Bringing him home~

My House Of Pedos

Avy chapter ^^

I just wanna let every one know that just because Kris isn't in Exo any more or might be leaving, It totally DOES NOT mean we are taking him out of this story~ He plays a very important part in this and whatever he does Outside of SM I'll support him and I hope y'all do too ^^ any way enjoy this super long chapter and don't forget to read ALL of it :P

After everything calmed Down I decided to get dinner started. It's been such a hectic day! It's already almost 9pm! 
"Uhmmm.... How am going to get home...? I'm a bit tired...." Panda boy rubbed his eyes tiredly. Awwwww SO CUTE! 
"I'll bring you home personally~ Junghee! You finish cooking dinner! I gotta bring this kiddo home so I'm taking your car~" I happily skipped out of the Kitchen passed Junghee, who was now grumbling about how she was stranded or something like that. 
"C'mon panda boy lets get you home! You know where you live right?" I grabbed Taos hand and he shook his head. 
"I don't know the exact address but Kris Gege does..." I sighed and looked at the blonde who's been passed out since I released my hold on his neck. 
"Uhmm I'd rather not wake the poor guy up..." 
"I know the address! I'll go with you~" Kevin popped up out of no where. 
"Oh! Kevin Hyung! You still remember??" Kevin smiled as I looked curiously at the two. 
"Of course I remember! Now let's go before it's really late! I know how your parents used to be so strict of Kris coming home late~" Okay I'm totally curious about Kevin now but I guess it's gonna have to wait. 
"Bye everyone~! Kevin and I will be back before dinner!" I yelled out before slamming the door behind me and jumping into the drivers seat. Kevin sat in the passengers and Tao curled up in the back. On the way to Taos, Kevin told me his background story and what he knows about the others. It actually surprised me how much this quiet guy knew. I felt back for some of the pedos, especially Himchan and Ilhoon. 
"We're here~ " Kevin grinned ear to ear as I pulled into the driveway. "It's been so long since I've been here! Tao! Taozi!! YAH! Panda we're here! Wake UPP!!" Kevin yelled as he shook The sleeping boy in the back. 
"How about we just carry him in?" I said rolling my eyes. Kevin nodded and got out of the car as I went to the front door. 
"Go on and knock I'll be there with him in a second!" I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A second later a tall woman with long black hair and same sharp looking eyes as Kris opened the door. 
"TAO IS THAT Y- who are you?!" The woman snapped. And I cleared my throat. 
"Uhm hello. I am Nurse ChunHei from the mental institution your Son Kris resides at. Your younger son ZiTao came for a visit and-" 
"TAOZIIIIII!!!! My poor baby what's wrong with you?! Is he okay?!" The woman shrieked as she ran passed me and over to Kevin who was about five feet behind me with the sleeping Tao."
"Wulei noona he's fine. He just fell asleep in the car." Kevin said as he continued walking towards the house. 
"Okay that's- Wulei?! How do you know my name?!" Kevin started laughing at the woman then laid Tao onto the grass. 
"That would be because~~" He dramatically turned around and was quickly ambushed with a hug. 
"Kevin my dear third son!!! Why don't you visit often?! What brings you here?" Kevin pulled away from the hug and I attempted to pick up the heavy panda. 
"Well.... I was.... I was visiting Kris and Tao happened to be there~ none of the nurses knew where Tao lives and Kris was sleeping soo I decided to tag along and show Nurse ChunHei where Tao lives~" Kris and Taos mother, I assume, patted Kevin's cheek and invited us Inside. I nodded and half dragged half carried The sleeping Tao up the steps of the house causing the poor boy to whimper in pain. 
"ChunHei! Uhm maybe I should just bring him to his room." Kevin said as he picked up the boy and disappeared into the house. 
"We can't stay for long Kevin!!!" I yelled as Taos mom invited me in. 
"Sooo.... Uh Mrs.... Uhhh...." Taos mom laughed and slapped my arm.... REALLY HARD. 
"Oh sweetie enough with the honorifics! Your the one who takes care of my Dear Krissy! Your part of the family! Just call me aunty or Wulei~" I smiled and nodded as I rubbed my sore arm. 
"So uhh aunty, how long has Kris been... Been away...?" I asked hesitantly. Aunty's eyes dimmed a bit but she smiled softly. 
"He's been in the mental home for about 3 years now... I've missed so much time with him already...." 
".... What do you mean?" Aunty snapped her head up with a wide eyes expression. 
"Nothing dear! How about we go check on Tao and Kevin." She said as she hopped up and quickly walked up a set of stairs. 
".... Well that was..... Strange...."

Random background facts that'll blow your socks off (and that you probably had already put together~ Yes this is part of the story so you should read this)

1. Kevin and Kris go wayyyyy back! They were friends even before they came to the 'House for Pedos'~ this is why Kevin and Tao knew each other and why Kevin knew where Tao lives~ also Tao has no idea Kevin is in the 'mental home'. He assumes Kevin is just visiting his brother~

2. Kris isn't a REAL pedo! /LeGasp! :P His story is he was playing with children and giving out lollipops in the neighborhood park and the mothers of the children were so outraged, they called the police on him~ He was taken to the police station and was given the choice between three weeks in jail (with the point of he could never play with children again) or he would be sent to the 'House for es' until he outgrew his weird ways or was married~ he chose the latter because he didn't want to have criminal charges on him (he wouldn't have anyway but he's kiiiinda stupid) and because he knew his family wouldn't be able to handle him landing himself in jail~ he also ratted out his best friend (Kevin) who's a real pedo and they together were both sent to the 'House For Pedos'. Kevin was enraged to have been told on and didn't talk to Kris for months on end~ but now he's over it and they are both besties again.

3. Jinki isn't a Pedo either! Onew is though~ Jinki was an innocent country boy who worked hard for his family and pushed himself for the best grades in college. Stress soon took over his body and when his grandmother died he developed the splitside(Onew). Onew only came out occasionally but he was the same as he is now~ he very violently attacked his 'prey', old and young. Jinki had no idea about this split until he switched back one night in a little girl's bed with the child cowered in a corner of her room. When Jinki realized what happened, he sent himself to the 'House for Pedos' on his own. 

4. Kris is special :3 I'm pretty sure you've noticed that seeing as he's isn't allowed to have any contact with the outside world, lost his phone and license and can only go out if there's someone with him~ I would tell you why buuuut that's a secret ;)

5. Hanbyul has clingy issues to anyone he's close with! Due to the fact he was framed for his first offense of being a e. When he tried to defend himself as the good boy he really was, every one stopped trusting him and distances themselves from him, including his family. After becoming so lonely he decided to become a real e to show them how bad he can be and landed himself into the 'House for Pedos'. 

6. Ilhoon likes duct tape! Another thing that was kinda obvious. The reason being is because he was Kidnaped as a young child and duct tape played a big part in this~ he never got over what happened to him as a child so he became very talented with duct tape and became a very high level e.

7. Himchan is obsessed with being a e! Like seriously obsessed! The reason being he was a victim of kidnap, childrape and ography right along with Ilhoon~ actually the two met during this time and became underaged es together. They were both sent to the 'House for Pedos' before they were even considered adults~ With Himchan he was more traumatized with the Kipnapping and photos taken of him soooo he does that more so then actually touching the children he captures~ 

8. Aron's the most normal! Hehehe wasn't that kinda obvious? He'sjust really really obsessed with kids and childlike faces~ he's so obsessed his parents felt his obsession unhealthy and sent him to the 'House of Pedos' he never was that bad until he was taught by Himchan~


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We are so not erasing this! :P ~Avy


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The story really seem out of usual of what I see on this site and it really caught my attention. I must say the story is amazing and all I can say is keep the good work and update soon.
Chapter 9: Oh my God Fo! Don't kill off Kris! We need him xD
Chapter 6: ilhoon u weirdo xD
Chapter 3: Ilhoon omfg wtf omfg omfg omfg xD
milesjai9 #5
I like this, update ='3
Shinee_fangirl #6
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^