Chapter 2

Heartless Help

After I left the doctor’s office, I knew that I couldn’t return to my mother’s ward; if she saw me in such a terrible state, she’d have definitely guessed that something was wrong with her health condition. Either that, or she’d have found out that her hospital bills were too hefty – I had no choice but to exit the hospital.

However, when I reached the hospital gates, I dropped to my knees, and sobbed my heart out, not caring about the looks I earned from passersby.

“Dear God, why does it have to be her?! She was always so grateful, thankful and although we’re poor, she’s never complained. Dear God, please take me instead of her – I always complained, I was never happy with what you gave me. I deserve to die, ” I begged between weeps.

Later on, I went to my part-time job, not really being able to concentrate on what I was doing, wishing it would end soon but deep-down, I had already realized that it was to be a long shift.

The next day, I went to the company, impossible ways of how to acquire the money chasing each other around in my befuddled mind. At lunch break, I took the opportunity to go to the nearest bank and ask for a loan. However, they would not give it to me give it to me of course - my salary and spending being not suitable, they refused.

As I returned to the office, I thought about selling our modest house, but, as I said, it was not worth even ¼ of the total bill and it meant so much to my mother; it was the only thing my father left for us.

Dear God, I can’t let my mother die while I, her only daughter, watch in silence. Which daughter wouldn’t bite more than she could chew for her mother’s sake? I urgently needed to find the money since I couldn’t live without her, but how? What could I do?

Whilst I sat in solitude, pondering, I overheard two of my colleagues’ chatter as they did their work, and although I only caught a small part of their conversation, it was more than enough for me.

My favorite brand has a 50% reduction on their collection, but I’ve already spent a lot this month! My salary isn’t sufficient anymore.” She said, traces of amusement in her squeaky voice.

Her friend responded, laughing even more “Our CEO is known for being a philanthropist, why doesn’t he just raise our salaries instead of giving those huge amounts to charity who use the money for who knows what?” 

The moment I heard that last line, I instantly stood up, the coworkers’ eyes glaring at me suspiciously, surprised at my peculiar reaction.

I felt like tightly embracing them for the idea that they gave me, but their feelings of hate towards me were discernible. But, how could I not have thought of Mr. Choi? Certainly I wouldn’t ask him to give me money but at least just lend it to me.


I strode to his office, all the while smiling and thanking God for this prospect, and praying Mr. Choi would agree to help me.
As soon as I reached his office, his pompous secretary asked me to wait outside, entering herself to see if he was busy.

“You may go in now,” she curtly articulated with a nod.

“Thank you!” I bowed excitedly, once again receiving a look from her.

I knocked quietly, yet audibly, before entering. He was sitting behind his large and superior, glossy desk reading a few documents. Looking up, a small smile forming on his thin, full lips, he greeted, “ Good afternoon Miss Lee.”

Again, I bowed, and returned the greeting. “Good afternoon Sajang-nim. Thank you for allowing me to speak to you even though you’re busy.”

He smiled and gestured for me to sit and asked, “So what has prompted your sudden visit?”

I complied, my head lowered ashamed, “I- I’m ... Today, I’m not here to talk about the company.” 

Surprised, he put down the paper in his hands “Then… may I know what you are here for?”

Not knowing where to start, I gathered all the courage I could muster, telling myself that I was doing this for my mother’s sake.

“Sajang-nim, I need your precious help.” Glancing up, I saw an eyebrow of his lift up, willing me to continue. "I- I need money, it’s really urgent! I’m not asking you to give it to me but to lend it to me.”


If you really need money I can give it to you. I’ll call the human resources’ department,” He then took the phone and started dialling the number.

“I need $1,000,000.” At this, he lethargically put the phone down, staring at me incredulously.

“What will you do with all this money?” 

“With all due respect sir, as this is a confidential matter, will you please lend me the money without delving any further into my private business?"

Disbelief in his eyes, he stood up, and faced the huge window behind his leather chair. On another day, I might have gone to stand beside him and enjoyed the striking scenery, but not this day. I was too nervous and disheartened.

“Oh, of course I will, but, as I'm quite sure you'll know, nothing in this world is given without conditions," he sneered, an conspicuous tune of sarcasm dripping from his snarky tongue.

“ Yes sir, I know. What are the conditions?” I asked, praying that he wouldn’t ask for something I would be unable to do.

“All I want is just one night, and after that, the money will be all yours.” 


I couldn’t believe what I’d just heard. His words resounding in my ears, I wondered: how could the CEO that all employees knew and respected as kind, and good-natured have suddenly turned into a ert?

“Sorry, I don’t quite understand your point.” I worded in a hushed tone.

He laughed unemotionally “In that case, let me explain more. If you sleep with me, I’ll give you that sum of money. I think it’s pretty clear, yes?”

“What?!” I squealed, flabbergasted.

“I’ll give you some time to think about it."

I couldn’t take that anymore, so I left his office wordlessly, slamming the door behind me. Although I’d been taught better, and I valued that it was rude, what he’d said was unrespectable, unacceptable, and an insult to my honour. I was not some cheap e that was to be toyed with.

I went home and mulled over my limited options. I was uncertain, but the only thing I was sure of was that I would never spend the night with him for money. This was an unquestionable matter.

Miserable, my head and eyes throbbing, I went to check on my mother. Once again, I spoke to the doctor, but this time, he responded only by warning me that should I fail to provide the funds in the time span of three days, the donor organ would be given to another patient who, unlike me, had prepared the money.

A big blow this was to me, I dashed to the company, ignoring the secretary’s cries of outrage, and burst into Mr. Choi’s office, panting. 




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Jaesongjoong #1
Chapter 4: Will you continue the story?
Jaesongjoong #2
Chapter 4: :(
Chapter 4: OMG!!!!!! So hard!!!! I'm so sorry!!!! I hope she rest in peace. I'll pray for her and her soul.
Thanks for being strong and tell us. Thank you so, so much.
R. I. P.
Chapter 4: Omg I don't know how I stumbled on this but I really... Omg I am so sorry. I find this so sweet amd touching... You guys must have been very close. I am so sorry, she must have been so strong to go through so much. I never knew who she was but I hope she rest in peace
Chapter 4: I didn't know her but may she rest in piece,my condolences to her relatives and close people to her
Chapter 4: I never knew her until now, but may she rest in peace. <3
redmermaid #7
Chapter 4: it's heartbreaking, I didn't know her but I'll pray for her, may she rest in peace, deepest condolences to her friends and family, fanfiction indeed means more for some
Chapter 4: I know her and I never talked before -- maybe a message or two during the time she requested for a poster -- but I'm in tears right now at her kind messages and strength during everything. And I very much hope and pray that she is in a much better place where she is no longer suffering from her disease. I deeply apologise to Sarah, to all her friends and family for your lose, and I hope for you all to stay strong. She is my prays, as well as her family.
Again, I'm very sorry for your lose.
Chapter 4: I never even knew her, but the fact that she asked her readers and her online friends here not oo cry for her if they loved her just broke my heart. The fact that she said that, knowing her surgery wouldn't be successful-- You were brave, and you were strong. I'm praying for you. I genuinely hope that you are in a happier and better place now.
xemily27 #10
Chapter 4: omg I did not even see that coming, RIP and thank you for all you've done<3