Chapter III

Depths of Love

I had a good night sleep and woke up in time for school. I didn't really want to go, but it would be better than Krystal following me to shore again.

"Woah, Luhan wants to go to school for once." Kai said as he met up with me.

"Shut up." I said. "Where's Kyungsoo?"

"Ah, he said he didn't feel well this morning but he'd catch up with us later." Kai explained.

We made it to school and sat in boring classes all day. My favorite, though, was all about the humans. They just interested me so much. The class was easier if you snuck up to watch the humans as well, but nobody could know I did that.

By the end of school, Kai and I were ready to head over to Kyungsoo's place, but Krystal stopped us.

"Hey Luhan." She said to me.

"Well hi to you too Krystal!" Kai said in a loud, sarcastic voice.

"Will you shut up? I'm clearly not talking to you, ." She snarled.

Krystal's mean streak scared both me and Kai. It was insane how she went from nice to evil in 0.2 seconds.

"So Luhan, I was thinking we could hang out again, since you basically ditched me the other day." She said.

"Can't. I already made plans with Kai and Kyungsoo today." I told her.

She looked like she was going to erupt, but then closed her eyes for a second.

"Okay. Maybe some other time." She said before swimming off in another direction.

"What's her deal?" Kai asked.

"No clue. Come on let's go get Kyungsoo." I said, changing the subject.

The later the day got, the more nervous I felt. I still had no idea what I was going to say to Sehun, and if I was even going to see him.

"Luhan, you're too quiet." Kai stated.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." I said.

We were already at Kyungsoo's house, so Kai didn't say anything else. Since Kyungsoo's family knew Kai and I so well, we could walk right in like it was our own home. We walked in Kyungsoo's room and found him lying on his rock, sleeping.

"Babe." Kai said gently.

I noticed how caring he was to Kyungsoo. It was just another thing I envied about them.

Kyungsoo's eyes opened and he smiled at Kai. He looked over and saw me and waved.

"What time is it?" He yawned.

"Time for us to get ready to meet Luhan's boyfriend." Kai smiled.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I protested.

"Not yet." Kyungsoo said, rubbing his eyes.

Kai smiled and hugged his boyfriend. I rolled my eyes and left the room. Sometimes they disgusted me.

"Hey mama." I said.

Kyungsoo's parents were like a second family to me, so this was normal.

"Hey Luhan, how are you?"

"I'm doing okay." I said.

"Kyungsoo told me you guys had some top secret plan to get you a boyfriend." She winked.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." I smiled.

Just then, the lovers came out and joined me.

"Are you feeling better, honey?" Mama asked.

"Yeah." Kyungsoo smiled.

Mama prepared a little snack for us before we left. She knew about our escapades to the surface and didn't mind. She was the only adult we could trust and talk to about things like that. As we got ready to leave, she pulled me aside for a second to talk to me.

"Luhan, be careful, okay? I don't want you getting hurt, or hurting others in the process." She told me.

I understood what she meant. I gave her a hug and left with my friends a minute later.

"Let's hope Krystal doesn't come find us again." Kai said.

"I wish she'd understand that no one likes her." Kyungsoo said.

"I feel like she's constantly watching me and that's why she always knows where I am." I said.

They nodded in agreement and continued to talk about similar things. I spaced out thinking about what Kyungsoo's mom said and what I should say if I meet Sehun again.

"Lu..." Kyungsoo hummed.

"What?" I asked.

"What are you gonna say to him?"

"I don't know." I sighed.

"We've got your back, so no worries!" Kai spoke up.

Kyungsoo tried to give a reassuring smile, but we both knew Kai was the most likely to give up first on anything.

We returned to the rocks and waited. The sun was just starting to sink, so we had some time to kill. The three of us talked about anything and everything, yet time seemed to pass by ever so slowly.

"This is taking forever." Kai groaned.

"Kai, don't be like that." Kyungsoo said.

"But I'm bored." I heard him whisper.

"Then go home." I muttered.

"What?" Kai asked.

"Go home if you don't want to be here." I repeated.

Kai looked at his boyfriend for help, but Kyungsoo showed no intention of leaving so Kai stayed. He laid his head on Kyungsoo's lap and closed his eyes. We watched his breathing even out, and assumed he was sleeping.

"Soo, I'm scared." I whispered.

He looked over at me and saw the worried look on my face.

"Why? Talk to me about it." He said.

"Well, I don't know what to say, or how to act when he comes by. I mean, wouldn't you think it's a little strange if a guy was waiting on some rocks after dark just to see you?"

"When you put it that way, then I'd say it is a little strange, but it's not like no one else has done something strange before to get someone else to notice them. Take Krystal as an example." Kyungsoo smiled.

He did have a point. Krystal did some crazy things for me to notice her.

"But what if Sehun thinks I'm too crazy and doesn't like me?" I frowned.

"There are plenty of other guys." Kyungsoo said.

We said no more until the sun was almost down. As if on cue, Sehun started to get closer to us in his boat. Kyungsoo quickly woke Kai up and pushed him in the water so their fins weren't noticeable.

"Hey, it's you again." Sehun said.

Seeing him again made my heart beat faster and I smiled uncontrollably.

"My name is Luhan. I forgot to tell you yesterday." I said.

"Nice to meet you, Luhan." He paused. "Were you waiting here to see me?"

I started to worry. If I said yes, would he think I was crazy? I didn't even know what to say, but I opened my mouth and Kai started talking.

"Luhan really wanted to see you again. He couldn't stop talking about you." Kai said sleepily.

My face turned bright pink and Kyungsoo hit his head, making Kai back away from him.

"Really?" Sehun looked at me.

I could feel myself getting ready to cry so I just nodded. I accepted the fact that Sehun would think I was crazy and never like me.

"That's kind of...sweet, I guess." Sehun said as he rubbed his head.

"Wait...what?" I asked.

"Well, it's a little weird to wait here to see me, but no one else has done that before, so it makes me feel a little special." He smiled.

"Luhan really likes you!" Kai yelled.

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breadisbread #1
This is really good and unique!
Chapter 18: Oh.... Can you please make a sequel? :))
shanann #3
Chapter 18: This story was good, really good
Chapter 17: Hohoho... i was expecting for more Lulu...
Chapter 16: Oh gosh i was reading this while in class lol
So hot.. why you corrupted my Lulu's Little brain
Chapter 15: This is good,i like it!
XOLovinExoWolvesXO #7
Chapter 15: ok so far i LOVEE your story im glad its not the typical wolf story. ur story is my current favorite and im sooo glad u update everyday thank you!