
String of Fate

Jessica and her boyfriend were at her new flat, celebrating her promotion. She had been promoted to an editor position of Vogue Korea; the youngest editor they had picked in ages, being still in her twenties. All her other colleagues were above thirty. That pressured her, but it also made her feel proud. She had started off from nothing, and now, at age 26, she was an editor. In Vogue. She had a steady income and relationship. Life was good. She could not complain. 



“Cheers to your promotion, your new house, and to your future!” Kai grinned, holding up his glass of champagne. “Wait, let me change that last bit. Cheers to our future.” He nodded contently, before taking a sip. 


Jessica chuckled at her boyfriend’s cuteness. She had met him last year at Seoul Fashion Week F/W after party. Being a new yet promising assistant editor at that time, she had been invited along with her boss to both the runway show and the exclusive party that followed. Kai was a successful model and photographer, although he was only 22 then. In the fashion week, he had been chosen to be the main model of Burberry. He had come up to her and asked for her number without hesitation. She still remembered what he had said, “I’ve never remembered a face from a runway experience, until today. You are the most attractive, alluring woman I’ve seen. I’m Kai. What’s your name?” Normally she wouldn’t have even batted an eyelash to such a comment, but she was slightly tipsy from the alcohol and something about his look was too sincere to condescend.  


“Baby, what are you thinking about?” He peered into her face, frowning. 


She smirked. “When you first came up to me at the after party.” 


“Ah,” he put down his glass. “I was quite the charmer, wasn’t I?” 


She stifled a laugh. “Charmer? I actually fell for your innocence and sincerity.” 


“What-- are you serious?” He said. “It took me the whole evening to decide what to say to you. I thought it was pretty smooth.” He made a face. 


She shook her head smugly, taking another sip. “Not even a master can charm me. I’m the ice princess, remember?” 


He stared at her intently. “Really?” He raised his eyebrows as she nodded and leant back into the sofa. He leant in extremely close towards her, their noses touching, staring right into her eyes. “Still not charming enough?” She blinked and whispered, “Nope,” but he caught the slight tremble of her eyes. He chuckled quietly and kissed her, cupping her small face in his hand. He could feel her lips curling into a smile before kissing back. ‘Who’s the adorable one now?’ He thought and deepened the kiss. She slowly slided down the sofa, and soon he was pretty much on top of her. After pulling apart for air, he moved down to her neck, leaving small love bites. 


“Okay, maybe you’re just a little bit charming,” she whispered into his ear. 


He smirked and drew away. “Glad we got that cleared then. What else do I need to prove you wrong about myself? Possibly the innocent part?” 


“Oh, stop joking around.” She rolled her eyes and sat up. “What time is it? You have an early shoot tomorrow right?” 


“I wasn’t joking though.” He stared at her, looking dead serious. She stared back, raising her eyebrows. He sighed and checked his watch. “Damn, I should get going.” He picked up his glass and drained it. “I don’t want to go,” He pouted. “Tell me to stay, and I will.” 


“No, you’re leaving.” She got up and attempted to pull him up as well. But he was stronger. He drew her into his arms and hugged her tightly. “Kai,” she started. 


“Just for a minute. And then I’ll go.” He muttered, still holding her tight. She sighed and closed her eyes. He had sprayed on the cologne she had gifted him. He smelt really good and familiar. Like... Taecyeon. She shuddered opening her eyes and put the thought out of her head. 


“Come on, the minute’s up.” She patted his back, and he let go, his face full of disappointment. She pecked his cheek. “I’ll see you off to the lift.” 




It was chilly outside, and she wrapped her yellow cardigan around herself a little tighter. Kai, noticing that, put an arm around his arm around her squeezing her slightly. 


“You can go in if you want. Doesn’t take two adults to wait for the lift.” He grinned. 


“Nah, I want to see you go.” She shook her head obstinately. 


Just then, the lift signaled its arrival. The doors slid open, and in the compartment was a tall male in a suit, seemingly in his twenties. His eyes met Jessica’s and widened. 


“Je--Jessica.” He stuttered, unable to move. She herself was also frozen to the ground. 


“Jess, do you know him?” Kai said, looking down at her. 


“Huh-- what?” She blinked. He was still there. It hadn’t been her imagination. Taecyeon, the person she had left, 9 years ago, still stood there staring back at her. “Yeah, I do. Taec, I-- I didn’t know you lived here.” 


“I-- I didn’t know you were living here either.” He said, holding the lift door open so he could talk to her. He looked at Kai, who’d been eyeing him suspiciously. “Who’s this?” 


“Uh,” She bit her lips. “He’s...” 


“I’m her boyfriend. Kai. Nice to meet you.” Kai said, holding out his hand and stepping into the lift. 


“Oh.” He nodded absentmindedly, shaking it. “I’m Taecyeon, her... high-school friend back in America.” 


“I see,” he replied curtly. “Are you getting off here?” 


“Yes. It was nice to meet you.” He said and got off, regaining his composure. 


“I’ll come by and see you at lunchtime tomorrow, Jess. See you.” He said as the lift doors finally closed. She could only smile and nod, still bummed about what had just happened. 


“Jess...” Taecyeon started when Kai had left. “How... how have you been?” 


“Anything but alright, to be completely honest.” She said, not meeting his eyes. “Do you live next door?” 


“Uh.. yeah. Look, I know it’s late, but do you want to come inside and--” 


“No, I’m tired. I need sleep.” She cut him off. 


“Of course. Alright. I’ll see you around then.” He muttered. She turned around, walked back to her door and unlocked it with her thumb. He could see her hand shake as she held the handle of the door. 


“Hey, I... I just want to say, I’m really glad I found you.” He said. She nodded slightly in reply and went in. He stared at her door as it slammed shut before entering his own apartment. 


Thank you for the comments and subscriptions!!!!! I'll try not to let you guys down :-(( GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS on plot and stuff I will love u forever <3 



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ParkRika #1
Chapter 1: Soooooon~ pleaseee~
jesica27 #2
Chapter 2: oh close enough
they still love each other
Chapter 2: Kyaa~ I will be reading some Taecsica soon? :D I'm loving this ㅋㅋ ♡
sSNiZzy0418 #4
Chapter 1: ~omoOoo my taecsica feels., :D they may be the most unexpected couple., but i love the angsty aura when they are together ., :D
Chapter 1: aaah Taecsica TTnTT I already love your fic, it will be Taecsica, right? ㅠㅠ update soon author-nim <3
lovelikesea #6
Chapter 1: Start like this story :)
jesica27 #7
update update soon hahahaha ^_^
Please update soon ~ been craving for some TaecSica lately ~ *o*
OMG~ i only read the forward and i was already dying inside! i really love the outline~ can't wait~! ^^