Hyperactive much

Heart Attack



"We're almost there!" Haneul exclaimed


She abruptly stopped running, causing Luhan to bump her.


"Oww...dongsaeng, don't just suddenly---" he was trying to say while still huffing


"Hurry!" she interrupted


She grabbed his wrist which she let go of while running earlier.


"Really, you're too excited" he sighed but still followed


"What should we ride first?" she asked as she looked around while Luhan paid


"Any ride will do" he answered, not excited as she is


"Hmm...." she paused for a moment


"What now?" he asked as he came closer to her


Haneul tiptoed and pinched Luhan's cheeks.


"H-Ha?" he asked, confused as he stared at her with one brow raised


"OOPAAAA" she said while stretching his cheeks


"Oww..." he mumbled


Haneul stretched more.


"Nnngg..." he mumbled, "H-Hey d-dongsaeng it haawwwtss"


"Ah? Sorry..." she said as she stopped pulling his cheeks


"Also..." he added as he looked around, "People are staring now, you know"


"Ha..?" she said, bewildered


She looked around and saw that people were staring at the two of them.


Her face turned red.


Heh, thought Luhan "Hey dongsaeng, don't worry"


Luhan lifted Haneul a few inches from the ground.


"O-OPPA!?" she screamed in shock at his behavior


"No one would think we're dating" he said with a smirk


"W-What are you talking about!?" Haneul asked in frustration, "Put me down oppa!!"


"No one would think me and a kid like you are dating" he said, his grin getting wider


"Ha...? Just because you're 6 inches taller.." she said


"9 actually" he corrected


"Eh..." she said, a bit surprised


"It's been almost 3 years since we checked our height together" he said, "Of course I've grown taller"


Now more people stared. Noticing this, Luhan lifted her higher.


"Oppaaaa" she pleaded, "Put me down please"


"Hmmm..." he grinned again, "Only if you'll beg more"


"Y-You sadist..." she muttered as she was about to cry because of embarrassment


"Tsk tsk. Haisstt. Dongsaeng fine fine." he said, "Guess I have to carry you all day"


"Okay okay you win!!" she blurted, "Oppa please I beg you, put me down..!"


Luhan smiled sweetly at her that she freezed.


He finally put her down and handed her his handkerchief.


"Lets go on rides" he said while ruffling her hair


"...You're acting really weird today" she said while trying to stop him from completely messing her hair but to no avail, "I thought you were sleepy but now you;re...hyper"


"Really?" he asked after plooping his chin on top of her head


"....Yes" she added, "And..."


"And...?" he asked


"And.." she paused, "Somehow you've been doing a lot of skinship"




Luhan chuckled, causing Haneul to blush.


"Now you're laughing..." she said as she looked up at him "Really weird"


Luhan lightly smacked her in the head.


Haneul suddenly became silent.


"Eh?" he said, "Was it that hard?"


He checked her head.


"...I see" Haneul muttered


"Eh?" he noticed, "Did you say something dongsaeng?"


"Ah, It's nothing" she smiled, "I'm fine"


"Really? Maybe we should go to a clinic" he said with concern on his face and voice


He's concerned? Haneul wondered, "You're exaggerating oppa! I'm fine! Lets go already" she said as she pulled him


Luhan doubted that she's fine but didn't say anything and let himself be dragged as an apology.


Does he really...? thought Haneul then she smiled---a pained smile--- which Luhan doesn't see.







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Chapter 13: if you dun continue dis sheez... Chen id sei dun like you you have kris......
Chapter 14: Whut?!!!!
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Chapter 14: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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Chapter 13: Update soon
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Chapter 13: Adik adik adik!! Y u do that??
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Chapter 13: Ur making Seihee blush! Adik adik adik adik!
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Chapter 13: Adik!!!
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Chapter 12: and nice picture!
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Chapter 12: what happened between the three of them?
what's wrong with them?
why Haneul react that way? *curious* >.>