The Sun, The Moon, and The Stars
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ISong Yun I

A/N: So the Song Yun chapter was orginally just supposed to be one really long special, but I didn't have time to write it all and i didnt want to leave you hanging so here is the first part. It's not so much about Yun as it is about her relationship with Zelo. Either way, Enjoy!!


Zelo's POV (will be a little different than usual because it will be all Zelo. While there will be references to others in the room, I will not talk about anyones actions or rections. Instead i'll leave that up to your imaginiation.)


She was my best friend. Only a decade older than me, I knew her since I was born. I, she, and B.A.P. hyungs all grew up together. We played together, trained together, did everything together. I think there was even a point in our friendship where we saw each other every day for 100 years straight. It might seem a bit excessive to you, but I being the crown prince, was limited to who I was allowed to associate myself with. I guess I got lucky that one of the few people allowed near me was her. I could not have imagined a life without her.

24 years ago, upon my 88th birthday, it was announced that I was to wed in two years. To find the perfect candidate for my wife, the would be Queen, maidens were brought from the four corners of Faye Country, including inside the capitol where the palace lies.

I was told roughly 5,000 females came; ranging from age 50 to 150. This was a good age range considering if the girl chosen was much younger than I, we could just wait until she was of age to consummate the marriage or if she was much older she would still be able to have children. You see, fairy kind is not often blessed with many offspring, and while 5,000 people may seem like a lot, just imagine how many that is compared to the number of human females able or are soon to be able to give birth. It’s really a small number for us is it not?

That is why once these girls arrived in the capitol their family history was checked to see if they had a long lineage line or not. If not, it was assumed that the girls would have trouble conceiving. An heir to the thrown must be had of course; that is why this is such an important first step in narrowing down the candidates.

After that test, all the acceptable persons were giving a medical examination to test their fertility. Again, a Queen must be able to produce an heir. Even the younger ones were forced to go through this process to see how many eggs they carried, and what would be the likely hood I could productively inseminate them. I know this sounds course, and harsh. But you must understand, fairy life is very different from humans. Very different from werekind even. Whereas a female werewolf could probably produce more than one pup successful at a time, only 1 in 5 female fairies are even capable of getting pregnant. That’s not even counting in the possibility of if they can successfully carry the child to full term.

Again, you may be asking why I am only talking of females; why not test me, a male. That is because only female faye have a problem with conception. They carry roughly half the eggs of a human, and a third of that a wolf may have. While males are always very fertile. Maybe even more so than many other supernatural beings.

After their health was checked, it was off to the third round. Beauty and elegance.

Most faye are naturally beautiful. Those that we may consider ‘ugly’ are not even that. At most they are what you would call pretty. This is a survival tactic to lure in prey, such as that of the vampires. So this third selection process was mostly based on if the girls would easily assimilate to court life or if they would need lots of training.

If the girl was on the younger side it would not be as much of a problem because they would have time to be trained, but if they were older than they were expected to already act like a lady of the court would. So you can guess this is where many of the woman higher in age were cut.

Not all of course. Some were more than up for the job. Your mother, Yun, being one.

I see you are surprised that she would have been a candidate. Even I was taken off guard when I found out. It was not required that all maidens apply for the role of my wife, but it would be a great honor if you were accepted. Her parents knew that so they talked her into becoming a candidate.

I….I love…ani, I loved Yun very much. Ever since I was child when I would follow after her and hyungs. Always doing as they told me. Always listening to the lessons they taught me. I never told her of course. I valued her friendship more than the idea of her seeing me as a man. Yet, when she told me she was going to run as a contender….I was beyond ecstatic. I thought it was a dream come true. The idea that should could possibly be my wife.

I would not force her though. No matter how much I loved her, I didn’t want her to force herself. So I told her so. I told her she need not run. That I was happy with her being at my side as my closest friend. I did not want to burden her with my love. I was willing to let her off without her ever having known I loved her.

She wouldn’t have it though. She told me, countless times, that it would be an honor to be the Queen. To serve the people. And to be my wife.

Yun was…valiant, honorable, and dutiful. All her best, and worst qualities. So with no way to convince her of dropping out; I watched as she rose higher and higher in the ranks. She was already a high ranked lady in the court so she passed the first three selection steps easily enough.

Ah, maybe it should be noted that the most prestigious families got that way not only from having supported the first King in his reign, but also from having a long lineage line. Meaning that most ladies of the court were already apt for being able to conceive easily. There was even a family that had a set of twin girls. Both ran in the race as well.

Race…yes I guess that’s what it could be called. It is what it seemed like at the time at least. A bloody race for not my heart, but my hand. Not that some of the girls did not attempt to steal my heart in the process. I was often professed to by the girls. There was one, roughly 64 years old, which would make me lunch every day. Not just for me, but also B.A.P. and even Yun. It was surprising enough that she could cook, but to have gifted a fellow competitor with food? It was incredible. She never even asked to eat with us! She only ever gave us the food, bowed, and left. She was very sweet. From the lower town in the outer city is where I believe she was from. I think I even recall Yun having made friends with her at some point.

By the time of the fourth narrowing of candidates, there were only 1,500 girls left. Yun, the outer city girl, and the twin court ladies were all a part of this group. The judging for this wa

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2/12/16 I've updated a lot the past month and I think I need to take a break from this story. I promise I will finish it by the end of the year.


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 80: This story is amazing!!!
Chapter 58: Bruh i knew ciel in your story was based off black butler. It reminded me of him but .... Nevermind
Foreword sounds intresting! I'm gonna read this :D
Chapter 9: Is it Zelo??
Chapter 6: I knew it!!!It's Sehun!!!
Chapter 3: O...k..
Men are attracted to her.
Even married men .
Chapter 79: This layout is hard to read (/0 . 0)/_|__|_
Chapter 77: wait in "the only one who seemed to like the idea was Sehun" did you mean dislike? otherwise it kinda doesn't make sense
I want Misun and Sehun to end up together tbh
Chapter 75: okay yea I was not expecting the power to go to them
Chapter 74: Noooo Yoochun ):

Taeyeon! <3