Chapter 18

Pink Tape : First Love

GDragon - That XX


Krystal sighed, looking at the bright sky at her favourite place. "My last day, today. I better do my best" She mumbled as she touched her red hair and played with it. The last day of her bet has came. The last day she would meet with her favourite manager. The last day she would wiped the tables in the cafe. The last day she would do the dishes. She sighed and covered her face with her arms, tired.


"Why do I feel sad ?" she asked herself and looked for the answer alone. "Maybe because, you will be leaving your first experience of doing something ?" A voice answered her question. The girl gasped and turned around. Go Namsun. She clinched her fist and walked toward that male. "Did you follow me untill here ?" Krystal asked as she glared at the male's eyes. Hates. Hates filled her heart without leaving any empty spaces. She don't want to feel bad yet she never felt it.


"You better stop hiding yourself behind your red hair and that Krystal name, Hana." Namsun said blankly, grabbing her small hands. "I'm sorry. Hana, I'm sorry." Namsun held her hands tightly. The girl rolled her eyes and pulled her hands harshly from the male. "Stop saying you're sorry if you aren't" Krystal walked away from him before he pulled her hand.


"I know. It's all my fault. I can't control my temper. I always saying you're mine when you aren't. Hana, I do that because of that boy. I don't like him. It feels like he is my competitor. Hana, I'm sorry that I let all my anger to you. And, father wanted me to say he is sorry for that day. He found out that our maid is the one who putted the will under your father's pillows, to make us fight. Hana, please accept my apology. I can't bear living with this sin." He said without taking any breaths.


Krystal sighed and looked at Namsun. She putted her hand on Namsun's hand, releasing his grip. "I know you're sorry but, it's too much for me. You, as the person that I used to love the most, kicked me out from you house. It's too much, Namsun. Too much." Krystal sighed and walked away.


"Then, give me the chance to be the one you used to love the most, again." Namsun said, looking at Krystal. The girl stopped her steps, thinking. "I don't know Namsun." She walked out from the garden, leaving Namsun, cleanching his fist in anger.



Jin Ae walked out from the house with a big black plastic in her hands. "Eurgh .." She squeked lightly as the smell from the plastic bag came, touching her nose. "What is it that they eat ?" She grumbled alone and threw the plastic bag at a big dumpster. Jin Ae then heard a motorcycle's sound coming towards the house. The girl turned her head and smiled, "Chanyeol oppa !" She waved her hands and jumped like a mad woman to Chanyeol.


Chanyeol turned off his bike's engine and took off his helmet from damaging his hairs style. "Jin Ae yah." He waved his hairs like a shampoo CF, smiling at the girl.


Dup. Dup. Dup. Dup.


Jin Ae touched her chest and gulped. "Yah." The male waved his hands in front of her face, waking her from the 'dream'. Jin Ae raised her eyebrows, making Chanyeol laughed at the girl cuteness. "Oppa,let's go ride this together !" She pointed to the bike happily. Chanyeol smirked and nodded. "Kya ! Wait, I will get ready." She yelled and ran in the house.


The male shook his head, "Such a weird girl." Not long after that, he received a phone calls. He grabbed the phone from his bag, Appa. He sighed picking up the phone. "Yeah ? Uh ? Really ? Okay, I will be right back." He said quickly and wore his helmet once again. At the same time, Jin Ae walked out from the house with her white skirt and pink dress.


"Oppa !!" She yelled happily. Chanyeol turned to look at the girl, "Jin Ae ! I'm sorry ! I can't take you to a ride today ! Maybe next time !" He yelled then drove his bike from the house, making the girl stood there, dumbfounded.


"But, I've dressed prettily.." She pouted and went to the house again, sad.





"This is your last day, Krystal." "I can't believe it." "Time flies so fast." The cafe's employees said to Krystal. The girl smiled lightly and rubbed her nape. "Me too, It's so fast. And one month has went away." Jae Min said with her arms crossed in front of her chest. Krystal ran to Jae Min. "Not now. Tomorrow." Jae Min said, knowing her real attention. Krystal pouted and hugged her friends at the cafe.


All of sudden, someone pulled her arms. "Yah !" Krystal screamed her lung out as she noticed the person is Go Namsun. "How do you know that I'm here ?" She asked, stopping her steps and crossed her arms in front of her chest. The male sighed and rolled his eyes. "I have someone." He replied coldly. "Where are we going ?" Krystal asked. "Taking a walk." He replied. The girl nodded and pushed the male's body playfully.


"Yah. My body is money.You little red riding hood." Namsun muttered, glaring playfully at Krystal. "Who do you called red riding hood, huh ?! You have bird's brain, you know !" Krystal replied playfully. She felt relieved that the relationship between the both of them almost became better. Maybe, it is 'my boy' fault that they fought. Maybe, it is 'my boy' fault, she cried all night. Maybe, she have to start from one. The girl smiled lightly at her thought. Yes, start again.


They walked together with their arms linked to each other. Just like the old times. Playing and joking. A little cursing since they are 20's.


Kai jumped happily with a ddukbokki in his hands. "Krystal will like this. She enjoyed it when we went to the market." He smiled at the thought of Krystal's smile. He can't join the 'goodbye ceremony' to Krystal as he has a detention. To make Krystal happy, he ran to the ddukbokki stall and bought them for her. The sauce touched his hands as he continued to walk.


The ddukbokki fell on the ground. He gaped at the scene where Krystal walked hand in hand with Namsun. "They look happy together"

I don't know what to say no more. When you're with the man, you look happy. I never ever make you smile like that. But, why do it hurts ? I don't have any feelings towards you, I know that. But, why it hurts, so much ? You never smile like the world is heaven but you change in front of him. The sunshine went to me only, showing my now, weak shadow. I don't love you. I never love you. It's just a stupid feeling, maybe. Because, I've only love Jung Hana. After sending you to his embrace, I choosed the other path, leaving your favourite food being stepped by the other person, just like me. Because, I only love Jung Hana.

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I has give you a hint about the next featured ~ I'm in a rush to my hometown. Selamat Hari Raya hehehe ^^


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Riesta #1
Chapter 30: And i cried... good job!
aliahpie #2
Chapter 30: OMG it's so sad I cried Pacific Ocean
Chapter 29: awwwwww :c literally about to cry aw :'c
ceejayaustria #4
Chapter 29: Nooooo!!!! :(
Chapter 22: Please don't make Jaemin have a crush on Kai . I want KaiStal
Chapter 22: whoaaaaaa but is the note kai read even important?
and ugh i want them to know they knew each other from the past alreadyyy :c
Chapter 21: Good chapter c: but i didnt get jin ae's part and i wanted to read about kai's p.o.v :c but thanks for updating!
Chapter 19: omgomgomgomg
but jae min pls dont have a crush on kai ;-;
this chapter was so adorable c: