The One with the Bicycle and Skateboard

Ever Enough
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            “This going to be hard like a motherfcker.”

Huisoo took a deep breath before breathing out second later.

Hayoung, who was practically listening to all of her grunts shook her head in disbelief. She did not know how to handle Huisoo at time like this when her insecurity and overthinking self got the better of her.

            “What a pretty language, Doctor Han. You,” Hayoung uncovered her ears, “Can you stop complaining to me? If his behaviour annoyed you that much, then confront to him! Not me!” She made a face, “Now, with you, steeling yourself from any form of contact with him, does it make any difference?"

The other woman sighed for the umpteenth time. She was back from Jeju, she had been around for four days but never once did Jongin come over to see her. She was not going to be irrational to expect him to miss her, meh, why would he. But, she came to think of it, he missed his promise to pick her from the airport, instead, he sent his friend to take her. She knew he was busy, but come on, she deserved an apology from him, did not she?

Why would he be bothered to even promise her if he never had the time to actually perform it? Life would be way easier if he did not promise her that. She never asked him to eventually fetch her because she was aware of her portion and she knew Jongin and his league and how keen he was about drawing a bold line between cans and can'ts. She would just take the airport taxi or ask her Jihoo Oppa to pick her up that day, but since he had made the appointment clear, she anticipated it well.

            “I want him to check on himself, Hayoung,” Huisoo voiced out, “I said I'm ready to take his side in life, but things just don’t work out that way,” She slumped her back to the chair, “There're always things in between.”

She just did not understand him. First, he pulled her in with those intimate conversations and promises. Then, he pushed her out with the broken promises.

This was never the relationship she had been dreaming to have. If only she could read his mind, she did not have to be bothered struggling for the relationship by herself. She checked her phone. Two months before the actual wedding. Would she be okay if things looked impossible like this? She shook her head.

They made a deal.

            “Slow it down, Hansoo,” Hayoung grabbed her shoulders, “Don’t rush. If he agreed to spend a marriage life with you, he would deal with it. Just like what you do right now.”

Hayoung smiled, “The only difference is; he takes it slow while you think too much.”


Huisoo was standing in front of her bedroom window. Looking far away to the horizon, she sighed. Usually, she would be at Jongin’s house, looking after Sejong and Jongshin. It had been a week since she left them for her conference in Jeju. She missed them, but she was afraid that things may be awkward if she bumped into Jongin. Would they talk if they see each other?

She snorted. Of course he would since he never thought that this problem was a big deal.

She inhaled deeply. Perhaps, Hayoung was right. Life was too short to stress herself with people who never saw her as a significant issue in their lives. For now, she would be submissive to the situation. She did not give up. She was just giving a try to live it in a more relaxing way.



Out of blue, she was feeling a change of air in her bedroom. It was not raining nor was it snowing. It was too soon to snow in October, but Han Huisoo was frozen inside her own bedroom, looking down to see the reality down there with grimace written all over her face.

Jongin’s black SUV was a nightmare.


           “Inhwa is back and is looking for you.” His voice was stern, and he stared at her like it was his first time seeing her. He was not sure if using his sister as the reason to talk to her would start a good negotiation.

He really did not know how to make everything up to her. Ever since she dumped his calls at the airport, he had been thinking about the best way to approach her in that kind of state. He was not slow, he knew normal girls were sensitive toward broken promise. It was just he never knew that she would go to this extent. Not that he cared, but he needed her to be around his siblings, to put everyone together while he was away working things out.

That was why she was slightly unlike the other women he ever dated in the past. This one was the one he had agreed to make wife, the person he had agreed to have around. And perhaps, she was the only one he had ever spent this much time and effort on.

As he was saying a few more things, the woman remained silent. She later learned that Inhwa was coming alone because she needed to attend school that was starting soon while his mother was left there for she had some family business to do.

          “Do you want to come?” He asked again, trying hard to afford his most genuine voice. Good Lord, he prayed not to sound like a soft idiot at the same time. All he wanted to hear was a yes from her. Not because of Inhwa and definitely not because he thought it was nice to see her around, but because he did not appreciate being rejected. Moreover, when for her sake, he had tried to put up with all of these craps he had never done before.

He sighed. He got the signal that she was not going to say anything. Her face was emotionless.

          “Are you going to talk?”, He asked curiously, “ ever?” He cringed and watched her take a deep breath as she pursed her lips together. He was done. His impatience got the best of him. He inhaled sharply and exploded, “Huisoo, we have a d— ”

          “We have a deal, I know.” She lifted her face to meet his gaze. Her face was calm, yet, annoyed. And Jongin knew just what he did wrong. It was okay when it comes to business, but here right now, he did not feel good when having to use their deal to fight against her. But then, there would always be a chance to change it before it was too late, wasn't it?


Seconds passed, they went to another phase of silence again.

          “Did you just say sorry?” She frowned.

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My biggest regards to Ever Enough loyal readers and subbies!!! I swear to God I am not leaving this story nor am I gonna stop writing. Please anticipate :D


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Chapter 29: Wow thankyou....
Didn't expect to see your updates again really soon.
This is the very first time to see the vulnerable Jong In. Under his hard and tough shell, he's really a soft guy, he has emotions.
Seems like his relationship with Huisoo is getting stronger....
Keycolight #2
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: I love you so much for updating again. I can't wait for the next chapter to come 🥲

This is the kind of relationship that everyone want. A healthy communication and huisoo and jongin have it. They both are so gentel to each other, very comforting and understanding. I got a bit sad when jongin started sobbing but also happy to see that he's very open in front of huisoo. I remember when their relationship was push and pull it was so frustrating and now here they are communicatiing everythinf 🥲🥲🥲 i feel like a proud mother ☺️

Their small gestures bring smiles to my face. Like him going on a shopping with her while holding hands or when he touches huisoo's face in the car. They're sooo sweet.
I'm a bit surprised they still don't share a room *wink* *wink* haha don't mind my ert mind 🙃

Anyways, thank you for updating. I hope next chapter won't be too far away 😁
Chapter 28: Omg can't believe my eyes with the notification from you...
Thank you for comig back again after such a long long time.....
Such a great story as always, really....
Huisoo, she's the real angel coming down to the earth, having the hardest (joined) responsibility to take care of this special family with all of their dramas....
Having to deal with Jongin himself is sometimes quite draining emotionally, but here she has to take care of the whole family, with sincerity. She treats them like they are her own family.
She really has a big heart....
I hope things will get better for the siblings...

I hope to see your next updates soon....
NandaWibowo #4
Keycolight #5
Chapter 28: OMG YESSSS YOU UPDATED! i saw it last night but it was too late and i needed to sleep and now i just finished reading the last 3 chapters to remind me what happened.

I'm glad jongin was on huisoo's side tho it was his brother insulting his fiance. It's nice to see those two got each other's back considering their relationship didn't start smooth. And huisoo is soooo gentle towards his siblings. I love how she handles each of their problems. She's not a mother yet but this will be like a practice for motherhood 😂
I just love these two. They have like the healthiest relationship ever after he proposed her for the 2nd time.
I just couldn't wait to see more of them and all i can say is i have to be patient. Thanks a lot for updating i love this chapter so much. I hope you'll still continue the story till the end 😊
Keycolight #6
Chapter 27: Hello author i'm your 'old' reader from 9 years a ago. I saw this story was being updated so i opened and decided to reread every chapter to find out there was no update 😭😭😭😭😭

But honestly i just realized that my opinion for this story has never changed since 9 years ago. I still love it so much. It took me less than 48 hours to wrapped it up and it still gives me the same feelings. The characters are just too realistic. There is not even 1 annoying character. Not even jongin's ex. The conflicts are just exactly like what people experince in real life. I'm sad and happy and frustrated just like how they feel in the story. I'm glad you revealed how she ended up becoming jongin's fiance. But s till would like to read some more of their intimate moments as they only decided to start over again for the last couple of chapters, dont you think we need more of jongin-huisoo's moments? 😁

9 years ago i was just a young girl who was obsessed with exo and i still am an exol in 2024. A lot of things have happened in life and i hope youre life treats you well too. I wish to see the ending of this fanfic as i've been waiting for so long for the update haha 😅
And im sure there are some other readers that agree with me. Please please please it's gonna bother me for life to not know the ending of Never Enough 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
again?! with the update notification yet no real updateee i am starved ;_;
Chapter 27: huh? is there something wrong with the notification because there’s no new chapter?
BlackIris #9
Chapter 27: Wow🤧 reading this story once again and seeing an update takes me back to my high school days when I had so little care in the world! Thank you so much for updating!! Looking forward to see the story get completed!!