
난 인간을 사랑한다.

"Ugh..Why is it so cold...." I muttered not even half awake...

"지민아..wake up..we have to go..." 

"No...ten more minutes..." I said swatting away the person trying to wake me up. 

"Alright. I guess you're going to miss your precious morning walk with Kris." I sat up realizing I was still outside sleeping near a group of empty cans. 

"Ah...My head..." I said. 

"Yeah...It's going to go away soon...Hurry up and get ready for school." Luhan said. Looking at him, he was already in his full uniform. 

"Okay..." I got up and headed inside. I grabbed the uniform off my bed and walked toward the bathroom. Before turning the handle to go in, the door opened letting out hot steam. Not only did it let out hot steam, but a half Kris with only his khaki pants on. 

"엄어..." I said covering my eyes... "G-good Morning..." Before I let him say anything else, I slipped past him and entered the bathroom slamming the door shut..

"Gahh!...." I squealed holding my chest. "Why does this have to happen so early in the morning..." 

After taking a hot shower, I wore my uniform and met up with Luhan and Kris at the entrance to the building. 

"Let's go~" I said. 


After a ten minute walk to the school, we made it to our classrooms just in time before the bell rang. Luhan sat next to me during first period and started to doze off in the middle of an important lecture. 

"Luhan...Wake up..." I nudged him with my elbow while trying to take notes. 

"Leave me alone...I had to wake up super early just so you can get to school." he hissed.

I rolled my eyes and continued to take notes until the bell rang. My hand was sore from trying to write too fast and my head continued to hurt from drinking too much last night. 

"Heard you had some troubles with the new girl...Mermaid huh?" Luhan said while placing his head on his hand. 

"Yeah..the new girl's pretty scary...." I said remembering what 수빈's father told me about her. 

"I heard...Thank god I don't fall for those tricks..I only fall for yours.." He said holding onto my hand. 

Shaking him off, I closed my books and looked out the window to see 수빈 clinging on to Kris. 

"What the..." I stood up to get a closer look and saw that 수빈 was giggling and smiling while Kris was trying to get her off. 

"That's right Kris..Shake her off.." I said. 

"Dang...I guess Kris isn't falling for her charm either..." Luhan said looking over my shoulder. 

"I need to talk to that girl..." I left the classroom and headed toward to pool expecting to see her there. 

"수빈아!" I yelled. "I need to talk to you." 

"Yeah?" her head popped out of the pool water scarying the crap out of me. 

"Jeeze...anyways...we need to talk.." I said looking down at her. 

"Oh thanks for what you did the other day.. If daddy caught me, then I wouldn't be able to come back here..." she said. 

"Yeah about that...You need to go back.." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Why?" she said giving me a stern look. 

"Because you're a threat to all the guys here." I said. 

"Why am I a threat?" she said. "They are the ones coming to me." 

"No. You are putting them under your charm." 

"Stop! They love me because I'm beautiful. Not because of a charm!" the water around her started to stirr. 

"수빈아..what's going on?" Looking behind, I saw Kris holding two bottles of water in his hands. 

"Oppa! She's telling me you only love me because I put a spell on you!" she whined. 

"What? Oppa?!" I said confused about what's going on. I walked up to Kris and grabbed his arm. 

"Kris what's going on with you? You where trying to brush her off one moment and now you're her Oppa?" 

"Stop. 지민아...My heart now belongs to 수빈...That kiss last night didn't mean anything.." Kris said while sliding my hand off his arm. 

"Kiss? What ki-" The kiss from last night....The moment he held cheeks and kissed me...and I kissed him back..

"You have to let me go.." Kris said. 

"No..Kris, you're just under her charm!" I yelled trying to deny the fact that he likes mermaid girl. 

"수빈아. Let's go.." 

"Okay Oppa~" as she came out of the water, her tail slowly disappeared and legs started to show. Instead of being in full uniform, she came out only having her long hair cover her chest area. 

"Kris!" I cover his eyes with my hands. "You should not look at this!" 

After she finished putting her uniform on, I dropped my hands to the side and let him go with 수빈..

"Let's go Oppa..." she said hooking her arm with Kris. I looked at Kris one more time but I noticed something wierd. Instead of his brown hazel eyes, his eyes were a light purple. 

"What?" They continued to walk out till 수빈 turned around and looked at me with the same purple eyes. 

"No, I have to get him back..." I said clenching my fist. 


Author's Note- Hello my lovely readers/ subscirbers~ Sorry this is a short chapter but it's better than nothing....Well I have school again and I want to cry...High school......ㅠㅜ...Well I hope you guys had a nice weekend and good luck in school~ 

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It's really not a good idea to use hangul on a site where almost everyone uses English. I did that too for my first fic ever and my readers advised me the same thing. I didn't think in their perspective and realized that no matter how much I try to convey the meaning of the Korean words, they're just not going to get it because they weren't trained to read or speak Korean from young.
WANH! The girl is a gumiho~
Chapter 1: I dont want to bash but...this is going to be difficult for sum ppl who will read this cuz they dont understand. I understand korean but then its still hard for others...im mot sure if u know 한굴 but if ud kno then just write the whole thing korean then :P.im sry but can we just keeep it english?
Chapter 4: don't you mean 기억나 ?
Chapter 4: Wahh! This story is really interesting! Update soon!
This sounds really interesting! I wonder who she'll fall for! Update soon!