Hurtful Truth

Is it really you?

Guigui P.o.v:

The bell rang and I ran off without even turning back, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to hold up my tears no more and people will talk, so it’s better to go then stay. I ran and ran not caring about nothing, I didn’t even took the bus I just ran home even when I knew that it was a long way home. I stop for moment when I felt a raindrop fall on my face, I look up the sky and see that it was turning gray. I keep on walking and more raindrops keep on falling. More and more they fall and I couldn’t hold my tears no longer, the sky was crying with me and it felt good that I was not the only one. The rain hide my tears that keep on falling on the ground. I wanted to scream out so loud and take out this painful pain inside but I couldn’t even say a word. I finally reach to my apartment and see that Aaron car was in the parking lot, just by looking at his car made me cry more. I couldn’t even explain the pain I felt inside, it was just so painful. I walk to the stairs when Aaron comes out of his apartment.

“Why are you all wet, don’t you know there’s busses that could take you home in a rainy day dumb girl” He yelled while looking at my wet clothes.

I just ignore him and walked away, I couldn’t manage to be with him no longer I knew that somehow I would have to confront him but today is not the day. I open my door and enter to my apartment, more tears keep on falling, I didn’t understand why I was crying so bad for a guy when he does not like me. I was just a fool to believe in beautiful words, a fool to believe that there was true love , a fool to actually believe that he was the one.

Aaron P.o.v:

I was looking for Guigui after she ran off but I couldn’t find her, I wonder what happen to her just then a receive a message from my mystery girl asking for another hint and I gave her one. She then texts back that she had lock and key necklace, well that would definitely would help me find her soon. I close my phone and keep on looking for Guigui when a girl kiss me and I did what a guy supposed to do, I kiss her back. We then make out but somehow I felt that it was wrong. We finally stop and we separate our ways, my phone then vibrate it and it was my mystery girl. I read the message and it took out my breath, she found me first and my dare was to stop talking with her. All this time I thought that I would see her and now it turns out she doesn’t want to talk with her. I couldn’t manage to replay, I was angry inside I wanted to throw my phone but what’s the point it was a deal. I walk to class and see that Guigui was there with her puffy eyes, was she crying? The time past fast and the last bell rang and just like that Guigui ran off as fast she could, I wonder what’s wrong with her. I got to my car and finally reach my apartment but Guigui was no there since she would always come first since I took my time to come home. Her flower plant was still outside, and when comes she would always put it inside but today it was still there. I ignore all my bad thoughts and went inside when I hear raindrops falling in my window, I walk to my window to see if she was coming but there was no sign of her. The time past and past and there was still no sign of her until I heard footsteps and I open the door. There she was, all wet from the rain her face all watery just like her eyes and her clothes drooping water on the floor. I yelled at her because I was worry of her, I tried to act cool but inside I was worried but she doesn’t need to know that. She then looks at me with her brown eyes and walks away, I didn’t even stop her and it was killing me inside. I turn to see that she open the door when I notice that she doesn't have her infinity bracelet. I walk to my door and open it, why was she acting like this? Why my mystery girl doesn’t want to talk with me? Why is everything happening this day? I couldn't even understand how my mystery girl found me so fast when I only gave her two hints, I don't care but I'm still going to look for her no matter if the deal is over. I 'm not stopping until I find her and confront her of how much I like her. If only she knew that my heart beats when I receive her message or the way I smile just by thinking I'm going to see. She the reason I wake up every morning to go to school just to find her. If only she knew that I really love her. For a moment I stop thinking of mystery girl  and thought of Guigui, why was she sad? did I do something wrong for asking her to make a list or because I really scare her off. She made me feel worry about her and she just walks away like that. I wonder if she is okay...wait why I'm even thinking about her or worry of her, she is just a crazy girl. "I'm going crazy" I whisper to myself and walk to my room.

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Chapter 12: Not going to update anymore? :\
tinygui #2
Chapter 12: I missed your update :(. I can't wait for your next update.
harrylun24 #3
Chapter 12: finally you update tnx for the update i hope u update very soon :)
asom--yoldash #4
Chapter 11: Continue please I love your story
tinygui #5
Chapter 11: Please continue. I really enjoy this story.
fairytaill #6
Chapter 10: please continue, please.
harrylun24 #7
Chapter 11: plz continue ur story update plz
harrylun24 #8
plz update soon
AaronGuiGuiforever #9
Chapter 10: Updated soon please!!!! Awe Aaron you Baka!!!!!!!
AaronGuiGuiforever #10
Chapter 9: GIRL WHY YOU STOP RIGHT HERE?! I"m so anxious to know whats going to happen
why stop here!>\?
lols anyways update soon! GuiLun Jiayou Fighting !!