
The Girl and The Wolf (Mate)
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Infinite: The Chaser


The sky had just started to light up. The sun was not yet up, and the clouds were gray and blue.

Luhan, back in his human form, swiftly jumped over the patio. After wearing the clothes that had been put out by Lay, he went into the cabin. He could smell Danji’s sweet rosemary vanilla scent and sighed in both longing and reprieve. *She’s still here. That’s good. She’s safe then.*

“You’re back.” Kris walked over while sipping coffee.

“Is Danji sleeping?” Luhan asked softly.

Kris shrugged, “You have eyes. Go check.” He went back to the kitchen.

Luhan shook his head at Kris and then walked towards his bedroom. With a deep breath, he opened the door and stepped inside. Luhan approached the bed to see Danji deeply asleep.

She must have been exhausted, Luhan softened. He pulled the duvet properly over her fragile body. She snuggled into the pillow as she plunged into a deeper sleep. It seemed like she was getting her two weeks’ worth of sleep.

Luhan stooped next to the bed and gently smoothed her hair. *Sleep, my gongzhu. Be without pain. Escape from reality, and just be in peace.* He looked down and saw the scratches that raked her arms.

Luhan gently grasped her left wrist and stretched out her arm. He lowered his head and ran his tongue over the scratches. Immediately, they vanished, and not even the pinkness was left. He did the same to her right arm and got rid of the scratch marks.

Done, Luhan tucked her arms under the blanket. With a gentle kiss on her cheek, he left the room.

The other wolves were awake by now.

“Where were you?” Xiumin asked Luhan.

“I just went around the forest.” He replied vaguely.

“Did you see any sign of the Bangtan Boys?” Chen questioned.

“No.” Luhan balled his hand into a fist. He felt overwhelming hatred whenever those damn coyotes were mentioned.

“We can’t just stand here and do nothing. Look what happened last time. Every time we let our damn guards down, the freaking coyotes come sneaking back in. If we don’t do something now, Danji will be in more danger. Not only her, but you, too, ge.” Tao pointed out.

Luhan met eyes with Kris. “Tao is right. We can’t just stay on the defensive anymore. It’s our turn to attack.” Kris said.

Luhan nodded, “Yeah.” *It’s time for retribution. I’ll be sure to make it very painful.*

“First, we’ll find their locations, and see what we can do. Luhan, you can stay here.” Kris said.

Luhan straightened up and shook his head adamantly, “No way. I have a score to settle with them. I’m coming. The faster we find them, the faster we can get this over with.”

“…Fine.” Kris agreed.

The six wolves locked up the house before leaving.

Luhan changed into his wolf form again. He started to run but stopped and looked back. *Danji, I’ll be back soon. I’ll get revenge for your grandfather, I promise.* With a vengeful howl, Luhan left.


When Danji finally woke up, it was past noon. She sat up in bed and looked around in daze. She realized she had been sleeping for almost nine hours straight. Danji stood up, made the bed, and left the bedroom. The cabin was silent and empty. No one was home, not even Luhan.

Where did they all go? She wondered.

Danji went into the kitchen and got herself a glass of water. She took a sip and realized her stomach was empty. She actually felt hungry. *I wonder if the boys ate. Probably not.*

Danji decided to cook a meal for them. She made jaeyuk boggeum (stir-fried pork), japchae, and bean paste soup. She set the table and waited. Two hours passed by, and the wolves were still not back.

Danji looked at the food. They were all cold now.

Danji put the lid over the pot and covered the rest of the dishes up with plastic wrap. Her appetite was long gone now. It had been replaced by gnawing worry.

Where were they? Why had they not come back yet?

Danji walked up to the window and looked out pensively. Nervously, she bit her thumbnail. She stood in that spot for another hour before she grew weary. With a sigh, Danji went back to Luhan’s room. She sat on the bed and looked around. The silence was foreboding. It made her feel edgy and nervous.

Danji curled up on the bed. *It’s fine. Everything will be okay.* She lay in silence for another hour. Her mind drifted to different possibilities. Then she thought about the fire last night.

What had happened to her home? Was it completely demolished? Was there anything she could possibly salvage?

Danji sat up with an idea. She wanted to visit her home. She wanted to see the damage and hopefully recover anything she could.

Danji locked the wolves’ cabin before leaving towards her destination. The closer she got to her home, the more nervous she became. Was she ready to face the destruction?

Danji took a deep breath and entered the clearing where her home was supposed to be.

Instead of her warm, cozy cabin, she saw a pile of burnt wood and ash. Embers still floated around the vicinity from last night.

Danji could not believe her eyes. Her heart ached. *That was my home…and now it’s gone.*

Danji walked towards the remains of the chaotic fire. She saw pieces of glass and parts of photos. There was nothing though that she could reclaim as whole.

Danji stepped on something hard. She stepped back and looked down to see a hard black-and-gold object. Danji bent down and flipped it over. It was slightly burnt, but otherwise than that, there was no other damage. She picked it up and ran her fingers over the engraving. *This must have been grandpa’s. Hunter Class No. 149. What does that mean?*

“What the hell?!” An outraged voice snarled behind her.

Danji spun around. Her entire body turned to stone. Her muscles tightened, and her limbs froze with fear. It was her nightmare.

“Why are you still alive?!” Rap Monster barked.

“Y-you were the one who put my house on fire.” Danji stated.

“Who else?” Rap Monster smirked.

Her head spun like a compass. “You killed my grandfather, too.”

“Slaughtered is the perfect word to describe it.” He flashed off his white, sharp teeth.

“You’re a monster.” Tears flooded her vision.

“I’ve been called worse.” Rap Monster cackled.

*I hate you. I hate you.* Danji could not believe how callous a living being could be. He had no mercy. He had no heart at all.

“But back to the question; how the hell are you still alive? Your entire house disintegrated. You should have been destroyed as well.” Rap Monster pondered how she could have gotten out alive.

Danji took his distraction as an opportunity to escape. As fast as she could, she dashed through the forest. Her legs felt like jello, but she kept going. Her heart thumped against her ribcage as she struggled to catch her breath. She hoped to reach the wolves before the coyotes could reach her.

Suddenly, a streak of black knocked her down.

Danji went rolling down the slope at a dangerous pace. Rocks scratched her face, and her knee painfully cracked against a boulder. She landed on the ground with deep pain embedding her bones.

Danji looked up to see two coyotes looking down at her. Her eyes widened in fear. Hyperventilating, she forced herself to get up and limped away as fast as she could. She heard loud barks and ferocious yelps from her sides. Now four wolves were pursing her.

Tears blurred her vision, and an anxious cry escaped her lips. How was she ever going to escape them?

From the corner of her eye, she saw another coyote advancing towards her. *Now five.* Danji gulped. She darted under a canopy of branches and fell down another slope. She didn’t have time to brush the wet leaves that clung to her clothes.

Danji got up as fast as possible and hastily hobbled forward. A black figure came out of nowhere and pinned her down. A terrifying coyote was right in her face. He barred his horrible, sharp teeth at her and growled dangerously low. Danji cried and struggld, “Let me go!”

The coyote snarled closely to her face. Danji screamed and turned away.

He opened his wide jaws to take a bite of her when he was suddenly attacked.

The coyote whimpered and yelped in shock.

The silver wolf pinned him down with a menacing roar. Danji sat up with wide eyes. *Luhan.* She had never been more glad to see him.

A wet snout nudged her from behind. She looked back, startled, but calmed down when she saw a gray wolf. By the way it nudged her side and whimpered, she realized it was Tao. Danji smoothed his head, “It’s fine. I’m okay.”

Luhan barked, and Tao looked up.

Luhan seemed to have sent a message to him. Tao nodded.

In one toss, Danji was on his back. Tao started to dash away.

Danji looked back with wide eyes. “N

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"The Girl And The Wolf" is available again! Enjoy reading!
I will unlock the next series soon :)


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thank you for the story!
jayzie #3
Chapter 1: omg! i really miss this story!! thank u for bringing it back <3
750 streak #4
Chapter 51: So glad I ran across your story, I can’t believe it was written so very long ago. It’s timeless and literally could have been written now. I love Paranormal Romance and this one did not disappoint. Thank you for sharing it with us and I am really looking forward to reading the sequel.
Chapter 51: ! THE ENDING !
i may or may not have cried when they were reunited

thank you so much for writing this story !! i love werewolf fics so much :') i do not regret ditching school work to binge read this book haha
Chapter 35: oh god that was so unexpected,, i'm now even more excited to read the next chapters !
OMOOOOOOO having you open your stories again for us to read is really a blessing! thank you so much for opening these stories to us author-nim! I missed all of your stories, I always go here in AFF when I feel like I need to release some stress, and having you back is really amazing OTL ahhhhh you're one of the reasons why I decided to create an account and not be a silent reader huehue
Chapter 51: Great story
Li5erally my fav story all time