
Friday Night - Jonghyun

Grabbing the note, you trotted out the door and went to the other two rooms.

"Jonghyun!" You called as you knocked but nobody answered, you moved to the mud area where you slipped on a member’s shoes and your hoodie.

"What are you doing _____" The sleepy members asked as they all filed out of the small room with messed up hair and sleepy bodies.

"I have to go find Jonghyun" You pushed your glasses up on your nose again as a smile curled onto your lips. Opening the door you ran as you tried to find him, running from the bus station to the company and everywhere in between. Stopping to catch your breath you walked past a small pond in the middle of the city. Benches wrapped around the small pond as a grandfather and grandson fed the fish and ducks that congregated around for the food. A bent over figure caught your eye as you looked back at him. Running up the distant path you stood next to the man. His shoulders heaved as you could tell that he was upset.

"Jonghyun?" You quietly asked seeing if it was the right guy, The shoulders stopped heaving as he moved his body to greet you.

”_______?" He stood up quickly looking at what you were wearing and then looked into your eyes behind your glasses. “What are you doing here?"

Words failed you once more as you unfolded the note that was in your hand. You handed it to him as he took it from your hands, reading the writing on the crumpled paper.

"I knew I couldn’t leave you like that" You slowly approached him as his eyes lifted from the paper. He looked at you confused as you wrapped your arms around his torso. “Will you forgive me Jonghyun?" Your tone was reflective of your heart, broken, lonely and pure. You really wanted him back but the question was now is if he would take you back. Resting your head on his chest his warm secure arms wrapped around you. His chin rested on your shoulder as his head rubbed up against yours.

"Don’t leave me again please. I missed you so much." Tears rolled down his face as he nuzzled his face into your hair. You felt your heart swell as if all of the emotions that you were trying to hide hit you all at once. Silent tears fell down your face as Jonghyun pulled away. Wiping away your tears he kissed your cheek, not wanting to rush anything. “Lets go home" With you in agreement he took your hand as you began to walk back to the dorm.

"You came looking for me in that?" He asked as you both stopped, you hoped that this wouldn’t break you up again.

"Yeah, is there anything wrong with that?" You asked trying to read him

"I just thought that you might be cold" He took off his jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders. With a smile on your face you both walked back to the dorm.

The members finished getting ready and came out to get some breakfast. All of the members watched you as you laid on Jonghyun comfortably as he held you, both of you sleeping in each other’s arms.

"I guess love is blind and very forgiving" The members commented as they watched you both sleep with big smiles on your faces.

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DiarraCha #1
Chapter 5: you're just jealous member-deul hehehehe
omo jonghyun!!! #hug
ddilgirl1 #2
Chapter 2: Awww I hope there will be a sequel! I like this story :)