♦ Chapter Three ♦

DIVINE/신성한: BoA's Entertainment First Girl Group:
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Chapter Three

August 23, 2013


BoA turns around to see all seven members fall to the ground. She sighs before opening her book bag and giving each of them a water bottle. "How are you guys are going to be able to do a 2-hour concert if you can't run five miles." BoA shakes her head; Rose rolls over, trying to guzzle the water quickly- "Unnie, I seriously want to puke." BoA had woke the girls up at 4:30 AM to start morning runs. While BoA rides her bike, the girls are running behind her, drenching in sweat and gasping for air. "We have to go; we need to make it to SM." BoA got back on her bike and told the girls to follow along. Cheonyu gets up but stops at Seunha, pulling on BaekHee. Baekhee seems to be having a tough time gasping for air, "Byun, are you okay?" Baekhee puts her hands up to stop her leader before coming closer, "give me a few- I will catch up." Seunha rubs her back; Rose gets up and walks towards the two. She gently pulls Seunha away from Baekhee and told her to walk with Cheonyu, "I will look after her- she just needs to take a breath." Rose smiles at her. Seunha pouts before walking ahead with the rest of the girls, glancing at the two. Rose rolls her eyes, "why didn't you bring your inhaler?" Baekhee frowns, "I didn't know she would come and do this- I was hoping to sleep a little." Rose shakes her head and pulls her backpack in front of her, "lucky- for you sweet , I have an extra. Your mother did say you are forgetful of your health." Baekhee chuckles at her Rose. Out of the DIVINE members, Rose is the quietest and most nonchalant about everything, but she is the most detailed member. She remembers little details about her members and expresses her affection for them differently. Baekhee takes her inhaler. Holding the mouthpiece down, she places her lips around it to form a tight seal, finally taking slow breaths. The agony of not being able to get enough oxygen in her lungs was slowly going away. Face flush Baekhee looks at her lifesaver, "thank you, unnie.."


Rose snorts before taking the inhaler back, "Mrs. Seo, will kill me if you died on me, and so will your brother." Baekhee stands up, stretching her back, "My mom will kill you for calling her Mrs. Seo and not Mrs.Byun" Rose laughs out loud, "She does know that her surname is still Seo?" Baekhee nods before wrapping herself around Rose, "let's go- I think we are way behind." Rose pulls the girl in the opposite direction, "We are already late. let's take the bus."




Chunsa sighs; she was the first to make it to SM Entertainment, followed by Abigail, Cheonyu, Seunha, Yiting- they are just missing Rose and Baekhee. BoA walks in the room sweat-free- Chunsa would like to point out, followed behind a smiling Rose and a flushed Baekhee, "These two decided on their own that they were going to take the bus instead of going by foot." BoA crosses her arms and stares pointedly at the two members. "... because of that practice will end at 11:00 PM today. With the expectation of Chunsa." Chunsa laughs at the others, "run faster next time." Seunha sticks her tongue out, "Chunsa, you can leave at 8:00 PM and do whatever you want- remember to be responsible; your debut is in a few weeks- we are trying to stay scandal-free for our first year." Chunsa takes her iPhone out of her bag, scrolls through her contact list, and stops at Sandara's name in her phone, "Sinta." Chunsa texts Sandara to see if they had time to meet up for tea and gossip.


"We are going to start with stretches.."







Chunsa pulls her hair into a ponytail after leaving her CEO, who told her that she would be signing a solo deal with Star Magic in the Philippines, and she will be getting scripts and love calls from them. If her career goes well in the Philippines, the company believes it would be easy to take candy from a baby. "You have a pretty solid fanbase in the Phillippines, and you are talented," she remembers her CEO statement. If it goes well, DIVINE will branch out. "You are not just a Korean Pop Girl Group, and you are a Multi-Asian girl group; we are trying a new approach with DIVINE. We want you to conquer Asia." Chunsa was excited, but the pressure she is starting to feel is uncomfortable in her chest- it's like someone is sitting on her chest. "this is happening," she whispers into Korea's chilly air.





Cheonyu huffs, "why would you take the bus?" she stomps like a child. Rose rolls over, "Baekhee couldn't run anymore; I rather spend the extra time to practice than have a dead member." Baekhee kicks Rose and gives her a look. No one besides Rose and Baekhyun knows of her asthma.


Cheonyu looks at the interaction, "unnie, die? aren't you a bit dramatic?" Seunha states. Rose shrugs her shoulders, and Baekhee remains silent on the floor, hair decorating the floor, while her legs lay idly on Yiting. Yiting has kept quiet since yesterday's incident with Abigail, while the other girl kept to herself listing to music. No one dares to bring it up because they are still in Phase 2 of their fight- they learned a long time ago to let them go through their phases and not intervene. Unfortunately, the last time they interfere, other members fought, and they got in trouble with the company.


"Oh, you are still here ?" Chanyeol asks before walking into the room, sitting next to Seunha. Tao, Baekhyun, Sehun, and Jongin walk into the room. Abigail looks at the door, hoping her boyfriend walk through the door, but he doesn't, which hurts her, but she doesn't let it show. Yiting tsks when she realizes her brother is avoiding the confrontation - like always. "," She mumbles in English, Sehun nudges her slightly. "Hunnie, how are you doing?" she questions in Korean. Baekhee rolls her eyes at Sehun pushing her legs off Yiting, "I'm doing good, tired but good- Byun number 2, my friend is not your chair or pillow, move your legs off her." Baekhee punches Sehun in his lanky arm, "do not touch me, lanky." Then, she turns her attention to her brother, who was busy trying to get her to massage his head.


"We just wanted to check on you. Are you nervous about your debut?" Cheonyu slides next to Jongin, "of course-" she pouts and puts her head on his shoulders. Chanyeol plays with Seunha's long hair, "- but we are excited as well."







The excitement was an understatement. After August 23rd, it felt like time was going by fast because it is now September 3rd; CheonYu, Chunsa, and now Abigail have been introduced as a member of DIVINE, BoA Entertainment's first girl group. DIVINE has topped Naver's search ranks and was talked about all over the media; because of the response, the members felt even more pressure. So many were excited to see DIVINE, but many wanted them to crash and burn.


Abigail scrolls through the comment sections, and many of the comments are saying that she is "pretty," "nice body line," and others stated that she was a "" shockingly, she was not upset about those comments. Seunha jumps happily into their meeting room, "I'm super excited." She sits next to Abigail, and she asks the older girl how she feels about the comments. Abigail shrugs before patting the younger girl, "...and I hope you feel the same way when you are revealed to the public. You are going to get backlash." Seunha pouts. Seunha is the most sensitive member; the others also cover her ears when someone starts yelling; if she sees violence, she starts to panic, leading to a member embracing her and singing, "SNSD- Into the new world or SHINee's- Honesty"; until her breathing is even, and she is no longer clenching onto their sides. Seunha's pouts turn to a frown, thinking about the trauma she had to suffer due to her abusive father. Yiting walks in and sits on the other side of Abigail, "where are the others?" Abigail asks. "They are coming from practice. Baekhee is coming from filming." Cheonyu answers, pulling out a fruit salad and passing them a fork, "We need to eat if we want to get back to practice. Here is some water." Cheonyu gives them a water bottle. She then sits the rest of the water bottles on the table. Baekhee walks in, and kisses each member on the cheek, "Abigail- you are so popular. My y unnie." Baekhee teases; she motions for Cheonyu to feed her some fruit. Cheonyu shakes her head; the youngest never feeds herself. Cheonyu gives her a water bottle as well and pats the seat next to her.


"Are you nervous about your reveal?" Seunha asks Baekhee. With full of fruit, she shakes her head no, "..ugh, not really, we have been working for years." Seunha then frowns; she is nervous, but everyone else is nonchalant or confident because the members' reactions are great. Chunsa, Rose, and Yiting come into the room bustling with energy, "I know Abigail looks y- she is going bring all the boys our way." Rose states. Rose pinches Seunha's cheek, "sweetheart- you have to smile; we are going to debut soon." Seunha's frowns deepened. She should be excited, but she is terrified. What if they notice how broken she is or finds out that she killed her mother during childbirth? By her father's definition, she is a murderer. She felt her heart racing quickly; she gets up, and everyone gives her a look, "I have to go to the bathroom." Rose grabs her wrist. Seunha pleads with her eyes, "please let me go" Rose sighs before letting her wrist go. Seunha walks out of the conference room and runs into SHINee's practice session, "Oppa," she crashes into Taemin. Though shocked about the sobbing girl wrapped around him, he managed to keep his balance. "Seunha-ah" He tried to peel the girl off him, but she kept her arms wrapped around him. The other members give him a knowing look before existing quietly with their managers. "Seunah-ah. come on; it's just us two- you can talk to me?"


Seunha lets go slightly, "Oppa," she cries once she saw her brother's face, all her emotions now out. "what if they know about me killing mom? What if they know about me being broken- I am a criminal" her cries bouncing off the practice rooms. Taemin sighs; they have had these talks many times. He did warn her that her mental health is not the greatest, and she shouldn't pursue the idol life, but it was the only thing that got her out of her shell. "Seunha-ah, they are going to love you; you have a heart of gold. They are not going to know about mommy unless you tell them. I have been in this field for many years and barely know about you, my sweetheart- let alone mom. Plus, is Oppa going to let you get hurt?" Seunha sniffles; her brother does have a point only a few of his fans know what she looks like or even know if she existed. SM is good about one thing, and that's keeping family members of idols private- usually, the idol releases that information. Taemin gently wipes her face, "Seunha, you have me, you have my members, and you have your members- I have seen those girls fight; they will protect you. Now, stop crying and go back to your meeting before you get in trouble. Afterward, I get you all Ice Cream." Seunha is still sniffling, her nose, her cheeks flushed and wet with tears. Seunha kisses her Oppa cheek before leaving the room.


Seunha comes back to BoA, Lee Soo Man, and the other men in the room. She gives a 90-degree bow, "I had an upset stomach." BoA gives her a quick glare before ushering her to sit down. BoA stands up, "Since we have all the members of my first girl group, DIVINE- I would like for them .introduce themselves," DIVINE gets up and bow to everyone. "I know you have heard this before- about a girl group from Korea being talented in singing, dancing, rapping, and acting, but I can say this in confidence that many girl groups that are out and will be coming out are not as talented, and well balanced as DIVINE. Divine is a multi-Asian girl group with many talents, and most members can speak intermediate Japanese." Abigail stares at her CEO, who was speaking Japanese. Baekhee and Seunha understand most of what BoA said. Finally, DIVINE realizes what the meeting is for; BoA scored a contract meeting with the Japanese label and agency AVEX.



The meeting lasted for 2 hours, deliberately on each party's wants and needs. Avex listened to every word that each member stated- though most of what was said was translated through BoA.


"I think this group will be profitable for all parties. We agreed to sign an exclusive contract with them for their singing and acting ventures in Japan. We will have our people develop an exclusive contract, and we should meet again.



12:00 AM, DIVINE walks out of SM entertainment and goes into their van- DIVINE is no longer allowed to walk around freely due to their debut being around the corner. Everyone was to wear a mask, hat, and sunglasses. BoA stated that the members are not be shown to the public until their showcase. Once in the van- their mana

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Once AFF glitches stop I will update the next three chapters.


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14 streak #1
Chapter 76: Woo drama
14 streak #2
Chapter 18: I saw the part about ladies code and I wonder how they’ll react to the death of EunB and Rise, it’s so sad. Please don’t spoil!!
MiracleOrange #3
Chapter 113: <3 Yu's and Yixings date is the cutest!!!! I could imagine the cute little smileon his face <3 Such a good chapterrr
14 streak #4
Hey, I just saw this but I’d like to say you’re doing really well for keeping this going for a few years especially since you have depression like what a previous commenter said. I also really love the premise of BoA starting her own entertainment company! I’ll read this soon ~
MiracleOrange #5
Chapter 109: Aww Yu and Yixinnggg <3 <3 <3
MiracleOrange #6
Chapter 107: Comments are back :) Yu dnt get too many gray hairs! Girls dont fight again!
Chapter 106: Thins are getting hyped!!! I´m loving it <3
Divine forever!! <3
Suau147 #8
Chapter 96: I'm about to cry right now....
You went through so much and you're still trying to fight your way out of depression, that makes you really a strong person. You really shouldn't blame yourself for those things and it breaks my heart to see how hard it has been for you.
I know we're far away from each other but if you ever want to talk I'll be here for you.
You're right depression is a serious problem that most people don't understand, but you shouldn't feel alone because there will also be people who do.
Sorry for the long comment, I'm jusy really emotional right now after reading what you wrote.
Fighting <3
Suau147 #9
Chapter 86: Wow it's been long since I last commented here. Didn't even realised that.
But no worries, I see you're writting is still as awesome as always :)
Really loved this last chapters you wrote *.*
MiracleOrange #10
Chapter 82: I love the Instagram Idea!!! <3 <3 <3

And its pink <3 <3 <3