
The Girl and The Wolf II: Love Mate
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4Minute: Is It Poppin?


On Sunday, Exo-M busied themselves with preparations for the Halloween party tonight.

Tao, Luhan, and Kris had gone to Seoul early to buy party decorations. Xiumin and Chen were brainstorming ideas about how to make the place look as spooky as possible. Danji had also come over earlier to help. Currently, she and Lay were baking cookies in the kitchen.

“The cookies seem to be about done.” Danji announced.

“I’ll get them, baobei. You might get burnt.” Lay slipped on a pair of oven mitts and carefully took the tray of sugar cookies out.

“They smell delicious.” He his lips. “They do. Good job.” She smiled and held out her hand.

Lay smiled and gave her a celebratory hi-five. “Now we should decorate them.” Danji eagerly took orange icing.

The two of them had fun creating quirky Halloween greetings and drawing bats and jack-o-lanterns on the cookies.

“Baobei, you have something on your nose.” Lay pointed.

“Eh? Where?” Danji asked, baffled.

“Right here.” Lay dabbed orange cream on her nose.

“Ge! You tricked me!” She squealed. “Yep! And you fell right for it! Looks like I’m not the most gullible one!” He laughed.

Danji smeared black cream on his cheek. Lay stopped laughing. He touched his cheek and blinked in shock. “If I’m gullible, you’re slow,” Danji teased. Lay aimed the orange icing at her, “I will get you back.” Danji held out her tube of black icing, “Bring it.”

Squeals and laughter filled the kitchen.

“We’re back!” Tao announced. The three wolves came into the kitchen and halted at the playful sight.

“Where are you going?!” Lay dashed after Danji. Laughing, she ran and crashed right into Luhan. Danji looked up and blinked in surprise, “You’re back?”

Lay collided right into her. His eyes rounded, “You all are back already?”

“Already?” Luhan’s eyebrow twitched. “Why? Are we too early? Having too much fun with my mate?”

“Er…” Lay rubbed the back of his neck.

“Tell me, Lay,” Luhan spun Danji around, “Why the hell does Danji look like she’s the cookie?!”

“I’m sorry! But I look like a cookie, too!” Lay pointed to his face.

Danji chortled. Luhan shot her a look, and she shut up with a sheepish smile.

“The cookies are done. I’ll go wash off now.” Lay placed the almost-empty tube of icing on the counter and hurried away before Luhan could do any damage.

“Mmm, mei-mei. You look delicious.” Tao his bottom lip.

Luhan glared at him, and he quickly scurried away. Kris left the bags on the table and left as well.

Luhan turned to Danji. “What on earth were you doing?”

“Baking cookies.” She some cream off her thumb.

“It looks like you were having a lot of fun with Lay.” Danji detected a speck of jealousy in his voice. She chuckled, “Lay ge is a lot of fun.” Luhan shot her a look. “What about me? I’m fun, too.” “I know you are.” She beamed and began to wash the bowls. “How was the trip to Seoul?”

“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Luhan rolled his eyes and leaned against the counter. “We almost could not come home. Tao kept wanting to go shopping. He’s obsessed with Myungdong.”

Danji giggled. Of course Tao would not resist the chance to go to his favorite Seoul spot.

Luhan peered at the orange icing on her cheek. “You really look like a cookie. You have something on your cheek.”

“Lay got me with that trick in the book. I’m not falling for that one again.” Danji rinsed the spatula.

“But it’s true. See?” Luhan wiped some off and held it out for her to see.

“Oh. I guess I didn’t clean that one off.” Danji reached for paper towel.

“It’s okay. I got it.” Luhan bent down and the rest of the cream off her cheek.

“Luhan!” Danji panicked.

“Mmmm, Tao was right. You do taste good.” Chuckling slyly, he went to the back to help the others decorate. *Aigoo. Wolves are so tricky.* She shook her head.

The wolves and Danji worked on preparing for the party until the sun started to set.

“The guests will come any minute. We should all change into our costumes.” Xiumin said.

“We have to wear costumes?!” Chen asked, baffled.

“Of course, you idiot. It’s a Halloween party. What did you expect?” Xiumin raised an eyebrow.

“For me to just barricade myself in the room until everyone leaves.” Chen replied.

“Nice try, but no. If I have to suffer through this, so do you. Now let’s go change. I have a costume prepared for you, too.” Xiumin dragged him away. Chen groaned. He was dreading what Xiumin had in store for him.

“You go change, too, Danji,” Luhan said.

“Okay. I’ll be back.” Danji picked up her bag and went to the bathroom.

When Danji was finished wearing her costume, she tentatively stepped out of the bathroom. Hopefully, no one would make fun of her. Danji carefully treaded into the kitchen. Kris, Tao, and Lay were setting up the candy bowls. When she appeared, they stopped squabbling and looked up.

“Whoa!” Tao looked her up and down.

Kris raised an eyebrow, “Red Riding Hood? Seriously? Can you get any more clique?”

Danji flushed, “I thought I would be her because you know, you guys are wolves?”

“Yeah, I get it.” Kris replied. Danji stuck her tongue out.

“Don’t mind duizhang. You look really cute. I bet Luhan will be happy to see you like that.” Lay winked.

“Danji, are you done yet-“ Luhan appeared. His eyes widened when he saw her costume.

“Speaking of the devil.” Tao chuckled. “Doesn’t she look cute?” Lay beamed. “She’s Red Riding Hood.”

“Yeah, I can see that.” Luhan tartly replied. He looked back at Danji, and his eyes glistened. “You look so cute, gongzhu.”

“Thank you.” She beamed and fixed her red hood.

Lay grabbed a handful of lollipops and placed them in her basket. “For you. Happy Halloween.”

Danji giggled, “Xie xie, ge.”

Xiumin appeared in his costume.

“Oh! You’re a mouse!” Danji squeaked. “Not just a mouse. I’m the famous Mickey Mouse.” Xiumin smiled.

Lay and Tao chortled. Kris shot them a look.

“What about Chen?” Danji asked. “He’s not here?!” Xiumin glanced over his shoulder. “Hurry up, Chen!” He hollered.

“No! I am NOT going to the party dressed as a dog!” Chen yelled back.

“You are technically related to a dog.” Lay shrugged.

“Come on!” Xiumin dragged Chen out of the hallway.

Danji looked him up and down. She tried not to laugh. “Um, are you supposed to be Goofy?

” “I’m Pluto!” Chen snapped. Danji covered to stifle her rising laughter.

“I think you should be Grumpy from Snow White instead. You wouldn’t even have to wear a costume then.” Luhan shrugged. Danji whacked his arm.

The bell rang, signaling the first guests.

“The rest of you should go change into your costumes.” Danji urged.

“Okay. Play a good hostess while we’re gone!” Tao waved. The four boys headed to their rooms while Mickey Mouse and Pluto remained with Red Riding Hood.

Danji skipped to the door and opened it.

“Hey!” Minyoung beamed. “Oh my gosh! Princess Peach! You look so cute!” Danji squealed.

“So do you!” Minyoung gave her a hug. “I’m here, too.” Uishik appeared. He was dressed as Super Mario.

Danji looked between him and Minyoung. A sly smile appeared on her face. “Couple costumes?”

They blushed. “We went costume shopping together.” Minyoung explained.

“Ah.” Danji nodded with a knowing smile. Minyoung looked her up and down. “And you’re Red Riding Hood! Then is Luhan a wolf?”

Danji chuckled at the irony. “Sort of. I don’t know actually. I haven’t seen his costume yet.”

“Hey, guys!” Xiumin waved. Chen was hiding behind him.

“Hi, Xiumin! Oh, wow! You’re Mickey Mouse!” Minyoung beamed. She peeked back. “Chen? What are you supposed to be?”

“Goofy?” Uishik guessed.

“I’m PLUTO.” Chen said through gritted teeth.

“Oh. Well, you look cute,” Minyoung smiled. “Thanks, I guess.” Chen shuffled away.

“Come in. The refreshments are over there.” Xiumin led them over to the table.

One by one, the guests arrived. Soon, the house became crowded. It seemed as if the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors decided to crash the party also. Danji went down the hallway and bumped into a vampire. Then she noticed it was Tao. “Tao! You’re a vampire!” Danji beamed.

“No, I’m Dracula!” He showed off his fangs. “Oh, well, same thing.” She shrugged.

“I’m Dracula, and I will your blood!” Tao grabbed her waist, dipped her backwards, and pressed the end of his fake fangs against .

“Enough.” Kris whacked the back of his head. “Let her go, and blood someplace else.”

Tao straightened Danji up, hissed at Kris, and vanished

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Back again after 8 years, this story remind me about my youth... Miss this story ...so wanna re-read this story...
747 streak #2
Chapter 33: Oh no, a cliffhanger! This was another great installment, can’t wait to read the third one. You are such a wonderful author and your characterization is out of this world.
Chapter 1: Been waiting for this! I remember this fic was hidden (?) I'm not sure but I could only found the third one. I already read the first one maybe a year ago so I couldn't quite remember much but I do remember about Bangtan and all. Guess that's enough for me to read the second one. Let's start! ♡.♡
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
Leegolas96 #5
Thank you author
0000111- #6
Chapter 33: Love this story
HitsugayaToshiro #8
I love thissss
I love coming back to these to read, like definitly my favvvsss
mysadistlover #10
Omg thank you authornim...i've been waiting for so long for this..i can finally read this again...i miss the story..i remember some of the scenes playing in my head already ????