Love Trip, Part 3

Crazy Stupid Love
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Chanyeol's P.O.V

Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun who were like hit by the words, it was like he didn't exist at the moment. Chanyeol know it might be early, that he should had wait to ask this, but he can't. Because if he doesn't he can't take Baekhyun with him to his family and say he's his boyfriend and that he doesn't need to get together with Krystal.


And that just sounded selfish at the moment, but he love Baekhyun and doesn't want to lose him because his family want him to get together with some who's after his family's money. Baekhyun only want love, simple love that Chanyeol have plenty of, for someone who wants it.






Chanyeol tried to get contact with the numbed boy, had he scared him away? Baekhyun blinked a little before he open his mouth to say something.



“What did you just say?”
“I asked if you want to be my boyfriend.”
“Oh my god, you just...”
“I know that it's so sudden, but I really love you so damn much and I already sees you as my boyfriend. So I really wanted to confirm it. But if you don't want to...”
“Oh my god! I love you so damn much!”
“So it's a yes?”



Chanyeol looked confused at Baekhyun who literally threw himself on Chanyeol as he pressed his lips against Chanyeol's. Chanyeol answered the kiss as he felt how he lost his balance and fell backwards, lucky him that it wasn't so far to the ground and that it was a picnic blanket under them.


Baekhyun pulled out from the kiss as he were laying on top of Chanyeol, smiling like an idiot. Chanyeol smiled back, a little confused by the way Baekhyun is answering his questions.



“Yes Chanyeol, it's a yes.”
“Haha, you're weird. I say yes and kiss you, is that a no for you?”
“No, sorry.”



Baekhyun just giggle as he lend in to a kiss again. They pulled out again as Chanyeol got up with Baekhyun in his lap, sitting with his face pretty close to his face.



“So, what now?”
“It's getting late, wanna go back to the hotel?”
“Well, I really would like to sit here for some more minutes, if it's okay for you?”
“It's definitely okay.”



Baekhyun smiled to an answer as he turned around and lend against Chanyeol and stared up at the night sky that was filled with stars. Chanyeol wrapped his arms around Baekhyun as he stared up at the sky with him again. No one really had to say anything, it was just perfect to sit here.






Chanyeol and Baekhyun walked down the corridor to their room, holding hands as they talked a little. They both were in a better mood now and Baekhyun seemed to be very satisfied at the moment. Chanyeol just smiled as he talked with Baekhyun, everything was just perfect.


The boys went in to their room and begun to get ready for bed, they both were tired and Baekhyun really enjoys to just cuddle up with Chanyeol before he falls asleep, that's something Chanyeol has learned. The both went to bed as Baekhyun crawled upon Chanyeol and rest his head against Chanyeol's chest.



“Tired my little puppy?”
“Mm, pretty tired to be honest.”
“Well, lets sleep then. Night Baekie.”
“Night Channie.”



Baekhyun closed his eyes and Chanyeol just smiled at the boy before he closed his own eyes, he was just going to sleep here with Baekhyun and enjoy the moment. After all, Baekhyun is finally Chanyeol's and Chanyeol's only, no one can come and take him away from him now.



Baekhyun's P.O.V

Baekhyun woke up by someone knocking on the door, almost sounding that the person had panic. Chanyeol were to tired to get up and look after who it was, so Baekhyun had to do it himself. Baekhyun got up as careful he could to not wake Chanyeol up, after all it's no idea for them both to wake up if only one need to go and open the damn door.


Baekhyun open the door to see a girl who looked very familiar, as she rushed in and literally jumped up at Chanyeol as she shook his body. Baekhyun ran after and was about to scold her and ask her who the hell she were, when he remembered her face.


Chanyeol looked tired up as he stared down on the girl, he was about to say something but the girl cut him off right away.



“Why the hell aren't you answering your phone?!”
“Noona?! What are you doing here?”
“What I'm doing here?! Kris send me a text, telling me that you were in trouble!”
“What?! Me in trouble?!”
“Yes! You in trouble! He said you were stuck on a love trip!”
“He did...?”



Baekhyun were staring at Chanyeol and his sister Yura as they screamed at each others, it kind of reminded him of how he and his brother argue. They both suddenly turned to Baekhyun who felt how he smiled awkwardly and slowly begun to to walk backwards.



“I'm going to leave you to alone for a while...”
“You go no where!”
“Don't move!”



They both pointed at Baekhyun as he froze, they looked and behaved just like each others, it almost creep Baekhyun out a little. Baekhyun didn't move as they both begun to talk more calm and wise, or no, of course not they didn't.



“Why the hell did Kris tell you that? And how did you get his number?!”
“First of all, Kris have my number because you always end up doing stupid things that your noona always have to save your little from. And how the hell should I know why he said that?”
“Wait, what exactly did he say?”
“He said that you were stuck in a love trip, and that you wasn't coming home for a while.”
“Oh... Now I get it. You see, this is a love trip, me and Baekhyun are kind of going out, but for the whole weekend. And well...”
“Well what?! Tell me!”



Baekhyun slowly begun to sneak out as they both had lost their concentration at him. Baekhyun managed to take about three steps before they both stared at him as they almost made him jump.



“Don't move until we're done!”
“Just wait there Baekie, we're almost done here. Well Yura, can you please go now, me and my boyfriend want to be alone.”
“Did you just say... Oh my god! You're together?! So cute! Congratulation!”



Yura got up from Chanyeol as she ran over to Baekhyun and hugged him tight, isn't she suppose to hug Chanyeol and not Baekhyun? Baekhyun just smiled awkwardly as Yura giggle loud.



“Chanyeol is on a love trip! And you finally have a boyfriend! Thank god that you exist Baekhyun! You saved my hopeless little brothers love life!””
“Hey! I'm not hopeless! And get out now, we talk about this later. Give back my Baekie!”



Chanyeol got up and grabbed Baekhyun away from Yura who just smiled a bright smile, just like Chanyeol.



“As you want, I won't disturb you. Just don't forget to come home again.”
“We won't. Now leave.”



Yura smiled as she got out from the room and closed the door, leaving a pretty confused Baekhyun and a half tired Chanyeol who just dragged Baekhyun with him back to the bed. Chanyeol laid down with Baekhyun beside him as he embraced the boy to try to get some more sleep. Baekhyun on the other hand wasn't that tired anymore.


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P.S! Please check out my blog for an important post! It's pretty obvious which on it is, but please read it! It's about Baekyeol! I can say that much! Peace


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Chapter 29: Aww this was nice~ I got really intrigued by the description of this story and it was really fun. I liked the ending too ><
Chapter 29: Awww finally
Chapter 27: What the helll?!?!
Chapter 25: I shall flip if yeol's parents were the ones who tried to kill baek
Chapter 24: I wanna punch that Krystal bitxh
Chapter 23: Omg omg omg... They finally did it
Chapter 17: Yasss
Chapter 15: Uggghh such a bitxh
Chapter 13: Two idiots = ChanBaek