Friday Night

Friday Night - Jonghyun

Walking over to the SHINee dorm on a Friday night for a movie party was just what you needed after a long week of work and another harsh week approaching. Your phone buzzed in your pocket.

Are you coming? - O

Yes, stop worrying I am in your lobby

You were friends with all of the members, but Jonghyun was your boyfriend after a year or so. When the boys planned these sort of things you couldn’t help but smile and feel that you were loved. Onew and Taemin came running down the steps just to wrap you in a group hug, causing you to smile and giggle uncontrollably.

"I am so glad that you are here!" Taemin pulled your night bag off of your shoulder and placed it on his.

"I am glad that you are here more~" Onew said competing with Taemin as he wrapped his arms around you for a sideways hug again.

"I am glad that I am here too guys" You cut in as you saw that they were going to start challenging one another. The three of you walked up the stairs to the dorm as Onew opened the door for you as you walked in bowing to him. Minho was running around making the finishing touches as he placed the popcorn on the little table that was in between the tv and the couch. Minho ran into you and wrapped his arms around you as did the same. Taemin set your bag in the corner of the room as Key heard the commotion and hugged you as well.

"Let’s get this party started!" Taemin called as the four members and you all piled to the couch. You sat in the middle with Onew and Key on the floor as your knees touched the back of their heads. The other two sat on either side of you.

"What movie do you want to watch ______-ah?" Key called crawling to shelf where they kept all of their movies.

"I actually brought some that you haven’t seen before" You cooed as you crawled from the couch and walked over to your duffle.

"Oh~ Are they Disney movies?" Onew curiously crawled over to you as you pulled out your two favorite Disney movies.

"You guys decide while I go change" You stated as Minho pointed to an empty room for you to change into. You bowed lightly taking your clothes with you. Changing quickly you put on your glasses and relieved your eyes from your contacts. You trotted back over to your bag pushing in your used clothes into the duffle. You found your place on the couch as you pulled up a blanket as you shared with the members. Key put in the movie which was Aladdin. The members and you sung along to all of the songs, singing in English and in Korean. You were paying more attentions to their alternate endings then the actual movie. Slumping over onto Taemin’s shoulder, Minho leaned on your shoulder as he began to fall asleep, you too were about to as well as the clicking of the door caught your attention.

"Hello" Jonghyun tiredly said as the other members looked over the couch in surprise.

"Aren’t you supposed to be home later?" Onew leaned over you trying to cover you up

"Why? You don’t want me home!" Jonghyun became angry, “Maybe I will just go over to ______’s place then" He lifted his bag on his shoulder again as Key ran up to him.

"You can’t!" Key held him back as best as he could.

"Why not?" Jonghyun grumbled

"B-because…" Key looked at s as Onew trotted up to Jonghyun too

"She isn’t there" Jonghyun stopped once he heard what Onew said

"Where is she?" Jonghyun was now furious

"She is here… on the couch…" Taemin said pointing to you as you began to wake up and ruffle up the hair of Minho. Jonghyun with wide eyes dropped his bag and walked over to see for himself. There you were just waking up and playing with his hair.

"Hi Jonghyun" You cooed as you stood up, “The guys asked me to come over" He just looked at you scanning you like you were in an inappropriate outfit. “What’s wrong?"

"What’s wrong?! What’s wrong?!" He got louder with every call. “I come home trying to relax and hoping to get away and you are here without my permission." He folded his arms as the other members dispersed around the room. You stood up and began to take his yelling, trying not to take it to heart.

"So I have to get your permission now? Can’t I be my own person and do what I want?" You quietly said trying not to get too angry too quickly.

"Yeah, you do. You never listen to me! Why should I even be here with you! That year with you didn’t matter to me at all!" All of the members stared at you as Jonghyun waved his arms in the air. Tears threatened to fall down you tired face as you readjusted the glasses that you wore.

"Are you saying that you want to break up? That I don’t matter anymore? Do you know how much I suffered for you?" You began to coil your fists and clench your teeth.

"What do you know, you are just a girl. There are others out there." Jonghyun leaned on the counter with his back to you.

"Just another girl?! Is that all I am to you, just another girl. You wear more make-up than me, you wear more clothes than me too, so how can I be such a girl?!" You became quiet as other fights filled your mind that you had with other classmates and friends.

"Yeah you four eyed, self indulgent, attention hog, ordinary girl that is too quiet for her own good!" He started to yell at you, looking you right in your eyes. That is when you lost it. Tears flooded your face streaming down your cheeks in all directions. You turned away quickly just to be grabbed by his large hand. Ripping your hand away you scurried to your bag gathering your things before running out the door.

”_______" Key whined as the other members followed his whining.

"Sorry, I am sorry that this happened. I have to go" Your broken heart carried you out of the dorm. Tears just came more and more as you reached the stairwell causeing you to break down and paralize you.

"Go after her, Jonghyun!" Minho ordered as Jonghyun ran to his room slamming his door letting out a scream.

Onew ejected your DVD and some of your things that you had left behind and walked out to the hall, trying to find you. The crying carried him to you. He stood there with you crying into your knees.

”_____?" He sat down next to you and your back. The other members except for Jonghyun soon accompanied you outside. Soothing you back to normal breathing. They didn’t try and cover up what Jonghyun had said they just worried about you.

"Are we going to see you again?" Taemin asked as he put your coat around your shoulders.

"I would like that" You comforted them straining a smile as they gave you a group hug. Even though they were were your boyfriends bandmates, they were also your best friends. You knew that you were going to get through this somehow, you didn’t know how this was going to end but no matter what you had friends that were going to stick it out with you.

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DiarraCha #1
Chapter 5: you're just jealous member-deul hehehehe
omo jonghyun!!! #hug
ddilgirl1 #2
Chapter 2: Awww I hope there will be a sequel! I like this story :)