Tao vs. Luhan

The Girl and The Wolf (Mate)
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Danji was having a good dream about Luhan and her at the beach when she heard whispers that seemed to pull her out of her sweet reverie.

“Tao, seriously. It’s not a good idea. If Luhan wakes up, you’re dead.”

*What isn’t a good idea?* Danji felt someone sniffing her hair and opened her eyes. She twisted her head around to meet eyes with Tao. Grinning, he backed away from her, “Good morning, mei-mei. You smell really nice.”

*What the…?* Danji looked straight up.


She rubbed her eyes as spots appeared in her vision.

Lay lowered the Polaroid camera with a sweet smile. A strawberry coconut flavored lollipop caused a bump in his right cheek. “Rise and shine, happy couple!”

Danji turned bright red. The wolves had been watching her sleeping with Luhan. *Oh God, how embarrassing.* Mortified, she covered her face.

Lay snapped another picture. A photo spit out, and he waved it in the air. “Dawww, she’s embarrassed. Put these in the album, Tao.” Lay held out the Polaroid photos.

“I will!” Tao cheerfully claimed as he took the pictures. “But first,” He pulled her hands away from her face, “How about a morning kiss?” Her eyes widened in shock. “Come on! Just one kiss! Ke-ai gongzhu!” Tao wiggled his face in front of her as if she was a little baby. Danji gave him an odd look.

Yawning, Luhan sat up. With groggy eyes, he turned to see what Tao was up to. His lips curved downwards into a frown. Luhan lifted one foot and kicked Tao hard. He went rolling away and slammed into the wall, which caused the entire house to shake.

Kris came out of his room with wide, alarmed eyes, “What was that?!”

“Tao.” Lay on his lollipop as he went to put his camera away, “He tried to kiss Danji.”

“Freaking Tao!” Kris cursed him for being the reason he had woken up early.

Luhan held Danji get up and escorted her to the bathroom. “I’ll be on guard, so don’t worry.” She locked the bathroom door and looked at herself in the mirror. Then she burst into giggles. *That was the funniest morning ever.*

Cheerfully, Danji got ready for the day. She rummaged through her suitcase and found a white t-shirt and black skirt to wear. Finished changing, she tip-toed out of the bathroom and poked her head into the kitchen.

Kris was staring into the refrigerator as if somehow magically breakfast would appear.

Danji hurried in, “I’ll make something.”

Kris willingly stepped out of the way. She took the whole box of eggs out and grabbed some sausages and onions as well.

“Bendan.” Luhan shook his head as he approached the kitchen. He saw Danji cooking and wailed, “No! No! No!” Luhan hurriedly came into the kitchen and grabbed her waist. “You need to stop playing cook!” He fastened his eyes on Kris, “Why didn’t you stop her?!”

Kris shrugged, “She offered.”

Tao peered into the kitchen with a sappy smile, “You go, mei-mei. Cook for me.”

“GAH! SEE?!” Luhan roared.

“Honestly, I don’t mind.” Danji chuckled as she lightly twisted her arm away from him.

Luhan frowned, “I do.”

She gave him a look, “What if I said it makes me happy?” His face fell. He was at a loss for words.

“She got you good!” Tao laughed.

Luhan shot him a hard look as a warning for him to shut his mouth. Tao covered his mouth. Still chortling, he backed away. Luhan looked at Danji and sighed, “Fine. But only make easy things. I don’t want you to break your back making food for these fools.” He left to wash.

Kris raised an eyebrow, impressed, “You already know how to pull out his weak cards. Nice.” He held out a fist. Laughing, Danji lightly bumped fists with him. They shared a brotherly-sisterly smile before he left her to cook alone.

Lay skipped into the kitchen and pulled on an extra apron, “I’ll help!”

“I can do it myself.” Danji refuted.

“No, I can help.” Lay whistled as he started peeling the onion.

Danji raised an eyebrow, “Luhan threatened you to come help me, didn’t he?”

“You catch on fast.” Lay chuckled, “But really, I wanted to help.”

“Mmhmm.” She acted skeptical but also laughed along.

Breakfast was loud and energetic. The omelets were gone in less than fifteen minutes. Afterward, Chen and Xiumin cleaned up the kitchen. Danji cleaned the table with a wet rag. “What do you guys usually do on the weekends?”

“Sleep.” Tao replied.

“Sleep some more.” Lay answered.

“And then sleep again!” Xiumin said from the kitchen.

Tao and Lay laughed and hi-fived each other.

*I’m not sure that’s a good thing.* Danji smiled strangely at their odd behavior.

“That’s why it’s good that you’re here!” Tao grabbed her around the waist and spun her around the room. She shrieked in both delight and alarm. She was set down in front of a looming shadow. They both looked up, and she clamped shut with wide eyes.

Luhan was glaring daggers at Tao. The vein in his

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"The Girl And The Wolf" is available again! Enjoy reading!
I will unlock the next series soon :)


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thank you for the story!
jayzie #3
Chapter 1: omg! i really miss this story!! thank u for bringing it back <3
749 streak #4
Chapter 51: So glad I ran across your story, I can’t believe it was written so very long ago. It’s timeless and literally could have been written now. I love Paranormal Romance and this one did not disappoint. Thank you for sharing it with us and I am really looking forward to reading the sequel.
Chapter 51: ! THE ENDING !
i may or may not have cried when they were reunited

thank you so much for writing this story !! i love werewolf fics so much :') i do not regret ditching school work to binge read this book haha
Chapter 35: oh god that was so unexpected,, i'm now even more excited to read the next chapters !
OMOOOOOOO having you open your stories again for us to read is really a blessing! thank you so much for opening these stories to us author-nim! I missed all of your stories, I always go here in AFF when I feel like I need to release some stress, and having you back is really amazing OTL ahhhhh you're one of the reasons why I decided to create an account and not be a silent reader huehue
Chapter 51: Great story
Li5erally my fav story all time