Getting Ready

One Crazy Summer

Green - Indonesian

Blue - English


Joon Hae’s POV

I woke up around nine when Joona suddenly burst open my door and shook me awake.

“Hmm?” I mumbled.

“Guess what?” Joona said.


“We’re gonna meet the rest of SHINee today!” she exclaimed happily.

“Jinjja?!?!?” I asked uncertain.

“Yup! I can’t wait to meet them! AAAAHHHHHH!”

“AAAAHHHH! OH MA GAD! OH MA GAD! OH MA GAD!” We fangirled in unison. I saw Joona scurried over to the door and closed it, so we can scream again out of excitement.

“I don’t know what I’m gonna wear! What should I wear? Wait, what are you gonna wear?” Joona excitedly asked.

“I don’t know! I’m just so excited to meet them!” I replied. “We have to dress nicely so we can leave a great first impression,” I suggested.

“Okay, well, I’m gonna go take shower first while you decide what you’re going to wear,” Joona responded while slowly walking out the door.

“Wait! What about mom? What should we tell her?” I asked nervously.

“Uhhmm… we’ll tell her later after breakfast,” she answered as she closed the door.

I slide out of my blanket and made my way to the closet. I looked at all the clothes I have and none of them are good enough!!! I grab half of the clothes on the rack and tossed it on my bed. ‘What should I wear?! This is harder than I thought. Maybe I should pair this blouse with this floral skirt? Nah. Too girly!’ I was mentally drained from overthinking. I searched through my closet again and saw something that screams "I'm feminine!" yet casual and not too girly for my taste. I skipped over to my drawer to grab my undergarments and a plain t-shirt with a pink shorts to wear around the house until it's time to go. With hurried steps, I went to the bathroom after knowing that Joona was finally finished with her shower.


Joon Ah’s POV

I was feeling so giddy that I couldn’t help but to smile all through my shower. I selected a few outfits that I had in mind and not one of them satisfy my preference on a first meeting. ‘Maybe I should settle for something casual yet appealing at the same time?’ A grin made its way to my face when an outfit had decided to show itself in front of me. I grab the outfits and laid out on my bed to remind me that I’ll be wearing that specific attire later on. Out of the blue, my stomach grumbled really loudly. 'What should I eat? I'm so lazy to cook...' Sauntering out of my bedroom, I saw Joonhae unnie just finished with her shower.

“Are you gonna eat now?” she asked.

“Yeah. I’ll probably make cereal or egg-in-a-basket,” I replied. “You?”

“Same thing, I guess.”

The both of us walked to the kitchen to see if we could find any food that is already made so we don’t have to cook. “Oh! There’s fried rice. We’ll just make egg to go with it,” unnie suggested.

“Okay,” I complied.


After breakfast we decided to tell mom about it. It was a long process to decide who should tell her.

“Okay, you tell her,” unnie suggested.

“Me? Why don’t you tell her?” I asked back.

“Because I was the last one to ask when we wanted something.”

“Uggghh… I’m scared if she says no…” I complained.

“Just do it. I’ll back you up,” unnie demanded. We nervously walked to eomma and I hesitated for a while but then I decided to go with the flow. Eomma was sitting on the couch in front of the TV while doing stuff on her phone. I’m guessing facebooking with her friends or something. I don’t know, mothers gossip or they post pictures or something.  Like I care…

“Ma…” I started.

“What?” she asked and looked up at me.

“Can we go out?” I asked implying me and Joonhae unnie.

“Go out where? With who?”

“To a friend’s place.”

“What friend? You don’t have friends here,” she retorted.

“Truthfully, we made a new friend,” I said. “A few days ago after we went to that mall.”

“Is it a guy or girl?”

“Uhhmm…a guy.” As soon as I said that, eomma gave me a questioning look as if I’m stupid to make new friends.


“But mom, we already promised to meet him and his friends,” I explained, “and you don’t have to worry because we know he won’t do any harm to us.”

“How do you know he wouldn’t do that?” she asked.

“He is a K-Pop idol,” I finally said.

“It would be bad for his image if he would’ve done something bad to us,” unnie added.

“Please?” I plead full of hope.

“Okay,” she gave in, “But if I feel like something is wrong, I won’t hesitate to make us leave Korea.”

“Okay!” I agreed happily. Unnie and I left the living room and went our separate ways to our designated room. After shutting the door behind me, I ran to my bed and buried my face deep into the pillow and scream out of disbelief. I kept rolling back and forth on my bed because I can’t contain this… anticipation.  ‘Oh my god. I can’t believe it! I’m actually meeting them! I need to get rid of my fangirling side before I see them.'  

For a while, I noticed that it’s almost twelve in the afternoon. ‘I better get ready.’  I propped myself up and grab my denim plaid-styled shirt over a loose white tank-top. And paired it with a black leather pants and a black high heels to outline my long legs. I let a brown simple bracelet over my left wrist, and a Z-designed necklace hang over my neck to show my real initial name. Afterwards, I applied a simple make up on my face.  

I opened the door revealing Joonhae unnie who was also ready. She had a white, floral, short-sleeved cardigan over a navy blue floral tank top with skinny jeans and a pink velvet high heels. 


Joon Hae's POV

"So... where is the SM building located," I asked.

"Crap! I didn't ask him," Joona replied. "Go ask him."

"Okay." I fished out my phone and began typing the message to Key. 

"We should just head out and get something to drink while we wait for his reply," she suggested as she ushered us to the door. 

We arrived at the cafe and ordered our usual. As we wait, we received a text from Key explaining the location of the SM building. 

"Hey, that's not too far from here, right?" she asked, making sure.

"Yep. It doesn't take long," I reassured. We strarted making our way to our destination while looking around our surrounding to familiarize with it. I've got a feeling that we will visit SM a lot. We walked quietly side by side. I was on my phone having a conversation with Key, trying to mess up his mind again. He he heh he. On the other hand, Joona, who was walking right next to me, was enjoying her frappalatte as she watches the people around her. 

"Should we just go in or wait outside?" Joona asked all of the sudden.

"Good question," I said, "I'll call him." I dialed his number and waited for the ringing to stop. 


Minho's POV

Me and the rest of the members were sitting in our practice room after a finishing many rehearsals of our new dance routine. Kibum-hyung promised us that we get to meet his new "friends." I'm still curious and a little bit suspicious about those twin girls. Are they using us for their own benefit? That, I'm not too sure myself. I was spacing out when all of the sudden Kibum-hyung bursting out laughing which brought my attention to him. No. All of our eyes fell on him. He was on his phone while rolling on th floor laughing and once in a while he would stop and giggle. I looked at the rest of the members who looked at each other with confusion written all over their faces. 

"Wow. I can't wait to meet them. Are they that funny?" Taemin asked Kibum-hyung.

"Huh? Oh, not exactly. Their weirdness is what's entertaining," Kibum replied, "At times, they're also childish. They can change from being mature to childish in a split second."

"Okay, I'll just wait and see," Taemin responded. After a minute past, Kibum's phone rang, which I'm guessing is one of the girls. 

"Ne. Wait at the entrance," Kibum spoke to the phone.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get them at the entrance, so wait here," he exclaimed and left. 


Baekhyun's POV

EXO just finished practicing our dance from the new album that was released about two weeks ago. We exited our practice room when all of the sudden, I heard laughter. I was curious to see who was laughing, then I saw Key-hyung rolling on the floor.

"What's so funny? What's going on?" I curiously asked to myself.

"What are you looking at?" asked Chanyeol. 

"Ommo! You scared me!" I responded, "I'm looking at Key-hyung who is laughing like a maniac and giggling like a girl in love."

"Where?" Kai joined in, looking around and I pointed at the direction to help them see it. Soon, everyone in EXO was looking at the scene in SHINee sunbaenim's practice room. 

"Weird," commented Sehun. I looked back at Key-hyung who just ended a phone call and is going out of the practice room.

"Oh, hey guys!" Key-hyung greeted us.

"Annyeonghaseyo," we all replied, and in return, Key-hyung just smiled and walked out of the building with a small disguise.

"Okay, guys. We should head to our next schedule," Suho hyung reminded us. We headed for the door, and as we stepped outside, I saw Key-hyung standing there talking to two foreign girls who I have never seen before. They are pretty tall and probably arund our age. I kept staring at them from a distance, and because of my lack of attention, I crashed into D.O.'s back. 

"Mian," I sheepishly apologized.

"What were you staring at Baekhyun?" D.O. asked.

"Huh? Oh nothing," I replied, glancing one more time at those girls. 'Probably just some fans.'


Joon Ah's POV

About a minute has past and we saw a familiar figure coming our way. "Oh! It's Key!" I pointed. 

"Hey, you both made it!" Key exclaimed.

"Yo!" unnie replied and waved. "Hi," I also replied. The three of us just stood there awkwardly and no one said a thing. I don't know what to say to him; it feels kind of awkward for some reason, even though we've been talking non-stop for the past few days. 

"Uhhh... sooooo," unnie broke the silence. "Are you gonna invite us in or not?"

"Oh, right, yeah... Sorry~" Key finally said and laughed nervously. "Kaja." Both of us followed him inside the building and it was just... amazing. The entrance was small but inside, there are many halls leading to many different rooms. "Let's get you guys a visitor pass first," said Key. 

We stopped by the front desk and Key requested the lady for two visitor pass. After the lady gave us the pass, we wore it around our neck and Key led us to their practice room. 'Oh my god! I'm so nervous~!' My hand was shaking and I looked at unnie. She wasn't smiling or scared or nothing. 

"Why are you so calm??" I whispered to her.

"Calm?! You think I'm calm?! I'm freaking out inside, man," she whispered back. She was breathing unevenly and I could see some sweat coming out of her forehead. "We're here!" said Key, and unconsciuosly, we held our breath at the sudden announcement. He pushed down the door handle and...

"WAIT!" we both shouted.

"W-what's wrong?" Key asked and released the handle. I went over to him and drag him far away from the door. "How do I say this? Ummm...." I started and I didn't know what to say. 

Key crossed his arms on his chest and said, "Don't tell me you're nervous seeing them." We both were quiet and didn't say anything just avoiding his gaze. "No way!" he shouted, "You're nervous seeing them, but not me?!" He unfolded his arms and just threw it in the air. "Impossible!" He stomped his feet and made his way to the door. He pushed down the door handle and pushed open the door.

"No!" I shouted. "Wai-" 

"Hi!" me and Joonhae forcefully said in unison as Key dragged us in. 

"Guys, here are my 'friends'," Key announced and quoted the word 'friends' with his fingers. 

"Annyeonghaseyo! Urineun the shinig SHINee-ibnida!" SHINee minus Key chorused. Unnie and I step forward into the room and look at them; surprisingly, we were calm. 


Sorry for the late update. I didn't realized my teachers would give me so many tests and projects for the past two weeks. Sorry, I'm such a disappointment! OTL I am a bad author T_T

I'll try to update more frequently next week, cuz I have a week off.  So wait till then! 



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naznew #1
Chapter 21: wow..not bad...Great chapter for a comeback..
welcome back dongsaeng~
DaisYeolPark88 #2
Chapter 21: Uasssss an update !!! Thank you lord
naznew #3
Chapter 26: Don't worry dongsaeng, unnie always give my support to you..
yup..condolence to her...she still young to die..but maybe its already her time...
naznew #4
Chapter 26: its can take your time..i'll waiting... as long as you don't delete this story...
hwaiting in your school~
naznew #5
Chapter 20: Taemin mistook that joonhae have cancer but it turn out joona who have it..
I wonder what will happen next..
Oh and gomawoyo for updated
Chapter 19: OMGOMGOMG!!! You finally updated. Girl I have been waiting for forever. I loved it!! I love you for it!!
naznew #7
Chapter 19: Finally a new chapter..
Gomawoyo for this chapter..
Of course i still remember this story..
Saengil chukha hamnida twins~
Another happy and unforgotten memory for them..
And i envy Infinite,Shinee,Exo and B.A.P..thise groups was my bias..
I like when taemin feel jealous to daehyun..
Omo..joona-ah.. taemin already feel something wrong with joona.. where joonhae? Did't she suppose to be with her twin?
Please update again..
Its okay..take your time to updating this story..
avisdawn #8
Update please ^^
naznew #9
Chapter 18: So sweet... Haha..kai and joonhae so funny..
Group OnHoKey act as spy.. And they fangirling..
Omo..kai will make joona's waist more injured...
mm0923 #10
Chapter 17: more update soon pls