Jinki/Onew's True Colors

My House Of Pedos


"Goodbye every one. I'm going back home." I calmly said as I walked back towards the entrance. 
"No!! Don't leave! You just got here!" They all shouted in disappointment. Hah! Hell will freeze over before I live with them!! I may need the money but I ain't risking ! 
"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!" I heard a shrill girly scream from upstairs and stopped midstep. Pleaseeeee tell me that wasn't a little girl! I turned towards the stairs slowly as did the pedos. A door flew from its hinges as a girl with crazy strength pushed it open and slid down the stair railing. She jumped in front of me and hugged me tightly. 
"YOU CAN'T LEAVE YET!!!!!! I haven't even gotten to smell your hair yet!!!!!" WHAT THE HECK?! Thats a guy!!! Kris pulled off the crazy boy and Hanbyul started spouting off that I was his again. 
"AT LEAST LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF!!!!!!! Geez so rude... ANYWAY! Hi! I'm Illhoon!! What your name?! And how old are you?!" He said with a creepy wink. Kevin smacked him on the head. 
"Excuse him. He's an idiot." Kevin said as he stuck his tongue out at Illhoon. He kicked Kevin in the shin and they both jumped onto each other scratching and biting.
"Ummm soo.... That screaming upstairs.... It was you..?" I said towards Illhoon. He jumped away from Kevin happily and shook his head.
"Nope it was-"
"ILLHOOOON!!!!!!" That shrill voice screamed again as a boy stomped out of the now doorless room and literally jumped off the side of the second floor railing directly onto Illhoon's back. 
"WHY WOULD YOU DUCT TAPE ME TO THE WALL WHILE I WAS SLEEPING?!?!" The guy with the Girly voice shrieked as he tried strangling and collapsed Illhoon. 
"I DIDN'T TOUCH YOUR FUUUuuuuu..... Um who is she..? Who are you? Who ARE YOU?! WHY IS SHE HERE?!" The tall brunette who I've yet to knows name dragged the hysterical boy off Illhoon. 
"This," gesturing to the boy squirming in his grasp, 
"Is Onew/Jinki. He has a weird split personality problem so don't get on his bad side unless you wanna be sadistically then repeatedly have him beg you to forgive him." Whoaaa! Ummm yeah I'm all set! 
"Okayyy... What's your name by the way... I know every one except you..."
"ME? Oh I'm Aron! I'm the least erted here so you can visit my room at anytime." He wink with a sly grin. Himchan rolled his eyes and punched Arons back. 
"Idiot! Everyone knows the least y one here is Kris. With THAT face you couldn't tell though." Himchan cast a disgusted sideways glance at the blonde giant then jumped back with a terrified shriek as Kris raised a fist. 
"Soo... You won't leave please?!" Hanbyul begged with his eyes. I sighed as everyone cutely gave me the puppy eyes. (except for kris. His eyes looked kinda scary) 
"Fiiine! But if anyone tries touching me at anytime, pedo dies in their sleep. That includes you, mr. Dangerous. Got it?" I gave them a warning look and they all nodded, except mr. Dangerous.
"I do have a name you know. It's Jinki. And I'm hungry. Who's day is it to cook?" Jinki asked and every one pointed to me. WHAT?! 
"I ain't cookin for all of you! I can barely cook for myself! I can't add +7 to my list of cooking!" Jinki sighed and walked in the direction of the kitchen I assumed. 
"I'll just cook I guess. And you know what that means." Jinki said in a slightly threatening tone. 
"I'll help you coo-mphhhhhmhh!!!" Someone covered my mouth shut and grabbed my chest, causing me to freak out and elbow them in the gut. Jinki and I turned to see Hanbyul crouched in pain. 
"What were you saying?" Jinki narrowed his eyes at me creepily, making me shrink back behind the half dead boy.
"She didn't say anything!" Hanbyul and Kevin yelled. Jinki shrugged and walked into the kitchen. 
"Cup B. Nice size." Hanbyul coughed while slowly standing up. I screamed and started punching him in the arm. 
"YOU. BIG. CREEP. GO. DIE. IN. A. DITCH!!" I yelled between each punch. He giggled and pushed me away by poking my forehead. 
"Awww it's so cute how you think that's gonna hurt me!" Hanbyul winked and I screamed in frustration.
"Whatever! ANy way why can't I go in there? It's just a kitchen..." I tried walking towards but Kris and Himchan blocked me with their arms X'ed. 
"He," Aron pointed to the door Jinki went through. "Will KILL you." I rolled my eyes and shoved passed Kris and Himchan. 
"He won't kill me for just entering the KITChennnnnNN AHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as I walked through the door and Jinki picked a butcher knife and hucked it at me. It stuck in the wall half a centimeter away and He instantly appeared an inch away from me, slamming his hands against the wall, locking me in between. 
"Why did you come in here? Did you not just hear them tell you?" He jerked the knife out of the wall in one sharp movement and pointed it at me. I slowly slid down the wall to get away and pressed himself against to keep me from moving. 
"Don't even think about it. You don't really want to die do you?" I shook my head and he smiled and help the knife to my neck. I closed my eyes to prepare for sudden decapitation and then he began to press-
"ONEW!!!!! STOP IT!!!!! DON'T KILL HER WITH THE GOOD KITCHEN TOOLS!!" I heard Himchan scream. I opened my eyes to see the knife ripped out of Jinki, who at the moment is Onew,'s hand. Onew was shoved away and I collapsed to the ground. 
"OH MY GOSH! HEI!!!! ARE YOU OKAY?!" I looked up a bit to see a freaked out Aron crouched next to me.
Dazed a bit, I just nodded. 
"All I wanted to do was help him cook..." I mumbled before fainting right into Arons arms.

Hihi Avy here~~ ~<3

xD hope the writing pattern isn't too confusing or different from Fobe Unnies xD Next chapter will be by Her!!! :)


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We are so not erasing this! :P ~Avy


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The story really seem out of usual of what I see on this site and it really caught my attention. I must say the story is amazing and all I can say is keep the good work and update soon.
Chapter 9: Oh my God Fo! Don't kill off Kris! We need him xD
Chapter 6: ilhoon u weirdo xD
Chapter 3: Ilhoon omfg wtf omfg omfg omfg xD
milesjai9 #5
I like this, update ='3
Shinee_fangirl #6
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^