his eyes closed and he drifted off to eternal sleep. 

I dropped the knife and screamed at the top of my lungs, falling down in a lying position in all the blood as i closed my eyes. It was over. It was finally over. I stared up at the ceiling, smiling widely with the blood under me, on my clothes, my skin, my face. Everywhere. 

For the first time since i got here, i felt peaceful. But there was still one more thing that we needed to figure out. How to get out of here. I checked all of Kibum's pockets, searching for keys, but i didn't find any. Instead, i found a white, little note. Terrified, i slowly unfolded it...


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Chapter 9: Holy cow.. Did not see that coming. I just thought the became close to each other waay to fast, but i didn't think much of it because some writers move fast.. But daaamn...
Chapter 8: WHAT THE HECK!!! I just died, someone save my soul.. Daaaanm...
Chapter 7: Chapter 6: So it is him??!!! Hahaha now I got conflicted about this... But a part of me thinks it's Jessica.. Can't help but think she's the girl who got rapped.. No, I think I'm leaning towards Jessica..
Chapter 5: Are you just making us think it's him? Hehe it's probably someone else! That's what I think hahaha
Chapter 3: See??!! It's never a good idea to split up!! Like, what the heck is going on and who's behind this!! So thrilling!
Ashleybswt #6
Chapter 10: Wow, I didn't expect any of that. Nice job.
Calvaret #7
Chapter 10: this is really interesting..
can you please make more fanfiction like this authornim ?! o_o
Alice_Iovene #8
I don't really like horrors genres but this ... I'm just so curious >.<
I'm sorry for my English :')
saraaaaa88 #9
keep it up the good work!
Sone4eva88 #10
Chapter 9: Woowwww
this is just one hell of a story!! All along i tot it was jessica and jiyong...nice.twist!