Lost in daydream land

Heart Attack

"Ha? Do you two know each other?"


Luhan didn't respond.


"Ah, yes. Kinda." Haneul said with a smile.


Inside she was hurt.


Silence again...


"Oh! I think I've seen you before!" Xiumin suddenly said, breaking the awkward atmosphere


"Ah, I also know you" Haneul replied, "We were in the same club last year I think"


"Yes yes~" he answered cheerfully


"By the way," Suho said, "Why weren't you answering your phone earlier, D.O?"


"Ah, earlier I encountered a dormmate and he asked if he could borrow it and return it tomorrow at school" D.O answered, "this is the last day of summer vacation afterall"


"Is that so" Lay said


"Meh, my phone's battery went low because of you, umma!" Chanyeol complained


"Aha...sorry" said a guilty D.O


Chen then noticed Seihee, who's been quiet since they came over their table


"Ah...I think I've seen you before too" he said while looking at her


"Eh..?" Seihee responded. She was thinking of something else and wasn't really paying attention to the conversation.


"That's right... we were in the same class last year," Chen said, "You don't recognize me?" he finished.


"Ah...now that I think about it..." she was trying to remember "Wait, you were my lab partner!"


Chen chuckled, "now you remember"


"Okay, now can the two reunited lovebirds get their own table?" Kris butted in and the others started laughing while Chen's and Seihee's faces turned red.


"Woot!" they teased


"So... well, wanna share tables?" Tao asked


Haneul and Seihee glanced at one another then at D.O, and he just shrugged like saying "Nah, they're pretty good guys."








"So Haneul and Seihee are our dongsaengs?" asked Xiumin


Both of them nodded.


"And they're our noonas" said Sehun, also speaking for Tao and Kai


"Aaaand our batchmates" D.O said with a chuckle, speaking for himself and Chen


Sehun notices Luhan playing with his drink.


"Something wrong? You seem to be thinking deeply" he asked


Haneul and the others look at Luhan's direction.


"Hmm..? What?" he answered, with a somehow bewildered expression on his face


"Haissttt" Chanyeol said as he wave his hand in front of Luhan, "Are you daydreaming again, hyung?"


Haneul felt a shiver go down her spine.


Daydreaming? About what?, she wondered inside her head.




"Ah... guess so. Been really sleepy lately" he responded so quietly they could barely hear him as he rested his head on the window


Haneul just gazed at him as he slowly opened and closed his eyes again and again, fidgeting his drink with his one hand the other plopped down.


The others notice the serene scene and motion of the two.

"Such a complicated one" Kris muttered and the others nodded in agreement.











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Chapter 13: if you dun continue dis sheez... Chen id sei dun like you you have kris......
Chapter 14: Whut?!!!!
And who will continue it?!
My glob my glob
Chapter 14: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Chapter 14: why?????????
Chapter 13: Update soon
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Chapter 13: Adik adik adik!! Y u do that??
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Chapter 13: Ur making Seihee blush! Adik adik adik adik!
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Chapter 13: Adik!!!
Adik! Adik adik adik adik adik adik adik adik adik adik adik adik adik adik adik adik adik!
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Chapter 12: and nice picture!
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Chapter 12: what happened between the three of them?
what's wrong with them?
why Haneul react that way? *curious* >.>