A Heart He Calls Home

Ever Enough
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With Huisoo (going into the fifth month now), life had never been better, but there were times when life was not always the easiest; just like this seemingly-never-ending week of business flights and tables.

This was the type of week which drained him out. It was his longest business trip of the year, the one which he always avoided. Three countries and five cities in five days, he seriously went extra miles to close lots of deals. Worst of it, he suffered the route march (as he named the trip) with no company (three co-workers and one personal assistant should not be counted as companies), since his Hyoyeon Noona, his multitasking secretary, had been taking her pregnancy leave for five months—she promised him five months and assured him that nothing would happen to Dae Hwan Korea during her leave. To Jongin, there was truth in it because last month, he had picked a temporary replacement for Hyoyeon’s charge, following Minseok’s wish and a few of Baekhyun’s recommendations, and things had not changed that much in the company. But still, the business trip almost broke him in the neck. Or maybe not really the trip; maybe the people and things he should deal with.

Uncomfortable hotels, weird food, and sleepless nights were like a genocide to him. But, on top of all, long flights and heavy turbulence were his most hated enemies. If he had not done it for the sake of his family company which had not stopped maintaining its leadership position in industry for more than 20 years, he would gladly commit a suicide right now.

During that pathetic week and those critical days in his life, God in fact had not left Kim Jongin alone. The gracious heaven had sent him a friend like Luhan who had voluntarily flown away from his hometown in Beijing to Chongqing, to where the Dae Hwan’s president had come to his lowest point of tolerance in enduring the week.

He was in Beijing two days ago when the Beijing young man rang him, asking where his hotel was. The call ended with a promise to see him there, but of course it could not be that easy. Therefore, after taking care of his own work, Luhan called again and made a promise with the younger under the name of their friendship to see him wherever he was. There was this feeling like taking care of the guest, now that he was in his own hometown. During this time, it was always Jongin and the other Korean guys taking care of him in Seoul.

Despite the fact that Chonqing was not his birth place, although he knew little about the city, Luhan had managed to find interesting things in the town and had become a good host to the younger. As the result, seven hours before his flight, the Gege had taken Jongin to a shabby but well-known drinking place in the town and had presented him a short walk around the city hall to show the Korean guy how the locals welcomed the new year.

When it was time to leave, they drove together to the airport where Jongin’s trip partners had been waiting. They separated there, Luhan was supposed to wait for his flight back to Beijing in one hour later, while Jongin took off first. To his last stop before finally going home. To the last business deal before he could rest his heart in Seoul.

He exhaled. It really had not been a good week in anyway.

The team had not stayed more than three hours in Macau after signing a MoU for a heavy metal equipment corporation. His team had tried to convince him to stroll around and to check-in for a hotel once again, to which he refused. He could no longer prolong his discomfort. He longed to go home so soon that it almost felt like an ache.

But who said it was easy. Apparently, the week had turned into a survival struggle when his flight, his last space seperating him and his home, was delayed. The guy exhaled. At this point, he was not in a situation where he had more energy to even blow up although he secretly wished this would be the last pinch before his eternal joy. Maybe he just needed to survive once again.

An hour sitting with a phonecall to Huisoo (who had finally managed to pick up the call since her surgery schedule often disallowed her to connect right away with him), Jongin could gather all of his broken spirit to embark onto the aeroplane; pleased that he at least got one damn good reason to board into the aircraft.

Succesfully loaded, he pushed his seat back and shut his eyes really closed, hoping when they shut open later, it was Seoul’s sky they saw for the first time. It must be good to be home; and to get away from all of this .

Well, perhaps was an understatement, because as the aeroplane landed in Incheon, the snow was intense. It was even very much thicker than the icing of the cake in Jongin’s and Huisoo’s engagement day (you can’t imagine that). And everyone did not even have time to process what had just happened during eight hours and forty five minutes flight when the pilot personally announced their biggest apology to the passengers for the belated-landing time.

            “What’s happening?” Jongin rose from his spot before asking his co-worker behind him.

           “It's the snowstorm, Sir” His co-worker said, “The plane was going around and around in the sky for two hours before it went down safely. It was a tight match.” He said while laughing.

            “None of you woke me up?” Jongin asked, catching the other male off guard.

            “We thought you must- ”

            “Don’t forget my baggage.” Jongin snapped directly before taking long strides toward the the exit door,

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My biggest regards to Ever Enough loyal readers and subbies!!! I swear to God I am not leaving this story nor am I gonna stop writing. Please anticipate :D


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Chapter 29: Wow thankyou....
Didn't expect to see your updates again really soon.
This is the very first time to see the vulnerable Jong In. Under his hard and tough shell, he's really a soft guy, he has emotions.
Seems like his relationship with Huisoo is getting stronger....
Keycolight #2
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: I love you so much for updating again. I can't wait for the next chapter to come 🥲

This is the kind of relationship that everyone want. A healthy communication and huisoo and jongin have it. They both are so gentel to each other, very comforting and understanding. I got a bit sad when jongin started sobbing but also happy to see that he's very open in front of huisoo. I remember when their relationship was push and pull it was so frustrating and now here they are communicatiing everythinf 🥲🥲🥲 i feel like a proud mother ☺️

Their small gestures bring smiles to my face. Like him going on a shopping with her while holding hands or when he touches huisoo's face in the car. They're sooo sweet.
I'm a bit surprised they still don't share a room *wink* *wink* haha don't mind my ert mind 🙃

Anyways, thank you for updating. I hope next chapter won't be too far away 😁
Chapter 28: Omg can't believe my eyes with the notification from you...
Thank you for comig back again after such a long long time.....
Such a great story as always, really....
Huisoo, she's the real angel coming down to the earth, having the hardest (joined) responsibility to take care of this special family with all of their dramas....
Having to deal with Jongin himself is sometimes quite draining emotionally, but here she has to take care of the whole family, with sincerity. She treats them like they are her own family.
She really has a big heart....
I hope things will get better for the siblings...

I hope to see your next updates soon....
NandaWibowo #4
Keycolight #5
Chapter 28: OMG YESSSS YOU UPDATED! i saw it last night but it was too late and i needed to sleep and now i just finished reading the last 3 chapters to remind me what happened.

I'm glad jongin was on huisoo's side tho it was his brother insulting his fiance. It's nice to see those two got each other's back considering their relationship didn't start smooth. And huisoo is soooo gentle towards his siblings. I love how she handles each of their problems. She's not a mother yet but this will be like a practice for motherhood 😂
I just love these two. They have like the healthiest relationship ever after he proposed her for the 2nd time.
I just couldn't wait to see more of them and all i can say is i have to be patient. Thanks a lot for updating i love this chapter so much. I hope you'll still continue the story till the end 😊
Keycolight #6
Chapter 27: Hello author i'm your 'old' reader from 9 years a ago. I saw this story was being updated so i opened and decided to reread every chapter to find out there was no update 😭😭😭😭😭

But honestly i just realized that my opinion for this story has never changed since 9 years ago. I still love it so much. It took me less than 48 hours to wrapped it up and it still gives me the same feelings. The characters are just too realistic. There is not even 1 annoying character. Not even jongin's ex. The conflicts are just exactly like what people experince in real life. I'm sad and happy and frustrated just like how they feel in the story. I'm glad you revealed how she ended up becoming jongin's fiance. But s till would like to read some more of their intimate moments as they only decided to start over again for the last couple of chapters, dont you think we need more of jongin-huisoo's moments? 😁

9 years ago i was just a young girl who was obsessed with exo and i still am an exol in 2024. A lot of things have happened in life and i hope youre life treats you well too. I wish to see the ending of this fanfic as i've been waiting for so long for the update haha 😅
And im sure there are some other readers that agree with me. Please please please it's gonna bother me for life to not know the ending of Never Enough 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
again?! with the update notification yet no real updateee i am starved ;_;
Chapter 27: huh? is there something wrong with the notification because there’s no new chapter?
BlackIris #9
Chapter 27: Wow🤧 reading this story once again and seeing an update takes me back to my high school days when I had so little care in the world! Thank you so much for updating!! Looking forward to see the story get completed!!