
String of Fate

Jessica staggered to the sofa and sat down shakily. She was still try to function what had just happened. Taecyeon, her ex-boyfriend from her past, back when things were nice and pleasant, was her neighbour. To make things worse, he’s met Kai already, she thought and groaned. Not that I would have pretended to not have a boyfriend. I just wished for a smoother meeting between the two. A million thoughts passed her head. Maybe I could move. Or I could just ignore him, pretend he was never there. No I’m not going to run away from this. That’s not how I work. I’m not a coward. And honestly, she knew deep inside, she didn’t want to leave Taecyeon again. The memories between the two had been too special, extraordinary. A tear rolled down the side of her cheek, as she realized how much she had missed him. And once they started, they just wouldn’t stop falling. The guilt she felt was unbearable. She was crying, for another man other than Kai. She knew this would break his heart. Cut the tears, Jessica, she told her self and lay down in a fetal position, rocking herself to sleep. 


Taecyeon was in no better state. He took off his blazer, loosened his tie, and headed straight for the kitchen. He poured himself a cup of whisky and leant against the wall which connected his apartment to hers. He wasn’t naive, he had told himself a countless number of times that she would have moved on, found another guy, and lead a good life. But he didn’t expect this; her being his neighbour, yet with another guy. Kai, that was his name, seemed like a decent fellow too, which only made things worse. He took a gulp of his drink. He knew he had to let her go. He’d seen now that she was safe and happy, and there was no place he could fit in her life. He was helpless, just as he had been on the night she left. A surge of betrayal crashed over him. He had not been able to move on with her. It was always just about her, for him. But she, she was fine. She had a great boyfriend, a steady career by the looks of her apartment, and it seemed like she had forgotten about him. He drained his cup, and poured himself another. He drained that too. The alcohol was starting to make him slightly dizzy, but he didn’t want to leave the wall. It was the closest he had ever been to her in the past 8 years, excluding their quick encounter in front of the lift just now. He had still loved her, after all these years, and he knew he wasn’t going to let her slip out of his fingers again that easily. 


The lights were still on at her apartment and Kai could see the top of Jessica’s head from his car. She seemed to be sitting on the sofa, thinking. Or listening to music. He didn’t know, but he didn’t want to leave until she went into her room, just to make sure she was alright. He knew from the moment Jessica had failed to introduce him to this Taecyeon guy that he was her ex-boyfriend. It was almost as if they still had feelings for each other, and they were living in the same building, the same floor. He clenched his hands against the handle in frustration. He wanted her to move, again. To some place else. Where she was closer to him. Anywhere but here. He didn’t doubt her love for him, but still, he felt unsafe. The figure of Jessica disappeared. He assumed that she had fallen asleep on the sofa. He wanted so badly to go back up, pick her up and tuck her in into her bed, but he knew that was impossible. She liked privacy. They had never spoken about her past, she had refused to talk whenever that topic came up, and he learnt to just ignore it. He sighed and pulled out of the parking lot. 




Jessica and Taecyeon had no further encounters during the week, until Sunday. She had gone out for a jog, early in the morning. She hated sports in general, but she didn’t mind jogging. It wasn’t too tiring, and once she got into pace, it gave her time to think, away from the busy life she led. She jogged back to her building, slightly out of breath. She was just about to scan her thumb, when the glass door slid open. She looked up. It was Taecyeon. 


“Morning-- oh.” He said, recognizing who it was. 


“Hi,” she nodded and walked past him, a little embarrassed. 


“Hey, Jess?” He turned and called after her. 


“Hmm? “ She glanced at him again. 


“I’m... I’m going out for breakfast now. Do you want to join me? We should talk.” 


She pursed her lips. There was silence. “Alright then. Do you want to give me thirty minutes while I get ready?” She said finally. 


He broke out into a smile. “Thirty minutes? You used to take an hour before. Sure though, I’ll be in my car.” 


She couldn’t help but smile back. 



As soon as she stepped into her flat, she literally ran for the shower. She quickly washed up and dried her hair. There was no time to curl it, it had to be kept straight. She jumped into a peach coloured dress, which had been conveniently left hanging on the door of her closet, and applied make-up. She transferred her necessities such as her phone and wallet into a small chanel sling bag which had been gifted by Kai and raced back outside. She only got to check her reflection thoroughly in the lift; she looked decent. Presentable. Rather pleased with herself, She stepped out feeling pretty satisfied. 


Taecyeon’s car, which was a black audi, stood waiting for her in front of the entrance. The window had been shaded too dark to see, but it seemed like he was reading something. Taking in a deep breath, she opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. 


He looked up at her from his book. He chuckled. “43 minutes.” He nodded amused. “That much be a record huh?” 


She looked away, grinning, “Oh shut up. It was close enough to 30 minutes. Where are we going for breakfast anyways?” 


“I know this small cafe just around the corner, they make the best sandwiches.” 


thank you for all the comments and subscriptions <3 keep them coming yo u_u 

don't forget to check out my OTHER story right HERE  

thanks I love you all for everything 


and feel free to befriend me!!! i have three friends lol so sadㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

K bye :-))

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ParkRika #1
Chapter 1: Soooooon~ pleaseee~
jesica27 #2
Chapter 2: oh close enough
they still love each other
Chapter 2: Kyaa~ I will be reading some Taecsica soon? :D I'm loving this ㅋㅋ ♡
sSNiZzy0418 #4
Chapter 1: ~omoOoo my taecsica feels., :D they may be the most unexpected couple., but i love the angsty aura when they are together ., :D
Chapter 1: aaah Taecsica TTnTT I already love your fic, it will be Taecsica, right? ㅠㅠ update soon author-nim <3
lovelikesea #6
Chapter 1: Start like this story :)
jesica27 #7
update update soon hahahaha ^_^
Please update soon ~ been craving for some TaecSica lately ~ *o*
OMG~ i only read the forward and i was already dying inside! i really love the outline~ can't wait~! ^^