
The Girl and The Wolf II: Love Mate
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Gummy: Day and Night


Luhan felt very awkward and uncomfortable in this situation. It had been at least half a decade since he had last seen Suzy. After he had claimed once and for all that she would never be his mate, he had demanded she leave him alone and had gone back to China, leaving her in the dust to pine away for him.

Were-foxes, who were notorious for being sly, cunning, and determined, did everything they could to get what they wanted.

And Suzy had wanted Luhan from the very beginning.

The moment she had set eyes on him, she had fallen head-over-heels for him. For her, it had been love at first sight. But no matter how much she tried to seduce him or make him reciprocate her feelings, Luhan wouldn’t. In the end, he had shattered her fantasy happy ending of living a life together.

Luhan had eventually gone, declaring he would find his mate in time.

But here they were again, five years later, and it seemed like Suzy still had feelings for him.

“Luhan. I missed you so much. I’m so happy to be back with you again,” She purred.

“Yeah. I think I get the point. That’s enough.” He tried to push her away, but she would not budge.

“Leave her be, Luhan. Our little princess missed you so much.” Min drawled.

The wolves looked up to see the rest of Miss A coming.

“Hello, Exo-M.” The foxes greeted.

“Hello.” They warily greeted.

Jia crossed her arms and pursed her lips out. Her intense orange eyes landed on Kris. “Long time no see, Kris.” There was a hint of bitterness in her voice.

Kris grimaced as he escaped her scrutinizing gaze. He just grunted and hoped she would get the hint that his feelings for her had remained unchanged throughout the years, despite the fact that his mate had died.

Luhan continued to try and pull and Suzy away, but she had an iron grip.

Danji just watched the scene. Bit by bit, numbness blanketed her body.

Tao’s nervous eyes flitted between Luhan and Danji. “Er, ge, you might want to get her off of you. Danji…”

At her name, Luhan jerked his head around. His eyes widened in shock. He had forgotten she was here able to witness everything that happened to him. Kai did not look so forgiving either. In panic, Luhan pried Suzy off of him. “Get off, Suzy! I’m serious! You can’t do this anymore! My mate is here-“

Suzy finally stepped back. She looked up at him with a pout. “So the rumor was true. You really did find your mate.”

“Yes, I did,” Luhan confirmed. “And she’s right here.” He looked towards Danji.

Suzy followed his gaze. Her eyes widened in surprise. “A human girl? She’s really your mate?”

Jia raised an eyebrow in both revelation and dissatisfaction. “You dumped our Suzy for a mere human? Really, Luhan? Was that the best you could do?”

Before Luhan could snap at her, Kris defended Danji immediately. “Don’t talk about her that way when you know nothing about her. You’re always so quick to judge. You need to fix that bad habit of yours. For your information, Danji is perfect for Luhan.”

Danji blinked at him in surprise. She had never seen him speak with such vehemence and determination before.

“That’s the most I’ve heard their alpha speak.” Baekhyun whispered from behind.

Suho shot him a look to shut up. The grave moment seemed to only grow heavier.

Suho wondered if Exo-K should even be here. Their presence felt intrusive in this little reunion.

Suzy sighed unhappily. “I really am too late, aren’t I? I should have come back sooner. I should have held onto you and snatched your heart away when I had the chance.” She leaned in and traced her fingers up his chest. She looked up and gave him an adorable wink that just crushed Danji’s self-esteem. *That girl- or fox- or whatever she is, she’s gorgeous. How did Luhan manage to stay away from her? Or did he not do that? Did they have a relationship?*

Her eyes widened at the last question. What if it was a yes? She did not know how to feel about that.

Luhan grabbed Suzy’s hand with a stern look. “If you came later or now, my answer is the same. You would not be able to snatch away my heart because it was taken by someone else from the very beginning.”

The dazzling fox pouted. She encircled her arms around his waist and nuzzled into his chest. “You’re so mean, Hannie.”

“For the last time, don’t call me that!” He barked. She giggled coyly. “You’re so fun to tease, Hannie.”

Luhan slapped a hand over his face. He shook his head and turned his head to meet eyes with Danji.

Uncomfortably, she averted her gaze. Rubbing her arm, she bit her lower lip.

What was she supposed to do in this situation?

Storm over and demand the girl to release her mate? Calmly walk away and let them sort whatever business they had left?

Kai spared her the choice by walking right up to her. “Well, we’ll let you two have a lover’s spat. Let me just take my mate away to somewhere safe and less upsetting.” He slipped his arms underneath Danji and lifted her up. Her expression was blank, and her arms were limply hung around his neck.

Kai shot Luhan a look. Before Luhan could stop him, Kai was gone with Danji.

*Damn! That expression on Danji’s face…as if I betrayed her…* His heart ached. He wrenched away from Suzy with a contemptible expression. “Look at what you did! Because of you, Danji is gone! She’s going to misunderstand something happened between us when clearly nothing did!” Furiously, Luhan stomped off.

“Hannie, wait for me!” Suzy followed him.

Exo-M and Miss A remained behind. They looked at each other, and another layer of tension spread in the air.

“Um, we’ll go home now.” Suho decided to back away. “Come on.” He told his pack.

Suho changed into a white wolf and sprang away. The others obediently changed and followed him.

“Damn, I wanted to watch the drama unfold.” Baekhyun sighed before transforming. The white wolf with velvet purple eyes howled and ran off.

Exo-M and Miss A were now left alone.

“So,” Jia raised an eyebrow, “You will invite us into your little den, won’t you? After all these years of our friendship, you would not possibly turn us away, will you?”

The pack looked at their alpha. Kris just grunted unhappily and moved forward.

Tao bit his lower lip. Whatever the Miss A skulk wanted, he hoped they would just be straightforward and leave soon. He did not want any unnecessary pain caused to Danji.


Kai and Danji arrived at her home.

“Unlike your door.” He commanded. Numbly, she did as told. They went inside the cabin.

Danji exhaled deeply. She was slowly starting to come back to her senses.

“Do you need a wet towel? Water? A punching bag?” Kai asked.

“Water…would be nice.” Danji sat on the couch and tried to gather her thoughts. That were-fox had obviously come to see Luhan. That much was evident.

“The princess of foxes, actually. And she’s been in love with Luhan for the longest time.”

*Princess?* The identity of the mysterious fox girl made her heart sink. *So she’s really royalty, just like Luhan. They would be perfect for each other. The prince of wolves and the princess of foxes. It’s like a movie.* A small, wistful smile appeared on her lips.

All the memories of Luhan and her played in her mind. Danji remembered they had their own movie. At times, there were problems, but they had managed to stick together through them all.

Danji sat up straighter. This time would be no different.

She trusted Luhan. It was simple as that.

Suzy may be in love with Luhan, but Danji knew that Luhan was in love with her. They were mates, and no one, not even Kai or Suzy, would be able to hinder their love story.

“Here.” Kai returned with a glass of water.

“Thank you.” Danji gratefully drank the water.

“Luhan, that bastard. He’s been hiding things from you! He had a mistress all along!” Kai pounded his fist into his palm.

“Luhan didn’t hide anything from me. He simply didn’t tell me his past. He probably thought she was no one significant in his life.” Danji rationally explained.

“No one significant? Yeah, right,” Kai scoffed. “Didn’t you see the way she was all over him? You heard Chen say it, too. She’s in love with him.”

“But Luhan probably isn’t,” Danji shrugged.

Kai examined her face.

“What?” She blinked. “Aren’t you supposed to like raging in jealousy? Or even crying that another girl appeared in Luhan’s life? If you’re so reasonable, how the hell am I suppose to comfort you?” He questioned.

Danji chuckled, “Sorry, Kai, but I don’t think I’m going to break down. At least, not today.”

“God damn it. And I thought this was my chance to play your knight-in-shining-armor.” Kai snapped his fingers. “I had everything planned out. You were going to cry on my shoulder. We would have met eyes and kissed. You would have realized that the one for you is actually me. We would have left this town forever and officially mated. We would live far away with our four sons and five daughters.”

Danji gave him a strange look. “I thought you wanted three sons and two daughters.”

Kai grinned and leaned towards her. “So you remember what I told you. Does that mean you’ve been fantasizing about creating a family with me? I’m totally up for it if you are.”

Danji lightly smacked his shoulder. “Ow, woman. Your hand stings.” Kai leaned back and rubbed his shoulder.

“Sorry.” Danji apologized absentmindedly. She thought about what to do next.

“Kai.” She called. “Yes, love?” He responded.

“I…want to go back,” Danji said. Kai blinked at her. “What’s that?”

Danji looked into his eyes. “I want to go back to Luhan. I want to know why this girl appeared. There must be a logical explanation for her return.” She got up, but he grabbed her wrist.

Kai looked solemnly up at her. “What are you going to do if there isn’t?” Danji blinked. “What if she’s here because she wants Luhan back? What if she plans to steal Luhan away from you? What if Luhan wants to go with her, too?”

“That won’t happen. Let’s not imagine the worst when we don’t know the possibilities,” Danji said.

“Still, don’t go.” Kai yanked her back down next to

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Back again after 8 years, this story remind me about my youth... Miss this story wanna re-read this story...
747 streak #2
Chapter 33: Oh no, a cliffhanger! This was another great installment, can’t wait to read the third one. You are such a wonderful author and your characterization is out of this world.
Chapter 1: Been waiting for this! I remember this fic was hidden (?) I'm not sure but I could only found the third one. I already read the first one maybe a year ago so I couldn't quite remember much but I do remember about Bangtan and all. Guess that's enough for me to read the second one. Let's start! ♡.♡
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
Leegolas96 #5
Thank you author
0000111- #6
Chapter 33: Love this story
HitsugayaToshiro #8
I love thissss
I love coming back to these to read, like definitly my favvvsss
mysadistlover #10
Omg thank you authornim...i've been waiting for so long for this..i can finally read this again...i miss the story..i remember some of the scenes playing in my head already ????