Long way to Happiness.

Counting the Days... [LONG HIATUS]

****Please click here to enjoy a song while reading it to give it a more tone and feeling to it.****



     It has been 7 years since he last seen his father and 11 years since he last seen his mother. He is now 21 years of age as of today. His birthday was Yesterday, the 18th of June. He couldn't believe it has been that long since he last seen his parents. Unfortunately, his mother abandoned them during the night where they were not even in reality. His father passed away due to cancer. It was horrible to see a child sit in front of his father who is dying slowly, every second on the clock is important to him. Now he's all grown up, living by himself with a roommate. Since his roommate wasn't even at home, he thought to take a walk to the coffee shop. He grabs his pocketbook and keys and walks out through the door. He walked slowly as he can, capturing the scenery that was so bright and sunny. He could hear children running around, laughing and giggling even if the day was over. As children run pass by him, a little smile was lit on his face, yet he wiped it off immediately and started realizing it is almost night time. 

     He walked quickly as he could, passing by every faces that was a blur to him. As soon as he was close to the coffee shop, all the girls were crowded around him. He was in a rush before the coffee shop closed so he tried his best to go through the crowd as possible. Girls were screaming his name everywhere trying to catch a glimpse of him. He grabbed a newspaper that was near him and covered his entire face trying to seperate himself from the crowd. As he got out of the scream crowd, he fixed his hair and check for anything that may have been stolen by the crowd.

"Damn... when will they ever leave?!" - he thought.

A hand reached out to his shoulder and pulled him into the coffee shop. He let go of the newspaper and turned around to see who had pulled him in. As he turned around, he jumped back in shock and rubbed his eyes to verify what he is seeing...

"What the...?" - he said.

He saw girls everywhere in the coffee shop. He frozed there and bowed slowly to greet the ladies since he was trapped there.

***Setting the mood with Music***



"H-hey... I'm Yongguk, Bang Yongguk." - he said, stuttered at first.

He turned around to the counter and stared at the barista. Staring so hard, lasers were even coming out from his eyes. The barista stared back and smiled.

"You're very welcome." - said the barista.

A customer raised up her hand and called on the barista.

"Jongup-ssi, could I please have more whipped cream on top of my latte?" - she asked with fluttering eyes and a smile on her face.

"You sure can, miss." - he replied with a soft smile.

"Wait here, let me take care one of the customers, alright Yongguk?" - he said with a smile and messed with his hair.

"H-hey! Alright. I'll wait here, but you better come back with MY latte also. OK?" - he said with a pouting lip and raised eyebrows.

Jongup walked away, taking requests from the ladies. Yongguk stood there, wandering around, touching and examining stuff around the shop. He walked to the table where there are 2 chairs, he sat in one of them and crossed his legs, waiting for Jongup. Jongup walked slowly behind Yongguk and got close to him. He moved closer to his neck, but then up his ears.

"Miss me?" - Jongup said, frightening Yongguk.

Yongguk jumped up from his seat and looked over his shoulder. He stared again.

"Oh no you didn't..." - Yongguk giggled quietly and smile a bit.

Jongup laughed back, meanwhile the ladies in the coffee shop turned around and looked at them with gleaming eyes, taking pictures of them as if they were a couple.

"So how's it been, Yongguk? Anything new happened?" - Jongup asked.

"Nothing quite new that I encountered, but things gotten better than before. How about you? Anything new?" - Yongguk asked.

"Eh... same old same old. But we did have a new latte that just came out, it's called Aieru. Don't know what it means, but sounds romantic and soothing to the ears of the others." - Jongup replied.

"Aieru? Hmm... Oh. It means 'I Love You' in Japanese." - Yongguk said.

"Oh. Really? Do you want to try some? I'll brew one up." - Jongup insisted.

"Oh alright. Thanks, hyung!" - Yongguk said with a smirk instead of a smile.

As Yongguk is waiting for the Aieru Latte, he looked through the glass windows and saw a car that popped out from all the other cars, excluding Jongup's car. He keeps staring at the car and seeing what the owner had enhanced the car with.

"New engine it seems hm? OH new tires also. Gold rims? Is the owner like a millionaire or something?" - Yongguk said to himself.

Jongup came with the latte and dropped it off at Yongguk's table.

"Drink it up. I'll be right back. There's a new face at the shop." - Jongup said towards Yongguk.

Yongguk nods. "Alright.", and sips up the latte.

"How may I help you?" - Jongup asked with a complete full blossomed smile.

All the ladies at the shop were melting by the smile that was brought upon Jongup's face everytime a customer comes in.

"Do you have anything new?" - the customer says.

"We do have the Aieru Latte. Would you like that?" - Jongup said lighting up with a smile.

"Sounds tastey, I would love to have some of that." - the customer replied with satisfaction of the barista's smile.

"Alright. Please wait here. I'll brew some up." - said Jongup.

The customer waited patiently, looking through packets of beans, as if it was interesting. The customer glances around the shop seeing all ladies except for one man. The ladies turned to look at the customer, with an expression as if they knew who it was. They whispered with other ladies if the customer was really that person.

"Is it really him?" - one woman said.

They all took out their cellular devices and searched up the person they think is the customer.

"Omo! It is him! It's Himchan!!!" - one woman said which gradually led to another.

"Himchan-ssi!!!!" - all the ladies screamed in the shop.

Yongguk turned around with a questioned look on his face. He was really confused as to what is happening at this very moment.

"Don't worry about it, but here, take the keys to my car and drive where ever you want to go. Accept this as a late birthday present." - Jongup said as stood next to him.

"Really? Wow. Jongup, the good-looking barista, lending me his car? Bravo!" - Yongguk teased as he laughed.

"Take it or I'll change my mind." - Jongup threatened fondly.

"Alright Alright. Goodluck Hyung!" - Yongguk said as he got up and pushed in his chair, still sipping on the latte.


***Setting the mood with Music***


As soon as Yongguk walked out, he walked to the car which was behind the Gold Rimmed car. He opened up the door and got in. He prepared the car to fit his comfort zone and started the car.

     Himchan was able to get out of that catastrophe. He looked at the window and saw that the ladies were still taking pictures of him. He rushed towards his trunk to get something to disguise himself. As he rushed to the trunk. Yongguk's foot slipped onto the accelerate pedal and accidentally ran into Himchan...



To be Continued...

Wow. It escalated quick. Haha. How could this possibly have happened? I, myself, even was scared for Yongguk. ;) Thanks for reading. Next chapter will be coming soon! Bye Bye!

                                       - Greatness.



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