Day By Day

Time. Love

“I miss and long for your touch… I guess I loved you too much…”


Dani suddenly was jolted awake by a peculiar sound. The sound was not really loud but she could hear it clearly thanks to her super hearing. She woke up and began to climb out from an abandoned car which was crushed terribly. She slowly walked towards the source of the sound. Since she was born not being able to see anything other than darkness, she habitually moved her hands in mid air as she struggled to search for the thing that caused the sound.

After some while, she stopped walking and tilted her head a little. She was confused. It must be here somewhere…. The thing that have caused the sound…. She thought to herself.

Suddenly a familiar voice called her name.


That loud yet gentle voice…. She would never mistake it for any sound in this world. That was the voice of the beautiful person who had been with her since her parents passed away.  That was the voice of the beautiful guardian that loved her more than her own life.

“Unnie~”Dani said. She could hear footsteps nearing her.

“Dani ya~ What are you doing here? Didn’t I tell you not to wander off alone?” Her guardian said. Dani could recognize her thick concern in her tone.

“Mianei, Unnie. It’s just that I heard something moving.”Dani said truthfully.

“Well, I don’t see anything around. I think you’ve heard wrongly.”

Dani pouted as she scratched her head in confusion.

Dani’s guardian lovingly encircled her arms around Dani’s shoulder.

“Let’s go. You must be hungry right? Let’s find something to eat.”

“Neh.” Dani said as her guardian slowly led her away to somewhere else.

They walked on when suddenly Dani’s guardian nudged her to hold her hand. Dani knew what was going on. They were about to ride on her motorcycle and search for food.

Dani obediently took her guardian’s hand and lifted herself up onto the motorcycle with the help of her guardian.

“Unnie….” She passed the helmet which was on the seat to her guardian.

Her guardian took it from her hands and said with a very loving tone. “Gomawo.” Her guardian was about to put the helmet over Dani’s head when Dani gently pushed it away.


“Unnie, can I not wear helmet this time? I want to feel the wind.”

“But it ‘s dangerous, Dani.”

“Unnie…… Please” Dani decided to use her killer aegyo voice. Unnie always fell for it.

Her guardian hesitated. “Okay, but hold on tight to me, araso?”

“Yes, madam!” Dani laughed.


“Eun Jung ah…. She looks just like you…. She enjoys riding on bikes…. She is very curious about her surrounding…. She likes asking questions and most of all, she likes to pout and use aegyo. She is an exact replica of you…. Do you see this, Eun Jung?”

As Hyo Min rode on, she kept a caution look out on Dani who was sitting behind her from the side mirror. She saw Dani stretched her arms wide as she enjoyed the breeze blowing on her. She closed her eyes and dangerously stood up. Hyo Min wanted to tell her to sit down but she couldn’t. The way Dani stood up and enjoyed the ride reminded her of someone very dear to her…. someone who was no longer by her side.

Hyo Min slightly shook her head as to shake the thoughts away from her mind. She just kept her eyes on the road and not to look at Dani.


Dani bent down and plucked some wild dandelions which grew on the field that they were standing on.  Hyo Min was right next to her, observing her.  She innocently played with the dandelions and smiled widely as she showed them proudly to Hyo Min. Hyo Min just smiled. Dani might be 14 years old this year but she was still a 5 year old kid to her that she first laid her eyes on.

Like a child who just reached the playground, Dani swirled around with her arms open wide. And just like a mother, Hyo Min watched her lovingly from a distance, making sure that she did not hurt herself.

“Unnie…. Bageopa…” Dani suddenly stopped and turned towards Hyo Min.

“What do you want to eat?”

“I want…” She pouted cutely as she gave a serious thought about it. “I want to eat pigeon meat.”

“Okay. Let’s hunt.” Hyo Min said as she closed her distance with Dani and circled her arms around Dani’s waist.


They waited quietly behind the bushes, not wanting to scare the pigeon away. Dani wanted to stand up as her legs were a little numb for squatting for quite some time but Hyo Min quickly pulled her down.

“You’ll scare it away. Just wait. I’m shooting right now.”Hyo Min said confidently.

After making sure that her bow is aimed correctly towards the targeted pigeon, she immediately released the arrow from her bow but unfortunately the arrow missed its target and the pigeon flew away.

Dani laughed out loud while Hyo Min pouted in exasperation.


“Is it okay with the chicken meat?” Hyo Min asked Dani. They were sitting on the same field after their dinner.  After waiting for some while, Hyo Min still couldn’t shoot any pigeon. Not wanting to starve Dani, finally they decided to hunt for chicken for dinner.

Dani nodded happily.

“Dani ya, mianei.” Hyo Min apologized. Dani must be disappointed not to have her pigeon meat for dinner. She loved pigeon meat.

Dani turned towards Hyo Min and said: “You don’t have to apologize, Unnie. It doesn’t matter whether it’s chicken meat or pigeon meat. As long as Unnie is by my side, I will be happy to eat any of it.”

“Dani ya…” Hyo Min was touched by Dani’s words. She had grown up so much….

Suddenly, there were noises coming from the bushes. Being sensitive to sounds, Dani immediately turned towards the direction where the sound came from.

“Unnie… is that sound. The sound I heard earlier this morning.”

Hyo Min immediately stood up. Her bow and arrows were ready in her hands.

“Dani, stay here. Don’t move.”

Dani nodded.

Hyo Min slowly approached the bushes. As she slowly peeked into the bushes, she grinned at her discovery. It was a fluffy white rabbit.

“Unnie….” Dani called out after Hyo Min had not came back for her.

“Dani yah…. Don’t worry, it’s nothing dangerous. But put out your hands. I have something for you.” Hyo Min said.

Although she was very afraid, she still obediently held out her hands.

Hyo Min gently put the rabbit into Dani’s hands. At first Dani flinched as the rabbit’s fur brushed across her skin. But curiosity got the better of her and she bravely held the rabbit. Seeing Dani had a steady hold on the rabbit, she slowly let go her hands off the rabbit.

Dani’s fingers gently moved around the rabbit’s body while still holding it steadily. She touched its head, its neck, its four legs, its body and its little clump of tail.

“Unnie…. What is this?”

“This is a rabbit. It has a head…” Hyo Min gently held Dani’s hand and placed it on the rabbit’s head. “four legs….”She moved Dani’s hand to one of the rabbit’s leg. “and a cute bushy tail.” She moved Dani’s hand from the rabbit’s leg to the tail.

Dani laughed as she touched the rabbit’s tail.

“What colour is it?” Dani asked.

“White and a little black.” Hyo Min stated. Although Dani could not see, Hyo Min still taught her about colours and things that can only seen with eyes.  

“Haiz…. I wish I could see.” Dani sighed as she cuddled the little rabbit.

Hyo Min looked behind her.  It used to be a city. A brilliant city with colourful city lights as nightfall replaced daylight. But now what was left of the city was empty, old buildings threatening to crumble as time passes and black thick smokes floated up to the skies.  The place was long abandoned by human beings. It was such a shame to see once such a beautiful place ended up like a catastrophe.

“Dani…. It’s better not to see all these. Trust Unnie…” Hyo Min said in a sad tone.

Dani kept quiet. Sometimes she wondered was the world they were living in right now that bad to the state that Unnie have to think that it was a blessing for not being able to see.  

Both of them sat in silence as Dani continued to hold the rabbit dearly to her chest while Hyo Min looked up to the sky.


“Good night Dani. Sleep well.” Hyo Min softly touched Dani’s hair and tucked her in her bed.

When she turned to leave, Dani held her wrist. Hyo Min turned back towards Dani.

“Yes, dear?”

“Unnie… I’m sorry.”

“Uh? Why are you sorry for?”

“I’m sorry for what I said just now.” Dani apologized. She should not have said anything about her sight. She knew that every time when she mentioned about her sight, Unnie would get very upset and solemn.

“Dani ya…. You did not do anything wrong, so you don’t have to apologize, okay?”Hyo Min patiently explained.

“But… but you were upset.”

“I’m not upset. It’s just that….” Hyo Min hesitated for a while, trying to put all these in an easier way for Dani to understand. “ Unnie have seen so much, in fact too much. And you must trust me. You would not want to see all these even if you can see. This is just too sad for you to see.”

“Unnie…. Is it really that bad? The world we are living in…?”Dani asked carefully, not wanting to upset Hyo Min again.

“I really hate to say this but….yes, dear. Yes it is.”


Hyo Min was upset to look at Dani’s disappointed look. She wished she could just lie to her so that she did not need to disappoint her but unfortunately she could not. Dani was a smart girl and if she lied to her, sooner or later she would find out.

“Dani…. Promise Unnie. No matter what happened, no matter how bad the world is, you will live happily and with no regrets, okay?”

Dani did not really fully understand this but she nodded. “Yes I will Unnie. I promise.”

“Now, go and have some sleep. We will have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

“Mm. Good night Unnie.”

“Good night dear.”Hyo Min said to Dani as she gave her one last look before she closed the room door behind her.

Hyo Min sat down and leaned against the couch. As she looked towards her front, there were old photographs frames hanging neatly on the wall.

Those photographs were of her and two young girls smiling happily. Those were the days where they were having fun and not having a care in the world.

Hyo Min smiled a small smile. She did not even remember when was the last time she ever smiled like that.

As Hyo Min looked at the photographs, she spoke to herself.

“Eun Jung ah… I miss you….” Her words were barely louder than a whisper.


“Hmmmm…..” Eun Jung held strands of Hyo Min’s hair as she carefully analyzed them.


“What is it?” Hyo Min turned towards her, feeling annoyed. Eun Jung has been touching her hair since the past hour.

“I think you will look great if your hair is dyed red.” Eun Jung suggested.

Hyo Min squinted her eyes. “No, I am not dying my hair red just because you said so.”

“But come on, your hair has been black like what, since forever?” Eun Jung refused to give up on persuading Hyo Min to change her hair colour.

“I like it black. So?”

“Come on, we are going to graduate and be real guardians soon. I mean, like THE real guardians. We definitely need to style up a little to live up to our guardian name, right?” Eun Jung said, blinking her eyes hopefully at Hyo Min.

Hyo Min gave a fake smile and said: “No.”

“Hyo Min….. Come on….. Don’t be a wet blanket….. Even Ji Yeon agreed to dye her hair blonde. You should too, you know.”Eun Jung pouted.

“No, no, no.”Hyo Min was determined not to give in to Eun Jung this time. Dying her hair red? She gotta be kidding. No way she was going to dye her hair with that ridiculously striking colour!

“Hyo Minnie…. Hyo Minnie….. Hyo Minnie….” Eun Jung was using her killer aegyo on her. Hyo Min was forever helpless towards her aegyo.

“No, no, no.”

“Hyo Minnie… Hyo Minnie…. Hyo Minnie…. Hyo Minnie….” She pouted cutely in front of Hyo Min.  She looked like a little helpless puppy.

Hyo Min gave a deep sigh and put both her hands in the air as a sign of defeat.

Eun Jung shouted happily and jumped around as she finally won the battle. She then hugged Hyo Min and kissed her cheek.

“You are always the best, Hyo Min!”

Hyo Min kept quiet as she blushed like a red tomato.


It was 2070. It was more or less like the world you would expect to see in futuristic movies. Well, there weren’t exactly any flying cars or flying humans but the technology was definitely more advanced than anyone would expect it to be.

As technology got more and more advanced, humans started to invent things that made life so much easier. Inventions got greater and bigger and better. Household chores are easier to be done with the help of smart computers and smart robots. Weapons got much bigger and better with minimal failure probability. Businesses transactions were done in a snap of finger. Everyone can receive education anywhere at any time. There was no more poverty or illiterates. Humans basically did not have to lift a finger to do anything. Life was never been better.

Then, humans started to have crazy ideas. They decided to create special super abilities within human soldiers, making them invincible. It was said to serve the purpose of strengthening the military defense line. If it was in the past, people would definitely criticize and said: “You think you are making a sci-fi movie?” But in this very era, nothing, almost nothing is impossible.

The crazy idea of creating this unique force of soldiers started to convince the higher rank officials of military force and the president himself. It did not take them long to approve it. Scientists around the country were gathered together to put this crazy idea to work.

Soon, the special solutions were created so that it would take effects on human bodies and create special abilities within them.  The solutions were perfect and there were no side effects that might harm the person’s body. In fact, there was an extra advantage about this solution. People who took in this solution would stay immortal for 30 years.

Although the solutions have undergone many chemical tests and proven to be okay, the officials were still afraid of the after effects that it might cause to the soldiers. They would never want to risk the defense line. So they decided to test the solutions on 12 orphans. Those 12 orphans were to be raised and trained as professional assassins. They would be sedated with the solution once they turned 18 years old.

Hyo Min, Eun Jung and Ji Yeon were one of the selected 12 orphans. They were raised and trained throughout their entire lifetimes. They knew what was going to happen to them once they turned 18.

As they were trained together since young and they slept together in the same room, it was inevitable that they grew up to be so close together. They were best of friends. They were almost sisters, well to Eun Jung. Hyo Min and Ji Yeon knew perfectly well that Eun Jung wasn’t just their best friend. She meant more than that. But neither of them said anything so they would not have to risk their friendship.

After years and years of training, the moment where they were trained for was around the corner, which was in a few days’ time. They were of course excited about it. They called it as ‘the day where we graduate and became guardians.’ They were so proud that they would finally be able to protect their beloved country.

A day before the sedation day….

“I am sure all of us know the reason why all of you are gathered here.” The official spoke with a strong authoritative tone.

Twelve of them stood straight and put on straight faces. Neither made a face or a sound.

“Tomorrow is the day. The day that you’ve been training for your entire lifetime.  The day where you would be the protectors of the country. I want to say that I am very proud of all of you.”

The official took big strides and looked at each and every one of them.

“Before I let you become the protectors of the country, let me explain a few rules about being the protectors.”

Everyone was curious about the rules. They weren’t told about any rules.

“The first rule, during your service as the protector, you are definitely, most definitely not allowed to have any ual or mental attachment to anyone, including your own teammates. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” They answered. Hyo Min looked at Eun Jung who was standing next to her from the corner of her eye. Eun Jung’s face was pale-stricken. She looked very shocked upon knowing that rule. At that instant, Hyo Min had a very bad hunch about this.

“The second rule, you are not allowed to quit and this is a job that you’ll perform until the day where your service is ended. Try to quit and you will be considered as country’s most wanted criminal. You are to oblige and perform the task as ordered without any questions. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” Hyo Min once again looked at Eun Jung. From pale-stricken, her face just became as white as a sheet.

“And the third rule, everything you know are confidential and you are not allowed to breach this information to anyone at all. Do you understand?”


“Good. That’s all I want to say. Officers, I am looking forward for your excellent services.” The officer saluted them once and left the room.

All of them began to move away from their formation and went to their own friends to discuss about the rules that they were informed of.

Hyo Min immediately went and comforted Eun Jung. She wanted to know the reason behind her pale-stricken face. Ji Yeon came next to them just in a few seconds’ time.

“Jungie, are you okay? You look pale. Are you sick?” Ji Yeon caringly placed a hand on Eun Jung’s forehead.

Eun Jung did not respond to Ji Yeon’s question. Instead she looked at Lee Jang Woo who was one of the boys who’ve trained along with them. He was also staring at Eun Jung and both of them wore the same pale-stricken expression on their faces.

At that instant, Hyo Min and Ji Yeon finally comprehended the situation.


“I am sorry. I didn’t mean to hide this from you. I was about to tell you when….”Eun Jung said in a croaked voice. Streaks of dried tears were visible on her face.

“How could….how could…you do this to us?” Ji Yeon said, still unable to absorb the truth that Eun Jung just confessed just now.

Hyo Min just sat on her bed, dumbstruck.

So, all these while, it wasn’t her who was imagining things. Eun Jung was falling in love with someone else. She was falling in love with Lee Jang Woo.  All these while, she saw her giggling to herself and she saw her leaving the room in the middle of the night. It was all real.

She could hardly believe this was happening to her.  She really thought that the three of them would always live together as they’ve always been and nothing would change even after they ‘became guardians.’ It was only her one-sided thought, after all.

As the three of them sat in silence, suddenly there was a knock on their door.

Hyo Min got up and opened the door. As soon as she opened the door, Lee Jang Woo came running into the room and grabbed Eun Jung by her wrist.

“What the…. ?” Ji Yeon could not even manage to respond.

“Eun Jung, I know and I am sure you are the one for me. I want to live happily ever after with you. I don’t want to be any nation protector anymore. I want to be your protector.”

“Jang Woo…” Eun Jung gazed at him, unable to say anything.

“Eun Jung, I know you love me. Please. Just say yes. Say yes and I’ll take you away from here. We’ll escape here and live our own happy life.”

“YOU ARE NOT TAKING HER ANYWHERE!” Ji Yeon suddenly shouted at Jang Woo.

Everyone in the room turned to face Ji Yeon.

“Ji Yeonnie…” Eun Jung was surprised to see Ji Yeon’s act. She’ve never shouted to anyone before.

Ji Yeon brutally grabbed Jang Woo by the collar and said; “YOU ARE NOT TAKING HER ANYWHERE. DON’T YOU EVER COME NEAR HER, EVER!”

“Ji Yeon…. Let go of him. I said let go of him!” Eun Jung immediately ran to Jang Woo’s side and tried to release Ji Yeon’s grip on Jang Woo.

Ji Yeon released her grip slowly and looked at Eun Jung with an unbelievable look on her face.

“What is so good about this guy? What is so good about him that you are so crazy about?” Ji Yeon asked.

“You don’t need a reason to love someone. You just fall in love with them. It just happens.”Eun Jung explained as she checked on Jang Woo whether Ji Yeon had injured him anywhere. Her back was facing Hyo Min and Ji Yeon.

“Tell me about it, Ham Eun Jung.”Ji Yeon muttered.

“You’ll know when you fall in love with someone.”

“I know. I damn know about it because I am in love with you, Ham Eun Jung!!!!” Ji Yeon suddenly burst in anger.

Hyo Min, Jang Woo and Eun Jung froze. Eun Jung slowly turned to face Ji Yeon.

“What did…. What did….. you…just say?”

“I said I am damn in love with you, Ham Eun Jung!!! I love you!!!” Ji Yeon said angrily. Tears were already flowing down her cheeks. “You never know! You never realize!!! All these while you only cared for Hyo Min!!!! I thought if I treat you better than Hyo Min does, you would at least slightly notice my love for you. BUT NO! YOU NEVER DID NOTICE! AND NOW HE…. HE JUST CAME OUT OF NOWHERE AND CLAIMED YOU JUST LIKE THAT! THIS IS NOT FAIR!”

“Ji Yeon….” Eun Jung did not know how to respond to her sudden confession.

“If I can’t have your heart, no one will.” Ji Yeon said as she bit her lower lip angrily. After dumping those words, she ran out from the room.

“Ji Yeon…” Eun Jung wanted to chase after Ji Yeon but was stopped by Jang Woo. He shook his head and gestured to Eun Jung not to go after her.

“Eun Jung, what had happened cannot be undone. Now, what mattered most is our future. Do you want to be with me or not?” Jang Woo asked as he stared into Eun Jung’s eyes.

Eun Jung looked into his eyes and slowly said: “Yes.”

Hyo Min kept quiet as she watched the scenes unfold in front of her. She was not blind. She could see clearly how Eun Jung’s eyes twinkled as she looked at Jang Woo. She knew clearly that Eun Jung would never look at her like that.

Eun Jung turned to Hyo Min, feeling guilty. They were supposed to be together tomorrow and had the glory of being entitled ‘Nation’s Protector’ yet now she was about to run away with Jang Woo, leaving her and Ji Yeon behind.

“Just go.” Hyo Min looked away. She was unable to look straight into Eun Jung’s face anymore.

Eun Jung hugged Hyo Min tightly and whispered into her ears.

“Thank you and… I’m sorry for everything. I am really sorry.”

“Let’s go before it’s too late.” Jang Woo urged Eun Jung.

Eun Jung released her arms from Hyo Min and took Jang Woo’s hand and ran out from the room. Hyo Min hung her head low as the tears that she had been restraining finally flowed.

She let herself cried her heart out.


Hyo Min was just coming out from her room when she saw Ji Yeon leading the higher rank officials to the forest.

Hyo Min quickly ran to Ji Yeon and grabbed her arm.

“What are you doing?”

“Catching them.” Ji Yeon said firmly.

“Are you crazy? If they are caught, they could be shot to death by the officers.” Hyo Min said.

“So be it.” Ji Yeon said as she shot a cold glare towards Hyo Min.

“What…” Hyo Min could not believe that the Ji Yeon that she had come to know since young was that cruel. “Eun Jung is our friend! Can’t you come to your senses? This is not a child’s play! This is a serious issue!”

“I already said it. If I cannot win her heart, no one can.”

“Park Ji Yeon!”

“Now, if you will excuse me,” Ji Yeon spoke coldly as she roughly shook Hyo Min’s hand from her arm. “I have two criminals to catch.”

She left Hyo Min  and headed straight to the jungle.

“No, I cannot let them hurt Eun Jung. No.” Hyo Min said as she panicked.  She tried to stay calm and figured a way to help Eun Jung. Then, suddenly she remembered a shortcut that would allow her to overtake Ji Yeon and the officers. She could dash as fast as she could and warn them about the officers.

Without wasting time, she immediately dashed out, hoping that she was not too late.


Eun Jung and Jang Woo were making their way through the forests when they heard loud noises.

“Damn! They already knew that we ran away. Eun Jung, hurry up. We have to hide.” Jang Woo reached out his hand for Eun Jung’s as they slowly descended a small slope. Jang Woo immediately pulled Eun Jung behind some big bushes. They kept very quiet in their hideouts, not making any single sound. They watched as the soldiers scouted around for them and when they couldn’t find them, they moved on to other parts of the forest.

Just when they thought that they were safe, suddenly Eun Jung felt someone’s hand on her shoulder. She was about to yelp but the person seemed to predict her reaction and immediately covered .

“It’s me, Hyo Min.” The person said in a very soft voice.

Eun Jung and Jang Woo relaxed a little once they knew it was Hyo Min.

“Come with me. I know a shortcut that can get you guys across the forest and avoiding them at the same time. Just don’t make so much noise.” Hyo Min warned and began to move in silence. Eun Jung and Jang Woo followed suit.

After carefully crossed several muddy paths, they finally exited the forest and reached the cross road which would lead to the nearest village.

“Just go north and there would be a village within 10 miles radius. From there, you can move and go anywhere you want.” Hyo Min said and immediately turned her back to leave.

“Hyo Min! Wait!” Eun Jung called out.

Hyo Min stopped short.

Eun Jung walked towards her and faced her. But Hyo Min avoided looking into her eyes. She was afraid that Eun Jung could see her true emotions through her eyes. She always did.

“Hyo Min, thank you so much. I don’t know how will I ever repay you.” Eun Jung expressed her gratitude.

“You don’t have to…. I just… I just don’t want you to get hurt.” Hyo Min said. Her voice was merely a whisper but Eun Jung could hear it loud and clear.

“Hyo Min…. I want to ask you a question. But you must answer me honestly. Do you love me?”

Hyo Min started to get nervous. “Of….of course. You are my best friend.”

Eun Jung eyed her. “You know what I mean.”

Hyo Min finally gained the courage to look at Eun Jung straight in the face.

“Yes. I love you, more than anyone else in this world.”

Eun Jung smiled.

“Hyo Min ah, take good care of yourself. Be a good protector. Promise me that you will stay healthy and happy.  Then, Eun Jung hugged Hyo Min and gently whispered to her ear.

“And I love you too.”

A tear silently escaped from the corner of Hyo Min’s eye. Those were the words that she were dying to hear from Eun Jung since the day she recognized her feelings for her but those words were not the exact words that she wanted to hear. Those three words meant differently, different from the one that Hyo Min wanted to hear.

And she knew she would never hear those three words ever again.

“Good bye Hyo Min. Till we meet again.”  Eun Jung said softly as she released Hyo Min from her arms. Then, she walked towards Jang Woo and held his hand. They walked towards the north, heading straight to the nearest village.

Hyo Min watched as their silhouettes disappeared within her sight.

“Be happy, Eun Jung. That’s all I want you to be.”


After Eun Jung had left, Ji Yeon and Hyo Min moved on with their lives and continued with their original goals. They got sedated and were immediately appointed as “Nation’s Protector.” However, Ji Yeon and Hyo Min were no longer friends. After Ji Yeon decided to get Eun Jung killed, Hyo Min couldn’t stand the thought of even looking at her and Ji Yeon was glad that she did not have to act to like Hyo Min any more.

After they’ve appointed as “Nation’s Protector”, their abilities were tested on the first mission. Fortunately they were able to use their special abilities to the maximum potential and eventually succeeded their first mission. Ever since then, they would be called for tough, important military tasks, or otherwise stayed within the military base’s parameter and prepared to be called for duty. Everything went well until Ji Yeon’s intelligence got the best of her. She decided that she did not want to take orders from anyone anymore. She wanted to be the leader and wanted to call the shots. Eliminated from her current position in the team, she became the most wanted criminal in Korea. She started to form her own rebel army and began to wage a war against the government.

It was a very long war. Many innocent bloods were spilled and most property was destroyed. The government was slowly losing to the rebel army.  As time passed, hope was beginning to fade when there was a rumour spreading about a girl with special power living among them. It was said that whoever finds the girl would own ultimate power and the person would be invincible and cannot be defeated.

In a world where miracle was expected to happen, everyone chose to believe in this rumour and everyone started to feel suspicious towards each other. Every day, innocent young girls’ lives would be in the line as they are mistaken for being the special one that everyone was looking for. It was a total chaos.

The fact that innocent lives had to be killed for reasons that was not even worth it really bothered Hyo Min. She was almost at the edge of depression just by thinking about what was happening around her. As if the chaos wasn’t enough, one day Hyo Min’s past decided to come back and haunt her.

It was on a Monday morning when she received a text message from someone anonymous. Although the sender did not put down her name, Hyo Min knew better   who was the sender by just reading the content.

“Meet me in XX village at 3’o clock. Urgent. Utmost important. Please.”

Hyo Min hesitated to go at the first place but thinking that it might be really urgent, she decided to go and have a look.


The village was empty. There was not a single soul, not even an animal living in this village. XX village was deserted and as Hyo Min observed, it was most definitely because of the war. She could smell a very thick smell of gun powder in this place. As the cold wind blew, the village looked more pitiful as it already was and it only made Hyo Min wondered why on earth would Eun Jung pick a place like this to meet.

As she walked on, suddenly she heard someone calling her from behind.

“Hyo Min.”

She turned around and looked at Jang Woo. It had been 6 years since she last saw him and Eun Jung. Time definitely had taken a toll on his appearance. He looked very exhausted and thin. He looked so different from the last time she saw him.

“Inside here.” He gestured for Hyo Min to enter a small cottage which he was standing in front of.

Hyo Min entered the house and she saw a familiar person sat on the bed. However, she was not alone. Sitting right beside her was a child about 5 years old. The child was ignorant to her surrounding as she was concentrating with her toys.

“Eun Jung?”Hyo Min called out. Her heart was thumping wildly against her chest as she called out her name. She had been dreaming of the owner’s name but never expected to see her, solid as a person standing in front of her, like right now.

The person turned around and looked at her with a sweet smile.

“Eun…. Eun Jung…”

Hyo Min could only manage to stutter. Looking at Eun Jung right now really broke her heart. She was so thin and she looked really, really pale. She looked as if she hadn’t been eating and sleeping well for days. She was sure for now that it wasn’t time who took a toll on them. It was the war.

“Hyo Min…”Eun Jung called out to her too. She gently walked towards her and reached out for her hand.  

“Hyo Min, this is our daughter, Dani. ” Eun Jung beamed proudly as she introduced the young child to Hyo Min.

As soon as she heard her mother introducing her, Dani wanted to greet Hyo Min as a gesture of manner that she was taught of. She wanted to get down from the bed but without watching her steps, she slipped and fell. Eun Jung immediately ran to attend to Dani.

“Are you okay, Dani?”Eun Jung asked worriedly. She quickly helped Dani up to her feet.

“I’m fine, Omma. I’m fine.” Dani said with a bright smile on her face. She did not look at Eun Jung. She was looking straight at Hyo Min’s direction yet she was not looking at Hyo Min. Hyo Min noticed something was wrong. Dani’s eyes…. Her eyes did not hold any expression. They only held a blank expression.

Realizing what it could be, she gave a loud gasp.

“Eun Jung…. Is Dani….?”

“Yes, she could not see. We found out about it when she was 2 years old.” Eun Jung said calmly.

“I… I am so sorry.” Hyo Min was at loss of words. She wasn’t really a person that was good with words.

“No, it’s okay. We’ve already accepted the fact that she could not see anything. But it won’t change anything. She’s still our precious daughter.”Eun Jung smiled at Dani as she dusted the dust off Dani’s clothes. As if she could feel that her mother was smiling at her, she smiled her bright smile to her mother.

The scene before her eyes slowly overwhelmed her with emotions. Not wanting her emotions to get the best of her, she quickly tried to start a conversation.

“Mmm…. So why do you want to see me? You’ve been hiding so well and you might just blow your cover by meeting me.” Hyo Min asked.

“The reason I wanted to see you is because of Dani.”

“Dani? But why?” Hyo Min asked as she looked at Dani from head to toe. Other than not being able to see, Dani seemed fine and in fact, very healthy despite the wars that was happening around them.

“Hyo Min, I am sure that you’ve heard about the rumour.” Eun Jung said calmly.

“Oh…yes, of course.” Hyo Min silently cursed. How could she not know about that rumour? That stupid rumour was the reason why so many young children got slaughtered like animals. Hyo Min clenched her fist tightly as she tried to contain her anger. The thought of those poor, innocent children being murdered made her flared up.

“….”Eun Jung did not continue. She hung her head very low and she kept quiet. There was something that was bothering her deeply. She wanted to tell her but she couldn’t find the right words. After all these years, Hyo Min could still read her. She could still read her expression like an open book.

“Eun Jung…. What is the connection between the rumour and the reason of you wanting to see me?”

“Dani, come over here.” Eun Jung suddenly called Dani. Dani obediently walked towards her mother. Eun Jung kneeled down beside Dani and gestured Hyo Min to do the same. As clueless as she was, she still obeyed Eun Jung’s request.

“Dani, will you help Omma?”Eun Jung asked gently.

Dani nodded eagerly.

Eun Jung held Dani’s right hand and said: “Show this Unnie what you can do.”

Dani hesitated. “But Omma, you say never to use it ever again.”

“This time, you can use it. Just show this Unnie what you can see. Can you?”

Dani pouted but then nodded obediently. “Yeh, Omma.”

“Eun Jung, what is this about? I don’t understand.” Hyo Min asked.

“You’ll understand everything once Dani show it to you.” Eun Jung said.

Dani slowly reached out for Hyo Min’s cheek but Hyo Min immediately flinched and distanced herself from Dani.

“Just let her do it. All your questions will be answered once you let her hold you.” Eun Jung encouraged.

Hyo Min looked at Eun Jung, then at Dani and back at Eun Jung. She took a deep breath and began to close in towards Dani.

Dani once again slowly tried to reach out towards Hyo Min and finally when she touched Hyo Min’s cheek, something peculiar happened.

Hyo Min watched as Dani’s black eyes turned blue and she looked as if she was possessed. Then suddenly Hyo Min no longer saw Dani. Instead, like some sort of old black and white movies being played, familiar scenes unfolded before Hyo Min’s eyes. It was as if Hyo Min was travelling in a time tunnel. She saw the past days where Eun Jung, Ji Yeon and she were best of friends. She also saw those times where she helped Eun Jung and Jang Woo escaped. And then suddenly the tunnel was speeding, as if someone just increased the speed. The scenes were playing very fast but she could see them very clearly. She gasped aloud as she saw Ji Yeon placed a sword through Eun Jung and Eun Jung fell straight on the floor.

“No!!! No!!!!!!”Hyo Min shouted as she could not accept the cruel scene playing before her eyes.

As if someone just switched off the movie, Hyo Min was back into reality with Dani standing before her and Eun Jung’s hands on her shoulders.

“Hyo Min….”

Hyo Min slowly turned her head towards Eun Jung. The words that escaped from were merely whisper.

“She is the one, isn’t she? Dani, the special one that everyone was looking for?”


“We found out her …. Special ability when she was 3. It was accidental. She was just holding my face like any other child would do to their mothers and suddenly I just saw them. I saw all those black and white scenes. It felt like watching an old movie, only it wasn’t.” Eun Jung said as she watched Dani happily playing with her toys. She was singing to the tune of the song which was played on her headphone. Eun Jung insisted on Dani using it so that she could not listen to their conversation.

“Did you…. Did you….know….you..?”Hyo Min wanted to ask whether Eun Jung knew about her ….death but she couldn’t bring herself to finish her question.

As if reading Hyo Min’s thoughts, Eun Jung answered confidently. “Yes, I know. I knew it long time ago. From the first time I found out about Dani’s ability.”

Hyo Min looked at Eun Jung. Eun Jung smiled at her. She smiled as if she had long anticipated her death. She already knew what was coming and she was already prepared for it.

“Jang Woo…. Did he… Did he know about it?”Hyo Min asked.

“He knew about it and he insisted that we will be able to change the future.” Eun Jung shrugged. “He has always been that stubborn since the day I knew him.”

“Eun Jung….”

“Hyo Min –ah, you don’t have to be sad. Sooner or later, I’ll die. Everyone will. I’m not afraid of my death. But I’m afraid about Dani.” Eun Jung looked at Dani lovingly. Hyo Min looked at Dani too.

“She’s still so young yet she has to lose her mother. And with everyone hunting her down for her special ability, I’m really, really worried for her safety.”

Hyo Min listened with deep sympathy. Nothing, nothing could be worse for a child than losing her mother at such young age. She was an orphan herself. She definitely understood the feeling, more than anyone else.

“Hyo Min ah, I know that this might be too much for you but I don’t know who to trust anymore. I don’t know who to ask for help anymore.” Eun Jung suddenly caught Hyo Min’s hand in hers.

“Eun Jung ah…”

“Please, will you take care of Dani for me?”

“Eun Jung….”

“Please, Hyo Min.” Eun Jung was starting to tear up. “She’s my everything. She’s the proof of my love with Jang Woo’s. Please, even if I die, I want to know that she’ll be well taken care of. I want to know that there’ll always be someone who will protect her with all her might.”

“Eun Jung…. I….”

“Please… Hyo Min. I beg you.” Eun Jung suddenly kneeled before Hyo Min. Hyo Min immediately tried to help Eun Jung back to her feet. But Eun Jung resisted.

“Please, Eun Jung. Don’t do this. Please. Please get up.”

“No, I won’t until you promise me that you will do so.”

Hyo Min looked at Eun Jung who was already sobbing so hard. Her heart just broke into pieces when she saw the sight of Eun Jung tearing up. Finally, she gave in to Eun Jung.

“I promise. I promise you that I will take care of Dani. I will take care of her as if she is my sister, my daughter.”

“Thank you, thank you so much, Hyo Min.”Eun Jung said with a croaked voice.

“Now get up and don’t cry anymore. I don’t want Dani to see her mother being such a crybaby.” Hyo Min tried to joke to lighten the mood.

Eun Jung got up to her feet as Hyo Min helped her up.

“I am not a crybaby okay?”

“Hahaha…. Look who’s talking.”

Eun Jung playfully smacked Hyo Min’s arm as Hyo Min laughed at her before broke into a smile.

Hyo Min hadn’t seen that smile of hers in years and it was funny to realize how much she had missed Eun Jung’s smile.

The happy reunion was suddenly interrupted by a familiar, loud voice outside the cottage.

“Having fun in there, Eun Jung, Hyo Min?”

Eun Jung and Hyo Min immediately went and peeked out the window. It was Ji Yeon and her army.

“Damn!” Eun Jung cursed under her breath.

Hyo Min wanted to head out and confront Ji Yeon but Eun Jung stopped her.

“No, I’ll go. You stay here with Dani.”


“Just stay here with Dani. Remember what you promise me just now?”Eun Jung’s eyes pierced through Hyo Min’s eyes.

Hyo Min reluctantly gave in to Eun Jung. “Be careful.”

“I will.” Eun Jung shot a look at Dani, who was still oblivious towards her surrounding before headed out from the cottage. Hyo Min watched from the window as Eun Jung walked straight towards Ji Yeon. Jang Woo was walking by her side protectively.

“Hi, Eun Jung, Jang Woo. Haven’t been seeing you guys in a while.” Ji Yeon said sarcastically.

“Go away.”

“Sure, unless you give me what I want.”

“What do you want?”

Ji Yeon smirked. “Don’t act stupid. You know what I want. I want the girl. I want your precious daughter.”

Eun Jung glared angrily at Ji Yeon. “No.”


“I said no. I will never allow you to lay your hands on her.”

Ji Yeon smirked again. “I am not asking for your permission.”

Eun Jung kept quiet. She could only glare at Ji Yeon angrily.

“Where’s your best friend? Oh, no. I mean, your secret admirer, Park Hyo Min. Where is she? Trying to be the guardian to your precious girl?” Ji Yeon laughed darkly to herself.

“It is none of your business, Park Ji Yeon.”

“Oh, really?’

“Just get lost from here. I’ll never let you touch Dani. I’ll make sure that you’ll never see her.”

“Well, watch me.” Ji Yeon made a hand gesture and soon her army began to attack Eun Jung and Jang Woo. Despite being outnumbered, Eun Jung and Jang Woo fought with all their mights. Hyo Min wanted to help but she had to protect Dani. She had promised Eun Jung to do so. She could only helplessly watch from the window.

Soon, Eun Jung and Jang Woo were defeated and Ji Yeon’s men caught them.

Ji Yeon brushed Eun Jung’s bangs but Eun Jung flinched. Ji Yeon chuckled darkly.

“You really think you can win against me and my men? You are being really naïve.”

Eun Jung and Jang Woo said nothing.

Suddenly Ji Yeon grinned.

“You know….. I wonder if you know how does it feels to lose someone you love. To see them die before your eyes?” Ji Yeon spoke slowly as she took out a sword which was attached to her soldier’s uniform belt.

Eun Jung’s eyes grew big in horror as she comprehended Ji Yeon’s words.

“No! No!”

“I know guns would do the job faster but I prefer the traditional way.” Ji Yeon winked as she held the sword up high and about to stab it into Jang Woo.


“NO!!!!!” Hyo Min cried out loud.

When Ji Yeon was about to stab Jang Woo, Eun Jung swiftly released herself from the soldier’s grip and ran to stand before Jang Woo. The sword went through her instead of Jang Woo.

“EUN JUNG!!!!” Jang Woo screamed as soon as he realized what had Eun Jung done.

Ji Yeon immediately dropped the sword. She was in utter shock. She did not mean to stab Eun Jung…. She did not mean to kill Eun Jung.

Eun Jung held onto the sword that was plunged in her own abdomen and fell straight into Jang Woo’s arms. She was bleeding heavily. Sher reached out her hands which were stained with her own blood to hold Jang Woo’s face. She smiled as Jang Woo was crying his heart out.

Then Eun Jung turned her head towards the cottage and looked at Hyo Min. Hyo Min was stopping herself from crying as she stood at the window watching her beloved one slowly dying before her.

“Run….” Eun Jung mouthed to Hyo Min before she exhaled her last breath.

“EUN JUNG!!!! NO!!!!! EUN JUNG!!!” Jang Woo screamed as he hugged Eun Jung’s body into his chest. In a fit of anger, he instinctively grabbed a sword and tried to attack Ji Yeon but unfortunately, another soldier shot him from the back. Upon being shot, he fell straight onto the floor and never got up ever since.

“Go… Go find the girl.” Ji Yeon ordered. Her eyes never left Eun Jung’s body. The army moved straight towards the cottage as soon as they heard Ji Yeon’s order.

Realizing that the army was looking for Dani, Hyo Min wiped off her tears and ran towards Dani. She lifted Dani into her arms and immediately ran out from the house. Moving as fast as possible, she revved up her bike’s engine and began to ride away.

“Unnie, where is Appa? Where is Omma?” Dani asked.

Hyo Min ignored her.

“Unnie, where is Appa and Omma? Where are they?”Dani asked the same question again and again but Hyo Min did not answer her.

She just concentrated to escape into somewhere safe with Dani. She did not want to think of anything else.



When Hyo Min felt that they were safe from Ji Yeon’s army, she stopped at an empty, unoccupied land. She put Dani down so that she could sit and have a rest.

Dani did not complain or throw any tantrums like any other child would if they were tired and confused. She looked as if she was used to all these escaping death journeys.

Hyo Min sat next to Dani. None of them said anything for a long time.

“Unnie… Appa and Omma are gone, right?”

Dani’s sudden question shocked Hyo Min. How did she know?


“So, it’s real. Appa and Omma are gone. I am alone right now.”Dani said solemnly.

Hyo Min’s heart broke when she heard Dani spoke in such way. It hurt her to see a young child like her would know anything about death and loneliness. She should be happy. She should live happily without any worries. She should be with her parents and grow up to be a happy person.

Hyo Min pulled Dani into her arms. “You are not alone. You have me. You have Unnie. I promise I’ll always be there for you. I’ll protect you. I won’t let anyone hurt you. I promise.”

Upon hearing Hyo Min’s words, Dani immediately broke into heavy sobs and began to cry very hard. As Hyo Min patted and comforted Dani, her tears began to flow as well.

Under the blue night skies, the moon and the stars gazed down sadly as two people lost their beloved ones on the same day.


He tried to escape from the men who were chasing after him. Just when he thought he succeeded, he was trapped in a dead end. He searched around him, trying to look for other way to escape but it was too late. They already caught him. He gulped nervously, waiting for the end to arrive.

She walked towards him. Her long, blond hair blew as the night’s cold breeze blew past. The sound of her walking black high heel boots announced her presence as it was the only sound that echoed in this black, silent night.

She was finally standing before him. He held his breath. At this distance, he could see her features very well despite the lack of lighting.  She was really beautiful. She had a pair of beautiful, black eyes. Her nose was arched beautifully and her pink lips looked so soft. But he knew that she was no angel. She was a reincarnation of a devil.

She did not say anything. She only took out a photo and showed it before him.  She stared at him and waited patiently for his answer.

He did not answer. He only looked at her. He would not tell her anything, even if it meant that he had to die.

After some while, she gave up. She removed the photo from his sight, turned her back and left.

As she walked away, the silent night was interrupted by the sound of a man yelling in pain. And then it was silence once more.

She played with the picture in her hand.

“I will find you. You can run, but you can’t hide.”



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montiniiz #1
Chapter 3: Woww ! Author-nim You're so good :) The story line really match with the mv.
Already know about the ending since the beginning of the story , still pretty sad though :(

Thank you for making this fiction Author-nim :))
Chapter 3: you mad me cry T . T
pioushej #3
Chapter 3: daebak! this is great! thank you!
niiyeon #4
Chapter 3: i like this story it matched well with the mv.. but what i didn't like, jiyeon is a lesbian here lol
yeonniestan94 #5
Chapter 3: wowww authornim!! that was awesome.. i really lyk the mv so i luv what u did...!!!! yayy ^o^ though 2yeon r my bias in tiara i didn't lyk them in the mv * mean es* glad u didn't make otherwise..
on another note, really miss jiyeon & eunjungs acting..hope to see them in a drama again...
keep writing authornim Hwaiting$!!!!!