Day And Night

Time. Love

“When the wind blows, this longing feeling blows over as well…

When raindrops fall, tears follow and fall as well…


Hyo Min stood at the balcony as the strong wind blew against her face. Her shoulder-length red hair followed the direction of the breeze as it blew past. She was lost in thoughts as she stood there staring across the dry desert.

The past 6 years’ incidents kept popping up in her head, one by one. She reminisced the miserable moment when she failed to fight off Ji Yeon’s army and let them took Dani away from her.

Dani…. Where was she now? Was she fine? Was she living well? Was she alone or was she still being Ji Yeon’s captive? Was she still waiting for her to rescue her?

Dani… Dani was the only thing in her mind when she first woke up after 6 years…


3 weeks ago…

“Dani? Dani? Where’s she? I need to save her… I need to…” Hyo Min fell down as soon as she struggled to get down from her bed.

Woo Hyun immediately caught hold of her and trying to carry her back to her bed.

“Hyo Min, please. You are still weak. You can’t go anywhere.”He pleaded.

“No… Let go of me. I need to find Dani…”

Woo Hyun pulled Hyo Min so that she was facing him. “We’ll find Dani when you get better. Look at yourself. You can’t even stand straight without falling on your own. How are you even going to find Dani?”

Hyo Min said nothing.

“I promise you, we’ll find Dani no matter what it takes. Now, the first thing is that we have to make sure that you are completely healed so that we can look for Dani. Okay?”

Hyo Min nodded solemnly. She did not even flinch when Woo Hyun lifted her up onto the bed.


“Thinking of Dani?” Woo Hyun suddenly appeared behind the door and approached Hyo Min.

Hyo Min nodded. “I want to see her.”

“You are still in the midst of healing. You should stay here and concentrate on your recovery.”


“No but, Hyo Min. You are not going anywhere until you are completely recovered.”

Hyo Min quietly nodded.

They remained silent for a while.

“Thank you for saving my life.”

“You’ve said that for a million times and for a million times, you are welcome.” Woo Hyun flashed a smile.

Hyo Min smiled.

“I had never had the chance to ask you but why are you here? I mean, aren’t you still working in the special force?”

Woo Hyun smiled. However, his smile was not like his other smiles. It was a sad smile.

“I quit. I am tired with all these worthless killing.”

“Where is Kim Sung Gyu? I haven’t seen him around. I still remembered you guys were like brothers attached to the hips. You guys were hardly separated from each other.”

Woo Hyun did not answer immediately. Hyo Min turned to look at Woo Hyun. His expression was a very familiar expression. He was in deep pain; as if he lost someone he loved. Hyo Min knew that expression and that pain better than anyone else.

“I…I’m sorry about Sung… Sung Gyu.”

“I don’t know whether he is dead or alive. He did not come back from the last mission that he was sent to. I just hope that wherever he is now, I hope he is all right.”He tried to say it as if he was not bothered about it anymore but Hyo Min knew that he really cared. She could hear the hopeful tone in his voice. At that instant, she knew how important Sung Gyu was to Woo Hyun.

Hyo Min suddenly felt dizzy. The world suddenly began to swirl and she was about to faint. Luckily, Woo Hyun was fast enough to catch her in his arms.

“You need to rest.” Woo Hyun said as Hyo Min weakly leaned against his chest.


She was surrounded by noisy clubbing music and people dancing to their hearts’ content. But she could not care less about them. She sat comfortably in the old wrecked car outside the club.

It was weird but she always felt really comfortable to sit inside the old wrecked car. It gave her a very safe feeling, as if telling her that no one would be able to hurt her. She slowly closed her eyes as the warm feeling overwhelmed her.

Suddenly flashes of memories appeared before her eyes. First, she saw a rabbit. She did not know how she even knew that the creature was a rabbit. Then, she saw an abandoned car. She saw two people walking happily together.

She did not know how all these memories flashed before her eyes. She was blind. She wasn’t supposed to see any of these.

She sat still, not knowing what to do.


Hyo Min and Woo Hyun were just taking a stroll outside when she saw something familiar that belonged to her. She ran towards it just to make sure and was surprised to see her motorcycle parked right there.

“My motorcycle… How did you….”

“Let’s just say I am talented in finding stuff.” Woo Hyun smirked. “I am just joking. I found it at the place I found you.”

“Th… Thank you.”

As she looked at her motorcycle, she couldn’t help but to think of the memories that she had with Dani. She could still remember those beautiful days where Dani would ride behind her on the motorcycle. She longed for those days again.

“Here…” Woo Hyun passed her a small handphone.

“What is this for?”

“It will lead you to Dani.”

“Woo Hyun…”

“Just go. But be careful.” Woo Hyun smiled, encouraging Hyo Min.

“Woo Hyun, I don’t know what to say. I…”

“You don’t have to. We are teammates, remember?”

“Thank you, Woo Hyun. Thank you so much.”


As soon as she checked the coordinates that were saved in the handphone, she swiftly rode on her motorcycle and revved up the engine. It took her a while to get used to everything since she had been lying on the bed for the past 6 years.

When she felt she was steady enough, she accelerated so her motorcycle would move faster.

“Dani, wait for me. I’m coming for you.”


They tried to run as fast as they could. They were running for their lives. They knew once that evil queen caught them, they won’t live long enough to see the next sunrise. Their steps halted when a girl stood before them. She was holding a sword but she wasn’t looking at them. She smirked before she swiftly moved towards them. She gracefully swayed the sword to her left and right, killing all of them.

Ji Yeon and her army walked towards Dani, looking satisfied with her job. Ji Yeon gave her a pat on the shoulder before moving on. Dani turned around to follow Ji Yeon. Neither of them were aware that there was someone watching them from a corner.

Hyo Min was already there for a while. She witnessed Dani killed the men. But she did not know that that was Dani. But the moment Dani turned around, she was so surprised. She thought that her eyes were playing a trick on her. The person that she was looking at resembled Eun Jung so much. No, she looked exactly like Eun Jung.

“No, no, no! Eun Jung is gone. Stop thinking the impossible.” Hyo Min scolded herself. But as she looked at her, Hyo Min thought she knew those pair of eyes. Those pair of eyes who might not be able to see anything but they were the most innocent pair of eyes that she had ever seen.

“Dani…?” Hyo Min thought to herself.

It must be her. That pair of blue eyes… She had Dani’s blue eyes… It must be her! It could not be someone else. Hyo Min thought to herself, being very sure that the person was the Dani that she was looking for.

The Dani she knew was not cold-blooded. She would not even hurt an insect. But then she just witnessed Dani cruelly murdered three men. And her blue eyes… The colour would only appear whenever she used her power.

What had happened to you, Dani? What have Ji Yeon done to you? Dani ya….


Hyo Min could not forget what had happened the night before. Dani’s expression…. Dani’s murderous act… She could not act as if she had seen nothing.

She wrapped her hand with a long bandage. She stood up and began to practice with her sword. She skilfully waved it left and right, thinking of nothing but Dani.

At the stairs, Woo Hyun watched Hyo Min silently. He knew Hyo Min must have seen Dani as she did not say a word when she came back yesterday.

He already knew what had happened to Dani. In fact, he already long knew who was Dani. Who wouldn’t know? Well, except for Hyo Min who had been unconscious for 6 years, everyone knew about it. Everyone knew about that fateful day when Ji Yeon came barging into the government military main headquarter, saying that she had found the special one. Of course no one would believe her. That was until Dani began to use her powers upon Ji Yeon’s order. The president surrendered and that meant Ji Yeon won the war. From that day onwards, life was practically a living hell.

It was not that he did not want to tell Hyo Min, but he did not know how. By telling her or hiding the truth, it would still hurt her as she would feel guilty for not being able to protect Dani. He decided to let her find out on her own when she was ready.


She walked straight on the bridge. She approached the wrecked car. The flashes of memories were starting again. It was almost the same like the last time she had it, only that it was more intense this time.

The image of a rabbit hopping around appeared.

When she slowly touched the car door, the flashes of memories became clearer. She saw a girl sleeping on someone else’s lap. As she sat inside the car, she saw more. She saw the girl woke up from her sleep. She saw the same two people that she had been seeing chattering and laughing happily while walking.

She was confused. Who were those people? Why would she even see flashes of them? She had never seen anything in her entire lifetime. Why would she be able to see them or even recognize them?

What was all these? She wanted to know the answer.

Out of the sudden, she heard footsteps. Someone was walking towards her direction. She slightly drew her sword from her sword case as self-defense and waited patiently.

That person was getting nearer. Dani immediately took out her sword and pointed at that person.

Hyo Min was surprised to see someone pointing a sword towards her, but she was even more surprised to see that it was Dani who pointed the sword at her.

She looked at Dani. She was so near yet so far away.

“Dani ya…”

Dani backed away a little. The memories flashbacks were starting again and it was so clear, so clear as if those memories were hers and she had experienced it.

“Dani, it’s me.”

Dani moved even further away from Hyo Min.

Another memory but this time it was someone else. A new face. It was not the one that she always saw in her memories flashes.

“You must be Dani, right?”

As Hyo Min spoke, bits and bits of memories came popping out again. It was that two people again. Laughing and smiling happily together.

This was too much to endure. She felt vulnerable by these memories that were not sure belonged to her. She waved her sword as if to kill those memories away.

Dani needed to leave. She needed time alone. She needed to get away from this stranger who kept talking to her as if she knew her.

She walked away, not bothering that the stranger kept calling her name.

“Dani ya!”

“Dani ya!”

Hyo Min called out desperately.


Dani was back into that old wrecked car of hers in the club. She was deep in thoughts, thinking about what had just happened.

She was linking the bits and pieces of the memories flashes. Different voices calling out her name yet both voices had such huge impact on her.

As she thought harder and harder, the two different voices were humming within her head. Flashes of memories began again, but somehow this time she was sure that it belonged to her.

Those memories…. It was hers all along. She had forgotten about them. When her power took over her that day, it decided to keep the memories away. It sealed the memories deep in the back of her mind and her heart. Now that the memories were unsealed, they were linking together and she was starting to remember.

She remembered how Hyo Min Unnie had screamed for her when she was taken away by the bad guys. She remembered how Ji Yeon used her psychic power to make her believe that she was her Unnie. She remembered how Ji Yeon knocked against those prison bars that had made her shivered in fear. She remembered how Ji Yeon tricked her into wakening her power. She remembered how Ji Yeon made use of her power to satisfy her greed for power.

She remembered. She remembered everything now.


Hyo Min already made her decision. She wanted to tell Woo Hyun about it but she could not because she knew Woo Hyun would try to stop her.

She stood outside for a while.

At this time, Woo Hyun was coming out towards the balcony and saw Hyo Min standing alone. He knew that she was going to do something very stupid and dangerous and of course he would try and stop her. But knowing how stubborn his ex-teammate was when she had made up her mind, he knew that his effort would be to no avail.

Hyo Min knew that Woo Hyun was looking at her. She did not even glance but she knew Woo Hyun would know that she was bidding her farewell, probably the last farewell.


Dani was beginning to boil in anger as she thought more. She was living happily with her Hyo Min Unnie until this Ji Yeon witch came and destroyed it all. All these while, she thought she was nothing but only a carrier for ultimate power. But she did have a family. She had Hyo Min Unnie.

All these years, she was separated from Hyo Min Unnie. Those lost years without each other and it was all because of Park Ji Yeon.

It did not take her long before her anger took complete control of her. Soon, her eyes turned blue as her power took over her.

“Where are you going?” One of Ji Yeon’s men asked.

But Dani could no longer hear anything.

She killed the men who were supposed to be her bodyguards, leaving none of them a slim opportunity to live.

She slowly moved into the club, towards Park Ji Yeon.


Ji Yeon sat down on the couch as she looked upon those ignorant people who were dancing in the club. They were high on drugs and they would not see, hear or think of anything other than dancing and having fun.

So Yeon, Ji Yeon’s loyal assistant smiled as Ji Yeon sat beside her.

“Don’t worry, business is good. You should relax a bit and enjoy the music or go down the dance floor and have fun. You are being way too tense.”So Yeon said.

Ji Yeon ignored her as she continued to watch those people happily living in their own world of ignorance.

“So Yeon, let’s go.” Ji Yeon ordered and stood up. So Yeon immediately obeyed her.

Just when she was about to leave, she saw Dani entering the club, swaying her sword left and right. Ji Yeon sighed silently. She was doing it again.

The only thing that she had to complain about having Dani around was that sometimes she got too paranoia that her power would get the best of her. She would go on killing spree and would not even recognize anyone, including Ji Yeon herself.

So Yeon saw Dani entering the club too. She whispered something into Ji Yeon’s ear. Ji Yeon gave a nod and So Yeon left.

Ji Yeon gestured both of the men beside her to attack Dani.

As usual, Dani would effortlessly kill them.

This time, Ji Yeon drew her own sword and moved towards Dani.

So Yeon who left just now to take over the DJ’s control panel saw Ji Yeon moving towards Dani. She cheekily smiled as she turned up the volume of the music. She knew that Dani used her hearing during fights and it was always her super hearing which saved her life. She wanted to know how well she would fight when she could hardly hear anything.

Dani tried to concentrate hard to hear Ji Yeon’s position but the loud music was making it hard for her. Nevertheless, she still tried very hard to hear. She tried to filter the loud music and focused really, really hard.

She was at first taken aback when Ji Yeon’s sword clashed against hers. But she began to have better control as Ji Yeon launched attacks upon attacks against her.

They fought furiously on the dance floor. The music was as if to accompany their combat, waiting to see who would eventually win.

Using all her strength, Ji Yeon managed to defeat Dani, or so she thought. Just when Ji Yeon thought she won, Dani swayed her sword towards Ji Yeon and slid a cut on her arm.

Ji Yeon dropped her sword. She was shocked. No, this was not happening. The intense battle left her baffled. When their swords slid against each other, she could feel that as if Dani was really serious about this battle. It was not like one of those battles due to her paranoia outburst and power control issue. It was as if she wanted to kill her.

No… She did not…. ! She remembered.

Ji Yeon backed away. She needed a place to think. She needed a place for her wound to heal. She ran away through the back door while her men began to attack Dani.

She walked as fast as she could while holding onto the open wound on her arm. Two other bodyguards walked behind her to protect her. At the exit of the warehouse, someone was already waiting for her. Ji Yeon of course could recognize the person. Her striking red hair already gave her away.

Those bodyguards began to attack as an act to protect Ji Yeon but with Hyo Min’s excellent sword skill, they were unfortunately received the same fate as their other friends.

Ji Yeon knew that this battle would be inevitable. It was just a matter of time before Park Hyo Min came looking for her for revenge. She drew her sword and attacked Hyo Min.

Their swords clashed together as they stood facing each other.

“You know what day is today, Ji Yeon?” Hyo Min said with sarcasm.

“Tell me. I wouldn’t have known, would I?”Ji Yeon played along with Hyo Min’s sarcasm.

“Today is the day where you will die, tragically.”

“Hahahaha… You have to be kidding me. You know we are not going to die. You know that very well right.”

“You are wrong, Ji Yeon. Have you actually forgotten today is the 30th year where we first took our first shot, remember?” Hyo Min smirked.

Ji Yeon immediately backed away. ! That explained why she felt so much pain on her wound than usual. The shot was wearing off and now she was no different than any other mortal.

Feeling angry and a little defeated, Ji Yeon launched herself towards Hyo Min.  They glared angrily at each other.

At this moment, Dani suddenly appeared and broke them away. Hyo Min turned and glanced at Dani. But Dani did not turn to look at her.

“She still could not remember me…” Hyo Min thought sadly to herself.

The three of them walked in circles as they cautiously watching their own backs. Hyo Min once in a while turned and glanced at Dani. Ji Yeon saw Hyo Min’s act.

“Dani… She still cared for her little Dani.”

Then, Ji Yeon began to attack Dani. Dani managed to block her attack but instead Hyo Min pushed her away and fought with Ji Yeon. Hyo Min was being protective. She did not want Dani to get hurt.

When Dani fell down, the sword in her hand slipped and fell a few steps away from her. She frantically searched her sword with her hands, hoping to get hold of it as soon as possible. Ji Yeon once again took advantage and wanting to attack Dani but Hyo Min was not going to allow that to happen.

Hyo Min aimed her sword towards Ji Yeon and Ji Yeon blocked her sword from hurting herself. The battle got intense and Hyo Min led Ji Yeon away from Dani. They stopped and moved away from each other. Ji Yeon still would not give up on trying to attack Dani. She once again approached Dani. Hyo Min instinctively threw Dani’s sword to Dani and Dani caught it in her hand accurately.

When she caught hold of the sword that Hyo Min threw to her, she was remembering all the memories again. They were clearer as each time she saw them. She saw Hyo Min Unnie protecting her with all her might. As she saw it, her urge to kill Ji Yeon grew stronger than ever. It was Ji Yeon who destroyed her happiness and she was going to make her pay for it!

The memories flashed again. This time, it was faster and everything she knew before those six lost years flashed before her eyes.

Just when Dani got lost in her thoughts, Ji Yeon began to attack Dani. Seeing Ji Yeon about to attack Dani, Hyo Min instinctively ran before Dani to protect Dani. Unfortunately, the sword that was aimed towards Dani pierced through Hyo Min. Hyo Min helplessly leaned against Dani’s shoulder upon impact from the piercing.

Dani only snapped out of her memory flashes when Hyo Min leaned against her. She instinctively held Hyo Min by wrapping her arms around Hyo Min’s waist.

Unable to accept her defeat, Ji Yeon attacked Dani again but Dani reacted fast. While holding Hyo Min in her arms, she turned her back and held out her sword straight. Ji Yeon was pierced straight in the abdomen when she approached Dani. Ji Yeon’s face went pale like white sheet upon the impact. Without any other second thoughts, Dani pulled her sword from Ji Yeon and Ji Yeon fell, lying unconscious on the floor.

Hyo Min could no longer hold on. She was getting weaker. When Dani loosened her grip on Hyo Min, Hyo Min fell straight on the floor. Dani bent down to hold Hyo Min in her arms once again.

She caressed Hyo Min’s soft cheeks as Hyo Min lied within her arms.


“You remembered….” Hyo Min smiled a little.

Dani nodded. She placed her chin on Hyo Min’s head. Tears were already flowing down her cheeks. She never expected that their reunion would be the last time seeing each other.

“You….you looked like….your mother….”

Dani smiled and nodded. She was trying to hold back her sobs.

“Da… Dani… I really… really want…to…be with…you… Really….want….to protect you…I’m so sorry… I love you, Dani.” After saying, Hyo Min breathed her last breath and she was gone.

“No! Unnie!!! Unnie!!!!! Unnie!!!!!” Dani cried but no matter how hard she cried, her unnie would not come back to her anymore. She was gone.

Woo Hyun and Sung Jong came running into the warehouse. Both of them were panting hard. But when they saw Dani hugged Hyo Min, crying so pitifully, they knew they were too late.

Woo Hyun kneeled down, grieving as Sung Jong watched helplessly, unable to do anything.


Dani stood before a tomb under the big tree. The tomb was carved “Dearest sister, Hyo Min, forever living in our hearts.”

“Unnie ya, have you met Appa and Omma? I hope you are happy with them.”

Cool breeze blew past her as she stood still before the tomb.

“Unnie… Don’t worry about me anymore. You enjoy yourself on the other side with Appa and Omma. I am already a grown up and I can take care of myself.”

“Unnie… I miss you so much….” A tear silently flowed from the corner of Dani’s eye. But she wiped it away and smiled.

“When I was young, I did not understand what do you meant by asking me to live happily and without any regrets. But now I understand. I truly understand. I promise I’ll live happily and I promise to live it with no regrets. I promise.”

Dani was still standing before the tomb when Woo Hyun came and gave her a pat on the shoulder.

“Dani, time to go.”

Dani nodded.

“Hyo Min ah, don’t worry, I’ll help you to take care of Dani. I’ll make sure that she won’t get hurt. I’ll protect her like you always did. Rest in peace, Hyo Min.” Woo Hyun said.

Dani stood for a while before turned her back and began to walk away from the tomb with Woo Hyun.

She felt somewhere behind her, Hyo Min was waving goodbye to her. She knew it was impossible but nevertheless, she turned and tried to hear but she could hear nothing.

“Dani? What did you hear? There isn’t anyone around.”Woo Hyun said, being confused of Dani’s behavior.

Dani knew even if she could see, she would not see anyone but she could feel that Hyo Min was there. She was there, watching her as she was leaving.

“Goodbye, unnie. Goodbye.”

She softly whispered and walked away, not turning back this time.

She wouldn’t turn back anymore. She would just walk ahead. She would only walk ahead till the end of the time.

“Like a scarecrow… Like a sad doll… I will always be waiting…”


-The End-


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montiniiz #1
Chapter 3: Woww ! Author-nim You're so good :) The story line really match with the mv.
Already know about the ending since the beginning of the story , still pretty sad though :(

Thank you for making this fiction Author-nim :))
Chapter 3: you mad me cry T . T
pioushej #3
Chapter 3: daebak! this is great! thank you!
niiyeon #4
Chapter 3: i like this story it matched well with the mv.. but what i didn't like, jiyeon is a lesbian here lol
yeonniestan94 #5
Chapter 3: wowww authornim!! that was awesome.. i really lyk the mv so i luv what u did...!!!! yayy ^o^ though 2yeon r my bias in tiara i didn't lyk them in the mv * mean es* glad u didn't make otherwise..
on another note, really miss jiyeon & eunjungs acting..hope to see them in a drama again...
keep writing authornim Hwaiting$!!!!!